A/N: Yes! Charter Day! We have no classes! So i have the time to write a new story, and about 'High School Love Begin' i'll continue it maybe on my other free time, i'm really sorry for not posting it on the right date, lazy sickness occur to me. That's what i call on my laziness habit, oh well, but i won't leave it hanging, i guess? But i'll still keep trying updating it, so please review! Reviews are only my battery and medicines in my laziness! Please rate each of my chapters from 1-10 points and if you're kind enough maybe you can give me some word of advice? 'Cause this is just my 2nd Fanfic! Some advice will do just please review! Sorry about asking you to much...Okay i won't keep my introductions long since laziness entered my hands again. Okay, i hope you like it and Enjoy!

Rein's P.O.V.

I was awaken by my trusted and annoying alarm clock, i stretched my hands as i stood up. I look at the time and it was 8:30 a.m, it was still early to be awake at this time around but i choose to wake up early to some weird reasons. Rein Chloe Honô is my name, age 13. I got a long blue hair that reaches me knees, i also got a pair of sea - green eyes. I have 3 siblings including me, the oldest is my brother, Jacob Anthony Honô, age 14. He's good at playing basketball, he's also one of the popular group in their school or should i say, the heart throb. He has dark blue hair with gold shining eyes. Inherited from our father.

I also have a twin sister , Fine Megumi Honô, she's also one of the popular girls in her school, since she's so good about everything! This is also one of the reason why i transferred to a public school, but don't get the wrong idea, i love Fine, and i never ever feel jealous of her! Not even once, i just don't want her to be embarrassed for me to be around. Fine is good at sports usually volleyball, she's also good at academics or in short she's good at everything! She is always kind, gentle, funny and a happy -go- lucky girl, she's the perfect dream girl every boy have dreamed!

If i were a boy i would already fall in love with my sister, if that's possible...In fact i'm really proud of her! But on the other hand, i'm the opposite, me and Fine are identical twins but different attitudes and personalities, i'm cold, plain ,boring, no talent at all, and hopeless. Our classmate won't even believe that we are twins! Well how can i blame myself if i was born ugly? Fine has short sparkling and beautiful red hair ,and a pair of red ruby eyes, which was inherited by our mother, she's so beautiful when she wears her smile! I'm starting to adore her! If you ask me ,all of her schoolmates who were boys loves Fine, they even confess there love to her! But they were all been rejected since Fine have someone on her eyes. Well that's my short Biography in Life. Hope you understand what's my position and life!

Rein's P.O.V.

I went directly downstair and saw Mom preparing my breakfast, i also saw 3 empty plates at the table, that would be Jacob's Fine's and Dad's plate, they always woke up early. Dad has a work, Fine always go jogging and Jacob always play basketball with his friends early.

"Wow, you're early today." Mom complimented me with her sweet smile.

"Its a gift." I replied as i shrugged. Mom just rolled her eyes.

"You're brother and sister are at the court, you should go play with them." Mom said as she placed my plate into the table.

"Nah~! My schedule is full." I said as i started to eat.

"Huh, you always do. I wish there's a block out this morning." Mom frowned.

"Dreams won't come true, Mom." I said with my mouth full.

"Yeah, but doing it in action isn't bad." Mom said as an evil grin formed on her face. Ugh, i have a bad feeling about these.

"Don't even try." I said as i glared at her.

"Well, i didn't say anything about it yet! But how i wish you would become more like you're sister Fine." She said dramatically. Its not the first that she said that, more like a hundred time! I just ignore her, but in the inside it hurts a lot.

"Yeah, yeah." I said softly.

"So you would go to them?" Mom beamed.

"No." I said calmly. Then Mom's smile turned into a frown instantly.

"Ugh! I gave up!" Mom said in disappointment.

"Yeah, sure, you always do."

"Mou! Why are you so rude to you're mother?" She whined childishly.

"I'm not." I said calmly while continued eating.

"Just look at you Rein! You're eyes are all emotionless! What happened to you're beautiful eyes?! You've become like this since you've transferred into that public school of yours!"

