I'm back! It's been awhile since I've written anything, but I don't know I just got an urge to write another story. Things are kinda different now though, I'm going to college and have a job. This is the last week before I have three weeks off for summer vacation so I don't believe I'll be able to do weekly uploads like my last story but I want to do at least a couple a month, so please enjoy!

His eyes slowly opened, presenting a view of his dark room. With the moon perched just above the distant hill, it gave off all visible light through the window. Finn stretched out his arms and let out a yawn, but made sure to not disturb the rooms other occupants. He was already dressed, having prepared for the night he decided to rest in his clothing as to cut down preparation time. Climbing out of his bed made from various hides of exotic monsters from many different adventures, he tiptoed through the room. He stepped over Jake's extended limbs and Bmo's various cords and wires and made his way to the door.

It wasn't that he was not allowed to leave, or that he was embarrassed about where he was going. He knew that if Jake saw him leave, the second he showed any signs of being tired, absolutely anything, he wouldn't hear the end of it. Jake was a good a brother, and the best friend anyone could have, but when he needed to be Jake could become something much much worse... Mom.

"I bet you wouldn't be tired if you had a full night sleep", Finn joked to himself acting out what he believed Jake would say.

He quietly laughed to himself closing the front door of the tree house slowly behind him and making his way towards the woods. This night will not be full of mischief or debauchery, but fun and entertainment. For snuggled in his backpack was a movie, heat signature 1.5, a limited printing straight to VHS movie about the lives of the men on the submarine before the events of the first movie. It was a tradition to watch these movies, but when Jake showed a lot of displeasure after reading the description of the movie, Finn acted as if he too was uninterested. Yet having seen every other movie in the series, the series had to be completed.

The woods was always dark, the sun was blocked by the leaves. However with the moon out it was darker then usual with only the occasional beam of moon light shining through. He could various animals resting as well as many others awake due to them being nocturnal, like his movie partner. He wasn't scared walking through the woods that late at night, although Jake had always stretched him over when the sun set, it was a fun adventure for him to experience it on his own.

Seemingly as soon as it began Finn stepped into an opening on the other end of the woods. There was two hills being connected by the an old and decaying road, cars and other various debris laid at the bottom from apparent accidents. On the right side however there was a hole in the hill with light spilling out of it and dancing back and forth. After a short trip to the base of the hill he jumped inside the hole and slide down some rocks before lands at the bottom, and infront of the home of Marceline.

He walked up to the door and knocked being almost immediately greeted by the door of the home flying open and two hands grabbing the shoulder straps of his backpack and flinging him inside. The door quickly closed behind him as he made contact with the couch.

"Did you bring it!? Did you bring it!?" Marceline eagerly asked him, hands still on the shoulder straps.

"How could I forget the key ingredient to the greatest achievement of our lives!?" Finn yelled back, attempting to match her excitement but then one up her.

Marceline laughed letting go of his straps and floated backwards. "I don't know about that I've been alive a long time" she responded joking as to purposely diminish Finn's previous statement.

The two made there way to the kitchen in order to retrieve snacks for there movie night. Finn laid several things onto the table including nuts and cereal and various other things, throwing them all into a bowl he created what he called "The Adventurers Trail Mix". While Marceline grabbed a container of strawberries, she pulled off the lid and immediately grabbed one sucking the red from it. As Marceline floated back through the kitchen door Finn dove doing an action roll through the window of the kitchen. Reaching into his backpack he pulled out the movie and inserted it into the VCR and then they both retired to the couch, Finn sat on the left side and Marceline floated just above the right.

The movie was bad, having been released after the series had already ended, it provided no drama as the fate of the characters had already been decided. However shortly after they came to the realization it was not an action thriller like the rest of the series. With it following the characters from high school all the way up to the moment they enlist, there was no action to be had. It was a romance movie. Designed for the viewer to feel sympathy for the characters in the following movie, and for the view to care weather or not a particular character parishes.

