Disclaimer: I own nothing of Kim Possible.

Part-Time Sidekicks

By: Imyoshi

And the day had started off so well too.

Why? Why did she always go along his half brained schemes? Didn't the warning lights in her head go off any time when Drakken was explaining his foolproof plan to her? Crossing dimensions! Playing with mad technology! Messing with the fabric of reality—yadda, yadda. Seriously, sometimes Shego wondered who actually deserved the fault sometimes. Because it was starting to look like she was for always following along Drakken's idiotic plans.

Crossing the wavelengths of the Pan Dimensional Vortex Inducer plus the Dimensional Compiler couldn't even begin to spell out the world of trouble that the idea had.

For a so called genius, Drakken could be pretty damn stupid.

Now holding on to her life, or at least she presumed that's what was at stake, Shego had her catlike claws embedded into the floor of the lair as high velocity winds sucked and threatened to consume her and what she could see, Team Possible whole. The maddening vortex Drakken opened by accident didn't even seem to be letting down either.

It just continued to pull them in.

And judging by the way her grip seemed to be. Shego knew she had little time left.

Sighing for the last time, her eyes scanned towards where Drakken was, in his control room, tinkering with the controls and what she figured a feeble attempt to stop the madness. At least the guy seemed to care. That's a plus, somewhat. She then eyed Kimmie and the sidekick as the grappling hair dryer seemed to be the only thing keeping them safe at the moment.

Shego momentarily pouted, angry.


Hearing the pavement giving way, Shego at one last attempt tried to claw forward.


It was a futile effort, she knew.


But damn it to hell, she'll go down fighting!


Having lost her grip, her mind raced as she felt her body advanced towards the portal. Thoughts and memories came and gone, but one thing remained true. Shego was evil—plain and simple. And if she is going to go down into an unknown vortex of doom, she'll damn hell make sure to take someone with her.

Not thinking too hard on it, her hand lit ablaze as she aimed at the grappling that the teens held onto. Her smirk immediately formed and she hurled her plasma at them. Didn't matter which one it hit... as long as it hit one. Just one.

"See you on the flipside!" Shego taunted, the vortex swallowing her.

And that's when Ron saw the plasma coming towards them, towards him. And he knew he couldn't dodge it. Instinct took over before Ron knew what was happening and let go of the rope. He quickly tossed Rufus over to Kim, already drowning out her screams of disbelief, and dodging Shego's attack. Ron watched as Kim's face scrunched up in sadness.

He hated that look.

"Later KP," Ron grinned more for her than himself.

The vortex then swallowed Ron and shrank into nothing. Vortex gone, the lair started to collapse around Kim. And the hero girl barely made it out before the entire ceiling collapsed on the mad machine that pulled in Ron and Shego.

Kim couldn't have reached for her kimmunicator fast enough.


They couldn't see. It was dark. And they lost track of time.

Time passed differently in the vortex. Ron and Shego didn't know whether if a minute or hour passed. All they could do at the moment was feel and Shego and Ron didn't know exactly how to describe what they were feeling. At some point it felt as if their molecules were getting torn apart. Then it would go to light nothingness. Then back to feeling the molecule pain again. Either way, neither of them could speak. Their voices were muffled in the vortex. And they couldn't move.

Nothing—the two sidekicks could do nothing.

Distracted by everything, Ron's mystical monkey power exhausted itself while trying to hold him together and even Shego's comet power was quickly burning itself out together along his.

That tearing molecule induced pain was in fact such. Any other person would've died already in the vortex. Their powers were the only thing keeping them together, alive. And none of them would ever realize how truly grateful they were to have them as they burned away.

Finally the pain stopped after what seemed like forever, and the sidekicks allowed themselves to relax, hurting still. They barely had time to breathe a sigh of relief when a light in the distance caught their attention. Whatever the light was, it was closing in fast. Shego barely had time to look at Ron's scared face before the light surrounded them and she would admit, she too was afraid.


