Falling Inside the Black

Summary: Yamato, Hikari, and Ken find themselves being drawn back to the world of Darkness. There, they must traverse the Digital World's Hell to take down the Demon Lords and Dagomon while overcoming their personal dilemmas.

Warnings: Heavy violence, mentions of abuse, incest, and rape.

Pairings: Taishirou, ex-Sorato/ex-Jyoumato, hinted Takari, hinted Kenyako. Also DaemonxLilithmon.

A/N: Sorry the last chapter was short. I hope you guys enjoy the update. After this, there's only two, maybe three chapters left. Thank you for sticking with me over the years as I've compiled this together.

Most of the next chapter is complete, so an update should be out in a week or so.

A/N 2: I made a small error in the last chapter, the crests Belphemon had were Sloth and Greed. Sorry!

Chapter 13 – The Final Crests

Yamato was a good swimmer, but he couldn't see much through the silt burning his eyes and clogging his sight. He hoped, how ironic, that Lilithmon would dive back in after him. Yamato's only thoughts were to kill her, to get revenge for what that vile wom—Digimon did to him, but he figured, in a moment of respite, that he could aid his two friends in getting what they needed. At worst, he might fail and at best, maybe he'd die.

He continued to hold his breath as he dove deeper, finding the sleeping Belphemon at the bottom of the lake. The monster looked as if it were snoring peacefully, despite being in the depths. Vibrations of the snores pained Yamato, but not as much as the sight of the monster. He would dare think the thing was cute, like a cross between a gray bear and rabbit, sleeping soundly. In it's arms were the Crests of Pride and Sloth, glowing faint in the water.

Hikari watched as Lilithmon's eyes darted from her to where Yamato had dove in. She started for the water.

Daemon rose up from behind Hikari, but she long knew he was coming. She stepped aside and turned to him, but he wasn't there for her.

"Lilithmon! Let that child go. He's good as dead anyway, once I awaken Belphemon. Now, rid yourself, wife, of this idiotic plan and come with me. Be my queen again."

Hikari raised an eyebrow and looked between what was obvious to her now were two scorned lovers. "Don't listen to him," Hikari chided. "You can be your own Queen."

"How noble of you to sentence your little blonde playmate to his death," Lilith chuckled and dove into the water.

Hikari smirked and turned to Daemon: "Why are you just letting her go on and on about that human? Maybe she loves him more than you."

Daemon's eyes grew wide. Part of Hikari felt pity for him. She knew it wasn't his fault he was such a vile Digimon, that was just the way he was made. He still didn't deserve this, and, Hikari hoped she was lying by taunting him.

Daemon reached for Hikari, but she melted into the ground, much like the inhabitants of Issmouth had done before. She reappeared on the other side of the demon. "Hand over the crest."

"What god let's you govern ME?" Daemon demanded. "In case you don't recall, I defeated you years ago!"

"I believe you were banished to MY dimension," Hikari hissed in Daemon's mind.

Ken appeared from the same portal as Daemon. Daemon turned and looked between the two Chosen. Briefly, his mind wandered to where the other had gone—Lilithmon following.

Ken had chosen, despite Mephistomon's warnings, to continue using his power, just long enough to get them out of this world. He realized now how silly it was they come here on a beckoned call, only to wish a way out. They had forgotten their true purpose somewhere, to restore balance between the warring factions of this place for good. To not have to face the evil anymore. To keep Wormmon and the others safe.

Ken felt as if years had come and gone as he stared into Daemon's red, beady eyes.

"I'm surprised you gave up your pursuit of the dark seed in side of me," Ken said, stepping between Hikari and Daemon. "That's not like you."

"There's more important things now. Do any of you have a clue what collecting the crests will do? It will open a door and behind it, GranDracomon, the ruler of the Dark Area, will be unleashed. You'll get yourselves home, but there won't be a home to go back to. Even us great Demon Lords hold no candle to him. I merely want to see the humans annihilated. To get revenge for you analog pests ruining my plans.

"...and what of Lucemon's plans?" Hikari interrupted. "His plans to reform this place?"

"Lucemon will be soon dead in this world, either by my own hands or yours. Am I wrong? He was killed by a few kids like you, in your world's future and in this world's past, so it wouldn't be a suprise to me."


"GranDracomon cares nothing of the human world. It will be mine for the taking, just as I overthrew the world of darkness you so kindly sent me to."

Hikari felt her eyes pop. In this case, the creature part of her recognized it's temporary homeworld and it's destroyer and she forced the words out in a loud croak: "You did what?!"

Ken turned to Hikari, brandishing his whip. She was ready to fight Daemon and so was he.

Meanwhile, Yamato approached Belphemon. The entire plan was completely suicidal, but he positioned himself in the water so he was just above the sleeping giant. Lilithmon extended her claws straight through the blonde's shoulder.

Niether could speak their feelings, but the hate was mutual.

Yamato grinned. The entire thing wasn't suicidal—it was outright cheesy. He recalled a similar instance on the Featherman shows he watched as a kid. Outside the addition of flipping Lilithmon the bird, at least.