The movie reached a point in which a male character and a female companion played a strange game of questions and tasks the Finn had never seen before. He tried to get a handle on the game, even physically turned his head at times and an attempt at a better angle. There seemed to be no points, no prizes, no winners or loses. He looked over to Marceline who seemed to be enjoying the movie and showed no signs of confusion and the images on screen. Finally the temptation was to much and if he waited he may never know the answer.

"What are you they doing?" He asked Marceline with a puzzled look on his face.

"What? You mean truth or dare?" She responded showing equal confusion due to the fact he didn't know the answer.

Finn was embarrassed that he didn't know the game and his face showed it, Marceline teased him about it, playing her usual games. Finn knew she liked to tease him and play with his emotions, and most of the time he was able to avoid taking it personal, but sometimes she did get to him.

"Here hold on" Marceline said still chuckling to herself about Finns lack of knowledge about the game. She paused the movie and flew into the other room, shortly after she returned into the living room placing a black and white box down onto the floor and then floating to the ground sitting with her legs crossed in front of the box. Finn climbed down from the couch and sat on the opposite side of the box.

"What is this Marcy?" He asked curious about what she had just placed In front of them.

"You said you don't know what truth or dare is, so we are gonna play" she said with a devilish look in her eyes as she removed the lid of the box revealing two decks of cards. One white with the word "truth" on top, and one black with the word "dare".

"Algebraic!" Finn shouted in excitement hearing Marceline's declaration of the game.

She laughed to herself, "let's see how excited you are after these sick dares" again giving an evil look to Finn.

After explaining the rules Finn understood the concept, they rolled a die with three white and three black sides. If it lands on white the other player chooses a truth card for the roller, if it lands on the black side they choose a day. If they get truth they must answer the question on the card honestly and if it's a dare they must do whatever the card says.

"Simple right?" Marceline asked.

Finn nodded grabbing the die from the box and rolling it, "cmon Bmo needs a new controller" as it slowly came down landing on the white side. "Truth! I'm all about the truth!" Finn shouted in excitement.

Marceline pulled a card from the top of the white deck and read it out loud. "Finn, if you couldn't work in your current profession what would you do?" Then putting down the card and waiting for Finns response.

"Hmm", he thought for a moment, "probably a detective, I'm all about justice the only difference will be what I get to do with them after". He was obviously referring to the fact that the monsters he comes in contact with usual end up being a lot less alive after.

Marceline gabbed the die from him, "give me that hero" she said again poking fun at him. She rolled the die and it landed on black, "oh boy my favorite color" she joking said.

Finn grabbed the card of the top of the black deck, "Marceline, I dare you to eat a whole bottle of ketchup!" Finn said excited at getting to see her eat a bottle of ketchup, hopefully giving him something to joke to her about.

Marceline floated into the other room, and came back with the bottle of ketchup and in three seconds flat sucked all the red of of it. "You call that a dare? I call it dinner" she said laughing.

Finn was disappointed although she didn't actually eat it, he was willing to accept it and took the die to roll again. Dare, truth, truth, dare, dare truth, and so on and so one. The game was fun and they were really enjoying themselves. Sometimes they had to skip cards do to the fact things being referenced in the the cards simply didn't exist anymore due to the fact the game wejas pre Mushroom War. Marceline picked up the die and rolled it again, it was black, and Finn took of the top card.

"Marceline I dare you to..." He paused reading the card in his head before reading it out loud. "... Kiss the other player?" He said in a state of confusion wondering why such a card would be in the game. But the confusion quickly turned from confusion to laughter as Finn read the card to himself once again. "And I thought this game was confusing before", lowering the card. However he was shocked to see Marceline very close to him the second he did, she reached around to the back of Finns head and pulled him close and embracing his lips in a kiss.

Well that's it for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed and will join in reading chapter two later on! And for the record, yes I know Finn has played truth or dare before on the show, just pretend he didn't know how to play ;P Thanks for reading!