"First of all, i don't have a beautiful eyes. Second of all, this is me, and its also rude to judge others. And third of all, the school has nothing to do with my personalities." I said calmly as i reached for the glass of water and drink it.

"Well, i found the right solution for you're problem, dear. I've change my mind! Starting next week you'll be with you're brother and sister in there private school!" Mom announced proudly, and as she did i choked from the water.

"What?! But i'm fine going to that publi-" I was cutt off by Mom.

"No buts! You'll learn more about good manners and being kind and gentle there!" Mom said cheerfully.

"Wait, are you sending me to that school so that i can become more like Fine?!"

"Wow! A mind reader! Of course, you should act more like Fine, Rein since you both are twins and-"

"I don't wanna go! I want to stay on that public school until i graduate in high school!"

"Rein when i tell you to go you have to! Its a shame in our family that one of my daughter is on that public school!"

"But i would also be a shame there too! They will know about me being Fine's sister, and you're also aware about Fine's status in that school, so they would probably hate Fine, because of me!"

"Hmmm, true, but... But we never knew when we try right? Just act natural and beautiful...And speaking of beautiful i got the perfect outfit for yo-"

"No! I don't want to go in that school and more importantly, i don't want to wear those childish dresses of yours!" I shouted as i stood up and began walking upstairs.

"Ah~! But you look so cute when you wear it!" Mom dramatically whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Also Rein, if you ever make some weird things in that school ,you're sister would also be trouble too, so you better behave when you entered that academy right?" She said as her tone becomes serious, i directly shut my door before she could drag me again into those stupid dresses of hers. But regarding on what she said earlier...Its true... 'If you ever make some weird things in that school, you're sister would also be trouble too'... What she said is true, if i make some stupidity in that school, Fine would be embarrassed because of me... You're sister would be trouble too. You're sister would be trouble too. Would be trouble too... Ugh, can't forget about those words!

I sighed in depression as i put my head in the pillow near me. Hmmm, moving on...I should play some video games in the PSP to prevent boredom. I took out my sky blue PSP from the drawer and played it on but all i can see in the screen is a low battery. Ugh, i though i charge it last night! I scolded myself for being forgetful.

I should watched TV maybe i can find a channel that can entertain me. But as i pushed the buttons from the remote the screen won't on, then i noticed the light in my room is shutted down, but i never turned it off! Wait...This can only mean one thing...

"MOM!" I shouted at the tip of my lungs.

I sighed in depression as i walked in the streets. Well maybe you guess it already. We have a block out, the engineer said that it would be fixed by tomorrow morning. Ugh, why am i so unlucky today?! I already got into Mom's evil schemes and now this?! What did i do wrong for me to have this kind of life?! I shouted inside my brain as i notice that i arrive at the court. And as usual i spotted Fine from the group of boys in the volleyball court, they were having there game, Girls vs. Girls. But because Fine is there, all the boys of our village came and watching her play in awe. I also spotted Jacob at the basketball court, he was also crowded by the group of girls, but they weren't playing yet, so i choose to go to him instead of Fine. I don't wanna ruin her game because of appearing out of no where.

"Mornin sis, what brings you here?" He said coolly as he throws the ball to the ring and as usual the girls scream louder than before.

"I was forced to." I said harshly as i took my sit in the bench near the ring.

"Oh really? How come?" He asked as he wipe his sweat using the towel i handed. And as he do, the girls are shouting like crazy, some of them is having nose bleeds , Geeh, girls this days.

"You'll find out soon." I replied as i glared at them.

"Hey watch out!" Jacob said, and i turned around and notice the ball hit on my face! I touched my face, biting my lips to prevent from screaming in pain.

"Hey you alright?" Jacob asked worriedly.

"What do you think?" I said coldly. Then i turned to the boy who hits my face.

"Sorry, didn't know that you were there." He said carelessly. Which made me angry even more.

"Oh, really! Then maybe you're blind i guess?!" I said bluntly but my voice is obviously angry.