Lilithmon's eyes widened when she realized what she'd done. Although she had Yamato on her skewer, the ends were now stuck inside Belphemon's neck. It's eyes shot open with a loud yawn which yanked Lilithmon loose. Yamato held tight to her nails until they broke and the two tumbled in the water.

He was losing blood and air, but Yamato saw what he came for stuck to the end of the nails jutting out of him. He grabbed the crests and tucked them into what was left of his trench coat, for now. In retrospect, if he had left the tattered rags on the bank, he wouldn't be struggling against them now on his way towards the surface.

Now, Belphemon awakened. At first glance it might seem cute, but... Bright green light emenated from it's paws and large wings grew from it's body. The thing had a major growth spurt and it's face turned to that of a large, slobbering dog, mad with power.

Yamato could no longer hold his breath and let the last of the oxygen free from his burning lungs.

The commotion under the water turned Daemon, Hikari, and Ken's attention to the marshes.

Hikari wondered, How long has Yamato been down there now? She looked at her hands again, then turned to Ken... no the Digimon Kaizer. He nodded to her. She went into the water, too. Pretty easy to do for a slimy, Lovecraftian creature.

Despite being a fish-frog from the world of darkness, the light in her heart glowed. The scar of her original crest of light broke through the silt and... blood? Yes, definetly blood. She could see clear as day with her otherworldly eyes. Lilithmon's corpse rose to the surface next to her. Hikari couldn't help but be oddly fascinated and it reminded her of a small school of fish her new body might feast on, if given the chance.

She looked around for Yamato. Breathing was no issue through the gills in her sides.

Suddenly, she was knocked off balance. A large, demon-dog with many dark wings surged past her, swallowing Lilithmon in it's maw. Her black wings ripped away and stuck between it's huge teeth. Hikari shivered and hid behind the closest jutting rock formation. She watched the creature surface and could hear it's distorted roar up above. That was when she noticed a bright blue light and Yamato caught on another nearby rock, unconscious.

Ken struck at Daemon. Nothing seemed to work. Daemon started raising his hands up for an attack, one Ken had experienced before back on that late December night. Daemon extended claws on one of his hands and batted away each blast from Ken's whip. In the tussle, Ken wrapped the weapon around one of those demonic claws and was yanked forward. The Kaizer found himself kissing dirt.

Daemon raised his free hand, a shadowy pulse forming at the palm. He started to lower his hand and Ken couldn't help but wonder if this was how the once-great Digimon Kaizer was going to be snuffed out... then, Daemon stopped. A huge beast emerged from the water, carrying a body in it's jaws. Well, what used to be Lilithmon, now reduced to wing shaped toothpicks.

"Lilithmon-!" Daemon cried.

The wail was that of a banshee and forced Ken to cover his ears. Although he couldn't feel remorse for the Digimon in front of him, he could feel the pain in it's broken heart.

Daemon redirected the attack to Belphemon, but it had no effect. He began to endlessly assault the newly awakened Digimon and Ken watched the spectacle briefly before looking around for his comrades. He saw no sign of Yamato, Hikari, or the crests, on Belphemon.

"Then where..." Ken wondered aloud.

Hikari crawled out of the water like primordial life, Yamato stuck to her back. The entire thing was a disgusting, but a relief.

Hikari spoke in Ken's mind, "Let's find a place to rest. There's nothing more for us here. We need to make a plan before entering GranDracomon's Castle."

Ken nodded. He knew that meant Hikari had the crests in hand. But he didn't want to leave Belphemon to gain the revenge Ken so desperately wanted.

Hikari stood as the battle between the two demon lords raged nearby. Yamato was secured to her back with a sort of slime. Ken didn't question it or the strength she must now possess to carry him.

"We can take refuge back in Issmouth," Hikari told him.

"...No. Daemon needs to be destroyed," Ken hissed. He readied the whip, but Hikari stopped him. It was then that Ken could see it—the light buried underneath the scales of her chest, that of Light, peeking through. Instantly, the desire for revenge faded. The darkness inside him, the will of the Kaizer, was gone. For now.

The group found a humble abode beyond the marshes, in Issmouth, to take shelter. There, Ken precisely removed the nails from Yamato's shoulders and Hikari wrapped him up.

The two warmed some drink from Picodevimon's Food Stand on the little stove provided and then laid out the crests on the table, including the one that Yamato previously wore around his neck.

"Lust from Lilithmon, Envy from Dragomon, Sloth and Greed from Belphemon. Beezlemon still has Gluttony. We only need Wrath and Pride."

"That leaves Daemon and Lucemon," Ken said, checking the notes scribbled on the map they obtained from Lilithmon's castle. "Yamato reacted to Lust. You reacted to Sloth and Envy. I reacted to Greed. That means we need to figure out where the last three belong, activate them, and put this world right again."


"Lucemon will be expecting us."

"If Daemon hasn't got to him first."

"...we still need to worry about... Belphemon." Yamato's voice eminated from the futon a few feet away. The other Chosen turned to him. Yamato waved them off. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"You risked your lives back there for us, you know," Ken pointed out. He held up the Crests from the table. "We're one step closer now. I guess... the darkness hasn't completely consumed any of us yet."