Drip, drip, drip

Light drips of water were hitting her face, slowly waking Shego up from unconsciousness. Groaning, she slowly sat up, her body still hurting immensely. The water continued to rain down. Luckily for her, it was a light rain, but a rain nevertheless and Shego didn't feel like getting a cold anytime soon. She practically had to force herself to sit, gripping her side stubbornly. Every part of her felt sore and her wet hair was starting to get in her eyes.

When she finally sat up, her eyes slightly narrowed, she felt different. Not herself.

"Uh... I hate the rain." a voice behind her called out. "It's always so wet."

Turning around, Shego pushed her thoughts back. Different can wait.

Across from her, Ron was trying to sit up, clearly in pain as well. She stared at him for quite a bit, watching as the rain damped his body. When he finally sat up, Ron looked around, pushing his wet hair back.

"Where are we?"

A good question.

Wanting an answer, she looked around and found only grass and a few trees close by. There seemed to be a wall off to the far corner, but that's all she could see thanks to a thick fog. The clouds of course were gray thanks to the rain which had been steadily picking up, blurring her vision.

"Beats me, Stoppable," she slowly answered, finally getting up.

"Shego!" Ron yelled, surprised.

He stared at her wide eyed, not expecting her of all people to answer and Shego still found the energy in her to smirk at the panic sound of his voice. She loved bringing the fear out of people.

"The one and only," she taunted, flipping back her wet hair. "Try not to wear my name out."

Panic dying, Ron sighed, finally getting up as well. The pain in their bodies seemed to be going away and neither wanted to stay in the rain anymore. Besides, Ron couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt different—way different.

And he felt relieved. It didn't seem that Shego wanted to fight at the moment. But that relief was very short lived as more rain pelted down on him.

"Great," Ron started. "We don't know where we are, it's cold and I'm wet."

Shego merely rolled her eyes, "Calm down sidekick. Don't go all Drakken on me. Just call that nerd you and princess always talk to. I'm pretty sure he knows where we're at."

Stunned, Ron eventually grinned at her, "You're right! I'm pretty sure Wade can track us."


Shego watched as the sidekick searched his pockets for the kimmunicator, stopping every second to wipe his hair away from his face. She couldn't help but do another eye roll before dragging him angrily to one of the trees close by. Ron grinned at her as thanks, but she glared back.

Besides, Shego was all too happy to get out of the rain.

Finally Ron found his kimmunicator and tried to contact Wade. The way his face went from eagerness to a slight panic set Shego off. Her stomach clenched a bit at his repeated button mashing. And then her stomach churned when she heard the tale-tale sounds of static. Ron eventually stopped playing with the device and stared at her, trying to smile.

"Hehe, it's not working."

"Are you sure," she doubted.

Ron pushed each button once to show her nothing but a signal searching screen coming up over and over again.

He was sure and that only got Shego mad.

Turning towards the tree to not attack Ron, she prepared to burn off her frustrations. Imagine her surprise when her hand wouldn't light up with plasma. Not even a single burst of flame came forth. Shego couldn't even feel any warmth coming from her hand. No heat. No pulse. No power. No nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Staring at her hand in disbelief, she didn't notice that Ron was gazing harder at her now, the rain no longer in his eyes, nor did she notice he stepped closer towards her. All she did was try not to panic.


She turned to see the worried face of the sidekick. His eyes seemed to be concentrating harder on her for some reason and he even seemed a little more tentative than usual. Her eyes screamed out what and Ron found the courage to step forward again. He hesitantly held out the kimmunicator towards her.

"Your skin, Shego," Ron breathed. "It's barely green anymore."

Now she began to panic.

"Gimmie that!" she swiped the kimmunicator from his hands.

Staring at the reflective screen, right away she got what he meant. Ron was right. Her skin barely had any of her previous green glow. She almost looked very pale if anything else. There was still green somewhere in there and her eyes still had their greenish shine. But damn it! This is not her skin color.

It's not.

Slowly, she gently touched her face, running her fingers down her cheek. Her panic out of nowhere quickly turned to anger and this time Shego did hit the tree with full force—barely causing a dent in the bark.

Her hand hurt.

It wasn't supposed to hurt.

