A/N: I do not own Life Is Strange.

Chapter 1

Max woke up to the bleating of her alarm clock and she groaned in protest. She had spent the last few nights looking at everything that was wrong with her. She then spent the rest of the early hours wondering if she was ever normal. To her disappointment she had found nothing that made sense. It was either too confusing to ever understand or she lost brain cells while reading some of the more…interesting theories.

Which brought her to this very moment.

She knew she had to get up but her body protested even the simple movement of blinking. Turning her head squinting from the sunlight that shown through one of her windows she groaned once more. It wasn't even time for school but her phone was blinking with messages she still had yet to look at. She knew that most of them would probably have been from Warren and she just didn't have the energy to keep up with him sometimes. Then there was most likely another person who was loud and ran with a head of blue hair.

Also someone who she couldn't keep up with most times.

She tried to pick up her head up to roll out of bed, really she did but her head came falling back down making the pillow wheeze a bit with the force. Her phone buzzed again, Chloe was probably either high, drunk or angry when she texted her. Actually, the blue headed girl was probably a mix of the three when she had her phone. Though more often than not Chloe was just being Chloe which could mean a lot of things.

Max noticed that during the days her best friend was better with her emotions and the way she acted. It was when the sun started setting and the darkness crept in that a darker side to Chloe came to life. Max already had a few run ins with this side of her best friend and it ended up every morning with the repeating "sorry" coming from her lips.

The eager photographer finally opened her eyes and this time she was able to focus without any hindrances. The sun was just rising, the early rays a low yellow tint slowly turning into a brighter one. She pulled herself up without a second thought because if she didn't she would stay in bed all day. Her feet touched her soft carpet and she wiggled her toes as a way to get some sort of energy into herself. She felt relief when she looked her closet knowing that her late shower last night meant no rushing this morning.

Getting up from her bed she started her daily routine which meant playing her music. Once her room filled with the familiar strings of a playing guitar she walked over to her closet. Max wondered if Victoria ever inspected her closet in secret. If the Queen Bee ever did she would die on the spot or have some dramatic show about it. Shrugging Max pulled out a t-shirt and a fitted red jacket throwing them onto her bed. She rubbed her right arm as she looked over which pants she wanted and settled for one of her darker blue pairs. She slid them on wiggling just a bit to get them to fit in all the right places. She might be a white girl but she got some booty to her.

Max didn't bother looking at which socks she grabbed as she slipped them on while reaching out for her sneakers. She leaned up only to peer down at her ankles wondering if she should roll up her pants. She had a seen more than few students do this to their jeans and just for the hell of it Max did so. Her sleep shirt flew off as she flung it to some corner of her room hoping that the garment fell into her basket.

Probably not.

Her shirt felt soft just the way she liked it as she rolled up the sleeves to her jacket. She sighed when she was done, her body slumping that much more the exhaustion creeping up once again. She wondered if she could seriously make it through the day. Thinking about her classes made her want to go back into the safe heaven known as her bed. Derailing her thoughts she looked around her room trying to find where she had dumped her bag yesterday. She started to look all over the place spilling more papers than she had ever thought possible. Max fist pumped when she found her bag under her desk, near the corner and she thanked the universe once more when her camera was already in her bag.

She was too tired to realize she always left her camera in her bag.

She ran around one last time slinging her bag over her shoulder and slipping her phone into her pocket. She leaned over towards her closet picking out her toothbrush and plopping it into her bag. She stopped at her mirror trying to calm down her mess of her brown hair and hoping it looked presentable enough. She was never really girly enough to care for makeup, curling irons and whatever else a girl was supposed to do. It was when she shut her door behind her and wrote on her white board that she remembered to water Lisa. Dashing in once more, all while banging her elbow, she managed to water the plant and go right back outside.

Only to bump into someone.

That someone was blonde.

But this was the nice blonde the one Max had undoubtedly adored from the moment she met her. She rubbed shoulder looking up to see the shinning eyes of Kate Marsh which took Max by surprise. Had she done something socially clumsy already to make Kate look so sad? Damn it Max get yourself together! She chided herself as she found the words to her mouth.

