Harry looked up from his breakfast when he saw something out of the corner of his eyes and his stomach flip-flopped as he spotted an owl flying directly towards the window.

"Siri?" he whispered, causing his godfather to look up from the book he was reading.

"Hmmm, ah," he turned to look at Harry before smiling and rising to his feet to open the window and allow the handsome tawny owl access.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Sirius asked amused as the owl landed on the table.

Taking a deep breath Harry leaned forward to remove the large square envelope from the owl's right claw, nervously fingering it as Sirius fed the owl some bacon before it took off again.

"What happens if I failed?" he asked, not sure why he was so nervous as he knew he'd done well.

"Then I will send you to bed with bare feet tonight," Sirius threatened.

Harry's mouth twitched slightly at the mock-stern look on his face before his godfather slipped an arm around his shoulder and pressed a kiss against his temple.

"You haven't failed, pup, but if for some insane reason you did, then we'll just look at extra tutoring these last few weeks and you can sign up for a re-examination."


"And regardless of what's in that envelope, you worked very hard these last few months. Especially in our private lessons you've worked extremely hard and I am tremendously proud of you."

"But I want to give you reason to be proud of me," Harry knew he was whining now but he couldn't help but feel it was true.

"And you do, every day again. O.W.L.s only give you a better chance at following the career you want; it's not the end if they aren't received."

"But you, Remus and my parents all received plenty of O.W.L.s."

"Because we studied hard from the beginning. You've only been taking your studies seriously since this year. Open that envelope; I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

Nodding Harry slid the envelope open and pulled the thick parchment out of it, leaning against his godfather's side as he took a deep breath and unfolded the paper.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Harry James Potter-Black has achieved:

Astronomy: O

Care of Magical Creatures: O

Charms: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Ancient Runes: O

Herbology: O

History of Magic: E

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

Arithmancy: E

"Well done, looks like you beat Remus' and your mum's scores," Sirius commented and pressed another kiss to his temple.

"T-ten...I received ten O.W.L.s," Harry could only stare at the results in shock, only half aware of Sirius leaving his side for a few moments before sitting back down again.

It was only as he looked up into the grinning face of his godfather that a small smile slipped over his own lips.

"I passed everything."

"Yeah you did. Calls for a celebration, doesn't it?"

Looking at the table at his godfather's indication, Harry grinned as he caught sight of two large pieces of Treacle tart.

"So that was what you were doing in the kitchen last night! What would you have done if I had failed?"

"Given it to Remus," Sirius teased before pulling him into a hug. "Congratulations Harry."


Sirius ruffled his hair before handing him a fork. "There's more than half a tart left in the fridge for Remus to tuck into when he returns from the store. He's going to be very proud of you too, you know?"

Smiling Harry nodded, very pleased with his own scores, missed the grin that slid over his godfather's face as he tucked into his piece.

He was afraid the beam would become a permanent feature on his face as Remus returned and congratulated him, too.

Harry was overjoyed when they presented an envelope to him that held three tickets to the qualification match between Malawi and Ireland two days before his birthday.

But even better than that was the pride in himself that he felt when Sirius framed a copy of his results and hung them on the fridge in full display while Remus added the original one to the new scrapbook he'd begun to keep.

But as he curled up beside his godfather on the couch he decided that the best feeling of all was the feeling he got from knowing he'd given the people he loved a reason to be proud of him.