Shego's eyes narrowed. Her attack seemed too light and slow for her liking and now she was beginning to notice she felt a little heavier. Her hand was hurting and her plasma gone. If there was ever a time for her to freak out, now would be the time.

Instead she chose to remain silent.

And for a while both the sidekicks stood there, the rain the only sound to keep them company. Ron could only stare at Shego who had her head down, her wet hair hiding her face. Shego on the other hand kept grinding her teeth, thinking. Her arm started shaking to keep itself up.

Soon her hand slowly fell away from the bark, and she tossed Ron back the kimmunicator without so much as a word.

Ron didn't even catch it on time.

The silence between them eventually died when Ron pointed towards the direction of the wall.

"Hey," he tried to lighten the mood. "Why don't we go see where we're at? Maybe someone could help us?"

If she heard him, she didn't say anything.

Out of options for now, Shego sighed. She flipped her hair back to avoid anymore in her face and decided to humor the sidekick. Ron tried to give her a smile, but one glare stopped that.

Walking out in the rain again, Ron noticed his steps seemed sluggish. His body didn't move as fast it normally did and he was pretty sure Shego was on the same boat. Even he saw how sad her last attack was on that poor unsuspecting tree. Hell, that tree won the fight.

"Where do you think we are?" Ron asked, staring off to the side.

Slowly they could make out a brick wall past the fog. It wasn't very tall. More like just for design over use if anything. They still couldn't see over it, but a brick wall meant someone had to have built it.

Shego pouted in response, "If we're lucky. In a town."

Having reached the brick wall and both of them accustom to sneaking around, they tried to jump over the ledge. The running start proved useless as neither of them got more than a foot off the ground. They hit the wall hard before falling back down to a muddy floor.

Ron was the first to get up, rubbing his head in pain.

"Ow," he moaned. "What just happened?"

"I liked to know that too." Shego agreed, getting up and moving to go check the wall.

She trailed her fingers down it and found nothing special about it. It was just a simple brick wall. Glaring, Shego tried to jump towards the edge when the problem came back. At first she ignored it, trying to jump over. It didn't work.

And it wasn't the wall.

"Stoppable!" Ron looked over to a jumping Shego.

"What are you—?"

"Just shut up and try jumping as high as you can!" she cut in. Ron stared for a minute before joining in.

Neither of them got more than a foot off the ground.

Getting tired way too quickly, they stopped. The rain was hitting harder down now much to their dismay.

"You noticed it too right?" Of course Ron noticed it.

"Yea, this is getting kinda freaky."

Shego looked towards the now tall looking wall. Something wasn't right here. The gravity she assumed was much stronger here, wherever here was and she felt slower, much slower. That running start they had was just pathetic. And it's not just her, she's pretty sure Stoppable noticed as well.

Her powers were gone and Ron couldn't contact their nerd friend for help. It was raining down hard on them. Freaky was definitely a good place to start.

"You took the words right out of my mouth."


It took them the better part of an hour of following the wall to find the entrance. They would've found it sooner, but Ron's initial panic kicked in sometime between half an hour and and a little after that. And it took Shego a bit of non-comforting words and occasional hit to slap some confidence back into him.

Shego wasn't going to admit it, but she was scared.

And she needed Ron for she had a sneaky suspicion that they weren't exactly home anymore. That, or the vortex really messed them up somehow and she needed that nerd's help to fix them. Either way, Stoppable was to not leave her field of vision anytime soon.

"So," Ron trailed, staring at a sign. "We were in a park the entire time?"

Shego remained impassive. It didn't matter if they were in a park. Ok, maybe it did. At least she knew they were somewhere that had civilization, but that didn't explain in the least of their lack of skills. She was glad that at least the rain stopped. Sure they were still wet, but damn it, she needed to find something good to hold onto.

"Looks like it," she finally answered.

Turning around, the fog started to clear up and she could make out the outlines of buildings a couple of hundred feet ahead of them. The sky around them had darkened.

"So what now?" Ron asked.

"We go find the nearest newspaper stand," when he didn't ask why, Shego added. "So we could figure out exactly where we are."

She walked off and Ron having no better option, followed. Apparently Shego's done something like this before. He guessed being on the run a lot from the law would do that to a person.

