Maybe in another life
There will be a lot of side ships, pinecest, wendip, wenrob. The main ships will be… you'll find out.
Soundtrack is centuries by fall out boy and wolf in sheep's clothing by set it off.
Gideon stared at the bars of his cell from across the room. He leaned against the wall. Thumping his fingers on the scratchy sheets of his bed the teen thought about the Pines twins. That is to say, what they did to get him locked away.
He sighed, looking at the pictures of Mabel, both the ones he'd drawn and the ones he'd managed to get from his prison connections. Gideon ran a hand through his shorn hair, contemplating.
It'd only been five years, three months, a week, and five hours since he'd been carted away. Most of the time he'd been thinking about the perfect revenge for the Pines family. The rest of the time he'd though about Mabel. His queen. His world. She deserved a special kind of attention. He'd devoted a large portion of today thinking of her, and the ways he'd make her…
Gideon took a slow, deep breath, and let it out, just as slow. He'd thought just as much on Dipper fucking pines. That manipulative demon boy! Twisting his sweet darlin'. It wasn't Mabel's fault that she'd let her brother turn her against her one true soulmate. We'll see what he'd do when his sister wasn't around. He'll show his true colors then.
A shadow passed the irritated teen. The sheriff. The fat man turned to the boy in the cell. "You have a visitor, gleeful." Gideon perked up. "Why, sheriff, I do believe you've made yourself a lil' old friend," The boy said with his trademark grin.
The sheriff in question turned to unlock the cell, a pair of handcuffs in the other hand. "Hands up front." The teen obliged with a huff, tired of this one trick pony. The former psychic let himself be led to the visitors' area. In his personal booth be sat down, the customary coffee and a buttered honey biscuit awaited him. Lil' Gideon sat down and took a sip of the coffee. Eh, tepid. "Thomas, could you get me a fresh cup, please."
With that small Hendrix absolved the teen turned toward his visitor. "Hey, piggy." Bill cipher said from behind the glass, tapping his fingers. Gideon eyes bulged.
"Hello, Uncle William." The demons eyes widened, then he smiled. "I just couldn't help but visit my favorite lil' nephew!" Gideon chuckled. He waved his hand. "Ah, my coffee. Would you care for some, Uncle?" The young man shook his head.
"Why are you here, William?" The triangle demon had the audacity to look offended. Batting his uncovered eye he said, "Why my sweet Gideon, why would I come here if I didn't want to sit and talk to my favorite boy in the whole state of Oregon?"
The boy in question rolled his eyes. "Listen, kid. Word is the Pines twins are back in Gravity falls and Mabel has herself a new sweetheart." Gideon eyes bulged. How dare she?!
The blonde leaned in, smirking. "I just thought you'd want to know since you're interested in the girl." The blanchette's eye twitched. "Of course I'm interested in my sweet marshmella, you know that, Billy." The boy said, emphasizing the nickname. "Watch it, kid. I'd thought you might be interested in my proposition, but I guess not."
The triangle demon started to get up. Gideon slammed his hand against the glass separating them. "Wait! I'll listen!" The boy shrieked desperately. He couldn't stand the thought of anyone but himself with Mabel. Her brother had probably twisted their relationship into something sick and unnatural. He shuddered.
The demon flicked his honey colored hair out of his face. Smiling as the room slowly leaked grey, he began, "I think you and I both want the same thing! The destruction of the pines family." Gideon smiled. This was very good. He'd have everything he'd ever wanted: Mabel, the shack, a humiliated Stanford.
Bill winked. This kid really was as desperate as he'd planned. A regular puppet on strings. It probably wouldn't hurt to give him what he wanted for now.
I know it's not much but I hope you like it. What you think really makes a difference. I'd love to know what you think will happen. Give suggestions, point out faults, errors, ect. And remember:
Reality is an illusion
The universe is a hologram
Buy hold bye!