I have a beta now! Thank you so much TheSecretDreamer!

Criticisms are welcome, rude remarks are not. If there's any inconsistency, pls inform me. Italicized words may either be a flashback,emphasis to the word or their thoughts. My writing might not be the best though as I am still learning, and if its presentation or narration isn't good enough, I blame laziness.

Chapter 1.

An azure-haired man was staring intently at a woman dancing passionately in the middle of the dance floor. His eyes won't leave the redhead, tracing the curves of her body, the shake of her booty, dancing the night away. It was obvious that she was drunk and she was enjoying the night, bopping her head to the music, carefully moving her body to the rhythm.

He knows he's got competition. The woman was very attractive, and despite being dressed in modesty, showing little amount of skin, he finds her dancing highly seductive. The way she moves and smile was giving him quivers, especially when their eyes accidentally locked for a few seconds.

It felt like her eyes were boring into his soul and it lit his body on fire. What attracts him the most though, was her hair, bouncing up and down as she moves, its deep color was so mesmerizing. Scarlet.

She was so carefree. Either she was enjoying the attention or she was not even aware of the hungry eyes of men wolfing on her body with her clothes fitting like second skin, ready to grab her anytime soon. It was like she was pulling everyone's attention, casting a spell on her spectators and he cannot take his eyes off from the beauty in front of him. The next thing he knew, he stood up and went straight to her, grabbed her waist and danced with her. He was already tipsy by this time and he intends to dance the night away with her.

She was startled by his touch. Usually, that would earn a punch from her but tonight, she was too drunk to care. She immediately smiled at the guy when she looked at him dancing with her. They were smiling, even laughing, as they moved together and there were a lot of skinship. It was giving her tingles every time his skin would touch hers and she loved it.

He was whispering something in her ear and she just laughed, maybe because of what he said or because his lips brushed a little and tickled her. He savored her laugh, it was music to his ears, making his stomach flutter.

The night was young and what mattered was they were having fun.


Eyes still closed, Erza slowly woke up, her head throbbing. She peeked at her watch on her wrist and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. Which meant she already needs to get ready for work. She yawned and moved her body to stretch, but she suddenly stopped. Something bumped her leg, no. No no no no no no! This is not happening! It wasn't some thing, it was moving.

She immediately opened her eyes and slowly turned to her side, fearing her nightmare coming true. That some thing was a someone lying beside her, a man with a rather striking blue hair. He was lying face down on the pillow without a shirt.

Her hands were in her face now, trying hard to calm herself. She looked at her surroundings, she was in a room, but not her room. She lifted the blanket covering her body, she unconsciously groaned and slapped her forehead. Oh my, I'm naked. As in butt naked! Oh shame! I'll never drink with Cana again! Stupid!* As she was mentally reprimanding herself, she felt sore, making her conclude that something indeed happened the night before, barely even remembering the events that transpired. The man's hand then snaked to her waist, pulling her closer. She jolted and glared at him, but he was still sleeping. She slowly got off the bed, gently removing his hand. She gathered her clothes and shoes on the floor and got dressed carefully, so she would not wake up the stranger she slept with. She was already turning the door knob open when she heard his deep voice.

"Where are you going?" She stopped, bit her lip and faced the man. Ugh, why do I have to do the walk of shame? "I'll be late for work, I'm going home now." She can clearly see him now. This guy is gorgeous, no wonder my drunk self found him attractive because my sober self also does. "Can I give you a ride?" "No." as soon as she said that, she turned on her heel and got out of the room. "Wait, can you at least give me your name?" he shouted. "Erza!" She then ran out of the house and hailed a taxi.


Think, think, when was the lastday I got my period? 1,2,3... she sighed in relief as she was taking a shower. She's on her safe days now, she's not gonna get pregnant because of some random night with a stranger. Thank heavens! Ugh, I've been saving it and I gave it to someone I didn't know! And I don't even remember any of it. What a waste! She thought as she repeatedly bang her head against the bathroom wall in disappointment.


She got dressed as soon as she finished her shower and went to the office. She's got an important meeting with a new client. Levy, Gajeel's assistant, has referred her cousin to the company. Gajeel was one of their engineers, and his team just started a new project. When that happens, another team who is available will have to take it. Erza's team just finished their lastest project, the reason for the celebration last night, which means they had to take this new client. Erza works in Fairy Tail, an up-and-coming company in the construction business. It was just becoming to be huge in the industry and it was also popular for having boisterous, party-loving employees. They work hard but party harder. Fairy Tail also invest in their employees, always thinking of ways to improve and get ahead of the competition.

"Cana, did the new client arrive yet?" she asked her voluptuous secretary.

"Not yet, Erza."

"Good. By the way, remind me not to go drinking with you again," she nonchalantly said, as she read her schedule for the day which Cana handed when she walked in.

"But you were so fun last night! You're such a spoilsport, boss."

"I was so drunk last night, I'm having a migraine right now! What did you even put in my drink anyway?!" she accused.

"Oh, you don't wanna know," Cana smiled mischievously.

"Where's Natsu and Lucy?"

"They're here already, I think they went to the cafeteria for coffee. You know, they snuck off last night, earlier than any of us. I've got to tell Mira," Cana stated smirking devilishly.


"Jellal, you seem happy today. Anything good happened last night?" asked the younger woman leading him to their destination. They met at the lobby of the building she works at.

"Let's just say I found a very interesting woman," he smiled at the memory of the redhead. He was drunk last night, but not too drunk to not remember.

"Really? That's good to know! Glad someone finally caught your eye. It's been two years now since your last... Uhm, sorry," she awkwardly apologized.

"It's okay. I'm here for a new beginning anyway. It's a pity though, I only got her first name," while thinking of going to that bar again that night.

He was hoping she'll be there again, or at least get some information from the bartender.

"Here we are, Jellal," she knocked on the door as she nodded to the brunette secretary outside.


"Jellal, this is Architect Erza Scarlet, and Erza, this is my cousin, Jellal Fernandes," the blue-haired woman said, who just started working in the said company.

Both their mouths gaped open in surprise, but they immediately closed them before Levy notice anything.

Oh shit, I thought I already woke up from the nightmare earlier. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Fernandes. I'm Erza Scarlet and I will be your architect," she offered her hand in handshake, with Jellal pressing it lightly, smiling brightly at her. She was mentally cursing Cana now,You are so dead, Cana! but she kept a fake and awkward smile on for the guy with a very recognizable red mark on his right cheek.

"Erza, I'll be leaving Jellal in your care now. I have to return to my work," Levy bowed, smiled and got out of Erza's office.

"Thank you, Levy," Erza replied while looking at the grinning man.