"What?!" He said feeling annoyed.

"Hey guys come on! Don't start a fight yet!" Jacob separated us.

"How can't i?! He's so blind for not noticing me!" I shouted.

"Huh, me blind?! Or maybe just you for not avoiding the ball quickly! Girls like you always hurts easily!" He shouted.

"What?!" Girls like me?! I'm not that freaking weak! Who is he for judging me directly?!

"Ugh! Hell you're so annoying!" He said as he came closer. Signaling me for a fight.

"Bring it on!" I said as i get closer too. But he was stopped by another boy from behind.

"Hey, you should treat girls nicely Shade, or else you won't get a girlfriend in that situation." The boy said calmly as he tapped 'Shades' shoulders.

"Rein, girls like yourself don't act like that. Girls don't pick up a fight from boys." Jacob said as he tapped my shoulders too.

"What?!" Shade and I said at the same time.

"Oh please is this a girl for you?!" Shade said as he pointed to me.

"Huh, a girlfriend?! Boys like him don't deserve a girl!" I said as i point to him. Then i glared at him, he was also glaring at me.

"Oh come on! You two just look like perfect for each other!" The boy said smirking.

"What?!" Me, Shade, and Jacob said angrily.

"Ugh this is so annoying! I'm going home now!" I said as i turned around and walked angrily.

Normal P.O.V.

Shade, Jacob, and Bright just watched at Rein's disappearance. Jacob was the first one to talk.

"Don't you ever talk to her about romance thingy again!" Jacob glared at Bright who looked confused.

"Who is that girl anyway...She seems different from other girls that i've met before." Bright asked.

"Huh, are you falling for that jerk already?" Shade said smirking.

"Hmmm, she's kind of cute in a way." Bright grinned.

"Don't you ever come closer to her or else you're dead." Jacob said while glaring at Bright.

"You're girlfriend?" Shade asked.

"No idiot! She's my younger sister!" Jacob hit Shade hard on the head.

"What?!" Shade and Bright shouted together.

"Dude, you got an amazing sister!" Bright whistled.

"No, she's rather annoying than amazing." Shade formed an disgusting look in his face.

"But you gotta admit, she's the first girl to pick a fight with you!" Bright said smirking.

"Will you shut the hell already?!" Jacob shouted. Both of them flinched.

"She's different from other girls because she's special, and none of you deserve to be her boyfriend." Jacob said angrily. Bright and Shade looked shocked to his sudden action.

"Is something wrong here?" A girl from there back asked. Jacob and the 2 turned around and saw...

"Fine aren't you home yet?!" Jacob asked harshly.

"Waoh, what's with the face." Fine asked surprise.

"Wha-?! I-i- i mean, sorry. Sorry i was shouting." Jacob apologize sincerely to his younger sister.

"No its okay! Its no big deal at all!" Fine said nervously.

"Well we better get going Mom would be angry if were not." Jacob said as he walks beside Fine.

"So who's them?" Fine asked as she points at the 2 boys.

"Oh! Ah they're my friends from school, Shade and Bright, guys meet Fine my younger sister." Jacob introduce them to each other.

"Wow, Jacob you're sister are freaking beautiful! Man you're so lucky." Bright whistled but Jacob glared him in return.

"H-hi? Its nice meeting you." Fine said awkwardly.

"Yeah the pleasure is mine." Shade said calmly.

"We better get going now, see you guys next week." Jacob hurriedly said as he grab Fine and started to walk out.

Bright and Shade watched Fine and Jacob's disappearance.

"Do you think she's cute or the other one was." Bright said as he put his hands on his chin.

"Ugh i'm going home already." Shade said feeling annoyed and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, i'm serious now! Those two are super cute! Its hard to decide!" Bright smirked.

"See you next week." Shade walked out as he waved his hands.

"Hey don't ignore me!" Bright said as he run to catch up with Shade.

There! Finished! So what do you think? Sorry for making Bright a playboy its just really hard to make another character again! So i hope you enjoyed it and please review! Okay, until next time Bye! SAYONARA.