Thanks for reading!
"Well, as we all know, the young prince is approaching the age." A gravely voice came from an equally rough man, his face ancient with years nearly quadruple Haruka's.
"As stated in the scriptures, the heir to the throne must be wedded by 18. His 17 has just passed" Another almost identical man spoke, his deep voice grumbling. "As it stands, the young prince has not expressed interest in any maiden of any of the 10 provinces... This leaves us in a position where we shall make the choice." He was cut off by a thick bout of coughing.
"To get to the point, prince Haruka, you will be betrothed. The kingdom shall be informed in some days following. "
"Master Haruka! Come back the Council isn't done speaking to you-!"
"I don't want to hear it. Leave me alone."
"Please Master Haruka!" the servant's voice grew soft and Haru paused halfway out the large french doors. He glanced over his shoulder angrily. "I know you don't agree with everything they say and... it's not easy... but they are doing what is best."
"They are doing what is best for them, not for me!"
Haru huffed a hefty breath and turned his head away to avoiding eye contact with the servant. The ache in his chest was only growing worse. There was nothing he could do... he was useless... a pawn to the nobility. His fingertips trembled before being clenched into a tight fist. Without another word he swiftly exited the door leaving the servant to deal with his empty space.
His heavy leather boots stomped through dead grass and beds of long withered flowers. Though his blundering movements conveyed rash and unspecific action, the prince had a certain destination in mind.
In a palace protected on all sides by walls of stone and guard towers it was the only place he could feel even a semblance of freedom in. Unlike the polished and manicured structure of the ancient palace and it's grounds, the East garden was kept mostly in it's natural state. It ran along the edge of the forest shared with the village: his late mother, having been an avid lover of nature, persuaded the addition years ago. Initially it was meant to be a luxurious outdoor social area fit with marble statues and and ball floor for the warm summer nights. However, the project was short lived and they never did complete renovating the 8 acres of land. Even the fence lay in disarray. If you followed it more than 100 feet the stone abruptly ended and a simple wooden fence held it's ground.
At last he arrived.
No sound except for Haruka's rapid breathing could be heard, each exhale quickly condensing into small clouds before his face. The landscape was deep in winter slumber, the usual animals gone to bed until spring melted the Earth. The natural lake had so far resisted freezing over since the beginning of winter. He stepped forward on one of the many large stones jutted from the embankment over the water, tempted to go down to the very edge where he could be closer. Looking down Haruka thought about the summer months, when tadpoles and small fish would be visiting in the shallower ends. When he could have jumped in with no fear or regrets and swam to his heart's content. Nothing greeted him now but clear water in which he could see the deep floor of the lake. Hardly anyone could understand the comfort water brought to the young master's life. Anytime he needed reassurance this was the place he would go and he swore the water knew it too. How desperately he wanted to give in to the desire to swim!
He snorted a laugh at how the council would react to his feelings. Gasps of "Absurd!" and "Prince's do not behave like this!"
The council never did like him having such a "dangerous" hobby. Every time he caught an illness they would ask him the same questions, "were you swimming in that cold, dirty lake again, Master Haruka?"
And every time he would lie and say, "No, I was not."
He had been.
With what just happened he knew he was walking an even thinner line. They would take away his freedoms without remorse, without question.
Though... freedoms to the young prince was a loose term. He was trapped in his own palace for goodness sake!
"For your own protection!" Haru could almost hear the reply he had heard for 17 years. Royalty no matter how it was strung was a farce. The outside world was all his yet, unless the day were holy or a festival was being held, here he remained. Prisoner of his own blood. Haruka was resigned to a predetermined life of formalities. Every day told how to act, how to speak, who to speak to, where to go, when to go...
They thought him too naive to be allowed to wander out of royal grounds unaccompanied yet old enough to be wedded off?
The pain in his stomach was growing and he wanted to curl up and run away all at the same time. An awful hiccuping nose escaped his throat as he tried to swallow the emotion down. His lips quivered into a frown, shoulders shaking. Hot tears bundled up in his eyes before falling on his cheek. The trail they left was warm for a mere second before chilling from the harsh air.
Why couldn't they see he didn't want this?
Stilled water reflected his face. His sleek brow crinkled at the sniveling monster before him. Disgusting! Haru wiped furiously at his face with the sleeves of his coat trying to conceal his fettered emotions. He looked again, observing the puffy eyed reflection closely. He was a mess. Even if he had to go back he would never appear before them like this. He kicked debris off of his ledge into the water sending his reflection into a myriad of ripples.
"Are you... okay?"
A weight fell on Haru's lungs and his stomach sank. The servants had explicit orders not to follow him. None of them would dare challenge that. With sudden realization he concluded this wasn't a guard or a servant... after years surrounded by an entourage that rarely changed he knew this voice was completely foreign. Haruka's mouth wavered for a second before he gathered his nerve. "Who are you? This is property of the royal palace you shouldn't be here."
Haruka was dumbfounded by the lack luster response. "What do you mean 'what'? You heard me." He turned on his heal, still agitated and wanting to take his frustration out on this intruder. However, he was betrayed by his own feet, balance giving way under his boot and falling back into the steep incline. Haruka desperately reached out, hands wildly searching for leverage. The stranger attempted a grab at him and Haruka found himself reaching too, but being at too great a distance, was met only with empty air. The last thing he saw was a pair of eyes wide with fear.
His back splashed against the surface. The lake had been prepped in ample anticipation, wrapping him in chill colder than anything he had faced before. The initial impact didn't hurt, he wasn't actually too far up, but the sheer temperature shocked his skin merciless. It was so cold it felt hot, stinging every nerve. His hands touched the slick bottom of the lake, grimey and unpleasant and at a stark decline. He fought against the heavy clothing on his body to sit up and break surface. The mud swallowed his boots down and trying to stand proved more difficult then usual.
There was more splashing and something grabbed his forearm tightly. A great force pulled him up the rest of the way to a standing position. Surprise, panic, and sudden change of direction hurt his head. The water, now that he was up was to his thighs and completely soaked into everything. Whoever had just followed him in was leading him back up the ridge to the side of the outcropping of rocks where it would be easier to exit. He pulled Haruka forward with a hand on his arm, carefully guiding him to place his feet where he did. The man stepped easily from where the water ended to the first level of the embankment before turning around and grabbing Haruka's hands firmly, letting him find footing, and lightly pulling him up.
A rough cough racked his body almost immediately as they were both cleared of water. He hadn't realized he had been holding it in. It felt like everything around him was was spinning. Haruka squeezed his eyes shut, heading down onto his knees for a moment to sit and collect himself. When the rush in his head finally passed his eyes opened to remember he was in a very vulnerable position.
Through the black bangs that clung to his forehead, Haru managed to find and focus on green eyes. The stranger had followed him down and was kneeling before him. A sharp retort that was building instantly faded in unwarranted surprise... this person, if he had a guess, was no older than 20... more likely the same age as himself. He had messy brown hair brushing the nape of his neck and complimenting a sharp jawline. His clothing were of common materials, an older jacket made of fabric frequent of lower tiered workers fitted over outline of a broad chest and strong arms. A field worker? Stable hand? He was a considerable amount taller than Haruka and undoubtedly capable of greater strength. Attempting to save face and despite his current position Haruka pulled himself up, at least as much as he could. Muscle memory kicked in, his posture straightening and shoulders angling back precisely. That's what they told him, sit up, look confident, look strong. His mouth attempted to move, but, with embarrassment, became aware he too was being silently analyzed.
"Are you..." The strangers words were distant and evaporated as they left his mouth.
Haruka turned his head away. He suddenly wanted to look anywhere but directly in front of him. He posture deflated, years of how to hold himself thrown out the window in a second. "Yes. I'm fine."
"Oh, yes that but, I mean, are you..." Haruka became very aware of the other boy's hand moving close to his face. He held himself back from wincing. Instead it stopped to the left of his chest, a single finger pointed to an emblem on the breast of his silver buttoned jacket.
The Nanase family coat of arms. A mermaid garnering a sword, shield, and crown. The unmistakable stamp of royal property, like a barrel of wine or stock of cattle. He was marked for the world to see who owned him.
"Oh. So this really is... huh..." Haruka raised an eyebrow.
So this kid really didn't know where he was? Who did he expect to meet?
A shiver ran through Haru's body. His jaw chattered but not from fear. The water was chilling his skin and beginning to ice the blood below turning his complexion pale. The tan hand on his chest suddenly was on his face and Haruka was frozen for another reason. Panic flitted over the boy's face, and despite the fear Haruka knew he had seen for the second time, the boy spoke in a serious tone.
"We have to get you home."
Haruka pushed the hand away, "Thank you, but, I'll be fine. I can make it." He prepped himself to stand up, " You might be forgetting but I live here. Just go back to wherever you came from and I'll forget about the trespassing." Haru forced his way up, taking a heavy step before he was again down. Vertigo made him shut his eyes tightly again, trying his best to reclaim his grounding.
"Let me help you."
The boy trailed behind him like a puppy, on his feet as soon as Haruka was and tentatively hovering beside him when he fell. Haruka was right, he was much larger than him. Six feet at least, and unlike Haruka who had never had to lift anything in his life, the stranger looked more than capable of holding his own.
"Here, just grab on." The boy knelt before him, his back facing Haruka like he expected something.
"Put your arms around my neck, come on, I'll carry you. I do this with my sister an- my sister all the time. When she's too tired to walk I carry her home on my back." Haruka hesitated. The boy looked back with his bright green eyes and smiled something that made him feel the warmest he had in all of the past hour. "I promise, I won't drop you."
"I'm soaked, you'll get wet too."
"Maybe a little, but right now you're looking worse for wear."
Haru rolled his eyes at the response. This strange kid seemed keen to help. Haru would've laughed at the situation had he enough physical or mental strength left. And what would the council say? Now that was enough to elicit a small nose-laugh from the prince. They would have his neck! A spark of rebellion made up his mind.
Haruka wrapped his arms around the stranger's shoulders. He was lifted him off the ground and an arm wrapped under each of Haruka's legs holding him so he wouldn't slide off. They stood up and Haruka tightened his grip around the boys neck. .
"Is this the way? The palace is pretty large but the trees are so tall..."
"Yeah. Just head straight and we'll hit the door to the East wing.""
"Hmph!" They began walking and Haru adjusted to feeling of being carried. He was becoming drowsy, something about the cold was getting his body to relax. What was this feeling? Before he felt cold but now... his body was going numb? He gave in, laying his head in the crook of space between the others neck and shoulders observing the sights to their left as they went by. Soon the walking was at a consistent pace and Haruka began relaxing into the rhythm created by this strange man. This strange, alluring man.
"Hey, you have to stay awake. Please. Are you awake?" Haruka blinked his eyes open at the boy's panic. He hadn't realized he even closed them.
"Hey." Haruka spoke. He could feel the other sigh in relief at his response. Maybe it was the sleepiness or the whole peculiarity of the situation but he was feeling more ampt to talk. "You never told me your name."
"Makoto. Tachibana Makoto." He spoke. "And yours?"
"Why are you out here in the cold, Haruka?"
"Just call me Haru and I should be asking you that."
"Fair enough." Haruka could feel the vibration of a laugh through Makoto's back. He hadn't heard such a hearty laugh in such a long time. "My cat." A sad undertone was in Makoto's voice. "She was outside the shop and a dog spooked her. She ran out of the storefront and I followed. Usually she comes back and I wouldn't worry but... she's going to have kittens."
"I'm sorry..."
"No it's okay," Makoto turned cheery again. "I'll find her... who knows, maybe she's home without me..."
"I've never had a pet before, too dirty they say."
"Everyone back home. In the palace you know." Haruka sighed. "All I really wanted was a fish though."
Makoto laughed again. It was such a vibrant sound, Haruka thought. Makoto was nice to talk to, he seemed friendly and genuine and kind. He must have lots of friends, Haruka concluded half-awake.
Haruka no longer felt cold. His damp clothes were weightless on his unfeeling skin. Is this what Makoto had feared? It wasn't too bad, he was just tired. And the shivering was getting annoying. Makoto had carried much of their conversation along the way but abruptly cut off when the impending palace could be seen.
"Now how do we get you back..."
Haruka saw the flicker of lights illuminated behind the curtains indoors.
"Ah, Rei is probably waiting... that guy would never disobey an order but I bet he's by the door..." Haru sighed. He didn't have to guess. He knew Rei was by the door. He always was. Whenever he would run off to go for a swim or be by himself Rei would wait and be the first on to greet him when he walked in.
"Oh! Then I think I have an idea, Haruka."
"I told you, Haru is just fine."
Haru was vaguely aware of being set down. Makoto had put his back to the wall of the palace and gently lowered Haruka to the floor. Makoto, though his size, was very gentle with him, and to his word brought him back to the palace. Makoto looked at Haruka once more, his gentle smile and warm gaze seeming to fit on his face like permanent features. Haruka blinked slowly at the green gaze, unsure of how to respond.
Haru was nobility, raised with every material possession within calling distance that never sparked interest, yet, this low class boy had accidentally walked into his life a minute ago and already pulled the strings of intrigue in his head. For once he wanted something. One thing he couldn't reach: To know more about this stranger. Without any comment Makoto stood and knocked brazenly on the door.
"Coming master Haruka!"
Haruka watched Makoto's figure dart into the tree's swiftly finding cover before the door swung open.
"Master Haruka, welcome back-? Huh? You're... Why... you're soaked!? What happened? Someone call the doctor!" Rei's voice was irritably loud.
"I'll be fine Rei."
"Master Haruka!"
"I just was... swimming." Haruka snorted a laugh. Rei did not find it as funny. Maybe he would have if he had seen how Haru had so ungracefully fallen.
The butlers acted quickly upon orders. Haruka was supported on either side by a butler, their gloved hands roughly pushing and pulling him up.
Was Makoto watching him still from safety? Haruka gave a final glance to the spot Makoto had disappeared to feeling slightly somber and... curious.
He wanted to meet that person again.
Haruka Nanase lives inside the walls of nobility, trapped by tradition. Overwhelmed by sudden news of his impending betrothal he escapes to the only safe place he knows of, the pond behind the palace. However, Haruka soon learns he is not alone! A stranger has somehow found his way on royal grounds! Shocked and startled, Haru falls into the freezing water. Will he survive? Why did the stranger help him? Why are his eyes so green? Find out next time!
*tap dances away*