What's up guys! I know it has been a while since I've updated this story so here's another chapter for you. At this point I'd probably divert from the canon storyline as most of the events that will happen has already made their mark. Also, this is a Saji centric chapter so please bear with me.





Chapter 26: Meanwhile with Saji…..

(Saji POV)

Saji: "Come on girls, the bus will be here any minute now."

Asia: "Just a minute Saji-san. Irina-san is still fixing her hair."

It was the 3rd day of our school trip, so the church trio, Koneko-chan and I decided to take a tour around Kyoto city. I've invited Kiba and Gasper but they said they prefer to remain in the bungalow for the day. In the meantime, we've waited for about another 10 minutes for Irina to get her ponytails fixed before we've managed to catch up with the tour bus.

Irina: "My apologies Saji-kun. I had trouble looking for my hair bands."

Xenovia: "Maybe next time you might want to cut them. Short hair is so much easier and versatile. Like mine."

Irina: "Muu! I won't let my hair hinder my combat potential. Unlike some people."

Saji: "Hold on. You used to have long hair Xenovia?"

The bluenette just blushed and hid her face in embarrassment.

Xenovia: "M-my hair was in the way…"

Asia: "But either way, you short hair suits you Xenovia-san. I couldn't imagine you having long hair again."

Irina: "By the way, I heard that kaichou confessed to Ise-kun. Can you believe that?"

Saji: "Are you for real?!"

Xenovia: "To think that the strict and near robotic Sona-kaichou would fall for the goofy Ise. This generation is a weird one indeed."

Koneko: "Ise-senpai may be lewd. But he's a nice person."

That Hyoudou, he never ceases to surprise me. Well I guess buchou and Akeno-san will have competition now.

(Time skip)

Wow! To think that Kyoto has over 50 shrines is an understatement. Almost everywhere we went is either a shrine or a temple.

Xenovia: "Uuuuuu…..Saji, could we go somewhere else instead of another temple?"

Irina: "I'm with Xenovia on this one."

Koneko: "Maybe we could grab a bite and then decide where to visit next."

So we got ourselves some local snacks and sat by the bench for our lunch. Despite being a heritage site, Kyoto still has a number of vending machines for tourists to fill their stomachs. Which is good news for us starving devils, and angel.

Asia: "Yum! This melon pan is amazing! So sweet!"

Xenovia: "A mere bun can't compete with my Katsu ramen."

Irina: "Don't forget my chicken Karage!"

Sigh…those three…their always quarrel over everything. As for myself, I'm sharing a full bento with Koneko-chan, who took a spot on my lap.

Saji: "Here you go."

Koneko: "Ahm! Mmmm….delicious!"

Saji: "Have another?"

Koneko: "I have enough senpai, thanks."

Aww…such a cute kouhai I have. Nowadays Koneko-chan considers my lap as her official spot no matter where we are, even back home.


Huh? What was that?

Koneko: "You heard it too senpai?"

Saji: "Yeah. It came from those bushes right there. Let's have a look."

As we crept to the bushes, the rustling grew more prominent. As I dug in and separated the bushes, there sat a little girl with fluffy ears and a fox tail dressed in a kimono. Wait, fox tail?

Saji: "It can't be."

Koneko: "Are you a kitsune?"

The little fox girl stood up and nodded shyly. She seems to be lost or something. Either that or she enjoys spying on tourist visiting the temple.

Saji: "It's alright, we won't hurt you. Do you have a name?"

"Kunou. For humans, you two don't seem too shocked to find one of my kind."

Kunou huh? A fitting name for a kitsune.

Saji: "To be honest Kunou-san, we're not humans. We're devils."

Kunou-san then had her ears standing and leapt back away from us.

Kunou: "Which clan? Phenex!? Sitri!? It better not be Phenex!"

Koneko: "Calm down. We're from the Gremory clan. We're just here for a school trip. No reason to invade your home Kunou."

Saji: "I'm Saji. And this is Koneko-chan. Nice to meet you."

Kunou: "So you're Rias-san's servants. I'm relieved. Any friend of Rias-san is a friend of Kyoto. How is she?"

Saji: "She's fine. In fact, we could take you to see her if you want."

Kunou-san then has the brightest expression and jumped about the bushes. She must be a close friend of buchou's.

Kunou: "Yes please! Just give me a minute. I have to inform my mother the great news."

And off she go.

Saji: "She's a lively one isn't she?"

Koneko: "Mmphmm.."

Saji: "I heard that Kyoto is the land of the yokais. May be we could find some of your people here Koneko-chan?"

Koneko: "I don't think so. We Nekomatas are an endangered race. Thus there're very few pure nekomatas around the world. Only hybrids like me and Onee-sama remained rampant here."

Saji: "Does that mean Nekomatas usually mate with other races?"

A nod from my junior was enough.

Kunou: "Yoho! I'm back!"

Saji: "Your mother is fine with it?"

Kunou: "Oh yes. Rias-san is like a regular visitor in Kyoto and my village. Occasionally she brings her peerage her for vacations."

I see. No wonder Hyoudou said buchou is a japanoile. Kyoto is like her 3rd home. We make our way back to the bench to reunite with the church trio.

Saji: "Hey girls, guess who we met?"

Asia: "Is that a kitsune?"

Xenovia: "A fox spirit? I thought they were fictional."

Irina: "How rude of you Xenovia! Forgive my friend. She can be such a block head."

Saji: "This is Kunou-san. She'll be accompanying us back to our bungalow."

Kunou: "Nice to meet you 3. I'll be in your care."

The church trio had their jaws dangling.

Saji: "She's a friend of buchou."

Asia: "I see. Pleased to meet you Kunou-san. I'm Asia."

Xenovia: "Xenovia. Let's get along."

Irina: "Irina. Good to see you."

With the introductions done, we head off to the bus stop for our return. Oh right, as a kitsune, Kunou-san was able to hide her fox tail and ears to appear human. Much like Koneko-chan. Which reminds me….

Saji: "Hey Koneko-chan."

Koneko: "Yes senpai?"

Saji: "I was wondering…When you're in your nekomata form, what happens to your human ears?"

Koneko-chan just pouted and pinched my thigh. Ow! Ow! Ow!

Koneko: "That's a sensitive topic Saji-senpai."

I guess that will remain a mystery…

Another short chapter done. Finally, Kunou made her debut. Will the hero faction appear? Will Kyoto fall under siege again? Who knows. Until next time, so long and I'll see you next time. Gan pai!