Ron suddenly pointed out in the distance.

"Hey look! There's other people!"

He was right.

Finally they reached other people bustling along in rain cloaks and such, going along their merry way. Some happened to be on phones, others subtly stared at the two covered in water, but most passed them without much of a glance. Basically everyday normal people.

Neither of the sidekicks noticed they felt a calming weight being tossed off their chest.

Seeing other people felt good.

"I think I'm gonna go ask them where I can find a newspaper?" Ron pointed at a passing nearby couple.

"Yea, you go do that. I'll be here," Shego shrugged. "Don't take too long!"

If only Shego could've seen the sidekick roll his eyes, she might have smirked at him.

A few minutes later, Ron came back running towards her, grinning and all.

"They said down the block is where we'll find one," he pointed towards the direction they gave him.

She nodded and followed the direction the couple gave them. During the walk, the sidekicks noticed the buildings seemed to be compacted together, open late, very businesslike. Most likely or not they happened to be in the busy section of the town they found themselves at.

They continued to walk forward towards the news stand when Shego nudged Ron in the ribs. He looked over to see her mouth out keep walking before agreeing to play along. An angry Shego was not something he wanted to deal with at the moment.

Passing the newsstand, Ron ignored the way the man stared at them. Probably had something to do with the way they were dressed. Who could blame him? You don't see many jumpsuit, mission outfit wearing people that much normally anyways.

Half a block away, Shego opened the newspaper she stole. Her eyes scanned over the words at every corner.

"Shego," Ron paused, looking confused. "Where did you get that newspaper?"

"I took it," she answered simply.

"Without paying?"

"No, I put it on my tab... of course I took it without paying!" she flicked him on the head. "Don't be stupid."

Ron grumbled something unintelligible under his breath and Shego didn't have the tendency to care. She looked over the date and found nothing scary about it. The words were in English and the stories as garbage as any other newspaper would print.

But she felt that she had over looked something important.

"Hey," Ron wondered. "I've never heard of Yono before?

"What," Shego turned over to glare at him. "What are you talking about? What the hell is Yono?"

He pointed at the newspaper headline, the name of the country that the printed newspaper was for. Shego's eyes narrowed a bit more as she couldn't recall any country being called Yono. In fact, she knew damn well that there was no country called Yono.

Folding the newspaper up at coming to a frightening conclusion, Shego pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping to dear whatever it was that she was wrong. Dead, dead, wrong.

Ron could watch as she just stood there, quiet. Eventually she breathed and looked at him, face hard.

"A bank."

"What?" Ron asked, lost.

"A bank," she repeated. "We need to find a bank, now."

It wasn't up to debate and after asking a random person passing them in the streets, they soon found themselves in front of a bank. Ron hadn't asked any questions the entire way, something she was a bit grateful for. Their clothes had dried half way between wet and dry. And Shego was starting to feel a bit self conscious at all the people openly staring at them as they passed them in the streets.

The sidekick however didn't seem to care.

"So what are doing at a bank, Shego?" Ron asked her, hands in his pocket.

She didn't answer—Shego couldn't. This bank. This place! She's never heard of it. Never ever even seen it before. And in her profession, that's not a good thing. Shego's been around the world more times than she could count. She's seen the good and bad of society. Traveled to towns not on any maps and even opened up many fake names for herself.

And right now, none of that mattered anymore.


For the first time in years she felt like crying.

Why did the princess's sidekick have to be so dense sometimes? And why did it seem so unfair too.

Why couldn't he see the big picture?

"Don't you get it?" she whispered, like she couldn't believe even her own words. Ron still took a step back, "Drakken screwed us over. His stupid invention or whatever sent us somewhere. Where? I don't know. But I can tell you this... it's not home."

Ron didn't know how to react. Maybe pity? It could be a good place start as he watched Shego fall into a familiar battle stance to unleash some pent up fury, only to be reminded she couldn't ignite her hands. Don't get him wrong, he heard the words she said. Even they hit him dead center.

