Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, added to favourites and alerts. Thank you for your continued support and patience and hope that you continue to enjoy the story.

Any mistakes are mine and mine alone and I can only apologise.


Chapter 18 - Yule

"The Minister Adjunct has requested a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 2. I responded with a more suitable time in the morning as you have an Education Board meeting that afternoon."

Tom looked up at his Personal Assistant. Emma Macmillan was an asset he couldn't afford to lose. Taking care of his day to day schedule she often sifted through the hundreds of official correspondence that he received daily ensuring that only those of utmost importance ever crossed his desk at Hogwarts.

But it was days like today that she proved just how valuable she was. In his absence, Emma had finalised every detail in respect to the Food Bank and its grand opening with a fine tooth comb.

"Did the Minister elaborate further on what he wished to discuss?" he queried before turning his attention back to the parchment he was reading.

"No, though his Undersecretary did like to point out it was of the utmost importance and not for the likes of me to be trusted with," Emma replied.

"Charming woman," Tom mused.

"Charming isn't the word I would use to describe her My Lord."

He looked up over the top of the parchment at Emma and smiled, "No, I don't suppose it is. Unfortunately, the game requires us to allow even the smallest of people to have their moments in power. Otherwise, it simply wouldn't be any fun when it came to winning."

"Of course my Lord," Emma nodded once.

"This month's Education Board meeting summarise," he ordered.

"Discussing the budget for the New Year My Lord, and a certain amount of savings need to be made. They also wish to discuss the current events in Hogwarts my Lord, and how you are addressing them."

"Them and everybody else," he muttered though thankfully Emma refrained from commenting. Of course, she had a son at Hogwarts now.

"I have it under control," he added to reassure the woman, and the relief that crossed the woman's face told him that it had been necessary. He couldn't decide if he was slightly disappointed or not. He had hoped she would be able to control her emotions better than that.

Still, everybody had their faults.

Emma opened her mouth but quickly shut it again as the door banged open and they were faced with an angry eleven-year-old and an equally furious woman behind her.

"I look ridiculous!" Holly snapped at him, throwing him the most disgusted look he had ever seen cross her face.

A statement in itself that she was willing to show that much emotion in the presence of others.

She did look ridiculous.

Dressed in bright pink frilly dress robes and her black hair done up in sausage curls that looked ridiculous around her face.

Make-up graced her face making her look far older than she actually was.

He didn't like it one bit, and yet as much as he didn't like it, he couldn't help but smile in amusement at her.

"Don't you laugh at me," she hissed at him, "I refuse to go out there looking like a made-up clown."

"Why I Lord forgive me...the child is most uncultivated. She refused for me to continue and would not sit still...I cannot work under such conditions," Madam Zane sputtered.

The heated glare Holly threw at the woman made his smile widen that little more.

"Madam Zane I do believe we no longer require your assistance. Rest assured you will be paid for your time. You are dismissed."

The woman opened and closed her mouth several times resembling a fish before bowing gracefully and exiting the room.

"The woman is highly recommended. Not to mention she is considered an artist in her profession," he noted his eyes locking with the girl's green ones.

"Is her profession the circus?"

"Don't be catty. Emma is there any possibility you will be able to fix..." he didn't finish the sentence as he pointed at the girl.

Emma looked on with a hint of amusement before nodding and stepping forward.

"Bright pink really isn't your colour, and perhaps one day the curls will suit you, but they age you considerably. Madam Zane is used to an older clientele I am afraid. Is there a particular colour you like?"

"Anything that isn't bright pink," Holly answered.

"How about purple?"

Tom watched in silent amusement as they went back and forth with each other until a colour was finally decided upon.

Emma indeed worked her magic turning Holly from a made up china doll to something that looked remotely human.

Dressed in a plain dark purple dress robe, that suited her far more than the bright pink had, and her hair was half twisted and pinned to her head only allowing a few curls to fall down.

The make-up disappeared from her face she looked like a well-presented heir of a family without looking like a made up doll.

Nothing screamed expensive and unrealistic, but she looked far healthier than she had when they had first crossed paths.

She would do.

"Remember Black," he warned quietly, "smile and look happy."

She looked at him, and for a moment he thought she would outright refuse...again, but instead, she merely nodded her head once and waited patiently by his side as he stepped out of the room that he had taken over at the Food Bank.

Two Sentinels stepped in front of him leading the way as two more took to the rear. Considered part of his personal entourage they were loyal to the death. And they would willingly give their lives for his.

He dared a glance at the girl who eyed up the four wizards cautiously before, in turn, taking them in her stride.

Though he couldn't help but note the twitch in her slightly.

She was nervous, but without reading her mind, he could not speculate as to what for.

The speech or the fact that there were two armed wizards at her back.

Not that it mattered.

Mentally Tom ticked off a checklist as he walked through the Food Bank. Overall he was happy with the end result. The building was large and held several rooms on the ground floor beside the kitchen and open eating area. The second floor had been sealed shut with magic giving him separate private rooms should he ever decide to visit the place.

It was clean and warm, and as inviting as it could be for the muggles, it provided them with food to take away and store or on the spot prepared warm meals for those who had no homes to go to.

An old squib by the name of Mrs Figg had been chosen to run the place, the idea of her turned his stomach, but she was useful in the fact she wouldn't openly try and scam the Bank and in turn him.

His guards paused at the side door that led to the purpose-built walkway that would act as a stage for them. He knew already a crowd had gathered and he had several Sentinels positioned to keep the masses at bay should anything happen.

"All clear, my Lord," one of the Sentinels stated.

"Very well, let's get this over and done with."

"... The Warren in part has made me the person I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful. Grateful that I now have the opportunity to give back to those who gave to me. To ensure that no child goes hungry again, that no person goes hungry. It is why it gives me great pleasure to declare the Food Bank officially open."

Tom watched in mild surprise as the muggles broke out in a cheer as Holly cut the ribbon to the front doors of the Food Bank. He had wanted her to sell her speech and sell it she had enough so that even he was surprised at how well she had done.

She is a natural born speaker.

It was a talent he intended to use to his full advantage. Oh, he couldn't deny that Holly had been nervous about it, but when push came to shove the girl had delivered and that he couldn't fault her on.

For the moment the muggles appeared to love her.

Because she thanked them because she hasn't forgotten them and she is reminding them that she hasn't forgotten who raised her.

But while the cheers were one thing, they were still too afraid to move to the Food Bank itself.

Too afraid of him.

He perhaps should have known it wouldn't last and that Holly would go off script because that was what she did.

In fact, he mentally cursed himself for not seeing it beforehand and watched as she stepped off the platform and in turn out of the protection of his Sentinels.

Oh, they tried to stop her, but she managed to slip past them with an ease they wouldn't be happy with. One Tom noted though followed her, staying close enough to aid but not too close to put fear in the muggles.

Instead, he and they were left to watch and wait as she approached a child not much older than four if that looking every inch a fairytale princess at that moment than perhaps she would be happy with.

Tom ensured that he gave no indication he wasn't aware of what she was doing and instead signalled the Sentinels to ease up a little. He watched as she knelt down, not caring about the mud that smeared across her dress robes and talked with the girl under the watchful eye of the mother.

She showed no fear.

And Tom realised she didn't fear them. Not like so many witches and wizards did.

She didn't see herself as better than them, something which showed in her actions.

He wasn't sure whether he wanted to curse her to oblivion or applaud her for her bold move.

But then Tom mused, perhaps her actions not being scripted was what was needed to win them over, to give them something to believe in. She wasn't acting or putting on a show she was as honest as she knew how to.

A camera flashed just as Holly laughed and Tom knew that would be the photo that would be used to cover this article, as to the one where the child took Holly's hand would also be included and they led the way into the food bank.

What was that saying, out of the mouths of babes?

He couldn't have planned it better.

But the girl still needed to learn her place. To understand it was he who was in charge and she couldn't go off and do her own thing.

He certainly had his battle cut out for him in breaking her.

But despite his growing anger at the girl's disobedience, Tom couldn't help but smile as the crowds laughed and smiled as they entered the Food Bank, already singing her praises.

She had done her job alright. Even if it hadn't been precisely as Tom had planned.

It will do for now.


Holly felt like a fraud.

She watched silently as people bustled around her. Muggles came in twos and threes to collect food parcels or hot meals, each one looking more haggard and nervous than she remembered them ever being.

Wizards and witches circled like vultures around Riddle something which he humoured and tolerated. Of course, he was playing the charismatic politician today, doing his part for a cause. Fooling them all with an act Holly could almost believe herself. She had no idea who some of them were that had attended the event but from their smiles when in his presence they were lapping it up.

Though Holly noted most of them could barely keep the disdain from showing on their faces at being so close to muggles.

It's all part of the game. They don't care; they are just here to rub shoulders with Riddle and attempt to gain his favour.

Overall though both the muggles and the Wizardkind left her to her own devices, and so Holly had found herself a quiet bench nearest the back door where she could silently observe.

And guilt gnawed at her, and her thoughts spun in circles.

Six months.

Six months since she had last been within the Warren.

Six months and so much had changed.

The people looked different, or maybe Holly was different and looking on with new eyes.

Holly felt different.

She felt like an entirely new person.

And yet being there brought back the memories of her old life as clear as day.

Six months ago she would have the wary distrust glistening in her eyes that the muggles did as they eyed up the Wizardkind in the room. Her eyes would have lingered a moment or two longer on the Sentinels in the room, and she would have made damn sure to keep her back to a wall.

Riddle, she would have avoided like the plague.

Just as he was apparently doing with her now.

Holly couldn't help but feel slightly miffed...or disappointed.

He hadn't so much as glanced her way through the entire event. In fact other than the brief amusement he had shown at her expense before the speech Holly could have easily been a piece of the background furniture.

Riddle had been strangely reserved with her today, even a bit cold.

Holly couldn't help but wonder if she had done something wrong, really wrong and would she be punished for it. Or was the man just too busy to pay her any mind?

Good god, what am I doing here? She silently seethed.

She was here because Riddle deemed it so. Because it was her job to give the muggles something to believe in instead of ideas of rebellion or resistance.

But why?

The answer lay in Riddle, but she could not honestly trust the answers. It was all half-truths and sweet and sugar coated answered.

She knew she couldn't trust him.

But that still didn't take away the sting of his indifference.

No matter how much she hated to admit it.

His coldness hurt.

"Princesses aren't allowed to be glum," a voice said startling her.

Holly blinked in surprise as dark brown eyes stared down at her.

"Will," she stated.

He chuckled as he sat down next to her, "Glad to see you haven't forgotten me."

"I don't think that's likely," she replied, her eyes quickly glancing over at Riddle, he wasn't paying any attention her way, "I'm not a princess so I can be glum if I want to."

Will laughed, "Of course you are a Princess, Snow, you are the fairest of them all, with skin as white as snow and hair as black as ebony and lips as -"

"Yes I get the picture," Holly replied, it felt strange hearing someone else calling her Snow, she had grown accustomed to Riddle calling her it, but then he had gotten the name from reading her thoughts about Will calling her it.

And wasn't that just confusing when she thought about it?

"You look well, Snow."

"What were you expecting, warts, beaked nose or horns?" she asked

"All of the above," he smiled before making a show of looking her up and down, "glad to see you haven't got the horns. The warts though..."

"Cheeky bastard," Holly exclaimed.

Will's turned serious, "No, I'm glad you are well. I thought you were dead until that article came out. Thought you had burned that day. And then I found out you were actually a witch and well I didn't know what they were going to do with you..."

