Chapter 1
To say Peter was not having a good week would be the greatest under statement in the history of the world. To start off his rotten week the women he loved died. Then he had to fight a man in giant Rhino armor. When he thought his week couldn't get any worse his Ant May died saving someone else' life. And now it was Saturday this horrible week is almost over. After all this Perter needed some time to think and ever since he got his powers the always thought better in high places or upside down. Since the later wasn't exactly an option he decided to sit on the roof of a skyscraper and look over the city. As he gazed over the city it did little to raise his low spirits.
Steve was having one of his few relaxing afternoons. As he leisurly walked down the bustling streets of New York he found himself enjoying the peace, he had risked his life for a few months ago.
It was defiantly worth it. Steve thought. He was walk amongst the towering pillars of glass and steel that were the city's many skyscrapers. He was standing in front of one of these buildings thinking about how much New York had changed. When he saw something really small at the very top. He focused his enhanced sight to see what it was. The second he realized what it was his heart sank like a stone falling into the deepest trench of the ocean. What he saw a person sitting on the edge and it looked like they were about to jump. Steve rushed forward in to the building and headed to the stairs. The receptionist was about to stop him when she recognized him. She figured that Captain America must a have a good reason to run through the lobby. Her conclusion was reenforce by the frantic look on his face. As Steve's feet pound against the steeps at a rhythm only exceeded by the pounding of his heart. He began thinking about what would happen if he didn't get there in time. This thought just made his heart beat faster. He new he could not and would not let that happen as pushed himself to go faster and faster. As he neared the top floor he began wondering what he would say to whoever it was. He got closer and closer to the top wonder who they were and weather he would be able to help them. As he came to the door that lead to the roof nothing could ever prepare him for what he would find on the other side. Steve took a deep breath then reached out and opened the door. When he walked through he saw something that made him think his heart would stop right then and there. The person he saw form the ground was not an adult like he had thought it was. Instead he found a kid that looked to be in his late teens.
Peter heard the door to the roof open. He turned his head to see who it was. He wasn't scared of loosing his balance thanks to his powers. He was rater curious as to who this person was and what they were doing here. The man was tall blond and looked very strong. Peter couldn't shake the feeling that the guy looked very familiar but he couldn't think of where. After a few minutes of trying to figure it out Peter just shrugged and turned back to look out over the city.
Mere seconds after Steve stepped on the roof the boy turned to look at him. He couldn't help but feel like a deer caught in the head lights. When Steve looked into the eyes of the boy, they looked so sad and lonely. This caused a huge knot to form in his the pit of his stomach. It hurt Steve to see someone so young in so much pain. He began wondering weather he should move any closer. Knowing full well that every thing he did and said from this point on was very important, and that he had to be very careful. Eventually he decided that he would walk a little closer. He stopped when he was about three feet from the boy.
"Hello my name is Steve. Would you like to tell me yours" Steve
"Sure it's Peter Parker." Peter
"So Peter what brings you up here." Steve
Peter thinks about his answer. While Steve holds his breath hoping that he didn't say the wrong thing.
"Thinking I guess," Peter says with a shrug.
"Do you mind if I ask what?" Steve
Turned his head and faced the man. All the time wonder why this man even wanted to know. Also asking himself if he should answer. Eventually Peter decided that he had to talk to someone so why not. He knew very well that he had to be very careful not to get to close to his secret.
"My girlfriend died earlier this week. Then two days ago my last living relative died." Peter
"Would you like to talk about it?" Steve
"Only that it's all my fault." Peter
The knot in the pit of Steve's stomach grew. He could see that this boy blamed himself for the deaths of his loved ones. His instincts were telling him that though Peter blamed himself he was not to blame.
"Why do you blame yourself?" Steve
Peter instantly stiffened because that question got a little to close to his secret.
"I really don't want to talk about that." Peter
Steve saw a flicker of fear enter Peter's eyes just for a second.
"How about you come down here, and we can talk?" Steve
Peter simply shook his head.
"So why come all the way up here to think?" Steve
"The view, if you come over here you'll see what I mean." Peter said looking over the New York skyline.
Peter watched as the man walked over till he was standing right next to him. Now that Peter got a good look a the man he finally figured out why this man seemed so familiar. His eyes went wide when he realized that he had been talking to Captain America. His side that had been hurting for about ten minutes began to hurt allot more. Suddenly he became very dizzy.
Steve looked down at Peter and saw was him swaying back and forth. About a second later he watch Peter fall. Not even a fraction of a second later he reached out and grabbed Peter's arm. As Steve pulled Peter up he was quite surprised at how light Peter is. When he got him up he laid him down. Instantly Steve knew something was horribly wrong. Peter's eyes were closed and his breathing was uneven and ragged. Steve checked him for a pulse it was weaker then it should be but it was there. He began looking Peter over for injuries. It was then that Steve noticed a wet spot on Peter's dark red shirt. It was on his side. When he put his hand on it and took it away. He realized that it was blood. He applied pressure to the wound with his right hand. With his left hand he pulled out his phone. He frantically searched through his contacts. After about thirty seconds he found Tony. He dialed the number for a few nervous seconds all Steve could hear was ringing. Till Tony finally answered.
Tony was having a relaxing afternoon fiddling with plans for a new suite. He decided to head to the common floor. To see if he there is someone down there he could bother. His phone rang it was Cap's ring tone. What does he want? Tony thought.
"What's up Capcicle?" Tony asked in his usual casual snarky tone.
