Marceline returned to her home and began trying to sleep away the day light. Before the phone call with Jake had ended, he had expressed his concern for Finn's new sleeping habits. He said he seemed to sleep every chance he could get, with no regard for time of day. "At first," he said, "I just thought maybe he felt tired from a lot of stress due to all that's happened. But now that it's been a couple days, he just keeps sleeping and honestly I don't know why." Marceline had no idea either, for the thousand or so years that she has known her father, nothing he's done as seemed so out of the blue or unpredictable as what was happening now. It was a game of numbers and figures, and Finn was smack dab in the middle of it all. To make everything worse, Hudson Avadeer was the only one who knew the rules.

Marceline tried to sleep but couldn't escape the thoughts that she was some what responsible for Finn's condition. Of course, she did nothing to directly affect him, but what if she had followed in her fathers footsteps more? What if she had been the leader that he wanted her to be? Maybe then she could keep her friends safe, maybe she could of kept him safe.

She laid in her bed and stared up at the ceiling fan, thinking and thinking with no sign of stoping. When things turn bad, and people get hurt, it's easy to think about what you would do if knew then what you knew now. Marceline knew this, she knew that no matter what, you can't change the past. But she couldn't help but lay there and think about all the things she could of done. Eventually she feel asleep and remained that way for the entirety of the day, and even a couple hours leading into the night. She did not dream, which was probably for the best considering her current mind set of guilt and remorse. Who knows what she could of been thinking, and what would follow her into her dreams.

When she woke up, she actually felt, better. Although her first thoughts were only that which could be considered and continuation of the previous day's, it quickly turned to one of determination. She didn't know what her father was doing to Finn but she knew that they could beat him, they always have before, what should make this time any different. Her feelings towards Finn were new, but they were real. If he was in trouble she wanted to help him any way she could, and that was exactly what she was gonna do. As far as she was concerned, she owed him that much.

As she waited for day to approach, she brainstorming on what to do when she saw Finn. Should she act any differently then she normally does? With all that happened and all that will happen, her confession of her feelings towards Finn is probably the last thing on his mind. She thought long and hard about it and in the end she decided, maybe it would be best to let it fall out of his mind. With all that was happening surely he wasent thinking about her, and surely if he did think about her it would cause problems. So for his sake, she was willing to let it go and just be his friend. What he needed now was a friend not mind and love games.

The sun rose and Marceline dressed in a nice sun dress, although she only wore it ironically. She put on nice long gloves and and grabbed her umbrella from its holder. She looked down at the handle of the umbrella and thought about rushing around she did the previous day to try to find Finn. The panic she had trying to find him, and the overwhelming relief she felt once she actually did. She thought for a moment and realized she may not have been so willing if it was not him. If it had been somebody else, anybody else, she probably wouldn't have gone to such extreme lengths and exhausted all her energy trying to find them. But that's ok, regardless of what they're title was its ok for her to care about his safety more then others.

Floating forward out of her shady cave home, Marceline flew out into the sunlight, using the umbrella to block it as she did so. She lifted high above all the trees and took in the scenery as she mad her way to the tree house. She's seen this area of Ooo hundreds, no thousands of times. But there was always some new going on happening down on the ground, some new interesting or person to meet, atleast that's what anybody else would say. Marceline didn't really care for making friends with everyone she sees, every time she sees somebody. Besides, if she did that she'd never get to where she's going. Up in the air there was nothing that could sneak up on her, and frankly just less traffic in general. Not that flying to a giant tree in the middle of a big open field yielded lots of obstacles.

She arrived to the tree house quickly, it wasn't much of a journey, especially when you can fly. She floated up and knocked on the door, she could hear Jake coming down the ladder saying something like "I'll get it Bmo!" Quickly she turned invisible and floated up to the bedroom window, opened it and drifted inside before making herself visible again. She heard Jake open the door and say "hello? Is someone there?" She giggled to herself and started looking around for Finn, he wasn't in the bedroom, so she floated down to the kitchen area. However, he wasent there either, she flew over to Jake to who still at the door.

"Jake!" She said, reaching out and touching his shoulder. Jake turned around and screamed at the sight of Marceline standing behind him. "Oh c'mon Jake, I thought you were over being afraid of me haha" she said taunting him and laughing.

Jake quickly regained his composure and brushed himself off, "I-I am not afraid of you, you just caught me a little off guard, is all" he said trying to act it off.

"Yeah right" she said, "we should do a song together, even I can't hit notes that high" she continued almost bursting out in laughter as she spoke. She leaned backwards flipping back over herself before resting her head on the hands mid air. "So where's Finn?" She asked.

"He's in our room" Jake huffed, still disappointed in himself for falling for her trick.

"But" Marceline said, "I already checked there, he wasn't in there" she continued. She thought to herself, what if he had 'gotten out' again, this time maybe even gotten in trouble this time. Jake guided Marceline into the room in an attempt to find Finn. On Finn's bed there was a noticeable bump on the bed, something was sitting under neath all the blankets. "Was that there before?" Marceline said to herself. Jake and Marceline walked on either side of the bed, leaning in.

"Finn, you up?" Jake said reaching and grabbing the edge of the blanket. He pulled it back only to reveal pillows and other various objects to make the shape. Just as soon as he did, Finn jumped from a corner of the room and landed directly on Jakes back. Jake let out another equally high pitch scream before landing flat on his face with Finn still on his back.

"Marceline!" Finn said cheerfully with a large smile on his face.

"I told you it wasn't just you.." Jake said muffled by the fact that his face was still flat on the floor.

"Finn, you scared by have to death" Marceline said as she caught her breath. "We're you still waiting for us when I first came in?"

Finn laughed to himself, "nope!" He said, "I was in the bathroom!" Before anybody could say anything he reached out and grabbed Marcelines hand, while getting off of Jake. "Come with me Marceline there's something I want to show you!" He said. Pulling Marceline right out of the room with him. Leaving Jake alone still flat on the floor, "bye Marceline" he said still muffled by the floor.

Finn dragged Marceline out of the house, and the two ran towards the woods, Marceline was able to get her umbrella out In time to prevent and sunlight hitting her but at the speed Finn was taking her she was afraid it might turn inside out. After a short sprint they were in the woods and shaded by the trees, Marceline dropped her umbrella as they entered. They continued doing until they reached an opening in the woods, it was still shaded by the tree tops but left a lot of space on the ground. When they reached the opening Finn turned around sat on the ground with his legs crossed, Marceline floated down into the same position facing Finn.

"So what did you want to show me Finn?" Marceline asked, wondering why Finn had take her all the way out to the woods to show her something.

Finn with a huge smile on his face said "watch this" as he pulled out a knife from his pocket and held out his hand. In the way he did Marceline thought that perhaps he was trying to take her hand, as she slowly reached out to grab his hand, she was honestly a little nervous as she did. Given the fact that in his other hand was a knife. However before her hand even got more then a few inches from her side she was cut off by Finn forcing the knife into his own hand, stabbing it all the way through.

thats the end of this chapter! ;)

what are your opinions of the Marceline "miniseries" coming out this Monday, and her saying she "no longer wants to be a vampire"? Whatever happens, if at the end of the mini series she is a human or whatever, I'm gonna keep her a vampire in this series atleast for now.

anyways I hope you guys and gals enjoyed, and I hope you all will join for chapter 7 in a couple weeks! Thanks for reading!