Walter adjusted his monocle and regarded her with a pained expression.

"What will the table think? Our investors, the Queen?"

"It's too late for that now."

"And what about your father?"

"Don't you dare."

Walter hung his head.

"I apologize that was out of line. This is just unexpected… I will of course see to it you have everything you need. What is another vampire amongst us?"

"Thank you…"

"Shall I fetch you some tea?"

"Walter." she deadpanned.

"Oh right vampire. Sorry. Anything I can do for you then sir?"

"Not at the moment I'll call you if I need anything."

"As you wish." He bowed dutifully and left her in peace.

She knew Walter had a point. The politics behind her change were going to be difficult. She wouldn't be surprised if they wanted her to step down, but she would never do that.

Seras was kind enough to help her through the change, sharing her own experience with it. Any doubts she had about having made the wrong decision were wiped away by her comforting words.

Seras had even said she felt better about what she was knowing she had someone else to go through it with.

Alucard was delighted. If you could call it that and making him happy was one of the few regrets she had.

A soft knock on her door Interrupted any further introspection.

"Come in."


Seras smiled warmly at her.

"Hello Seras."

"Can I join you?"

She nodded and Seras took the seat across from her desk. The blonde still had jitters about her being a vampire , the guilt still written all over her face. It wasn't so bad really.

"Seras….you needn't feel so uncomfortable about this."

"I know I just….never thought you would. I'm so grateful for it. "

Seras eyes glimmered with that gratitude.

"I couldn't let you suffer anymore and now I suppose I won't have to worry about a successor. Sir Penwood will finally get off my back about it." She added with a grumble.

"I'm glad you see it that way. I was worried you'd start to hate me."

Seras cast her gaze away and she felt the need to reach out to her. It was strange grabbing her hand in her own, both cold and pale yet somehow warming.

Seras smiled at her gesture.

"I could never hate you."

She knew her heart would've skipped a beat if it were still pumping. The love in Seras eyes was brimming.

"Come with me." Seras said.

Their hands remained intertwined as Seras guided her out of the room.

"I want to show you something."

Seras brought her down into the sublevels to a small section in the far end of the manor. A tiny window framed the outside world with a perfect view of the Hellsing courtyard. The flowers were in full bloom.

"I found this spot on my first day…Whenever I find myself missing the sunlight I'll come here and look out. Even if the rays shine in it doesn't burn. I think it's the glass."

"Yes. It is...I had forgotten about this."

She stepped over to it and looked out.

"I had Walter put it in when I was younger. Far too young to understand that Alucard would never make use if it."

"I'm glad you did though…It's helped me on many different occasions."

Seras pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her waist,moving them both into the beam of sunlight where it's gentle warmth washed over them.

"When are you going to tell everyone?" Seras voice was soft and she could hear the worry in it.

"Soon. If I wait it too long and they find out on their own I don't doubt they try to do something underhanded. "

"And how are you feeling?"

She lightly caressed the back of Seras hand.

"Surprisingly okay."


"Yes. I'm still adjusting to the feeling but I feel fine."

She smirked and turned in Seras arms.

"In fact, I might even be feeling something else right now…"

She reached around Seras and gave a small squeeze.

"Integra!" She squeaked. She laughed and it had been so long since she felt that light feeling.

Seras returned the gesture mid laugh and found herself reacting in a similar manner.


They both wore small grins.

"You started it."

She hummed in agreement and caught Seras lips in a slow tender kiss. It was short and sweet but perfect. Seras thought then eternity wouldn't be so bad with kisses like that.

"I thought maybe I could show you some of my other spots today."

"I wish I could Seras but I still have work to do."

"Oh...okay ."

"You're welcome to accompany me in my office though."

Sears smiled and Integra dragged them along.

"How are you adjusting to this so easily?" Seras asked.

"I suppose I've always accepted vamprism being so close to them."

"And...have you fed yet?"

"From the packets, yes."

"And it didn't bother you?"

It hadn't and the fact that Seras brought that to her attention didn't set well with her .

"Seras...please lets not discuss this."

Seras lowered her eyes ashamed she had asked.

"I thought it might help."

"I understand."

The rest of their day was spent in her office. Seras seemed to enjoy sitting in her company with very little to do except for occasionally helping her sort out some files. It wasn't until Walter poked his head in did Seras start to look unhappy.

"Sir,-" Walter looked to Seras sitting in the chair adjacent from her. "Is this a good time?"

She gave him a pointed look. There was no need for him to make this awkward.

"What is it Walter?"

"Well...I just received a very interesting phone call you see the Queen would like to dine with you later this evening but I wasn't quite sure what to tell her so I told them you were feeling under the weather. "

"Thank you Walter but I think I might be feeling up to it."

His monocle dropped from his eye.

"Are you going to disclose your current…state?"

"Yes and who better to tell first than the Queen?"

He looked very concerned.

"Integra I'm not sure that's the best way to handle this."

"I know you're only looking out for me Walter but the Queen must know."

"Of course...Will Miss Victoria be attending as well?"

She looked to Seras.