"I didn't mean to bump into you. I just- I'm sorry." Max said looking at the girl

Kate just shrugged "No one really notices sometimes."

"No- No. That was really my fault." Max stated looking at her door, the floor and back to Kate. "I was just running back in to feed Lisa. Then you know- banged my elbow and I'm rambling aren't I?"

"I think that's just the way you are Max. There should be nothing wrong with that." Kate replied

Max leaned her head to one side and she observed Kate more than the usual. A habit she picked up from trying to find the perfect shot with her camera. Kate's arms were crossed over her chest, books held close between the spaces. Her hair was in her usual bun and her cross was around her neck. It was always hidden from plain sight but every now and then Max would catch Kate playing with the chain.

Though something seemed very off in a quiet sort of way. Always lingering never really popping out but was there. It was the way Kate seemed more than tired and her eyes didn't hold that same shimmer, same shine. It was how her smile was still there and yet it wasn't all at the same time. What did I miss? Max thought once more.

"Max? Did you hear?"

The photographer blinked a few times getting her mind back to the present. She looked at Kate to notice that the girl seemed that much more tired than just a few seconds ago. Max wanted to personally punch herself for coming off as a total ass. Holding her hand out which gathered a second of a confused Kate before the world around her started to rewind. Just as she was running out her door again she made a point to stop and sure enough there was Kate wide eyed standing in front of her.

With a crooked smile Max waved "Mornin' Kate."

"G-good Morning, Max."

"I'm actually surprised to see you here."

This made Kate frown "What do you mean?"

"It's- I don't know you're like the early bird." Max replied and by the face Kate made towards her that explanation made no sense. "By the time I'm out here you're kinda already on your way out?" Max half-answered half-questioned in her usual way.

Kate looked away "Things change."

This time Max took notice that something wasn't off with Kate no there was something seriously wrong with her. Kate was quiet but in a cheerful way she always had positive words and a magnetic smile. Whenever someone needed help she was the first to volunteer which was how Max met her in the first place. Something tugged within Max and she let her hand fall onto Kate shoulders lightly.


The girl just shook her head her eyes closing tightly as if Max had said the most shattering thing possible. It was then that Victoria and her slaves came out of her room snickering and laughing loudly. Max chose then to look up only to meet steely blue eyes as they darted to her hand and Kate's shoulder. The photographer felt a slow dread fill her stomach as a sinister look took upon Victoria's face.

"Of course the new slut would hang out the selfie-whore. Its only right that trash hang together." Victoria said loudly making sure anyone who's anyone heard her words as she strutted out.

Max glanced back at Kate who had stiffened impossibly so much so that Max felt her hand was on a piece of stone. She frantically looked around the girls dormitory most of the girls were laughing and others were just staring. Eventually groups started forming to head out and the snicker followed them out. Looking at the blonde girl Max not for the first time wondered where her head had been this entire time.


"You saw it didn't you?" Kate brokenly whispered

"Saw what?"

Kate threw her arms up "The video! The thing that has completely turned everything I knew upside down. I should have never went Max. Never."

Max felt the hair on her back stand up she knew she had to do something and fast. She wanted to talk some more with Kate but she didn't want to talk with morning breath. She pulled out her other hand and sliding them both down to Kate biceps squeezing softly. This made Kate look at her and Max's heart broke at the watery eyes that stared back at her.

"I'm just going to brush my teeth and be back in no time okay?"

Kate just nodded.

Hesitantly Max spoke again "Should- Should I go to your room?"

Kate looked down the hall before turning back to Max "We'll be late for class, Max. It's nothing too big okay? It was my fault anyway and I just have to deal with it."

"Are you sure?"

Kate limply nodded "Always."

No idiot rewind this and make it better. Max yelled at herself once more she reached her hand out. This time it hurt a little more than what she was used to and her eyes felt like they had been squished. She couldn't rewind past Victoria's comment but she could do something else entirely. She just hoped Kate wouldn't freak out as time came back to play.

