The Mightiest Disciple 1/2


(A/N: Takes place near the begining of Kenichi, but after the end of Ranma)

"We're back!" Announced a certain young man with a pigtail. Ranma and Akane had just returned to the Tendo Dojo from, a surprisingly, uneventful day at school. The pair entered the family room to see all three of the adults seated around the table. Genma(who's in Panda form) and Soun both had displeased looks on their faces. Nodoka however, had an expression comparable to excitement.

"Ranma!" greeted Nodoka. "You're just in time," she said. "I have some good news," Nodoka added.

"What news Mom?" Ranma asked.

"I'm just gonna leave you guys alone," Akane said heading upstairs.

"After that incident where those three girl's all but destroyed our house here in Nerima, I've been, house hunting as it were, for a while now," Nodoka started. "I'm pleased to announce that Genma and I have found a really nice new home that we can afford," she finished up.

Ranma smiled brightly. "Wow Mom, that's great," he said.

"Hold it Son. There's more." read the sign of Panda Genma.

"Meaning?" Ranma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ranma, our new house is in a different district than Nerima," Nodoka explained, her expression slightly fading. "That means, you'll also have to change schools," she concluded.

There was a small moment of silence between Ranma and the grown-ups. Finally, Ranma said with a chuckle, "Heh, is that all? I thought it was something really serious."

Nodoka looked at her son with a look of slight surprise. "Wow Son, you're taking this better than I thought you would," she said.

"How'd you think I'd take it Mom? It's no big deal,"

The moment Ranma uttered those words, Soun went demon-head mode on Ranma. "You being seperated from Akane is no big deal!?" As Ranma shrunk into his seat, Genma followed up. "Nodoka while I do enjoy the idea of our own home, I don't think seperating Ranma and Akane like this is a very good idea."

As Ranma recovered from the near heart attack Soun gave him, he took a moment to process what he and his dad just said. 'That's right...If I have to change schools, I won't be able to see all.' hethought.

"Genma, don't be ridiculous. The district we're moving to isn't too far from Nerima, so the kids can see each other in their free time. I only believe he needs to change schools because commuting for school would be a bit to inconvenient compared to simply coming for a visit."

Ranma paid no attention to the 'argument' his parents were having as he was still lost in thought. 'I know this isn't the first time my family's had to move feels just as weird as the last time,"he thought.

Soun and the Saotome family continued their discussion, unaware of a certain eavesdropper.

Akane had came back downstairs when curiosity got the better of her. "This means you'll also have to change schools," she heard Nodoka say. 'Ranma's leaving...again!?' she thought with a near inaudible gasp.

"You're taking this better than I thought son," Akane heard Nodoka say again.

"How'd you think I take it Mom? It's no big deal." She heard Ranma say. With tears in her narrowed eyes, Akane rushed back upstairs barely hearing her father yell at Ranma.

Slamming her door shut, Akane plopped down on her bed and buried her head in her pillow.'So that's it! We won't be able to see each other everyday, and it's just "no big deal" to him!' Akane mentally screamed. "I bet he just can't wait to leave," she said aloud to no one specificly. 'Even after he said he loved me...,' Akane internally added. 'Maybe that really was just my imagination.' With a sigh, Akane changed into her gi and headed to the backyard.

"Hyyyaaaaah!" CRASH! Akane had started doing what she always does when she's upset with Ranma: break bricks. "Ranma you idiot!" she yelled whild punching another stack.

"Oh c'mon, what'd I do this time!?" came the voice of Ranma from the side.

"Okay seriously, what are you upset about?" Ranma asked. "I literally haven't done anything since we came back home," he said.

Akane dropped her defensive stance and just looked down.

"Akane?" Ranma called out. "Akane, what's wrong?" he asked with legitimate concern in his voice.

Akane slowly turned her head to face Ranma, with a fake smile on her face. "Oh Ranma, nothing's wrong," she said. "Oh, but I did forget to congratulate you and your mother for getting a new house,"

"So you already knew, huh?" Ranma asked taking a seat on the porch. Akane toweled herself off and joined Ranma on the back porch.

"Ranma, I really am happy for you but...," Akane started.

Ranma cut her off with a snicker. "I get it, but you shouldn't be too concerned Akane. I mean it's not like we'll never see each other again, right?" he said.

"Why would I be concerned?" Akane responded. "I'm not gonna make a big deal out of something that you so obviously don't give a hoot about," she said with her fake smile still plastered on her face.

Ranma narrowed his eyes at that last comment. "Oh, I see. So you don't care at all that I'm moving to another town and school away from you, the dojo, and your family." he replied.

Akane twitched at Ranma's statement. That didn't go unnoticed by the pigtailed boys keen eye.

"Ha! I knew it. You do care!" Ranma exclaimed. "Akane just admit that you're gonna miss me and we can advance the plot," Ranma said with his usual cocky grin.

Akane, still smiling, replied, "You know what Ranma, I will admit it. I admit-," Akane turned to Ranma with her fake smile finally shrinking into a glare. "- that I can't wait for you to leave you jerkass!" Akane threw a hard uppercut to Ranma's chin and launched him a long ways from the Tendo dojo.

"Dittooooooooo...!" came Ranma's echoed comeback.

Unnoticed by the two teenagers, both Ranma's parents and Mr. Tendo had witnessed the latest in a long line of scraps between Ranma and Akane.

"Boys," Nodoka started. "I must confess that another reason for my doing this is because I believe Ranma and Akane could use some time apart, and I believe my point has been made," she said gesturing to Akane who had started breaking bricks again. "So, do you two have any more objections?" she asked unsheathing her sword.

Soun turned away from her with a newspaper in hand as Genma poured a glass of water on himself. "I'm just a panda." "Good."

(The Next Day)

Ranma, Genma, and Nodoka stood at the gates of the Tendo Dojo all packed up. "Soun, I can't thank you enough for letting me and the boys live here with you and the girls," Nodoka thanked while bowing.

"It's no hassle Nodoka," Soun replied.

"It was nice having you here Auntie Saotome," Kasumi said.

Nodoka giggled then turned to Nabiki. "Now Nabiki, remember our talk from before," she started.

"Yes, yes, I know. I won't tell the other girls your guys's new address," Nabiki said while feeling around in her pocket. 'You can be sure of that after the downpayment I got,' she added internally.

After a short few seconds, the Saotome family headed off to catch their ride to their new home. "It's a bit upsetting Akane wasn't here to see you off Ranma," Nodoka said.

Ranma turned to the dojo for one more good look and noticed movement behind the the dojo entrance. With a smile, Ranma turned to his mother and said, "I wouldn't worry about her too much Mom. I'm sure we'll still be seeing a lot more of her." Still smiling, Ranma sprinted off, leaving his parents behind.

"Ranma! Running away from your family, is NOT manly!" Nodoka said dashing off after him.

"Hey, wait up boy! Honey!...WAIT!" yelled Genma.

'I might be leaving Nerima, but I don't think the insanity in my life is gonna end anytime soon.'