"I'm fine Will," she reassured.

"I suppose you are. One of them now aren't you, and they don't hurt their own."

"You would be surprised, but no I haven't been hurt," she replied.

She didn't owe Will the truth; they had been acquaintances, not friends really. She had been too cautious to make friends with the thief, and she hadn't been hurt in the way he thought. Not really.

"You've grown soft though," he noted giving her a disapproving look.

"No, I haven't," Holy argued.

"You didn't even notice me approaching you," he pointed out.

No, she hadn't, and that was a rookie mistake on her part. But she knew the Sentinel that had followed behind her when she approached the child was still silently watching her and Will.

Had she grown dependant on others to keep her safe that she had become soft?


But she couldn't find anything to argue with.

She shrugged, "There are different dangers to worry about now."

"Like Voldemort?" he asked, indicating his head Riddle's way.

Inwardly Holly flinched; she had grown so used to seeing Riddle as Riddle that she had forgotten the other name he was known by. A name that was feared and hated throughout the country.

"Not what I meant, no."

Silence fell between the two of them, and Holly was more than happy to let it.

She didn't want to talk about Riddle with Will.

He wouldn't understand.

"Come on, let's get out of here?" Will said, standing up and looking down at her expectantly, "Mrs Brown still makes the best-warmed ice buns."

Holly shook her head, "I shouldn't."

"Come on, Snow. Can't tell me you aren't at least a little bit eager to see some old faces."

She was, and but more one person that multiple people. If she could see Jimmy today and persuade him to give her the money she had saved with him, then she would have a nice size pot to start her up.

It was an idea that had occurred to her when she had first learnt that she would open the Food Bank.

Ok, second thing after she calmed down about being forced to do it.

"I will need to advise them I am leaving. Otherwise, they will send out a search party."

Will grinned at her, "You have gone more than soft if you can't lose anyone that follows you, Snow."

She shrugged.

It would be fun to brush up on her skills. Skills that she had more than neglected since starting Hogwarts.

"If you leave first, I can meet up with you. Draws fewer eyes that way."

"The library?"

She blinked in surprise, "How did you -"

"Please Snow, I have always known about the Library. Protecting Jimmy from Snitches and turncoats was my job. We had to be sure of you before he was willing to deal."

It made sense, and yet it still made Holly uncomfortable that Will had been able to follow her and she hadn't even noticed.

"The library then."

Will nodded once before walking out of the Bank.

Holly waited.

And waited.

Until she was sure that enough time had passed to avoid suspicion.

Holly stood and walked around the bench she had been sitting at. She nodded politely and spoke quietly to a few muggles who engaged with her.

Riddle didn't pay her any attention and nor did any of the wizards and witches with him.

Holly slipped through the back door passed the kitchen, carefully avoiding bringing any attention to her way.

Holly swiped a brown cloak that was hanging on one of the staff pegs as she passed before sneaking out the back door.

The cloak was far too big for her, drowning her as soon as she put it on, but it did the trick in hiding her robes and allowed her to blend in that little easier.

Holly pulled her hood up as she walked up along the side of the Food Bank building before turning onto a street with more than enough people to disguise her passage.

Without a glance back Holly broke out into a run, manoeuvring her way around people walking in the streets and darting down a back alley that she knew had three hidden passages at the far end.

She slowed down as she exited onto the next street, her heart racing beneath her chest.

Holly smiled.

Even after all this time, she knew the twists and turns and the familiar paths of the Warren.

It was like she had never left.

Holly took her time as she walked through the Warren. The familiar smell of warmed bread made her stomach grumble as she passed the bakery shop. She had stolen more than a few loaves from there.

She spotted a group of children clustered together eyeing everyone up with a scrutiny she knew too well. Just as Holly knew they wouldn't be alone either, there would be lookouts further up the street keeping a carefully eye on both the street and the children.

Holly took the next left and another right leaving behind the busy streets as she made her through the streets of the Warren until the old familiar sight of broken buildings came into view...and there on the corner...stood the library.

She stood and took it in.

Six months ago it had been home.

Now it was just a building.

But despite the lack of sentimentality to it Holly couldn't help but wonder inside. Will was nowhere to be seen despite him leaving before she had.

A quick spell made easy work of the locks, that would have been a more tedious task without her supplies, and she walked down the stairs to the room she had claimed as her home.

The cot was still there, as was the table, and rumpled bed sheets.

Everything else was in its place, the few books she had recovered were covered with a layer of dust.

The only thing that was missing was the dog and Holly couldn't decide whether to be relieved or disappointed.

Relieved she hadn't found its dead body or disappointed that it too had left.

"I hope you are still alive and safe," she whispered to the dark room.

There was nothing worth taking with her. Nothing worth keeping.

Holly took one final glance around the room before walking up the stairs and through the library.

There was no sign of Will anywhere, and Holly couldn't help but feel nervous about that fact.

Something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Her skin prickled and her back itched, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

Not that she could see any sign of anyone through the glass of the library door. Her eyes searched, scanning every crook and cranny of the buildings.


No one.

Be on guard, something isn't right.

Holly didn't need to be told, she could feel it. Her hand gripped tighter around her wand, the feel of it in her hand giving her a comfort she hadn't realised she needed.

She stepped out of the library.

The spell hit her before she knew what was happening.

Her entire body stiffened her arms snapping to her side without her consent.

The Body Binding Spell, her mind supplied, though it offered little comfort knowing what had been cast on her.

She could see the world tilt as she fell, powerless to stop it from happening.

Inside Holly was screaming and raging as she attempted to move, to force her limbs into action.

She could hear Riddle's voice chiding her for her stupidity and her carelessness, and she couldn't help but agree with it. She had foolishly allowed someone to get the drop on her.

It was a mistake that might very well cost her, her life.

Darkness swallowed her after mere seconds after a second spell hit her.

Muffled sounds pulled at her consciousness. Stirring her senses until she was fully aware of herself and her surroundings.

She was sitting on something hard and upright.

Either the floor or a chair of some kind.

Ropes bit at her wrists as she shuffled ever so slightly.

Chair, I am sitting on a chair, she silently mused.

She could smell the dampness mixed with something she dared not name.

"I know you are awake, you might as well stop pretending," a voice said gruffly.

Holly opened her eyes, she was sitting on a chair in the middle of a large rectangular room. No windows interrupted the dark walls. Two lamps were carefully placed in the corners, spilling soft yellow light into the room, not so much to banish the darkness but gently diluting it enough to allow her to make out that there were five people in the room, four standing and one sitting in a chair directly opposite her.

She knew without a doubt that one of them was Will and couldn't help but feel a stab of betrayal.

He owed you nothing and you were the foolish one to trust him, right, but it didn't stop it hurting ever so slightly.

He wasn't looking at her though. He kept his eyes firmly fixed on the door just to the side of her.

Not that he mattered.

No, no one but the man in the chair mattered. He had a skinny face, long and drawn, with a pointed nose that gave him the appearance of a rat more than anything else.

"Holly Black," the man smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. They stayed cold and hard. "Good of you to join us. I apologise for the manner you came to be here today, but it really was the only way."

"An invitation in the post would have been just as acceptable," Holly retorted, "But then I guess brute force is so much more civilised."

The man's smile widened, "You're funny. I like that. Humour in the face of fear."

"I'm not afraid."

Liar, liar, the voice whispered, she was afraid. More afraid than she had been in a while, but her pride refused to let them know that.

He can't hurt me.

"Yes, you are. Right now you are tied up and powerless, completely defenceless. That's the thing with Wizardkind; they think they are so much better than muggles but take away their wand," he said pausing as, her, wand twirled faster in his hands, "and they are powerless. Nothing more than muggles really."

Holly smirked, "How powerful you must feel. You have successfully disarmed and kidnapped an eleven-year-old. You must be so proud."

Anger flashed in the man's eyes, but just as quickly it was there it was gone. I might have touched a nerve there.

"You are no better than the rest of them Holly Black, already the power has gone to your head, and you think you are better than us."

"I am better than you. But not because I have magic, but because I don't kidnap children. Granted I am a child so can a child kidnap a child? I mean it can certainly happen but is it called kidnapping or is it called something else?"

"Shut up!"

Holly snapped her mouth shut. Yep, she had touched a nerve alright. She tested her ropes a little, but they still held her firmly in place. Perhaps pushing his buttons was not her smartest move while she was still tied.

The man's anger radiated from him for a few moments, and a tense silence filled the room. Holly ensured she had him in her sight every single second. She didn't trust him for a second, and not just because he had kidnapped her and was currently holding her hostage, but more because his anger seemed to be volatile and that was dangerous.

"My wife and son were murdered by your kind because they were muggles. Because they didn't have precious magic. And yet without your wand, you don't have magic. You are not better than us."

"Polkiss!" another voice cut across sharply.

Holly blinked in surprise.

He hated her. Holly could see it in his eyes; he hated her with an intensity that burned her. He didn't hate her because he knew her; he hated her merely because she had magic.

Hatred worked on both sides of the fence, though some would argue the muggles hatred was more deserved than Wizardkind's.

And yet someone had cast a spell on her to bring her here, and that glaring fact confused her more than anything.

Why would someone who hated magic, work with someone who had it.

And why would a Wizard or Witch work with a muggle?

Her mind turned.

This wasn't a straightforward kidnapping by someone who hated Wizardkind, this was more complicated than that.

This was something far more.

"This isn't just a kidnapping. You're rebels. You are the Resistance," she breathed. And yet her mind argued that couldn't be right. Someone had cast a spell on her.

A chuckle filled the room, as one of the men stepped forward.


"You always were a smart one,"

"Not smart enough to see that you were involved, Jimmy. Will never acts without your consent."

"He is a good boy," Jimmy agreed as he stepped closer to her, "but you are only partially right. We are a fraction of the Resistance."

"Wizards and Witches are in the Resistance?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows at her mockingly, "You are surprised. Not everyone is happy with the running of things. There are those who respect muggles, love us even. And they don't like Voldemort, Fudge or the Dark One."

In a quick motion, Jimmy lent down and cut the ropes binding her, before continuing, "But that isn't important. What is important Holly is that we need your help."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

Another raised eyebrow, "I see some things haven't changed even if you look more like them than yourself."

"You didn't know me!" Holly spat.

"No, I don't suppose I did. But what I did know was you kept yourself to yourself. Of course, escaping the Pit would do that to someone. But I also know you aren't cruel, and you avoid causing harm to others whenever on a job. Hardly any casualties or injuries. You were a quick in and out."

"I was good at my job, hurting someone brought more attention on to you," she argued.

"True, and when I say we need your help I mean we need your help preventing harm to others."

Holly frowned.

Despite herself, her curiosity pricked its ears and stood to attention. Damn it, she was curious.

"What do you need my help with?" she asked cautiously.

"We need you to steal something for us."

"We don't need her help. This is foolish Jimmy, I told you that. She's too close to him. What is to stop her from running to tell him the first chance she gets," Polkiss spat.

Holly threw the man a glare.

Jimmy chuckled, "She won't."

She blinked in surprise.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because what little I do know of you Holly, is you don't like being controlled by others, and it is evident that Voldemort is attempting to control you. Help us, and I will give you the money you saved, plus a little extra and free passage to America."

Holly opened her mouth and closed it again quickly. She was speechless.

Just the break you needed, the voice stated.

It must come with strings attached.

"What do you want me to steal?"

"A box."

Holly raised her eyebrow, "A box, why don't you make one. A bit of wood, a couple of nails and all your problems are solved."

"Don't try and play stupid now it doesn't suit you," Jimmy sighed, "it isn't just a box. It is a magic box," Jimmy replied with a smile.

"Aren't they always," she muttered, "and what does this magic box do?"

"Does it matter?" Jimmy asked her, there was a look in his eyes that made her feel uncomfortable. Holly could admit that at times she was impulsive, but she wasn't stupid.

Holly raised her eyebrow, "If I'm the one risking my life for it, then yeah, I would say it does."

"You are already aware of what the box does if rumours are to be believed in respect to Hogwarts current circumstances," he answered. Though she could see the reluctance to do so written across his face and from the sharp look Polkiss threw Jimmy, perhaps Jimmy boy had gone off script in telling her.

Stop and think for a second on what he's just said. He said you know what the box does because of what is happening in Hogwarts.

Realisation cut through her like steel cutting through paper.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Holly swore, "You are behind the Sleeping Curse."

"Like I said, a smart one, but while you are thinking the worse, I can assure you we aren't behind what is happening in Hogwarts. We just want the box that is causing it," Jimmy answered calmly.

"How do you even know it is a box?"

"Because we stole it from the Dark One's vault...only, we were betrayed by one of our own, and it has now it seems to be at Hogwarts."

"You know you aren't winning any points, kidnapping children, having powerful objects stolen from you, hell it makes you kind of look incompetent," Holly smiled.

The slap caught her by surprise, the sting burning across her cheek.

Polkiss had moved without her even noticing he stood panting and shaking with anger as he glared down at her. His hands curled into fists.

"You dare mock us; you don't know anything about what we stand for..."

White hot anger bubbled inside of her, and her magic stirred for the first time since she had been jumped. Holly could feel it, gathering itself readying for attack and she wasn't sure if she had the strength or the control to hold it back. Heat flooded through her.

The ground shook.

No, the room shook.

Her chair vibrated.

Anger exploded out of her, and her vision tunnelled.

Make him pay, make him hurt. He hit you, he has no right to touch you, voice, which sounded far too like Riddle for her comfort, whispered in her mind.

Holly knew all she had to do was reach, reach for her magic and she would crush Polkiss until there was nothing left, break them all and this room.

Who does he think he is?


A hand gripped her arm tightly, and she swung her gaze to the person standing next to her, magic crackling to life in her hand.

Her eyes narrowed as they meet Will's.

He betrayed you. He set you up.

His eyes pleaded with her, she could see it as clear as day. Feel his emotions as if they were her own.


He was afraid of her, for her, she couldn't tell.


It sucker punched her hard and fast as it washed over her in a wave.

He regretted his part in this whole affair.

Holly swallowed her anger, pulled back at her magic and pushed it as far down as she could.

She was better than this.

She controlled her magic; her magic did not control her.

She turned to face Polkiss who looked too smug for his own good.

"Touch me again, and I swear to whatever God you call your own I will kill you."

"You don't need your wand to perform magic?" Jimmy asked cautiously. He showed no outward sign of fear like the others in the room, but he had distanced himself from her.

Not really, I am more like a wild animal in Professor Doge's words. I will show my teeth and hiss and spit when I feel threatened, but I don't have the control after the first lash out, but they didn't know that.

Holly shrugged in response.

"Wizards and witches are part of the Resistance, it was how we apprehended you as you may have guessed, but even with that, it is rare for us to work together really. We know they don't all hate us, we know there are those that think of us as human beings. Polkiss' wounds are fresh and raw, his wife and son were killed four weeks ago," Jimmy continued, "I can only apologise on his behalf, and give you my word that it will not happen again."

Holly stared at him, she wanted to tell him to shove his word and pinpoint exactly where to put it, but she refrained. The sooner she listened to what they had to say the quicker she could leave. She didn't need their apologises, not when they were false.

"Cut to the chase. You want me to steal a magic box that puts people to sleep and is currently in Hogwarts. Why do you want it and who stole it from you?"

"Why is not your concern. As to who, well we knew him as Gavin, and as far as we were concerned he was a muggle, though it would appear that wasn't the case."

"That doesn't help me; a magic box in a school of magic doesn't exactly give me a lot to go on."

"Well it is someone who has an axe to grind with your Headmaster, after all, why else use it against students," Jimmy answered.

Why indeed, "Can the spell be broken?"

"We believe that it can if the box is broken. However, we want the box intact, and payment will only be received when we have it in our hands."

"But the children who are already cursed remain asleep!" Holly argued.

"They aren't dead, which is something more than our children have suffered. They are alive and will remain alive as part of the curse. Their awakening isn't something I am concerned about. That box in our possession is," Jimmy countered, "Do we have a deal?"

"You aren't exactly giving me a choice."

"No, I don't suppose I am."

"Then I guess we have a deal," Holly muttered.

Jimmy smiled, "Excellent, you have until summer. Now I again must apologise in advance, but we can't really have you see anything outside this room, you understand of course."

Holly opened her mouth to argue but before she could even move a cloth was covering her mouth and nose, and she couldn't breathe.

A strong smell hit her nose and the back of her throat, pulling her down into a spiralling world of darkness and no matter how hard she tried to crawl into the light the darkness swallowed her.


"Well that went well," Jimmy said softly as he poured himself a drink before sitting himself down, his mind already playing over every detail. Holly was a stubborn one, but she was focused and when she put her mind to something she would get the job done. She would find the box.

Jimmy glanced at his companion as the man sat down. They had moved from the storage room to one of their more comfortable meeting rooms the moment his men had carried Holly out. Will had opted to go with them to ensure Holly's safety, or at least her safety in the boy's mind.

Whether he realised it or not, Will had a soft spot for the girl.

"Really, I think it was a disaster," Polkiss snorted, "You can't trust her. She's too close to him."

"She won't tell him. Despite her charade of not caring about others, Holly cares. She won't want to see us harmed and telling Voldemort would only end one way," he responded confidently. That was one thing he was sure about, Holly wouldn't betray them.

"You are putting too much faith into her, she is one of them. She isn't one of us. Not anymore. You saw her in there -"

"I saw her react to being hurt. You started that Polkiss, and what does it say about you that a child has more control than an adult," Jimmy snapped, "Holly Black is an asset we can't afford to not utilise. And I am not prepared to let her go to waste because of your desire for revenge."

Polkiss nodded once in agreement before standing and taking his leave. Leaving Jimmy alone with his thoughts.

He missed the old days, days where he was an antique dealer with less than legal connections, where the only thing he needed to worry about was an undercover detective and being caught.

Now, everything had become so much more complicated and messy.

Jimmy sighed, "What do you think?" asking out loud.

"He is a liability. One we don't need," a gruff voice growled from the shadows.

"I am aware of that, and that wasn't the question I asked."

"She's more powerful than I was expecting. Has reasonable control for an eleven-year-old."

"May I ask why you want her to steal the item?" Jimmy asked.

"Because they haven't made a move on her yet. She won't be on their radar so she is a piece I can move. Besides she is in the perfect position to do so."

"She is a child sir, aren't we expecting too much," Jimmy argued.

"We are at war boy, and I have been in the thick of it far longer than you have. We don't have time to show compassion. Our enemies are closing around us, and we need every advantage we can get. Holly Black is an advantage. We need her in our ranks."

"She might not be so willing."

"No, but that's where you will work your magic, Jimmy. Convince her of her responsibility to stay and fight, and if she doesn't survive stealing the box, then it's one less witch we have to worry about."

"The Order won't like it."

"Despite what they think, they aren't in charge here. I am. They may fight for our rights, they fight to treat us like human beings, but they are no better than the rest. We will work with them until we no longer need them. The weapon will be our ace, Jimmy. Make sure we have it."

"As you command," Jimmy whispered.

Not that he received a response. He felt the telltale draft of the hidden door shifting and knew without a doubt that Commander had slipped through it without so much as a word.

Not that he was big on words.

So Commander is acting alone in this, without the Order's knowledge. We can't win this war if we can't even stop fighting ourselves, Jimmy sunk into the chair.

Perhaps it was time to abandon ship, primarily when it was clear they were about to run aground.

And yet despite the fact he could see the danger they were hurtling towards, Jimmy couldn't leave. He had invested in too much, he believed too much.

He knew a better world could be created.

A better world could rise.

It just needed the right person to unite them, the right person with the vision to move mountains and heal the world.

After they tore it apart.


Holly woke to the feeling that she had been hit by a Bludger, multiple times.

Her head was pounding and felt heavy with grogginess, and she couldn't help but groan as she pushed herself up from the floor.

For the second time that day she had found herself waking from unconsciousness, and she didn't like it one little bit.

You're slipping, getting lazy. You need to get back into shape.

Her wand lay inches away from her, unscathed and Holly quickly snatched it up comforted by the fact it was now back in her possession.

She really needed to up her game. Too many people that were a threat to her.

"Take it easy," a voice said softly.

Anger flickered inside of her as she recognised the voice and Holly turned to face Will.

"Lik-e yo-u care," she rasped her throat felt rough and dry.

Will threw her a bottle of water, she caught it, though her limbs felt floppy and not under her control.

"It will take a few minutes to leave your system. Have a drink."

"You've probably poisoned it!"

"I had forgotten how stubborn you are," Will snapped at her as he moved from his position and walked towards her.

She flinched away from him and hurt flashed in the boy's eyes before he took the bottle out of her hand, unscrewed it and took a sip of the water.

"See not poisoned," he stated, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

Holly threw him a glare as she snatched the bottle of water from him and took a sip.

"You set me up!" Holly accused.

"It was the only way, if I hadn't of done, then they would have explored more violent avenues."

"That doesn't make it right."

"Grow up Holly; nothing in this world is right. We are being murdered, and that isn't right, children are being taken, and that isn't right -"

"What do you mean?" Holly asked interrupting him.

"Since the Purge, there have been over hundred muggles killed. Skirmishes in the Warren between Snatchers and us, the Watch and us. They have stopped playing their part Holly they aren't even pretending to tolerate us now."

"That's why you want the box; you want to even the playing field?"

"I don't know about that, it's all need to know. All I know is we don't want it in their hands."

"What about the witches and wizards that are involved?"

"They rarely stay longer than they have to. They help with a mission and leave. I'm not exactly high up on who they socialise with.

Holly wasn't sure what to think, her mind running through every possible scenario of how this would play out and none of them ended well, and now she was bang smack in the mild of it, and the best of it was, she had no idea which wizards and witches that were involved.

"I need to go. Any longer and I will be missed, and that will be a disaster."

Will threw her a brown paper bag; she could feel the heat through the paper. She frowned at him.

"Warmed Ice Buns. Gives you an excuse."

"This was too well planned for it to be an opportunity kidnapping," Holly said softly.

"It was in the paper you would be opening the Food Bank."

Holly rolled her eyebrows, "Of course it was."

"You will do it won't you? You will find the box and steal it back?"

Holly looked at him she would steal the box, but she didn't want to think about what happened after. That would take more thought than a simple yes or no.

"I will find the box," she agreed softly as she stood up.

Will stared at her, an array of emotions crossing his face. Holly had no idea if he believed her or not, but at this point, she realised she didn't care. He had gotten her into a mess she wasn't sure she would come out of it in one piece.

She didn't say anything else, she didn't need to.

Holly turned on her heel without another word and walked out of the library she had been returned to. A place that had been her home, her safe sanctuary from the world no longer felt safe.

And Will had done that.

Her senses went into overdrive as she stepped out into the daylight, her eyes scanning every corner of the outside world.

Nobody was lying in wait for her, but Holly still tightened her grip on her wand.

She refused to let them see they had rattled her.

Refused to show fear despite the fact her heart was beating fast beneath her chest.

Holding her head up high, Holly made her way back through the twists and turns of the Warren to the Food Bank, keeping her pace steady, and more than aware of the eyes watching her.

The Yule Ball started at sunset on the shortest day of the year. Though according to Daphne, only those that were no one ever arrived before seven o'clock. It was why precisely at seven thirty Holly stepped out of the fireplace behind Daphne and the rest of the Greengrass family into a large reception room. Daphne's mother gave three quick flicks of her wand directed at both of her daughters and Holly, vanishing the residue soot and ash that came with floo travelling.

Glancing around the room, Holly could see a house elf stationed on a dark green rug waiting for guests that were arriving by floo.

He, or at least Holly was presuming it was a he, greeted them with the usual over-excitement that Holly had come to expect from house-elves in general.

The elf bowed deeply to them before gesturing for them to follow. They were led through the corridor from the reception room and further into Malfoy Manor. Holly noted several closed doors as they passed and portraits with grey calculating eyes that followed their progress. Between the paintings, glass cabinets caught her attention with the many strange items displayed on their shelves and books whose pages seemed to turn themselves every so often.

Holly couldn't help but be impressed. Where the Greengrass family home was undoubtedly elegant, it had more of a homely well-loved feel to it. The Malfoy Manor took elegant to another level. Pristine, it hardly looked lived in despite having been in the Malfoy family for generations.

The elf finally led them to a large drawing room with large double doors that led to a ballroom. Standing near the double doors, Holly could see Draco next to his parents as they greeted guests. Looking at them Holly had no doubt that nobody mistook Draco for anybody but a Malfoy. His father with pale hair and grey eyes was a reflection of who Draco would become when he was older. Taller than his wife he held himself in a way that demanded attention; the kind of attention that went beyond the finery he had dressed himself in. His face was void of emotion as he greeted his guests almost as if he had donned a mask of ice.

Holly silently thought, wearing the pale blue robes with his pale hair and grey eyes made him look as if he was made of ice. Draco's mother was beautiful. With bright blue eyes and equally pale blonde hair as her husband. Daphne had said she was a Black by blood and in some way related to her, but Holly couldn't quite remember the connection. Besides Draco, this was the first time she was meeting anyone that was in a way a relative.

Or at least as far as she was aware. But then Daphne's mother had mentioned in passing that her Uncle would also be attending the Ball tonight. A thought that made Holly feel uncomfortable.

Maybe I could hide in a corner for the rest of the party after I have initially greeted the Malfoy's and thanked them for their hospitality.

She doubted Daphne would let her hide.

"Helena!" Draco's mother greeted with a welcoming smile as she turned to them, "Blessed Yule."

"Blessed Yule, Narcissa," Helena smiled.

Holly watched in silent fascination at the odd greeting between Daphne and Draco's fathers as they acknowledged each other with a polite nod and none of the warmth and affection that passed between the two women. It was almost as if they were only polite for the sake of their wives.

"Blaise and Theo have already arrived. I'm sure they have found a prime position to observe the party," Draco greeted.

"Nice to see you to Draco. We are fine, thank you for asking," Daphne chided.

Draco threw her a look but didn't respond.

"I'm surprised you aren't there with them," Holly said.

"Mother said I had to stay and greet everyone. Do you honestly know how bored I have been?"

Holly smiled at him.

"It isn't funny!"

"The woes of being an heir," Daphne laughed.

Draco opened his mouth to respond.

"Hush Draco," Mrs Malfoy said, with a hand on her son's shoulder. She didn't say it loudly or with much tone in it at all, but Draco was instantly quiet. Holly looked up at the woman standing behind her son, aware that it wasn't just his mother who was watching them. Both Daphne's parents and Mr Malfoy were. The Greengrass' looked amused at their antics where Draco's parents were unreadable.

"Mother, Father, may I introduce Holly Black," Draco said proudly, "Holly Black this is my father, Lucius Malfoy and my mother, Narcissa Malfoy."

Daphne already knows them, you are the outsider here, which is why Draco has formally introduced you, she silently mused as she greeted them in the same manner she had used with Daphne's parents just days ago.

She curtsied ever so slightly, head bowing just a little.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Malfoy. I come as a guest, willing to become a friend, and to abide by the laws of hospitality on this most sacred night."

Narcissa Malfoy smiled at her, her blue eyes holding a fierce intent gaze of a predator. Holly wasn't sure whether that meant something or not.

"Today is a day to offer hospitality to all that cross our threshold in the name of the dark. Well meet Miss Black," the woman greeted.

"Well meet Mrs Malfoy," Holly nodded with a small smile, relieved that the formalities of greetings were out of the way.

There were so many rules, so many steps that guided the movements of everyone. It was a dance - that unheard formal music playing in the background, that made her hyper-aware of every gesture, every glance and every word. Misstep once and the dance, no Holly thought, the game was lost. Even now while she had been formally accepted as a guest, bound by ancient magic and protected by hospitality laws, she could still leave this ball with more enemies than associates.

Holly wasn't sure how they could all keep up, but from the smiles, on the adult's faces, as they politely conversed; they almost seemed to enjoy it.

Adults are strange, she silently mused.

"Draco has told us much about you, Miss Black. I must say I don't remember my Hogwarts' years being quite so eventful. On the Quidditch team as a first year and battling golems on top," Mrs Malfoy smiled at her.

"Please call me Holly, Mrs Malfoy," she replied with a smile, "I must confess being on the Quidditch team was an unfortunate happenstance and no real skill on my part."

Draco snorted, "Nonsense, while Higgs' injury played a part on you playing that game, your skill is what made you a reserve for the team. You fly like a bloody eagle."

"Language Draco!"

"Sorry mother," Draco muttered, "But downplaying your ability to fly, considering you didn't even know what Quidditch was before coming to Hogwarts is just plain stupid. I don't know anyone else that would have outmanoeuvred a golem."

"That's because they were more intelligent than me to stay in the air."

"That thing was targeting you, Holly, you would have been dead if you hadn't have stayed on your broom," Daphne added.

Holly couldn't argue that not when it had been her own conclusion at the time.

"The Golem's were targeting you, Miss Black?" Mr Malfoy asked, with more curiosity than she really cared for.

"It's hard to say Mr Malfoy. One of them did split from the group, and it did seem to take a liking to me in particular," Holly answered with a soft sigh, "Enough to give chase until I epically crashed."

"It is amazing that you came away unscathed," Mrs Malfoy mused.

I hadn't, not really, Holly mentally answered, but kept silent. Nobody really needed to know she had been scratched and that the talons had poison in them that resisted healing magic leaving her with three very thin scars.

"The Golems aren't an isolated incident either," Daphne's father added, "There are still three children in St Mungo's in a cursed sleep."

Holly mentally grimaced. She couldn't forget the three cursed children or the Sleeping Curse even if she wanted to. Not when the Resistance had tasked her with finding the weapon that was currently at Hogwarts and being used against its students. Of course in a real cloak and dagger style they had only given her enough information to find it, but nothing that would really give her a clue as to who took it. Guilt at the fact she knew information knotted in her stomach.

It is your only chance to get the money back from Jimmy. You will find the weapon and stop whoever is using it. Of course, it needs to be destroyed for the children to wake up and the Resistance wants it intact.

It was a dilemma she didn't like. If she handed over the weapon to the Resistance, Jimmy would give her all the money she saved with him and a passage to America for free, but the sleeping children would stay asleep. If she found the weapon and broke it, then the children would wake up, but she could kiss her three hundred and sixty-five Galleons goodbye.

Was it selfish of her to want to be free from the chains that Riddle had placed around her? Chains that many would argue still meant having a better life than most.

The knots tightened.

You have to find the weapon first; don't worry about it until then.

Holly pushed the doubt aside. Now wasn't the time or the place to be thinking about the Sleeping Curse or the Resistance.

"I assure you Solomon; Lord Riddle has everything under control," Lucius said confidently.

"I am not questioning the Headmaster's authority Lucius, nor am I questioning his control of the situation," Daphne's father answered, "though it would appear someone is. This on top of the unease in the Warren is concerning."

Mr Malfoy pressed his lips together thinly, it was the first sign Holly had seen that the man wasn't fully composed. In fact, if she was going to hazard a guess, not that she knew the Malfoy's well enough, it was the first sign of anger the man was displaying.

There is more going on here than we realise. It's not just the students that are under attack. It's Riddle. Someone is attacking Riddle, and Malfoy like every loyal dog is concerned for his master, the voice in the back of her mind supplied.

Holly couldn't argue, not really. The adults were concerned; hell she had noticed the signs of something not quite right with Riddle since Halloween, though she couldn't say it was stress. But it was something.

Mrs Malfoy placed a gentle hand on her husband's arm. He immediately clasped it in his hand and gave her a small smile that likely meant something only she would understand.

"Forgive me, Solomon, it was not my intent to accuse you of questioning My Lord's authority, and as my wife has kindly reminded me, tonight is a celebration of new life not to be darkened by the troubling news. Perhaps when the school term begins again, we can meet to discuss your concerns."

Holly's eyes watched Daphne's father nod ever so slightly to answer without voicing his acknowledgement. And then the next guest had arrived, and the Greengrass family bid their hosts a farewell before entering the ballroom and the festivities.

"Pray tell darling, was it your intent to rattle our hosts?" Daphne's mother asked in a hushed voice, but loud enough for them to hear.

"The reports I have been receiving over the last few months are troubling love. Lucius for all his air is usually the easiest person to read should you push the right buttons. He gave more away than he intended."

Daphne's mother threw her husband a look and Holly could see that the woman wasn't amused by her husband's actions.

"And just what was so important that you had to gather that information tonight?"

Mr Greengrass smiled warmly at his wife but whatever his answer was going to be was lost as a man approached them. He was small for a man, though he walked with a presence around him that Holly had no doubt made up for his lack of height. Something about him told Holly that this man held a lot of political clout. He had the fine features of an aristocrat with well-defined cheekbones and would undoubtedly be considered handsome. His grey eyes were cold, and as they locked onto her, Holly couldn't help but shudder at the iciness she found there.

Alarm bells rang, and she couldn't shake the feeling that this man didn't like her one bit.

Not that he showed it, his expression was reserved as he greeted Daphne's parents.

"Regulus," Daphne's mother greeted with a smile, "how are you this evening?"

"All the better for seeing you, Helena," Regulus greeted, smiling ever so slightly.

The smile changed his appearance from icy to warm almost instantly.

Daphne's mother laughed softly, "I had forgotten how charming you Black's are."

Holly felt her heart flutter and her stomach drop almost instantly. Regulus Black! Regulus fucking Black! Her uncle. Her uncle.

Her mouth felt dry, and she looked at him. Studying him in an entirely different way now she knew who he was. She couldn't see any resemblance between them. Though she supposed they both had midnight black hair, and perhaps from the side, she would say she had the same shaped nose.

But then maybe she was reaching. Reaching and wanting?

No, she argued, absolutely not. She didn't need a family. She didn't need an uncle, and yet despite her argument, it felt oddly surreal standing this close to someone who was family.

He was staring at her again, and Holly was aware of more eyes on her, a glance around told her it was more than just the Greengrass' who was watching them and she felt even more uncomfortable with that much attention. She wouldn't say silence had fallen over the ballroom, but the chatter had indeed gone quieter.

"You have his mouth."

The statement caught her by surprise and Holly couldn't stop the shock from showing.

"And you have the Black features, that's something I suppose," Regulus continued, "We haven't been formally introduced. I am Regulus Arcturus Black, your father Sirius Orion Black was my brother."

The ballroom really had fallen silent then, and Holly could perhaps understand why. She may not know the full ways of the pureblood society, but at that moment she could tell the importance of Regulus Black's words. He had claimed her. He had claimed her as his niece, as the daughter of Sirius Black. And that had changed bloody everything.

She wasn't sure whether to laugh or scream.

Though silence seemed to be her only option as she stared stupidly at her uncle, and wasn't that a weird thing to acknowledge.

"Solomon, Helena, please forgive me, but I do believe it is high time I have a conversation with my niece. I will, of course, return her to you promptly."

Daphne's mother smiled, "Of course Regulus, take all the time you need."

Holly watched Daphne and her family leave her alone with her uncle, though Daphne shot her a reassuring look, which she was more than grateful for.

Holly was uncertain of what she needed to do or say or anything if she was going, to be honest, so instead opted to remain silent and wait for her uncle to speak first.

She didn't have to wait long.

"You are leaving me with a predicament."

"Am I meant to apologise for that," Holly snapped before she could stop herself.

An eyebrow raised ever so slightly at her, and perhaps amusement glistened in those grey eyes. But then maybe she was reading it wrong.

"Well, you have his attitude. Though I assure you that isn't a compliment," Regulus remarked, "Walk with me."

She complied because she saw no other option. Eyes followed them. Holly could feel them, and they were making her skin crawl, but people were at least giving the pretence of not paying them attention as the chatter resumed once again.

"You will become accustomed to it," Regulus said, "and they will fade into the background."

Holly snorted, "If they fade into the background, how are you meant to see the knife aiming for your heart."

He smirked ever so slightly, "The Black paranoia. I find this oddly amusing, all things considering."

"I don't understand what you mean?"

Regulus sighed, "No, you don't, and that, well that adds to the amusement. He was always one for having the last laugh, and with you, he most definitely has had the last laugh."

Holly frowned. Her uncle was talking in riddles.

"You aren't what I was expecting."

"I'm not apologising for that either."

"I don't expect you to. I have claimed you, niece, I have claimed you my brother's daughter, no matter how much it pains me to do so. I have a feeling you will be the ruin of the Black family, but it is done. You will receive a monthly allowance and further access to the Black family vaults will happen in due course, though I will be monitoring your spending."

Holly stared at her uncle in surprise. She had money, she had access to money. She didn't need Jimmy; she didn't need their offer...except there is still a threat at Hogwarts.

And Regulus would be monitoring her spending.

Her pride wanted to tell him thanks but no thanks, but she swallowed it. Even though it pained her to do so.

"I expect high grades; I will not accept you bringing any more shame to the family. I may be powerless to stop your existence, but I assure you I will do everything in my power to see that you do not ruin this family."

Holly had a feeling he meant more than he was saying, that he was expecting her to read between the lines. But whatever message was there was lost on her.

"Now I believe it is time to return you to your friend and her family."

"You needn't put yourself out uncle; I assure you I will not find any trouble being left on my own."

"Your father found himself in trouble whenever he was left unsupervised."

"I'm. Not. My. Father," Holly answered through gritted teeth. She couldn't decide if her uncle hated her because she was her father's daughter or for some other unknown reason. Either way, if he were going to hate her, then it would be because of her and not for something she had no control over.

Her uncle blinked at her in surprise, the first sign of emotion that wasn't apparent distaste.

"No, you are not."

"It would do well to remember that. I live only to my expectations and not the expectations of others."

He tilted his head ever so slightly, his cold eyes studying every inch of her. Weighing, judging. She hated that look.

"Only time will tell who you really are Holly Black," he said eventually, "I think you may be surprised at who that is."

"Blessed Yule, uncle," she answered with a slight curtsy before turning away. She hadn't wanted to, she had wanted to turn tail and walk away, but doing so would give those watching eyes something to talk about, and she had no desire for that. Let the world think all was well between the Black family members. So Holly had opted for being polite, showing him she knew the customs and that she was better than he thought she was.

Not that she cared one bit for his opinion. But something about the whole conversation didn't feel right. How the hell was she supposed to ruin the Black family? Surely that was too much expectation to put on someone.

But then perhaps her father really had been a rogue.

He had you didn't he. A child that isn't pure.

Holly shook her head from those thoughts. She didn't care about what was expected, or blood or pureness. No, she only cared about surviving this impossible task she had been set and escaping the chains that were ever wrapping tighter around her.

Holly made her way in the direction she had seen Daphne and her family heading, hoping to find them before another person cornered her.

A hand brushed her elbow, hooking her as she walked by and gracefully turning her.

Holly had a barb ready on the tip of her tongue, courtesy be damned, when she blinked in surprise and smiled, "Hello Blaise."

Blaise smiled, his eyes twinkling, "That wasn't what you were going to say."

Holly shrugged, "No, but then I didn't realise it was you that was manhandling me."

She studied him out of the corner of her eye. He was wearing a deep blue dress robe that suited him perfectly. Blaise was always one to care about his appearance, though she wouldn't call him vain, but tonight he looked every inch an Heir.

Holly couldn't help but wonder when she started thinking people as heirs because of their finery rather than mark. Not that Blaise would ever be an easy mark. There was something eerily hidden under the surface when it came to her friend.

"Manhandling, you wound me."

"What would you call it then?" she asked, giving him a pointed look.

"Polite manoeuvring."

Holly laughed despite herself and the tension from conversing with her uncle slipped away.

"Draco said you were with Theo, have you lost him?"

"No, my mother required me for a moment, and now I am making my way back to them. Where do you think I was manoeuvring you to?" Blaise answered, shaking his head in amusement, "Or do I need to have a discussion with you about the dangers of being dragged off by others?"

"Are you saying you are dangerous Blaise?"

"Everyone is dangerous Holly, stupid people are dangerous, intelligent people are dangerous. The question isn't who isn't dangerous, the question is how dangerous are you?" he answered with a raised eyebrow, almost mockingly.

"That's for other's to find out," Holly countered.

Blaise smiled at her in his usual vague way that said he heard and saw more than you wanted him to and if you didn't want him to then you were the stupid one.

"We are in one of the corners, allows us to converse at a reasonable volume. Shouting is so crass."

"And watch the whole room?"

"Of course, one wouldn't want to miss any scandals unfolding," Blaise smirked.

"Anything interesting so far?"

"Besides your Uncle acknowledging you and declaring you a family member?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Holly grimaced, "Besides that."

"No lives have been ruined yet. Though your acknowledgement has gotten a few tongues wagging."

"Do I need to be concerned?"

"Cautious, which is something you are already," he answered, giving a look to emphasise his point.

He didn't need to. Acknowledgement brought its own dangers just as much as being ignored did.

"I will take it under advisement," she nodded.

Blaise nodded once, and for a split second he almost seemed to relax a little, whatever he was warning against, Holly could see it concerned him. Though she couldn't understand why he didn't just speak plainly rather than going in circles to get the end result.

Because he is playing the game. They all are, even you are to some degree. Even if you don't know all the rules.

Blaise led her to where Daphne, Theo and Millicent were standing with a glass of pumpkin fizz in hands as they chatted away.

"Holly!" Daphne smiled at her, "Survived your uncle?"

"Just about," Holly answered as she picked her own glass off the table near them, "Theo. Millicent, are you enjoying your holidays?"

"I am thank you though I will say it's not nearly as eventful as yours. Opening the Food Bank in the Warren?" Millicent answered

Holly smiled; though she was sure it came out more like a grimace than anything else.

"I wouldn't say it was eventful a tedious task, to be honest. Public speaking certainly isn't my strong point."

"I would say you won the crowds over," Millicent smiled at her, and there was a gleam in her eyes Holly wasn't sure she liked.

"Your words are too kind. I just hope that with the Food Bank's Opening, the growing tension in the Warren will ease and the Aurors can continue with their investigation," she replied. Hoping she sounded like she was concerned about the right thing in their eyes.

"Ghastly isn't it. They aren't any closer to finding the person who was responsible for the attack on Purge Day, and their investigation was certainly hindered by the muggles," Millicent continued.

"They are imbeciles that's why."

They all turned as Draco approached them, "That's what my father says. Surprised they know one end of their wand to the other. Hello, everyone. Merlin, I'm glad that is over with. One more tiresome question about how my classes are going or how I am enjoying Slytherin House, and I was afraid my head was going to explode."

"Heaven forbid. I don't think we would cope with exploding Malfoy," Daphne smiled.

"I don't know it has a ring to it. Instead of Exploding Snap we could rebrand it as Exploding Malfoy I am sure it will sell," Blaise chuckled.

Draco visibly paled, "Don't you dare, Blaise."

"Are you free for the rest of the evening?" Holly asked.

"Unfortunately not," Draco said, "I have to dance the first dance with the Minister's niece. Not to mention I will be expected to take my place with my parents as we lead the ceremony."

He preened like a peacock as he announced the last bit, looking every inch the proud family heir. Daphne had given her a brief idea of what to expect from the Yule celebrations and from what Holly could understand it was vastly different from Samhain night. There would be no dead walking among the living. No shared memories. Instead, they would be celebrating the rebirth of the sun; celebrating the return of the light. While Yule was considered a dark festival it marked the halfway point of the ever turning wheel of light and dark. Daphne had stated Dark witches and wizards acknowledged and respected despite the fact that most often light and dark wizards and witches clashed. They were a part of the same wheel forever entwined and forever turning.

Daphne had explained that Yule was one of the four magical nights a year where witches and wizards dark or light could celebrate together in harmony. Regardless of where their allegiance lay magically speaking.

Holly wasn't sure she fully understood why or even the reasoning behind the dedicated days of celebration full of traditions that went back generations that seemed to be the core of the magical world.

Mentally Holly shook herself from her thoughts and back to the present with her friends as they chattered for a while longer. The conversation was light-hearted and mostly about the holidays in general than anything remotely serious.

Eventually, the musical entertainment started to warm up, and a beautiful soft yet commanding voice took everyone's attention as the crowds that had gathered in the centre of the room gave way to those that wished to dance.

Their group broke up, each going to find the person they were expected to open the dancing with.

Holly chose that moment to gracefully slip into the background should someone decide she would make the perfect dance partner. Holly would deny that she was running, but she wasn't in the mood for dancing or polite conversation with strangers.

The ballroom had several large French doors that opened out onto balconies, allowing guests to venture out and enjoy the fresh air. Holly chose the balcony least likely to be occupied by others and still allowing herself a perfect vantage point to observe the rest of the ballroom before stepping outside.

Soft light flickered from the low burning lanterns; intended she had no doubt, to provide a romantic setting. Now that she thought about it as her eyes glanced around the balcony it did look like the settings on the romance novels in Flourish and Blotts shop window.

She snorted in amusement with a shake of her head before settling into a position where she could lean against the side of the balcony, observe anyone stepping out onto the balcony and admire the gardens that looked to be lit up with hundreds of lanterns.

Though the more she watched, the more Holly realised those lanterns were actually moving, swirling and swaying, and were, in fact, fairies; light fairies.

It's a beautiful sight to watch, she mused as she sipped her drink watching the memorising display before her.

She hadn't realised that the Malfoy Manor was home to light fairies, though she supposed Draco could have mentioned it and she hadn't been paying attention.

Holly slowly relaxed, letting the tension ease away from her upon being surrounded by that many witches and wizards as the music changed from fast to slow to fast again. The soft melodies soothing her, as she watched the light fairies and took in the sounds of chirping crickets and the rustle of leaves.

"Little birds shouldn't stray too far from the nest. One never knows when a hungry predator is lurking nearby."

The voice caught her by surprise.

Holly spun to face the intruder mentally cursing herself for her stupidity. She had picked this spot to stop people from sneaking up behind her, but she had allowed herself to be distracted by the light fairies.

You deserve the curse in the back if you're going to be that stupid.

A tall woman was standing to the left of her, leaning almost casually against one of the columns. She had thick black hair that had been elegantly pinned half up half down. Thin lips pressed together as heavy-lidded eyes studied her under long lashes. Shadows danced across her face as the flames in the lantern nearest her flickered.

Holly could tell the woman was striking, good looking even in a classic way, though it wasn't a gentle beauty like Daphne's mother or even Draco's mother though the resemblance between the later was uncanny.

"I'm not a bird," Holly said, her eyes watching the woman with careful scrutiny. Something about her put her on edge, something that was familiar.

The woman chuckled, "your all little birds, little chicks that have not yet learnt to fly. You wouldn't fly though if your feathers were plucked or wings were broken."

She stepped closer.

Holly stood her ground, refusing to move an inch less she show her fear, though her right hand twitched as if it wanted to reach for her wand.

Caution, foolish to act first. Wait!

The woman walked from side to side slowly her eyes pressing down on her.

They made her skin want to itch.

"Well, well, what have we here?" The woman smiled, though Holly wouldn't say it was a pleasant smile. Twisted and deranged maybe, "More than just a little bird, Little Sirius' bastard to moot."

It was a taunt, Holly knew it was, just as she knew the woman wasn't going to get the reaction from her that she wanted either. The woman said it to hurt, to prove a point. To show that she was nothing but a bastard. Claimed or not.

If Holly actually cared about her status then perhaps it would have hurt, but she didn't. She cared about learning magic, and nothing the woman said was going to impact that.

So instead she stood, watched and waited for the witch to make the next move. Holly wouldn't say the woman was drunk, but the smell of alcohol was...noticeable.

"Little cousin Reggie has acknowledged you then," the woman stated with more huff than Holly thought was needed, "I suppose that makes you next in line as Heir. Don't you feel special?"

"Not particularly," Holly answered not keeping the heat out of her voice.

"You should feel privileged," the woman hissed launching herself forward stopping only inches away from Holly. Holly inwardly flinched but bit down on the inside of her check. The sharp pain distracting her from showing any fear. She didn't know this woman, but she knew people like her. They craved the fear of others, wanted it with a ferocity that they actively sought it out, doing all in their power to get that rush it gave them.

Holly wasn't a victim.

She refused to be a victim.

She stared into the woman's dark eyes with her own, refusing to blink first.

The woman sneered, "The Black family has prided itself on its purity for generations. It hasn't had a dark stain on it once. Until you! But then your father was always like a dog when a bitch was in heat."

Her tongue stuck out a little as she smirked, her eyes gleaming, "Reggie should have simply killed you, rather than acknowledged you."

"But he didn't," Holly reminded her, "and that was his choice."

She knew Regulus hadn't been happy to acknowledge her, but he had, and that meant something. That gave her some power, even if she hadn't worked out exactly what.

The woman raised her hand, Holly moved without thinking, using her quickness to grab the woman's hand inches away from her face. She could tell the movement had caught the woman by surprise. Her eyes widened ever so slightly before rage blazed in them. She snarled, wand rising.


They both froze. Holly recognised the voice and relief flooded her. She knew she was no match against an adult. Knew she would be left a broken, bloody mess had the fight broken out between them.

Perhaps she shouldn't have antagonised the woman, but the idea of letting her touch her had turned her stomach.

Her heart rate that had been racing mere seconds before, as her body prepared itself for an attack, slowed beneath her chest. Holly let go of Bellatrix's hand and took a step back. Allowing the space between them to grow. She wanted to search for Riddle, but she dared not take her eyes of the witch for a second.

But then Holly didn't need to see him, she knew he was there.

His magic flowed over her, and despite the scorching heat that prickled her skin from it she was comforted by its presence. Allowing herself to relax that little bit more. Bellatrix could feel it too; Holly saw the flinch cross the woman's face as she shrunk back from Holly.

It left no room for argument and Bellatrix followed the order without question.

"My Lord," she bowed deeply, her head lowered.

Holly dared a look in Riddle's direction. His eyes were blazing with rage. They almost looked as though they were glowing. He gave no indication that he acknowledged the bow and Bellatrix was left waiting, showing unquestionable obedience.

His eyes met hers, and Holly felt lost in the cold swirling power that was in them. Oh, he was angry alright, more than angry.

"Leave us Bellatrix," he ordered.

Hurt and disappointment flickered across Bellatrix's face before quickly masked with rage of her own. The witch threw Holly a look that Holly had no doubt would have killed her if such a thing was possible. Whatever the woman had been expecting from her Lord that had not been it.

Mask firmly fixed in place Bellatrix bowed deeply as she backed away through the French doors and back into the main party.

The silence stretched between them as Riddle looked at her.

The anger was radiating off him, though he didn't say anything.

"My hero," Holly said, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

His eyes never left her.

"My Lord?"

Holly's eyes darted to the doors, Draco's father stood there unsurely, waiting, glancing between the two of them.

"Lucius, be sure to keep your sister-in-law in line tonight," Riddle stated not bothering to look at the man.

"Of course My Lord," Lucius replied with a bow of his head before leaving them alone once again.

"Do they roll over and play dead as well?" Holly asked, mentally cursing herself as she did so. She wasn't afraid of him, not exactly, but she was wary, and often her mouth ran away with her to deflect the uncertainty she felt.

"You test my patience."

"You have said, more than once. And I'm not even trying, imagine what it would be like if I were trying?"

"Merlin help me," he muttered, "I can't leave you alone for five minutes."

"She started it," Holly replied with a shrug, "Who is she exactly?"

"She was a Black, before she married, your father's cousin; her father was your grandmother's brother," he answered as he moved closer to her.

"She is psychotic," Holly added with a snort, "let's hope it doesn't run in the family."

Riddle smiled slightly, "Only time will tell. She is less than happy with your existence. She is a fanatic when it comes to blood purity. You have made an enemy there."

"That was the impression I got. I recognise her though," Holly replied with a frown.

Riddle raised his eyebrow questioningly.

"Before, I mean, before I knew who I was. In the Warren, I saw her in the Warren."

Something flashed in Riddle's eyes, but she couldn't tell if it was anger or something else.

"I advise you to forget that."


"Because some things are best left alone, for your own safety."

She gave him a smile, "That almost sounds like you care."

"Don't be absurd," he snorted.

Her smile widened slightly, though she didn't say anything else.

"Come, it is high time for you to meet the Minister Adjunct."

"Is this one of those times where you make it sound like a suggestion, but in reality, you aren't giving me a choice?" she asked.

Riddle gave her a slight smirk before turning back towards the ballroom, not, it seemed, bothering to give her an answer.

Yep, it's precisely one of those times, she mused silently.

Holly ensured her mask was firmly in place as she followed Riddle back into the ballroom. She knew it was pointless to argue with him, they went round and round in circles, and eventually, she ended up doing what he wanted in the first place.

Now wasn't the time or the place to waste energy, not when she needed to be on guard.

Eyes were on them almost instantly; the music even missed a beat for a second. Holly would say more people were paying attention to them than when Regulus had declared her his brother's daughter. Remembering to keep her head straight and her shoulder's back she followed Riddle through the crowds that parted for them almost magically.

Heads bowing slightly as he passed.

Breathe, just breathe, he's the important one, not you. This attention isn't on you.

Holly heard the lie in the voice but refrained from commenting. Painfully aware that they were approaching the Minister Adjunct - Voice of the Emperor, and his small party.

Though her eyes instantly fell to the woman standing to the left of them, dressed in pink dress robes with more frills than there should be for something to be worn in public. Pearls dangled from her ears and neck and she wore a strange looking thing in her hair. Holly wasn't sure what it was supposed to be, but it caught your eye whether you wanted it to or not.

"Tom," a man dressed in a purple pinstriped dress robe greeted. He was a heavy-set man with broad shoulders. The smile plastered on his face seemed genuine as he welcomed an old friend, though in Holly's opinion he looked ill - with an ash grey complexion.

She was surprised at the familiarity that the man she only presumed was the Minister had with Riddle and the fact that Riddle seemed to tolerate it.

"Minister Adjunct," Riddle greeted with a nod, "Madam Fudge you are a vision tonight if I do say so myself. Madam Umbridge, Madam Bones, my apology for the intrusion."

Holly recognised the name Madam Bones and couldn't help but wonder which one she was. From the conversation she had overheard she wasn't exactly a fan of Riddle.

"Apologies, from you Lord Riddle, now I am surprised," a woman dressed in light grey dress robes stated. Holly knew she was Madam Bones, she recognised the voice. Her red hair was neatly pinned to her head in a fancy style Holly wouldn't dream of attempting.

Riddle smiled, "I am capable of such a thing, though it is a rarity."

"Oh hush you two, tonight is a night of celebrations, not for bickering. I must say Tom I am pleased that you were able to attend tonight."

"Even I take the time to pay homage on our most sacred nights," Riddle replied.

"As all respectable witches and wizards do," the woman in pink confirmed.

"Madam Umbridge wise as she is beautiful," Riddle replied, flashing a smile that made the woman blush almost as pink as her outfit.

Mentally Holly gagged. Even she could hear the thick charm that Riddle was putting on.

"Minister Adjunct, please allow me to introduce you to my ward, Holly Black. I know you have been waiting to meet her for some time, but circumstances have postponed such a meeting."

Holly wanted to hit Riddle, and from the smirk, he gave her he knew it.

"Blessed be Minister Adjunct, and good fortune upon you," Holly greeted, curtsying slightly, more than grateful that her light blue dress robes were long enough to hide her feet but not too long to trip her up.

"And to you on this sacred night," the man responded in kind, signalling for her to rise, before continuing as he studied her closely, "Astonishing. I must say, Tom you have worked your magic, I was half expecting her to still be savage."

Anger flared as she felt her hackles rise at the insult.

They aren't worth it don't rise to the bait.

"She only needed the education she had been missing. The rest of it was all her, and I assure you she is a quick learner."

"Marvellous," the Minister chuckled, "I was impressed with the grand opening of the Food Bank. I do believe we have a public speaker in the making."

Holly smiled at the Minister, "I believe I will leave the public speaking to those who know better."

"Well said. After all, it wouldn't do for a child to think they know better than their elders," Umbridge said with a squeak, though Holly couldn't help but feel the weight of the woman's gaze pressing down on her.

She wouldn't say it was a glare, but there was something in them that made her feel uncomfortable, and that put her on edge.

"I have much to learn from my elders, and I am grateful for the privilege to learn from them. I just aim to be half as successful as the Minister Adjunct one day, for he is truly an inspiration in his bid of bringing order out of the chaos," Holly replied softly.

"My dear you are far too kind. I do believe you will go far under the tutoring of Tom here, very far indeed. Perhaps even one to watch," the Minister beamed.

They chattered for a little longer before the music slowly drew to a stop and silence fell over the ballroom.

Narcissa Malfoy stepped up on the platform moving to the centre ensuring that everyone could see her. Holly noted a single cup in her hand. She couldn't say it was a glass as it appeared to be made out a type of metal and looked incredibly old.

"Today you are my brothers and sisters, today you are my family. Today is a day to offer hospitality to all that cross my threshold. Today I drink to your health," Narcissa raised the cup to her lips and took a sip before continuing, "Today I offer the cup of hospitality and ask for you to join me on this most sacred night."

Holly watched as Narcissa stepped down from the platform and moved to the double doors which led out into the gardens. A hushed murmur filled the room as the Minister, and his wife pushed through the crowds to the front. Holly lost sight of what happened next but was aware that slowly the masses were moving around them, herding them ever closer to those double doors.

"Shouldn't you have gone to the front with the Minister," she whispered to Riddle; who was still surprisingly standing by her.

"Not tonight," he replied.


"Time and a place Snow, and now is not the time."

Holly didn't understand, but then she doubted she was supposed to. Instead, she was content with watching and waiting to see what would unfold. Daphne had told her some of what to expect - much like she had on Samhain; she had prepared her for her small role she would play in tonight's ritual. A part that everyone was supposed to play but the actual ceremony itself the other girl had been quiet about.

Holly shivered.

There was magic in the air. She could feel it pressing down on her, making her whole body itch. Her own magic pulsed in beat to the night air. Much like Samhain it everything felt so alive and energetic.

Holly stepped to the doorway taking her own turn. All three Malfoy's had a metal cup in hand offering it to the guests and each one taking their turn before stepping out into the gardens. A light flickered in the distance which Holly was confident hadn't been there before when she had been hiding on the balcony.

Riddle pushed her forward, and she faced Narcissa who smiled warmly at her.

The woman didn't say anything, just held the cup up to allow Holly to take her sip. Holly bent to the cup touching the rim and the liquid flowing to her lips. A jolt of energy seemed to surge through her, and it took all of her willpower not to react. The drink tasted earthy and warm, though she hadn't a clue as to what it could be.

"Blessed be," she murmured in thanks which Narcissa repeated after her. Holly stepped out into the garden, following the other witches and wizards.

The whole world seemed to glisten and sparkle and pulse and glow with life. As if it all had its own tiny heartbeats beating in tune to one giant heartbeat. Golden streams of fire and light swirled around and through everything.

She looked around for Riddle but couldn't see him anywhere. Holly wouldn't say she felt as if she was out of control of herself or under the influence of anything but everything was definitely more intense than it had been before her sip of hospitality.


Holly turned swiftly.

Daphne was standing there with her parents and sister and Blaise and a woman who shared his eyes.

"Holly, may I present my mother Vivien Zabini," Blaise continued before stepping out of the way.

Holly met the witch's eyes steadily and realised just how much Blaise had his mother's eyes. They were dark pools with hidden depths. The witch quirked her lips ever so slightly. Her skin was smooth and utterly black, and she wore her dark hair coiled in intricate braids around her head.

She was the most beautiful woman Holly had ever met.

Daphne's mother and Narcissa were beautiful women, but they paled in comparison and if the way Vivien Zabini held herself was anything to go by then the witch knew the power in her beauty.

"Mrs Zabini, forgive me, but my own imagination did not do you justice at all."

The woman laughed, "My son said you were blunt. It is refreshing, but I assure you there is nothing to forgive."

Together they wandered down the garden path following the others in the party.

"My son has told me so much about you Miss Black. I will not lie and say I was not cautious over such an alliance between you. But I see my son is perhaps a good judge of character."

Holly's ears twitched at the word alliance. Not friendship, alliances. She eyed Blaise out of the corner of her eye, but the boy remained as always unreadable unless he wished to give something away. There was nothing she could do about it anyway, so it was pointless being worried or hurt by a word, and perhaps that's what it was all about.

"I had heard that you sing Mrs Zabini, and from my understanding, Yule is a nighttime of celebration, are you doing us the honour of singing tonight?"

Vivien's eyes widened in surprise, before narrowing slightly and the woman smiled.

"You are correct in your statement. It is my honour to sing for tonight's celebration though not many are aware of that. You're quite perceptive Miss Black."

"I pay attention," Holly answered.

Vivien studied her in silence for a moment, and then nodded, "It pays to pay attention to one's surroundings, Miss Black. It allows one to see the curses sent ones way. I will admit it has been some time since I last sang on Yule night, it is something I am quite looking forward to," she said.

"I look forward to hearing you."

"We shall see. Try not to get ensnared tonight Miss Black, I would be most disappointed if you do."

Holly nodded once in acceptance of what sounded like a challenge to her ears. Another test in a long line of tests she had no doubt, though she hadn't the clue what Blaise's mother meant by ensnared.

Not that she had an opportunity to ask as they stopped in a large open area of the Malfoy gardens.

Holly could see piles of wood all ready and waiting to be lit in front of them. An excited hum filled the air and Holly was only slightly conscious of the icy nip in the air biting at her.

The Malfoy family moved to the front, each one of them holding an unlit torch.

"The longest night has come once more," Narcissa began, "the sun has set, and the darkness has fallen. The trees are bare and the earth asleep. Yet tonight we rejoice, in this longest night. We welcome the night and all that it holds. We welcome the light of the stars to shine down on us."

Several gasps could be heard at once, and Holly was sure her own was among them as she looked at the night sky. It was a moonless night, and for what felt like a beat of a heart they were cast in complete darkness - even the lights of Malfoy Manor disappearing, and then just as quickly as it vanished the stars glistened and shone and danced in the sky above them.

Their light shining down on them far too brightly than they really ought to be.

"Cold and dark, the earth lies dormant, awaiting the return of the sun and with it life. For beneath the frozen surface a spark lies in wait, until the moment is right to spring," Draco said calmly, his voice carrying across them all.

This, this is what he had meant by his earlier statement. This was why he had to be with his parents to lead the ritual.

Lucius began, "Darkness gives way to light, death gives way to life. On the longest night of winter and the dark night of our souls there springs the new spark of hope. The Sacred Fire, the Light of the World. We gather tonight to await the new light."

The air hummed.

Her magic vibrated.

The stars glowed.

And witches and wizards around her raised their hands in the air.

Holly found herself following suit, her arms rising high. She held them up to the night sky feeling slightly foolish and yet the energy that was pulsing through her gave her a rush of excitement she couldn't deny.

The lights danced and glistened, and moved and changed until an array of shapes formed.

Holly frowned but dared not look away for a second. She saw a dark looming figure form; shrouded in shadows and darkness which seemed to swallow the sky whole. And then to the left was an equally tall figure glowing brightly. She bore witness to their battle of swords and magic, of light and dark across the sky.

Tears streamed down her face, and her soul wept loudly. The fiery figure raised his sword and struck down the dark figure with a blazing sword. But hidden within his body lay a pulsing beam of light so powerful, so magnificent her magic wanted to swallow it whole.

It beat like a heartbeat as the light figure held it in his fist, raising it high above his head.

Flames flared to life on the three torches that the Malfoy's were holding high, as they to witnessed the celestial fight take place.

Holly's skin prickled as the magic in the air breezed over them.

"The Wheel has turned," Narcissa declared, and as if on cue Vivien Zabini stepped forward and began to sing.

It was like nothing Holly had heard before.

She along with everyone else that was standing with them saw the scenery change before their very eyes. The light changed and glowed as the sun seemed to rise revealing scattered bodies and blood soaking the earth.

Holly was vaguely aware of the music sweeping her away as the notes twisted and turned and new images unfolded before her eyes. Death giving way to life and the bodies decayed and fed the earth and new life sprung forth.

As battles crossed her path as light and dark clashed. Yule may be a sacred night where they put aside their differences, but there was always a never-ending struggle between them for dominance. A dominance that neither could achieve as one could not exist without the other.

She could feel the tug of her magic, desperate to leap free once again, free from its restrains and dance and howl and run wild, but she dared not. She could feel the uncertainty knot in her stomach. Why shouldn't she be able to run free, why shouldn't she let her magic out.

Caution, a voice in the wind whispered.

A new scene unfolded, and Holly was sure that this was something she alone was witnessing as no one seemed to be alarmed by the sudden surge of power. Holly could feel it in her bones, aching with a sense of longing that she didn't understand. Light and dark clashed with each other, stuck in a dance that seemed to span across time. Fire and shadows entangled in such a way that Holly couldn't tell where one began and the other started, and yet the emotions that crashed into her left little room to doubt that this was not a dance of lovers but a never-ending war.

Hatred, rage, fear, joy.

Holly couldn't breathe.

She needed to breathe.

It is a test. Do not show fear.

And yet skirting on the outside something lurked, she could barely make it out at it stood shrouded in an eerie glow that was neither light nor dark.

It sang to her.

And Holly's magic purred back.

And as abruptly as it was there it was gone, and Holly found herself blinking through the sudden change in light.

Vivien Zabini had stopped singing.

Holly couldn't say she hadn't been ensnared by the song, she had been lost in the delicate notes and the scenes that had unfolded before her eyes, and now that it had gone there was an empty feeling that made her feel lost and alone, despite being surrounded by many other witches and wizards.

She shivered and rubbed her arms and knew it was more than just the night's chill she was suddenly feeling.

"Yule is the time to look back and reflect. It is the time to look ahead to the future and make plans and set goals. Yule is a time of giving, and as the Wheel turns and gives back the light so to must, we give thanks."

The Malfoy's moved to each towards the piles of wood and used their torches that had surprisingly remained alight, to light the bonfires. The flames flickered to life and spread alarmingly fast before engulfing all in its path with a crackling whoosh.

This next part was the only part Holly was prepared for. The only part of the night's activities that Daphne had reiterated more than once as being essential for her.

For them all.

The Offering.

Daphne had emphasised that it wasn't a human sacrifice though she had been quick to the point that there had been Dark Witches and Wizards that had undoubtedly practised such things.

No, much like Samhain and the food offering, the magic on Yule's night required an offering, though one of an entirely different nature than food.

Though some still offered food, the food they had personally cooked or baked and spent the time and energy on ensuring it was perfect.

It required a sacrifice of personal value.

Of importance.

It couldn't be bought, but it could be a gift, as equally as it could be something homemade or homegrown.

Holly hadn't at the time fully understood what Daphne had meant, but now as she reflected on it, she had a better understanding.

Though she would admit, she had struggled with a possible offering.

Once upon a time, the only things Holly had truly valued were freedom and her life. Her life when others tried to undervalue it because she wasn't like them. Her liberty because she deserved it as much as they did.

Now she valued magic and her ability to wield it.

The only offering she could give or at least in her own opinion was the very thing that gave her the ability to wield that magic.

Her blood.

Whether she liked to admit it or not her father's blood ran through her veins, his blood that allowed her to use magic.

Now that she had it, she couldn't imagine not having magic.

While there were still some things Holly didn't believe or accept or understand in the world she lived in she knew no matter how much she hated admitting it, she loved magic.

And so she would give thanks for it.

Holly took a step forward to the bonfires, aware of others moving closer making their own offering, waiting a few moments before silently stepping back.

The mood had changed to one of sombre contemplation.

Some watched with weighing eyes pressing down on those whose offerings didn't seem significant.

Though Holly wasn't sure how anyone could judge what was significant to another.

Daphne's own offering was one of simplicity in a small branch carefully wrapped in pink ribbon, and yet it's sentimental, a gift from her sister when she was little, held more meaning than anything that gold could buy.

Daphne had taken careful consideration before choosing the item as her offering.

Holly watched and waited for her turn, feeling like she was intruding every time a person stepped forward.

She saw Riddle step forward though she didn't see the shape his offering took and couldn't help but wonder what the man would consider of value to sacrifice.

He didn't seem the type of man to make sacrifices.

Bellatrix took her turn though Holly paid no more attention to her other than to plot her movements when she stepped back from the fire.

It seemed like forever before Daphne stepped forward though she knew that it had been far less.

She wasn't close enough to hear Daphne's muttered words, but before long her friend was stepping away from the bonfire and Holly was stepping forward.

Her feet moving of their own accord.

She nodded to Draco as she passed him before stopping in front of the crackling flames.

The heat stung against her skin.

Holly took a breath attempting to gain control over herself as she stared into the memorising flames. She wasn't sure why she felt so nervous, but she did.

Perhaps her offering wouldn't be good enough, or the wrong choice.

Though it was too late to change her mind now.

What if it is rejected?

She took another breath, reached for the small knife hidden in the sleeve of her robe and pulled it free.

"On this sacred night with my blood freely given I give thanks. Thanks to the magic, thanks to the dark and light," she whispered carefully cutting the end of her finger and holding her hand up to the flames.

She could feel the blistering heat lick over her hand. Pain flared through her hand and up the length of her arm, but she dared not move.

And just as suddenly it was gone.

The pain.

The heat of the flames.

Stillness settled in the air and Holly was terribly aware of the silence.

She couldn't even hear the crackling sound of the fire in front of her.

She turned her head ever so slightly; the Malfoy's had vanished, as to had everyone else.

She was alone.

Only the flickering light of the bonfire offering comfort in the surrounding darkness.

Holly pulled her hand back from the fire; scrutinised it and was amazed to see no signs of burns or the small cut she had initiated.

She rubbed her arms absently as she looked around.

All she could see was darkness and moving shadows.

Is this like the doorway in Samhain, have I been moved elsewhere?

A growl echoed through the air; a low rumble coming from the shadows.

She could hear movement.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention.

Holly crouched slightly readying herself to move at a moment's notice while appearing smaller, and ensuring the flames were to the back of her.

A growl rumbled again in warning.

Thunder clapped in reply above her.

Holly scanned from side to side searching the shadows for any clue as to tell her what was out there.

Magic pressed down against her.

She could feel it in the air around her, weighing down like a ton of bricks. Could feel it vibrating through the ground beneath her feet.

Whatever was out there was ancient.

And more powerful than she could comprehend.

A shape caught her eye, directly in front of her shadows moved and slid into shape, eyes of molten fire glowed brightly.

It took another step forward and another until she could see it better in the light of the fire next to her.

It was huge with wings half spread. It had a cruel, curved beak and yet four legs and was currently stalking towards Holly.

Holly felt like a rabbit frozen before a fox.

Only this was far larger than a fox.

Holly swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and stared into those molten fire eyes and wondered if she was staring into the eyes of the death.

Oddly enough that didn't terrify her as much as she thought it would.

Oh, she was terrified of the creature before her, but the prospect of death didn't seem to frighten her.

Feathers merged into fur and a long tail much like a lion's swished back and forth. Holly realised that this creature was a Griffin.

Only it looked far bigger and fiercer than the sigil of the Gryffindor House.

Holly slowly rose to stand straight and waited.

Time had seemed to slow, and realisation dawned that whatever this was this was very much like the doorway in Samhain night, only she was bearing witness to this, and the outside world was irrelevant.

It moved from side to side, its eyes never leaving her and she, in turn, followed its movements slowly.

It took a step closer to her.

And another.

Holly could feel her own magic stir in response, but she knew it was futile to do so, in compassion to this creature she was a flame of a candle next to the roaring sun.


The creature made a noise that sounded like a grumbling chuckle than a fierce growl as if it was reading her very thoughts.

It was within touching distance now.

Mere inches away from her.

The molten coloured eyes swirled with movement as if they were rivers of flames rather than eyes.

She wasn't sure why she had the urge to do so, but Holly felt her hand rise, the hand she had cut and offered to the magic of Yule.

It was shaking.

And yet she still felt sure that the creature wouldn't hurt her.

She touched the side of its neck, the feathers soft and warm underneath her touch. She had never stroked an eagle before but she had a feeling that the similarities would be there.

It leaned into her hand.

Holly smiled.

"You're beautiful," she whispered.

It opened its beak, and Holly pulled her hand back.

It opened its beak again and breathed deep a sweet smell that remained Holly of rainclouds and ozone bathed her face.

Her skin prickled and tingled, and she shivered.

Magic washed over her, and it felt warm and welcoming and made her toes curl.

Without warning the Griffin reached for her hand and nipped.

Pain spasmed through her hand almost instantly and up the length of her arm a painful burning feeling that made Holly feel as if the fire was travelling through her veins.

She cried out in surprise and cradled her hand, glaring at the Griffin. It looked at her indifferent as it had been when it first approached.

Her arm burned and it felt as if a thousand hot pokers were currently twisting and digging into her, Holly looked at her arm and watched in horror as her Pit brand glowed red hot and her flesh wiggled and swirled and merged into something else.

She couldn't think, couldn't breathe all she could feel was the agonising pain that was crashing through her like waves. Thunder rumbled above her loudly and her stomach twisted and flipped, and a wave of nausea filled her.

Holly fell to her knees.

Gasping for air.

She could hear the sounds of muttering and someone calling her name, but it sounded far away and distant, and then Riddle was there in her line of vision kneeling next to her.

"Holly," he muttered quietly, and she looked up at him.

Holly blinked in surprise at him.

"What the hell was that?" she whispered back.

His eyebrow rose in question, but he didn't say anything.

"She dares to offer her tainted blood as an offering!" someone screeched, and Holly was pretty sure it was Bellatrix.

Angry muttering could be heard.

"Wait, look," someone shouted, and Holly glanced away from Riddle and looked down at her hand. A soft glow pulsed to life on the floor where her hand was resting.

Holly lifted her hand up, and on the snow-covered ground her blood glowed, light swirled and danced and grew into something that should have been impossible.

A black rose.

The light slowly dimming as the petals unfurled and the rose bloomed.

Holly had never seen a black rose before.

Gasps broke out from those that observed.

Riddle picked the rose from the ground, the last of the light vanishing the moment he did, he turned it once his eyes scrutinising every inch of it before handing it to her.

"The magic accepted your offering Holly Black, and you were gifted in return."

She hesitated for a moment before accepting it from Riddle, though she spotted the widening of his eyes as she reached for it.

Glancing down at her arm her sleeve and slipped back to reveal the Pit brand, only it wasn't the brand of the pit.

Holly pulled her sleeve down quickly hiding it from sight and refused to look at Riddle though she could feel the weight of his eyes on her.

Holly stood up and did her best to ignore the mutterings of those around her. Daphne and Blaise were at her side in seconds in an apparent closing of ranks before herding her through the crowds.

Holly kept her head up high, well aware of eyes and mutterings following her.

"What does it mean Daphne? The gift," she whispered.

"Magic blessed. Magic has blessed you Holly, and that's not something that has happened in the last century," Daphne replied in a hushed tone, carefully ensuring that they were not overheard.

"Longer than that I think," Blaise added, "Or at least it has not been reported or witnessed by anyone in centuries. There are some that are concerned that such blessings are a sign of Magic's decline, that along with the increase of infertility among families and an increase of -"

"Not here!" Daphne warned with a snap, "You know better than that."

Blaise stared at Daphne for a second before nodding in acceptance. Holly had no idea what they were talking about or even referring to.

"What does it mean though?" she asked.

"I don't know Holly, but I know things are going to change. People who witnessed you going through the door on Samhain are going to talk, add in with you being Magic Blessed on need to prepare yourself."


The three of them turned as Daphne's parents came up behind them. Riddle was with them and surprisingly Lucius. Draco and his mother must have remained behind to finish the rest of the offerings.

"I do believe it is time we return home, girls it has certainly been an eventful night," Daphne's mother said softly, though Holly could see the telltale signs of concern in her eyes.

"I do believe that will be for the best. It will allow us at the very least to gain control of the situation. Get ahead of the story," Riddle agreed, though his eyes never left her, "Holly, I trust you are able to keep yourself out of trouble for the remainder of the school holidays."

Holly blinked in surprise. It was the first time he had broken the formal indifference he often showed when in the company of others.

"I don't go looking for trouble," she answered.

"No, but I am beginning to see that it finds you," he replied, "Solomon, Helena."

He nodded once to them before turning on his heels and walking back to the party speaking swiftly to Lucius.

"Come on girls," Daphne's father said, ushering them to move.

They managed a quick farewell to Blaise before Daphne's father's tone changed to one of impatience and had them quickly moving down the hall and back to the outer room they had first arrived in.

Holly couldn't sleep, the events of the Yule celebrations playing over and over in her head.

Thankful for the silence her room offered she could allow herself a few moments to dissect everything.

Nothing made sense.

No matter how many times she went over it.

Both of Daphne's parents had been oddly silent on the night's events, neither of them breathing a word of what happened or their own thoughts on it.

Daphne was equally as quiet, though the concern that was written on her face said far too much in Holly's opinion.

She wasn't sure what was worse.

The silence from her friend or the concern.

Holly sighed deeply as she moved away from her bedroom window and returned to bed.

She might not be able to sleep, but she might as well as be comfortable.

Pain spasmed up her arm as she caught her arm on the bed covers.

Despite the fact that hours had passed her skin still looked red and tender and Holly couldn't help but roll up her sleeve to get a closer look at her arm.

She had managed to keep it hidden from the Greengrass family and now really was the first time she the opportunity to look had been given to her.

She was half expecting to see the ugly brand of the Pit.

The mark that marked her as a slave.

Instead, even though she had watched it change before her very eyes, she was surprised to see an elegant pattern of swirls and spirals woven together and blooming into a rose shape, in what looked like thick black, ink? Though she wasn't sure, that was right either.

It looked pretty, and yet Holy couldn't help but be disturbed.

She had no idea what it meant, what significance it held and yet from Riddle's widening eyes when he had caught a glance at it told her that it wasn't something that happened every day.

Holly shook her head.

She would have to keep it hidden until she knew exactly what the mark meant.


Solomon sipped his drink taking solace in the quiet of his study.

His mind turned over the night's events and everything he knew about Holly Black.

To say he had been concerned when his daughter had first mentioned befriending the traitor's daughter would have been an understatement.

And yet he had been willing to trust his daughter's opinion because that was what he had been training her to do.

The girl was everything his daughter had promised, and more. Solomon could see why Daphne was so fascinated. Holly's magic called to his own like a magnet that made him both pound with an attraction to the power and wariness in case it was turned on him.

And now she is magic blessed.

Solomon knew better than most what that meant.

But what it would mean for Holly Black was hard to say.

For now, he would wait, observe and learn, only time would tell if Holly Black was what he was looking for.


I apologise for the delay, but the last three months have been chaotic. I have been moving house. Every spare minute has been split between packing, moving, unpacking and sorting every detail out in setting things up. That being said I managed to finish this chapter - finally, though I will say this will be my last chapter for the year. I need time to recharge the batteries a little plus we are now in the Christmas period where everyone is naturally busy so time to write will be tight.

I hope you all enjoy your holidays however you choose to spend them and I will see you in the new year.