Here the last portion of this story. Anything else will be posted as a new stroy but will but spoken in the summary as the sequel. It's a little short but, enjoy!

Short Epilogue

"I honesty had no idea that you were this dense" Kagome muttered as she she finally opened the doors to her condo in New York.

"It's not my fault! I didn't grow up with these people- Sesshomaru always handled things when we were out of Japan" He defended himself, feeling the blush creep up.

"Aww- are you blushing? You are so cute" She went and kissed his cheek only making him blush deeper.

Inuyasha went on to dragging all of their luggage into the condo. It was small, in his opinion but he did spend his life in an estate so. Kagome on the other hand was beaming. She was beyond happy to finally be home. This condo was entirely hers and she loved it.

Inuyasha went on to giving himself a tour when he was done with the luggage. Pictures were all over the walls. the room was comfy and a bright white. From the living room you could see the kitchen and the floating stairs leading to the bedrooms upstairs. The kids had their rooms and he would be in Kagome's room.

"Daddy!" His kids yelled.


"Come see our rooms!" they yelled from upstairs.

"Coming" he noticed that Kagome wasn't in the kitchen anymore but went upstairs to see his kids rooms.

Shiori's room was a light blue that changed shades throughout the walls. Her bed was against the window on the opposite side of the room. She had a vanity and drawers on one side of the room. A desk was on the other. Takumi's room was a deep red and Inuyasha smirked. He had a new bunk bed that they had ordered to accomadate Shippo now. Drawers and a desk were on the other side of the room. After leaving the kids to themselves, he heard something behind another door and opened it slowly. There she stood, next to the bed. She was changing out of the clothes she was wearing during the flight. He creeped inside with a smirk on his face.

"The funny thing about being mated.." She said. "Is that you can actually feel the arousal of your mate." She turned and smirked at him. he smiled wider as he scooped her up and kissed her. It was sweet and passionate. When he was done, he put her down and looked around the room. It was small but it felt right. The bed was big and took up most of the room. about 4 feet from the foot of the bed was a large set of drawers and a big mirror on top. There were closets lined up against the furthest wall up until a window right next to a door. It was the bathroom.

"Think you can live with it?" She smiled up at him.

"It's perfect" he smiled.

"Look at you being all sweet" She teased getting out of his grasp to put on her shirt. He pulled her backwards to his chest and whispered in her earhuskily.

"Don't get used to it" And he nibbled on her ear before letting her go.

"Oh yea. You can definitely feel their arousal.." He smirked as he left the room.

"Jackass.." Kagome muttered.

"Mama?" Shiori asked from playing on the living room floor.

"Yes, baby?" she looked at her daughter while she sat next to Inuyasha on the couch.

"What's for dinner?"

"I don't know. What do you guys want?" She asked but she knew the answer.

"PIZZA!" The twins yelled. Shippo and Inuyasha were confused.

"Mama pleaseeeee! Can we go to bros? Pleaseeeeee" Takumi begged.

"Yes-yes we can. We need to show these two New York" Kagome winked at the twins.

"Really? Pizza?" Inuyasha raised a brow at his mate.

"Oh shut up, it's in the experience."

"I have been to New York before" He informed her.

"But you haven't lived here- with me" She winked at him before getting up to find her phone. He loved the way she said that

lived here- with me.

He loved the idea of living with her. He'd only fantasized about it for years. Now he had it. He had his mate, their own place, and their children. He had his family in the weirdest ways but it was still his. He hard her footsteps and watched her walk back into the room with the phone against her ear. She looked gorgeous to him. Her hair was up in a messy bun. Her jeans were tight and her shirt was basic and flowy. She had her glasses on right now and she couldn't have looked sexier to him. She seemed to have felt his feelings and turned to look at him, raising a brow. He just shrugged and went back to watching his kids.

"So- Sango said they'll meet us there."

"Who's they?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sango, Jakotsu, maybe Ayame and Kouga? I'm not sure-she said she was gonna call them"

"Seriously, next thing I know- Miroku's gonna follow us out here"

"I'm pretty sure. I mean, he was seriously missing Sango when she left.." She said and shrugged before forcing the kids to get changed.

"Kagome!" A voice yelled as they neared the pizzaria. She had Shiori in one hand, Inuyasha in the other. He had Takumi in one hand and Shippo was on his shoulder.

"Sango!" Kagome waved as she got there.

"Ahhhhhh- I'm so glad you're back!" Sango had come back to New York with Jakotsu not long after the wedding. When everything had settled with Shiori, they had to come back for some work. Miroku had been moping around the mansion ever since she left. Inuyasha was almost too happy to get away from it when we decided to leave for his filming.

"Me too!" They both screeched and hoped together as Jakotsu showed up with about two pie and forced them to sit in the back.

"So-how was the flight?" he asked passing out slices. The kids dug in and Inuyasha seemed hesitant but he eventually gave in and actually liked it.

"Good. That is, until Inuyasha nearly murdered like 3 different guys" She rolled her eyes.

"What the hell for?" Sango hissed before Kagome smacked her behind the head for cursing.

"I didn't like the way they were looking at her" He replied as if it were obvious.

"O honey" Jakotsu started "You need to understand that you mated what men like to call a hot piece of ass. Lucky you marked her for life though" He laughed.

"Shut up Jakotsu-"

"What! I'm serious. You know how many guys love going to the grill because they get to see you?" Sango slapped him over the head this time. Kagome looked like she wanted to strangle the girl and Inuyasha just got madder.

"Oh really? I guess I'll be at your job often then" Inuyasha said harshly.

"Thanks Jakotsu" She shot a glare that could kill.

"Oh-you're welcome"He smirked.

"At least it's nto Hojo he's fussing over" Sango winked at Inuyasha who was still seething.

"Oh yea, he's moved on to bigger and badder opponents."Kagome smirked. and everyone laughed.

"That was fun right?" Kagome asked as she walked out of the shower in only a towel.

"Oh yea- walking for that long, ugly trains, horrible smells, and people I wanted to kill-"

"Welcome to New york" She smirked and cut him off with a kiss.

"See now, you shouldn't be doing that" He teased.

"What? Kissing you?" She looked at him, incredulous.

"Kissing me with basically nothing on" he tugged at the towel she was wearing.

"Why is that? Can't resist temptation" She said huskily. Lowering her face to the half demon sitting on the bed. Her face was centimeters away from his and she could feel his breathe. She was teasing and she knew it but she didn't care. He was hers to tease for the rest of her life and more now.

"Nope" Was all he said before he wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her on the bed. The towel was still hanging on but he didn't care. He hunched over her on the bed and looked deep into her eyes.

"I never can resist you" He said low, right beside her ear before nibbling on it and kissing her neck.

"I don't think that'll be a problem" she said as his hands went to the towel and threw it off the bed and away from her.

"Thank God.." He said before attacking her lips. This was what he wanted for years. A life with her and now he had it.

This is like an epilogue/teaser for the sequel. Hope you liked it. It might be some time before I post the sequel but stay tuned! Thanks to all the readers and reviewers! (: