So this is my firs Assassin's Creed fan fiction, I know this chapter is a little short but it's just easing into the story, the next chapter will be a lot longer I promise
Soft rustling stirred in the silence, disturbing the peaceful moon filled sky. This part of Jerusalem was always quiet this time of night, until you approached the main part of the rich district where the courtesans would be seducing men into their beds. The skirts which caused the rustling silenced as the woman stopped, looked back over her shoulder then continued on her way, snaking through the back streets as she hoped to avoid being seen.
The gentle murmur of voices made her stop, tense, then relax when she realised it was just the sound of lovers in the house she was situated beside. The man must be giving his woman a good time for she gasping and groaning with every grunt the man gave. Turning her eyes away from the moon, Adira slipped across the street, the dark hood of her cloak pulled down over her face as she hurried.
The drunken singing touched her ears so she veered away from the sound, keeping close to the wall as she stopped, inching closer before peering out into the street. The moment she saw guards, she jerked her head back and swallowed. Perhaps she should go back another way?
Before she could even slide back into the shadows, she noticed a shadow dart away from the light of the moon which shone on alley's wall before her. It had definitely been the shape of a man but it had disappeared too quickly to be human.
Containing her concern, Adira moved to return the way she came. Just as she touched the other end of the alley, a voice called out in a commanding tone. "You there! Stop!" Adira fled. She gripped her skirts with one hand, using the other to maintain her balance as she tore across the street then jerked to the left, sliding down another alley as the guard hammered after her. "Stop! Assassin! Assassin!" Great, now they thought she was an assassin. Exactly what she needed. Couldn't they see she was wearing a dark cloak? Not one of pure white?
Ahead of her, two guards blocked her path having heard the call of their fellows. Adira stopped, looking forwards and back as they began to close in on her, swords raised. Keeping perfectly still, Adira lowered her hood. "Please, I'm no assassin. I'm just trying to return home."
"Then why did you run?" One of them challenged.
"You frightened me." Adira replied in a sweet tone. "I thought you were going to hurt me." The men all paused, looking to each other with puzzled faces but did not back away.
"Where are you headed? What's your business so late in the night?" Adira turned, smiling to the man who had asked with very rude manners. If they were not going to remember theirs, Adira made sure hers were something for them to aspire to.
"I often walk the safer streets at night to gaze at the stars. My home is shaded by others much larger and I dare not go to the roof, as of course, it is forbidden." She explained in an innocent tone. "And as I have just said, I am going home now as I feel rather tired. I could show you where I live, if it would satisfy you?" Slightly surprised to find themselves believing Adira's story, one pulled back their sword and stepped closer to her.
"Show me." Bowing her head she turned, moving forwards where the guards let her pass. She led him out into the open the wound her way through the narrower streets which led to the back of her home. Suddenly a hand gripped her, making he gasp. "Please! Unhand me, I am showing where I live!"
"Now that we're alone, perhaps you and I should delay your return just a little while longer?" The dark voice was laced with the sickening sound of lust as Adira's eyes widened, her skin softly glowing in the pale streaks of moonlight. It drove the guard to the brink of insanity to see such a young, beautiful woman with virginity written all over her face. He would have her. Gripping her arms he forced her back into the wall, pinning her there and cut off her cries of alarm with his hand. "Quiet, or I'll make it hurt even more than it's going to." Adira's eyes widened but she stopped struggling, not knowing what else to do.
There was no one around to hear her scream anyway, so what was the point? If she fought back, the guard could arrest her for assault, then rape her in prison all over again. It was better if she just bit her tongue and swallowed her pride. His hands slid up her skirts for a moment before beginning to fumble with his belt. No one to hear her scream, or so Adira thought.
Through the little vision she allowed herself through her lids, she saw a shadow drop down and with one hand, reached out, grabbed the guard then slammed his face into the wall, knocking him out. "You shouldn't wander around alone. Men will take advantage of you just like him." Adira stared at the robed figure, sucking in a deep breath of relief before smoothing down her dress, shaking slightly. "Are you alright?" Nodding her head Adira look at the man, seeing that he only one hand. Pausing to think for a moment, she then shook her head.
That's when she fainted.