It must be his kind nature getting to him again, but Ron didn't like to see people sad. Even if it was Shego and even if she didn't exactly look sad. Ron knew she was hurting inside.

"Hey," Ron stepped forward, giving her his best smile as she stared at the ground, shaking. "We'll find a way out of this."

From the looks of it, she didn't believe him.

"Oh give it a rest, Stoppable," she grumbled, arms totally crossed. "We are trapped."

"So," he countered. "I've been in many traps before and look at me, totally fine still." Shego didn't share in his enthusiasm, so it was time for a different approach. "C'mon, we can't just give up!"

"Oh yea," she challenged. "If your nerdy friend can't even find us, then what hope do we have?"

Ron stopped, hating how her words affected him. But she had one hell of a point.

If Wade couldn't reach him by the kimmunicator, the smartest guy on their planet, then what chance did they have? Ron didn't even want to think about the numbers anymore. Math was never his best subject anyways.

"We can't just give up," he says weakly. It's all he's got.

Shego didn't know why she felt a little guilty, thought to have squashed that emotion a long time ago, but she was. Here she was yelling at the poor sidekick who was only trying to lift her spirits. And judging by the sitch they currently found themselves in, Shego already knew that Ron was probably the only familiar face she had left here.

Sighing for who knows what number today, she finds herself pushing her hair back.

"Maybe you're right?" Shego agrees somewhat. "But I'm not seeing much of a chance here."

"It's better than nothing," he grins and Shego smirks lightly in response.

They stand there, watching a few cars pass by. The sky was only getting darker and judging by the time on a nearby street clock, it's close to 7. Ron quietly runs his hand through his hair, staring wide eyed at her.

"So what now?"

That's a very good question.

Stoppable is on a roll with those.

Thinking, Shego glares off in the distance, trying to remember sitches that somewhat resemble scenarios like this. They don't even come close, but it's better than nothing.

Gotta start somewhere.

And thanks to past experiences, she has a good idea where to start.

"Can you connect that kimmunicator of yours to a computer?" she finally asks.

Ron grins in response and searches his pockets, "I should have a wire on me somewhere... here it is!"

Shego smirks a little. It's a start.

"C'mon," she walks off. "We gotta find the nearest library. We can connect the kimmunicator into one of the computers they have there."

"Uh, we better hurry then, the kimmunicator doesn't have that much battery!" Ron tells her, turning off the device.

"Can't you charge it?"

"No," he answers sadly. "The kimmunicator takes a special type of battery that last for years." Ron looks at the device. "I think that portal we went through burned it out?"


"Then let's hurry it up, Stoppable!"


More asking of random people later and before long, Ron and Shego enter a public library. Luckily they made it an hour before it closed.

Choosing a computer farthest away from prying eyes, Shego leads Ron into a corner. They don't have a library card, but Shego figures if the kimmunicator is all it's cracked up to be, they won't need one.

Plugging the device in, they wait for the kimmunicator to connect and luck would have it, it did. Shego immediately goes to work, using the super computer to hack into government records. The place may be different, but the technology was overall still the same.

"What are you doing?"

Not taking her eyes off the screen or the battery gauge either, Shego continues to hack the system.

"Making us some ID cards, putting some of our info and fake info into the system," she comments offhandedly. "And trying to get us the proper certificates of residence we need."

"You could do that from right here?"

"No," she answers. "We still need to go to a ward office to pick them up. It'll just be easier if we have proof that we live here. I'm changing some details too. Like for instance," she smirks. "You're no longer 17. Congrats, sidekick, you just became 19."

"What?" Ron cries. "And why would you do that?"

She actually stops hacking to turn, rest her arm on the back of the chair, and stare at him with the most nonchalant gaze he's ever seen.

"You want to go back to high school?"

The blood in his veins runs cold at the thought of entering a high school this late. Hell, just the thought of going to high school period make him want throw up. Shego doesn't even have to move as Ron moves her himself, adding a light massage to her shoulders.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Shego!" Ron nervously grins. "Get to hacking."

Of course he could see that smirk of hers and of course he did nothing about it either.


Ron's grin melts as he hears that sound. He frowns at the familiar noise.