"I need you to go get Bruce and get to my location as fast as you can if not sooner. Tony make sure that Bruce brings his doctor bag." Steve
"Will do Cap," Tony said then hung up.
The fact that Cap sounded so panicked made Tony very very worried. Immediately he headed back to his office to tack Steve's location. As soon as the elevator stopped Tony ran out. Then down the hallway. With in minutes he arrive at his office. As he typed rapidly on his computer millions of thoughts ran through Tony's head as to what could be wrong. What if Steve is hurt? What if he had found in some thing so bad that he couldn't handle it? Tony asked himself. Both of those those thoughts terrified Tony to his very core. This made him type even faster. His mind still racing and growing more nervous by the second. Finally Cap's location popped up on the screen. In about a second he ran out headed straight for Bruce's lab.
Bruce was in his lab working on his experiments in peace. And enjoying every minute of it till Tony bust through the door. It took Bruce all of three seconds to tell that some thing was very wrong. He stood up and walked over to Tony.
"What's wrong Tony?" Bruce ask looking at his friend with concern.
"Steve called he said to get to his location asap and to bring you doctor bag. The worst part was that he sounded panicked." Tony
At that Bruce became pale they were talking about a guy that took on an entire alien army without loosing his cool. What could make a man like that panic. As Bruce thought about it he became more and more nervous. He quickly began gathering supplies into a duffel bag. The only problem was he had no idea of what he would be facing. So he just grabbed the basics. Ran through the door. Before either of them knew it they were in one of Tony's cars headed for Steve's location neither knowing what they would find once there. Tony had brought on of his armours just in case.
What was making Steve panic more then anything was the fact that the kid was loosing a lot of blood and there was nothing he could do. All he could do was hope that Tony and Bruce would get here in time. He couldn't dare to even take pressure off the wound long enough to see what kind it was or how bad it was. Just then Steve heard Peter groan.
"I'm sorry Gwen and Aunt May." Peter said in a whispered voice.
"Come on Peter stay with me, don't give up now." Steve
Just then Tony and Bruce emerged from the other side of the door. The second Bruce saw that someone was hurt he rushed over there, before he even took the time to take in who it was. The last thing that Bruce was expecting was a teenager with what looked like a serious wound. Steve instantly noticed Bruce beside him, and was immensely relived. Bruce reached in to his bag and took out a bandage. Steve lifted his hand off the wound to allow Bruce to get a good look at it. Bruce carefully lifted the boy's shirt. What he saw shocked him. Tony who had been pacing till there was something he could do to help noticed their shocked looks.
"How bad is it?" Tony ask rushing over there.
When Tony looked down at the boy he immediately got an identical shocked look on his face. None of them could decide what was more shocking the painful looking stab wound that the kid had. Or the fact that this kid was actually Spider-Man. Tony had been quite impress with Spidey since he first showed up. He had thought that the guy was quick, clever, and had a great sense of humour. Steve had always thought that the wall-crawler was brave and really cared for this city and the people in it. What impressed Bruce the most was that the guy continued helping others no mater how hard it became. The one thing that none of them were expecting was for Spider-Man to be a kid. Bruce bandaged it as well as he could without the proper equipment. Then he turned to Tony and said.
"Tony you need to get him back to the tower as fast and as carefully as possible." Bruce
"Will do," Tony said putting on his suit.
He then walked over, carefully picked up Peter, and flew off. Steve raced through the door down the stairs, and took the elevator to the ground floor. Once there they quickly hopped into Tony's car and headed to Avengers Tower as fast as they could.
Natasha and Clint were just returning from some personal time. When the elevator door opened to the common room what they saw was not what they were expecting. They were expecting Tony be annoying the others, Steve to be sitting reading a book. Bruce to be tweaking some formula on his tablet. And both of them generally ignoring Tony. Instead they saw Tony pacing in font of the window looking worried. And Steve was sitting back wards on the chair staring at a door coiled tight like a spring. Natasha and Clint looked at each other. This can not be good. They thought in unison.
"Hey guys how's it going?" Clint
When no one responded that made them all the more sure some thing was wrong. Just then Bruce came in looking worried though slightly less then the others.
"Well how is he?" Steve
Tony stayed silent waiting for Bruce to answer.
"He's stable for now but the wound is pretty bad." Bruce
"Will some one please tell us what's wrong right now?" Natasha said in a voice that said if she didn't get answers now someone wound regret it.
"That was what Cap was about to tell us." Tony said surprisingly serious.
Steve told them every detail of what happened that morning. For some reason that Clint was especially surprised that Spider-Man is a kid.
"Steve do you think he was going to jump?" Natasha
"I honestly don't know he said that he was just up there to think." Steve
"What worries me is that stab wound who ever it was got him good. It wasn't bandaged very well either." Bruce
"I guess we'll have to wait till Peter wakes up." Tony
"One thing is for sure we need to know for sure before we decide what our next move will be." Steve
Everyone nodded every thing was silent for about thirty minutes. Before Clint spoke up.
"You know a while back Nat was on an other mission. I was ask to follow Spider-Man around and discover his secret ID. The clever little bug lead me on a chase around the city for three hours before I lost him. It went on like that for a week before I got reassigned. I never did figure out how he knew I was following him. Even tried letting him spot me then make it look like he lost me a few times. He never fell for it." Clint recalled fondly.
Everyone looked both amused and impressed by that. All they could do for now was wait for Peter to wake up and they all knew it.