Max immediately reached out to grab Kate's hand and pulled her into her room. The artist in front of her looked equal parts sad and scared. Max pointed at Kate and then her couch, she felt relieved when Kate caught up to what she wanted.

"Please stay here and don't go. I just need to go brush my teeth and we'll talk okay?" Max said a bitter-sweet thought that she couldn't rewind past her bully's comment. It gave her the perfect reason to have Kate stay. It didn't make it feel any less shitty though.

Kate widened her eyes "Max we'll be late-"

Max shook her head "Kate right now the only thing that has my attention is you. So please don't go?"

There was silence one that made Max's heart rate pick up and her hands get sweaty. Kate seemed to change her posture while Max was trying to decide if that was a good or bad thing. She couldn't have Kate leave before properly talking to her. She didn't care how many times she would have to rewind; for Kate she would do it. Her heart was reaching deadly limits when Kate finally spoke.

"Okay, Max."

The photographer just nodded her head quickly before dashing out her door for what seemed the tenth time. She made sure to keep her elbows tucked in she didn't need any more bruises than what she already had. Contrary to popular belief she wasn't that clumsy she just bruised as easy as a peach did. She waved to Alyssa who was walking out of her dorm room and she could hear the music in Dana's room. The rest of the noise shut off as she busted into the bathroom.

She shoved her hand into her bag and cursing when she cut her hand with one of her pencils. The cut wasn't too deep but it was long and she could feel the blood but she couldn't worry about that now. She pulled out her toothbrush now remembering that she forgot toothpaste and to her luck Juliet had left her tube there. She snatched the bottle and dabbed some on her brush before getting to work. Never in her life had she cleaned her teeth so fast and she ignored the yell of the girl that was in the shower for changing the water pressure. She couldn't really care for anyone else except Kate at the moment.

She ran out of the bathroom and down the hall in movements she could have only dreamed of. The running let some of her nerves die out, her shakiness barely nothing now. She looked at Kate's door noticing the crude drawing that was there and she reached over erasing the entire thing feeling a slow anger bubble up in her. She then quickly darted to her room pushing the door open and she was met with a very empty room. Max bit her bottom lip looking around and feeling her heart drop just a bit. She shoved one of her hands in her pocket slowly walking out of her room this time.

Kate had just lied to her and it wasn't the first time someone had but this time it stung. Maybe I just pushed too far. Max thought to herself as she walked down the hall not bothering to look up as she lost herself in her head. She genuinely cared but sometimes people didn't like other who pried into their private lives. Maybe Kate was like that but was just too nice to say something. Part of Max wanted to rewind again but it seemed that no matter what she did or how she went about it Kate always left.

A soft hand on her wrist stopped her walking "Max where are you going?"

The brunette straightened up to see Kate looking at her with confused eyes "Me? I went to my room and you were just gone."

Kate furrowed her brow "I left you a note."

"Oh." Max dumbly said.

"I had to use the bathroom."

She felt another "Oh" coming and pursed her lips to stop herself from sounding like a broken record. Really all Max wanted to do at this moment was hug Kate and tell her she was just glad she didn't really leave. She felt her phone start to vibrate and she promptly ignored it as she focused on the blonde. They stood still for a moment until Kate started to walk to her dorm silently and Max took the cue to follow her. When she entered the room the word shocked didn't even cover what she felt when she looked around. Compared to Kate's room her room was practically immaculate.

It worried Max even more than she thought possible.

There were clothes everywhere even under her desk and her little coffee table area. Max furrowed her brows as she looked at she glanced to the mirror next to her and how it was covered. She glanced to Kate who slumped into her desk chair staring at nothing yet seeming to have the entire world on her back. Max started to peer around giving her friend the moment she needed before she started to talk.

Yet the more she saw the more a sinking feeling went into her stomach. She looked over to the top of Kate's drawers seeing her bible open but the book had been left alone for a while. Quickly Max looked over the pieces that Kate had marked before she was taken out of her mind again.

"Max! You're bleeding!"