"In fact," Hikari began, speaking privately to Yamato, "I think you'll be happy to know your crest still works, somewhere deep in your heart. Without it, I would have never found you with Belphemon splashing and raging about."

I got my revenge, Yamato thought. There isn't any reason to hinder us now. I may have once wanted to stay in the Digital World, but not like this.

Hikari then spoke, only to him, "I'm glad."

Yamato sat up. He reached into his trench for his cigarettes, but the pack was soaked through. Dejected, he leaned against the wall with his gaze to the ceiling. A sigh. "So, where to now?"

"GranDracomon's Castle."

"Do we even know where it is?" Yamato questioned.

Hikari grabbed the strange drink and walked over to him. She did so cautiously, still not used to the normal Yamato anymore. A part of her missed his childlike innocence, but when she saw him smile, it reminded her of Takeru. Suddenly, she felt homesick. For her real home and not the one the body longed for.

"The map," Ken announced.

"Alright, Dora the Explorer, where on the map?" Yamato asked behind the comfort of his drink. Oddly enough, he didn't mind the taste; almost like a beef broth.

"See this mountain? It seperates the two halves of the city of Dis," Ken said, holding up the map and pointing. He dragged his gloved fingertip across the cloth and continued, "On the other side of Snow Fields is the deepest part of this world... in Western Dis, deep in the mountains, is a city of ice. Lucemon is frozen there."

"How is he gathering followers if he's frozen?"

"I bet he can speak just like me. Or, his influence is just that great. I'm sure he's planning his escape, too, using any promise he can give to the needy Digimon here to accomplish it. We need to hurry before he reformats the Digital World and not only takes us, but our Digimon partners and the rest of the Digital World with him."

"Gabumon," Yamato mouthed. "It's barely been a year. I feel like we're so close, but still so far away. I know... in my heart we won't get to see them, but..."

The thought of Gabumon made Yamato tear up and he clenched his teeth. He hid his face in his still soaked sleeve. The scent of muddy lake water reminded him of the night at Dragon Eye Lake. So long ago...The power of hatred for everything lingered back up inside him. Revenge was fine and all, but it wasn't going to change things when he went back home.

"It's a long trek, but I think we can find a boat. There's a river called Coaxial, we can take that to the city of Western Dis, where Lucemon awaits us..." Ken explained this as he rolled up the map. He stood and looked to Yamato. "Are you alright to walk?"

"It's a boat ride, right? I'll just nap then."

Hikari thanked her amphibian bretheren and the group boarded a small canoe. Another follower eagerly agreed to help 'Queen Hikari' and took position to steer. Yamato stretched out across the canoe, letting the water rock him to sleep. Ken stood guard at the front of the vessel. The looming threat of Belphemon weighed on his mind, while it seemed the others had forgotten.

Hikari didn't change, physically, from this point on. She began to find her new form almost comfortable and that scared her. She wondered for the first time in awhile, would she stay this way forever? Not just as a creature of Dragomon, but her confidence? She hadn't felt so liberated in her entire life up until now. Maybe that wasn't much; she was barely out of elementary this coming semester, but the feeling of being able to speak her mind... if she changed back to normal, would she lose that? She cycled these thoughts around until everyone started to feel the cold against their skin. The spray of the water stuck to them, although for Hikari, it was refreshing. The Dagomon species must have an affinity for the cold. On the other hand, she was glad Yamato wore his tattered trenchcoat, despite the holes from where Lilithmon ripped into his shoulder; and that Ken had his... what had Yamato called it? Digimon Nazi uniform? Hikari chuckled, resulting in a few bubbles foaming at her lips.

Ken studied the water, looking for signs of (dangerous) life. Snow began to fall and each drop clouded the river more. Ken couldn't shake the withered remains of Lilithmon's corpse from his mind. Last he knew, Lilithmon had chased Yamato into the water. Did he so ruthlessly lead her to her death or was it just coincidence? Part of him still clung to suspicion. The sparkle of multi-colored fish Digimon caught his gaze and sidetracked his thoughts. A cracking sound erupted at the front of the canoe—the bow, covered in a metal sheet, began to break through the ice.

"We can't go much further, Queen Hikari. I've failed you."

"It's alright. This is close enough. Right, Kaizer?"

Ken perked up at the sound of his old name. He stumbled over his words and looked at the map, then began comparing landmarks. "Yeah, it's fine. We're close to the town."

Yamato stirred at the sound of the ice cracking. Even now, it reminded him of Yukidaramon and Devimon's Black Gears. He sat up, clutching his shoulder. The bleeding stopped, much like the scrape in his side from the Kaizer earlier, but his muscles were completely torn. He wondered if it would ever heal. He felt fortunate it wasn't the arm that held the weight of his guitar. Sure, he was kicked out of the Wolves, but at least he could still play recreationally. The thought soothed him as he climbed out of the boat.

The three looked across the landscape, seeing nothing but white, trees, and a glimmering of a light in the distance.