"You better hurry up, Shego," Ron quickly says. "The kimmunicator is going to die soon."

She figured that and kept on going. Adding as much possible information about them—good fake information. She even goes as far as to make them library profiles. Something relatively simple as 1-2-3 for the passwords and using their own names for the usernames. Having a library account could only benefit them at the moment.

She finishes just as the devices goes dead and Shego sighs in relief and falls back into the chair, legs out and arms resting on the arm rest.

Ron grabs the chair next to him and waits for her to say something. A few minutes in, she does. For a split moment there's a smile on her face before it turns into her smirk and Ron wonders if it was even there to begin with.

"I finished it," she sits up on her chair, logging into the computer. "I put enough fake info to get us started. Your login is your name and the password is 1-2-3."

Ron stares down at the dead kimmunicator he's holding. "So what do we do now?"

"For now," she shrugs, opening up a web browser. "I'm going to search up this world we are in. You do the same. We'll go pick up our IDs later."

Ron doesn't see a reason to argue and gets right to it. He quickly logs in and opens something called Firewolf considering all the other folders didn't seem like internet browsers. He quickly tries to access the one website that means anything to him—Kim's website

And the search bar comes up with nothing. Depressed, Ron fights the urge to bang his head against the desk. Then it hits him. He looks up for just Kim Possible, but again nothing. Then for Possible family name, but the same results come up. Even his own family name is gone in this world.

Heck, Middleton wasn't even listed as a known place. Neither was Smarty Mart or Bueno Nacho.

"Ok," Ron thought. "No need to panic. So my family or KP's really don't exist here. There's no Bueno Nacho or even a Smarty Mart. It's just me and Shego here."

The thought of it just being them seem to finally hit Ron and he has slight trouble breathing. He gets over it quickly enough, having been use to weird sitches already, but this one still takes the naco.

Different worlds, heh, go figure.

Looking over, Ron can see that Shego was busy, her eyes glued to the screen as her fingers typed away furiously at the keyboard. She seemed totally focused. On what... don't ask him.

Looking back at his screen, Ron glared. Horrible sitch or not, he couldn't give up. He needed to find a way back home and in order to do that, Ron needed to learn more about this world. Maybe he could look up some famous heroes and get them to help?

It seemed like a good plan.

Of course his plan totally backfired when all the searches for heroes came up with games and comics. He tried to find info on current real life heroes, but they all came up dead. It was almost as if the concept of heroes or even super villains for that matter didn't exist at all, except in people's imagination.

Shocked at what he found, Ron thought hard.

They couldn't jump over a simple 8 foot wall. All their movements seemed slowed to an excessive point. Shego didn't have her normal strength. No heroes or super villains existed here. And people stared at them funny for the outfits they wore.

Ok that last one didn't count, but the other ones totally did.

And when he finally reached his conclusion, Ron does bang his head onto the desk.

"What's wrong with you?"

He turned his head over to see Shego barely passing him a glance.

"I just found out this world doesn't have any heroes," Ron answered, sitting up again. "No heroes. No villains... no mad scientist or anything. Everyone here is just normal."

Her fingers stopped typing at an audible click. The words taking their time to sink in and when they did, her hands slowly formed tight fist.

A world without heroes or villains?

It's a long time before either of them says a word to each other, but Shego's the first to speak.

"You're not lying are you?" she doesn't even need to look over to know the answer. "Damn, I'll be honest. I was kinda hoping on some mad scientist to get us out of this mess."

Ron laughed a bit, having been in a similar mindset.

Shego finally opened the fists she formed and turned to look at him, slightly calm.

"Well, I learned a little too while we're at it. Look at this," she points at the screen and Ron looks over to see a miss matched of continents surrounded by multiple oceans. "This is what the Earth currently looks like here, you know, compared to ours. And this," she points at an island far from the other continents, "is where we are at. An island called Yono."

"After going through what this island is known for, toys, games, and such," she continues. "I say we practically landed in the Japan of their world."

"Japan?" Ron repeats.

She nods, "Yea, I'm just going to call this place Japan."

"Did you learn anything else?"

Shego pushes her chair back, kicking her feet up, and folds her head behind her back. She stares at Ron almost totally uninterested, but the sidekick could see a sadistic gleam in her eyes.

"Yea, I did," she smirks lazily. "How much money do you have on you?"



Walking out in some more comfortable and less attention grabbing clothing, the sidekicks stepped out of Club Orange, dressed to laze around. Luckily for them, money seemed to be the same here, small differences existing here and there, but not enough to see unless if you specially are looking for them.

"I hate you so much right." Ron seethed, dressed in his new red shirt and combo pants and holding all the bags.

"Good, you should hate me." Shego grinned.

Ron didn't know why, but that grin of hers was wrong. Way wrong. So wrong that it sent him bad road signs every second.

A grinning Shego actually seemed more like a slap to the face than a smirking one.

Somehow it pulled together the power of a smirk, the superiority of a mock, an innocent smile that he wouldn't believe in a million years, and even the force of her eye rolls all in one.

"C'mon, Stoppable!" Shego yelled. "We still need to go get our ids before the ward office closes."

Ron sighed; at least she was in a good mood. Clothes always did that to woman, especially if they came out someone else's wallet.

Glaring, he ran to catch up with her.


Exiting out the ward office after waiting several pain staking minutes of hoping for the paper work to go through, they stepped out with their new IDs. Since no one else even came close to having names similar to Shelia Go and Ron Stoppable, Shego had decided not to change their names in the system.

Next on their stop was the estate agency.

Ron was about to ask how they could even afford a down payment on any place when Shego produced many wallets from the Club Orange bag on the way there.

Ron could only stare in complete amazement as she took the wads of cash out of each and every one of them, before tossing them carelessly into a nearby trash bin.

Normally pick pocketing is an easy thing for Shego to do, but in reality, picking someone's pocket in this world had required a lot of effort. Her reflexives just weren't there. And she doubted she would've gotten any if the sidekick hadn't tripped on a clothes rack in Club Orange, attracting a crowd of people to laugh at him.

Laughing people tended to not keep track of their personal surroundings, too focused on the objects of their amusement.

Ha! Poor suckers!

"Shego?" Ron called.

Shego stopped to look at Ron's unusual pained face. Her eyes scrunched up into a look of small annoyance as she rested her hand on her hip.

"What is it, Stoppable? The agency is going to close soon if we don't hurry it up."

"Well, I was wondering," her brows rose. "Are we, you know, moving in together or living in separate buildings?"

Her look of annoyance ceased and she actually had the audacity to remain calm at his worried tone. Before Ron could even figure out what was happening, she hit in on the back of the head, like he said something completely idiotic.

"Didn't I tell you already to stop being stupid, Stoppable?" she demanded. "Of course we're moving in together! I gotta keep my eye on you and make sure you don't blow our cover. We are not exactly, normal. And I doubt the government would let us walk around here if they figure that out."

Ron looked offended, "You think I'll just go and blow our cover living by myself?"

Her expression didn't change.

"Ok... maybe I would," he trailed, agreeing. "But that doesn't mean you have to hit me!"

Shego leaned forward, "Read my lips, Stoppable. I'm evil."

"That still doesn't mean you got to be rude too."

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed him by shoulder, pulling him along. Sometimes there was no use in arguing with Ron Stoppable. She should know after dealing with him on a regular basis.

On the plus side, at least the real estate agency was open late.


"Since you don't have much for a down payment, I'm afraid this is all you two could afford at the moment," the real estate agent told them, clipboard in hand.

If Shego needed to describe the place he showed them... the words would be between the lines of unpleasant and down right horrible. A single roomed apartment fit with the latest dirty windows you could find and stocked full to the brim with nothing. Sweet, sweet, nothing. And if that didn't hook them, the peeling paint on both the walls and ceiling sure did.

Oh how she wished she had her powers. Burning this place down almost seemed like she would be doing this damn neighborhood a favor. Raising property and whatnot, but alas, it's the only place they could afford to put a down payment at the moment. Stealing all those guys' wallets didn't actually supply them with much income.

In fact, the sidekicks were basically broke at this point.

No real choice, and with no real time either, Shego moaned softly, feeling a headache already coming along. How far the mighty have fallen has never sounded so true before. And to top it all off, her—their stomach growled in protest. The day's events were finally catching up to them and what a day it has been. They had been so preoccupied with trying to figure out what to do, that they completely skipped out on any sort of meal.

"So what do you two think?" asked the real estate agent.

Shego's eyes narrowed dangerously and hell, even Ron's too. What did they think? What did they think! Trust them; he didn't want to know what they thought. Best to leave before the two sidekicks get any angrier.

Instead of even giving the guy a worded response, Shego held her hand out, waiting for him to drop the keys into her hands. Damn it. They really have fallen so low. It actually hurt her pride more than any fight she lost to Kimmie. At least then, Shego was fighting a person with an arsenal of 16 styles of kung-fu under her mission belt. This... this was just sad.

Sensing the growing tension in the air, the man quickly handed her the keys, bowed swiftly, and ran out the door, not even bothering to close it. Ron could only think of how rude the guy was. Who just leaves the door open when they leave someone's one room apartment? The nerve of some people, honestly.

At least he spoke English. Thank naco the people around here spoke English.

Shutting the door, Ron looked over to see Shego lazily dropping Club Orange bags on the floor with her along with them. Couldn't say he blamed her. Ron was about ready to crash after these long hours of aimless walking and forced learning.

"What are you staring at?"

Ron blinked in surprise, not noticing he had been staring at all in the first place. He smiled lightly as an apology and Shego merely rolled her eyes at him.

"Nothing," he answered, "Just a little hungry."

"Yea," she added," me too. I could go for some food. Even Drakken's Cocoa Moo sounds pretty good right about now and before you ask... don't ask."

Fair enough.

"Do you have any cash left from those guys' pockets you picked?" Ron asked.

She shrugged, digging through her own pocket before pulling out a small wad of cash. The smirk she had was small, but it was still her's.

"I got about 200 dollars left, give or take a little less," she said. "I'm too lazy to count right now."

Ron nodded, that was reasonable. They could definitely go get some fast food with that amount of cash. It would last them a few nights, but Ron wondered how they would survive when their money dried up.

"And I'm too lazy to walk too," Shego added, tossing him a few bills. "Go get us some food, would ya? I don't care what it is."

If there was ever an appropriate time for Ron to roll his eyes, it would be now. Definitely now.

He didn't though, not in the mood to fight anymore today. Ron just simply grabbed a spare key and left. The sooner he got the food, the sooner he could eat, fall asleep, and maybe wake up from this nightmare—hopefully.

Being alone for the first time today, Ron thoughts finally caught back up to him and he had to fight back tears.

What the hell happened!

How did all this happen?

And where did it all go wrong?

Ron wanted to blame Shego for trying to fry him earlier at Drakken's lair, but he didn't have the heart. Call it a sidekick thing. He just couldn't. Now blaming an incompetent Dr. Drakken, that was something he had no problem doing.

"Stupid Drakken and his stupid plans for world domination," Ron complained to no one, arms in the air. "Couldn't just be a dentist! Nooo... he had to be a mad scientist bent on world conquest."

Ron eventually stopped his rant at the first fast food place he could find and stopped to blink at the name.

"Slap in the Box? What a weird name for a restaurant... at least I hope it's a restaurant."


When Ron returns home with the food, he didn't expect to see Shego staring out their dirty window. He actually wonders what she's staring at. What's there to look at? The moon isn't even out there. And he doubted she liked star gazing. Didn't really seem like a Shego thing.

When he drops the food onto floor, Shego finally turns to look at him and when he sees her face, the color began to drain away from his. For once, Shego actually looked nervous. There's a look of defeat in her eyes. And there's no glare, no smirk, no... evil. Everything about her seemed very tense. And she seemed to be even fighting with herself at whatever was bothering her.

Ron sits and just waits until she's ready to talk, figuring whatever she had to say wouldn't be the end of the world.

How wrong he was.

"I think... we need to get part-time jobs."

Author Notes: Premise based off an anime.