The photographer jumped looking down at her friend who had seemed to turn around at some point. She fought the flush hoping Kate didn't catch her snooping just a bit. "It's just a cut Kate. I'll be fine."

Kate vehemently shook her head pushing Max to sit on her bed "That could get infected let me wrap it for you."

Max watched as the blonde rummaged around her room throwing things out of her way. It only added to the disaster that seemed to spread through Kate's room. It pulled another string in Max's heart as the girl seemed torn between caring and not ever picking up another thing in her life.

That was the thing about being in a school like Blackwell most of the little people got looked over because there were entitled rich students. People like Kate, Alyssa and Daniel who were bullied constantly. Max knew that if it weren't for the few she had with her now that her time in this school would have been hell. Well even more than what it already was.

"It was just a pencil that cut me." Max said into the quiet of the room.

Kate huffed finally turning around first aid kit in her hand "Really? Then tell me why you have ink in your cut?"

Max opened her mouth to reply but then her body registered a high stinging pain and she flinched because of it. She could hear Kate sigh but her eyes were glued to her friend as she sat next to her. Kate gingerly took her hand placing it on her lap inspecting the cut before going through the first aid kit. Kate was so soft in every single way possible from the way she carried herself to the way she dressed herself. She could see alcohol being onto a cotton swab and she braced herself for the sting when Kate spoke.

"May you please give me your other arm?"

Max furrowed her brow as she pulled out her arm when all of sudden Kate rushed out with a "1, 2, 3." She felt the sting on her hand for a spilt second before she was all but pinched on her arm by Kate. It wasn't a soft pinch either as she felt the warmth on her upper arm as she looked at Kate confusedly with a hint of shock. Her face softened a bit at the very small smile that graced Kate's face and she was hit with the fact she hadn't see that in a very long time.

Kate turned to patch up Max's wound careful with her movement "I don't know how you didn't notice the ink."

"I had something more important to get to." Max obliviously said.

It was quiet before Kate spoke again "I'm the oldest of my sisters. I think my father might have wanted a boy but he still did what he wanted to with me. I'm fairly good at baseball though I don't like it and took some health classes."

Max let a smile take her face "Any photos?"

"Hardly, my mother wasn't the fondest of my bond with my father. Then my little sisters came along and they always seemed to cause trouble, especially Lynn." Kate finished as she finished off the wrapping.

Max pulled her hand back slowly looking at her newly wrapped hand. The entire thing looked professionally done with how perfect it looked. There was no use of a Band-Aid yet she could feel some sort of glue and ointment on her finger. She looked wide at Kate knowing the girl had distracted her the entire time. The quiet creature before was definitely heaven sent with how special she was.

"Kate, you're beyond amazing." Max wondrously replied and yet Kate's entire demeanor changed.

Not for the first time Max wondered if she had a social issue with speaking to others or was it life just being an ass.


The brunette shuffled around picking at her wrist nervously "Yeah?"

"I made a r-really big mistake." She whispered out tears falling from her eyes

Max knew her face had changed and she tried to school it down before her friend saw. She moved forward carefully thinking of what she wanted to say next. She didn't want to have to rewind. For once in her life she wanted to get a conversation right.

"Everyone makes mistakes Kate."

Kate shook her head stiffly "But this mistake? I should have never done what I did."

Max moved a bit more so she could hold Kate's hand and she asked once more for her friend to tell her. Then all too soon the story started and she wanted to cry for Kate before anger took over her own pain. She also felt the urge to do something so she could get back at Victoria and none other than Nathan Prescott. More of the story spilled out of Kate until she was practically frantic. Then it all came down to Kate asking her, asking Max what she should do.

I don't know. How could I know? I'm just Max and Kate…damnit Kate. Max furiously thought to herself as she decided on her answer.

"Don't go to the police, Kate. Not yet." Max said quietly

Kate just looked at Max stunned before she blew up in her own soft way. Her cracked voiced and tired tears still pouring out of her. The photographer felt so much guilt it physically hurt her and she tried to explain to Kate. How Nathan is practically invincible since his scum like family own almost of Blackwell. She hesitated on telling Kate about what had happened in the bathroom but she found her resolve. She let the story spill and she let her anger come out when she told Kate how principle Wells did nothing about it.

There was unbelievable amount of silence between them both and it just made Max's anxiety shoot up. Max watched silently looking into Kate's eyes and wondering if the girl was just going to kick her out. There was a long sigh that left her and Max had to grip the side of her arm to keep herself calm.

"Alright, Max."

Max felt one of her eyebrow raised but she rubbed it out quickly with her hand "I'm going to find proof Kate. I'm going to take Nathan down and everyone else who did this to you."

"Just- Do you still have my book?"

Max nodded "Want me to bring it to you?"

"Uhm- Y-yeah. Bring it after class."

"Kate? I'll be here for you, okay?"

The blonde gave as much of a smile as she could "You're a really great person, Max."

Max nodded before deciding that she should get out and head to class before she was called to the principal's office. Max scoffed to herself that useless and drunk of principal pretending to care. It was why she was hell bent on finding enough evidence that couldn't be pushed off to the side. Her hand touched the doorknob and Kate's voice came out more.


For once her full name didn't make her cringe it was maybe because of the way Kate said it "Yeah?"


Max didn't look back but she a let a full blown smile take over on her face as she walked out. She heard the door close behind her and she rushed the rest of the way out.

Though if she hadn't she would have heard the sobs that came out of Kate once more.

She would have seen how the video started to play once more.

She would have seen the weight that crushed Kate as Max left. Taking whatever hope she had just brought to Kate back.

She didn't know that Warren could talk so much.

It was just syllable after syllable her brain stopped processing things after he mentioned sodium phosphate hydro something whatever. Stella seemed to keep up pretty well and then the conversation turned to new gadgets. She could understand simple things like CPU and GPU but then they both got technical about it. She squinted to the clock in the front of the classroom and smiled to herself when there were only ten minutes left. Then it was off to her photography class.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she debated whether or not to answer it. She watched out for her teacher for a few seconds. When she turned to the board once more Max sneakily pulled out her phone pulling it out under her table. She ignored Warren's whispers as she found the text that was sent to her.

Chloe: Maximillian! Where r you dude?

Max shook her head peeking through her eyes to see if Ms. Grant had turned around. She didn't. So Max put her attention into replying quickly as possible.

Max: In class. Where else?

Chloe: I see ur still a smartass. My house after class?

Max: Sure. I'll call you when I'm done.

Max shoved her phone back into her pocket before she was caught and she felt it vibrate once more. Leave it to Chloe to not care that she was in class at the very moment and going on about something else. She loved her best friend she really did but even though they were both eighteen she had the feeling Chloe never grew up past fourteen or less. Then again it could have been her who had changed and not her best friend. She didn't really know anymore.

The bell shrilled out and everyone started to get up not waiting for the teacher to dismiss them. She got pretty annoyed when teachers said they dismissed class, not the bell. It only made everyone antsy and late to either their next class or the bus if they needed to take it.

"So-uhm, Max?" Warren stumbled out.

Max turned around putting her papers into her bag "Huh?"

"Wow. Does science really put you to sleep?"

Max shrugged "What's up?"

"Did you wanna catch this movie? Its tomorrow a little after class ends, it's pretty sick."

Max hesitated "Sorry, Warren. I just-I already have plans?"

"Oh…well. Its cool then. I will totally show you what you missed out on!" Warren said before quickly leaving the room.

Her phone buzzed again and Max knowing it was from Chloe ignored it once more. Really there was only more class before her entire day ended which only meant forty five minutes. She put her ear-buds in letting the music mute out the rest of her world. It was different to see the world with her personal music track waiting. She could walk by the couple that were jumping at each other without a second glance. When she would walk through the front of the school the trees and sky seemed so much more beautiful.

It was also the best way to keep from talking.

Max knew she wasn't the most vocal person. She found that sitting in the sidelines was what she was good at. Being the center of attention made Max feel tired just by thinking of it and she didn't consider herself a lazy person. It's when people have attention that they need to deal with others who feel entitled to share their opinions. Max Caulfield was not one made for confrontations which was ironic in her situation. Not wanting to be the center attention made her exactly one for Victoria Chase. It just trickled to everyone else around the school from there.

Only I get popular from wanting to be secluded Max mused to herself. It wasn't that she was anti-social either. She had her friends that came from different areas of life and had very different personalities. Dana and Warren were on different totem poles but had energy that lasted for days. Alyssa and Chloe had their outsider vibe yet one was oddly awkward and the other brashly loud. Then there was Kate who was quiet just like Max and yet they were for very different reasons. Even with all the differences they each had it all came down to the fact that they were good people with similar values. At least she hoped they were, Blackwell had a way with people sometimes.

The warning bell for being late to class rung and knocked Max out of her musings. She closed her locker making sure her camera was with her. She saw as Victoria and Courtney made their way down the class not missing the way Mr. Jefferson stiffened. She walked down herself holding in her sighs when her teacher pointed to his ears. She wished teachers would let music be a part of teaching it really helped some students focus.

As soon as the music came off her entire world seemed so bland and heavy. She looked around excited to see Kate but the blonde wasn't in her usual seat. She wearily looked over her at what could be called her arch nemesis. Max didn't like the cruel satisfaction that was on Victoria's face. She went to pull out her phone but Jefferson was quick to tell her to put it away as the rest of the class shuffled and so Max went to her seat. It didn't make her situation better when she knew the teacher was basically in front of her the entire time he taught.

She had the worst feeling.

Chloe didn't text her at this time she was now doping up because it helped deal with Max and her "Powers."

Warren was too busy staying after class with Ms. Grant.

What did I just do! Max thought to herself as she reached her hand up to rewind but her head screamed in protest. She let out a grunt catching the attention of a few students but she ignored them. Her leg started to bounce in anticipation when the bell rang for class and as always Mr. Jefferson started with his lesson. She turned to the window noticing that it had started to rain and she felt an even bigger weight. Time seemed to be going by so slow and then it all but jerked forward.

Kate was running in the rain.



She heard Victoria chuckle and her hand curled in anger feeling the bandage Kate had so nicely done for her crinkle. The amount of care she put into a silly little piece of white cloth… to Max herself. She knew she needed to get to Kate and raised her hand to be excused only for her great teacher to deny her.

Max's head went into overdrive as she thought about Kate and everything started to pile up. Masden practically bullying her, Victoria and her posse always harassing Kate. Yesterday when Kate had went to Jefferson and left crying pushing because her teacher was actually an A grade asshole. Rewinding had a way of showing another side to people and it was sickening Max to know that little fact.

Her whole body started to shake as she felt her bag around her shoulder. The October Country against her side in her bagfeeling like a fire that set her off. The bandage she rubbed softly because it was reminding her that she could do something too. That she could care for Kate too. Then all too suddenly a jock came in hollering about something going down at the girls dormitory.

Max was the first one out.


I didn't really hear of Life Is Strange until I saw it everywhere and I just fell for it. The music, the characters and the anxiety of choosing something. I had seen playthrough's for all the episodes out and I bought the first episode to play it myself and eventually the rest. (Though I am the worst at choosing. Still haven't finished the first episode even with me knowing most of the outcomes already.

I also shipped/ship Chloe and Max because their friendship was/is oddly close (it has that vibe you know?) (There's also Chasefield/Maximum Victory which is just something I never thought of.) One other thing...I was confused because in the game Victoria's eyes look brown to me. Yet when I searched everything told me blue? Maybe my eyes aren't working right.

Then? Then Kate Marsh happened in every single way and so this happened because of it.

The conversations aren't the same I didn't want to repeat from the game. It'll be A/U in most aspects. I will update this but I'm not sure how often i'm trying to finish four others. But please leave your thoughts if you'd like, I always like reading them.

I really hope I did them justice.

I hope you enjoyed.

Until Next Time!