Author's Note: Hi! So this is my first ever fanfiction after years of reading these wonderful stories. I thought I'd try my hand so please be nice. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I want this fic to be as good as it can be. As it stands, every chapter is only a one shot. If you see potential and would like to continue any particular storyline, please feel free (but drop me a message first). I've seen pieces like this before but never a finished fic, with a chapter for every episode of a show/season. So far I have seven completed chapters in three days so I'm optimistic that I will reach my goal... if people want me to that is! I'm going to try and upload one every two days or so, to keep momentum going but that will depend on work and what I have written.

Enough chatter, on with the sexy SwanQueen times.

P.S. this one's pretty tame, but trust me when I say it gets steamy in upcoming chapters!

"Am I strict? I suppose, but I do it for his own good. I want Henry to excel in life. I don't think that makes me evil do you?" Regina asked, looking at her somewhat awkward visitor, perched on the edge of the plush couch.

Emma regarded the brunette before her. Perfectly styled hair, immaculate make up, a confident yet reserved smile on her face. No, evil was not a word Emma would use to describe Regina Mills. She took a sip of her drink before answering. It really was the best apple cider she'd ever tasted.

"You don't seem evil to me. Kids act out, push the boundaries, challenge authority. Trust me, I should know," Emma replied with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Regina asked, her curiosity rising as she reached for her own glass. Emma couldn't help but admire the way the neckline of Regina's dress gaped a little, offering her a tantalising view of the Mayor's cleavage.

"Wow I guess the adoption agency never told you. Erm, Henry was kinda born in jail," Emma admitted, looking away from the perfect woman to pick at a stray thread on the sleeve of her red, leather jacket.

Regina balked, unsure exactly how to respond to the confession. The young woman sat before her didn't look like a typical criminal. Clearly there was more to Emma Swan than met the eye. "Oh," Regina started. "No, they didn't tell me that." After a pause she continued, "may I ask what you were convicted of?"

"Handling stolen goods. I was set up. By Henry's father actually," Emma downed the rest of her cider and placed the empty glass back down next to the fruit bowl, or apple bowl since any other fruit variety was absent. "I'm sorry, can we not talk about this please? I try not to remember the mistakes of my past."

"Of course, I apologise for bringing it up," Regina stood and gestured to Emma's glass. "Refill?" Emma smiled and watched appreciatively as the brunette strutted from the room, returning soon afterwards with the decanter of apple cider and more ice.

"So, Miss Swan, what do you do in Boston?"

Two hours and several glasses of cider later, the two women were sat at opposite ends of the couch, giggling at Regina's recollection of the time Henry was caught with his hand literally in the cookie jar when he was three years old. Emma had kicked off her boots and sat with her legs comfortably curled underneath her and Storybrooke's Mayor was steadily relaxing as she learnt more about the intriguing blonde before her. Senses dulled by alcohol, both women had opened up to each other and were beginning to enjoy the company.

"I wish I could have seen the look on his face," Emma said, almost sadly, as she finished her cider. Regina's stories of Henry growing up made her realise she had missed so much of his life.

"I have a picture," Regina offered.

'"Really?" Emma's face lit up as Regina nodded and stood, swaying slightly before walking to a bookcase on the far side of her study where she ran her finger along a neat line of photo albums. Locating the one she wanted, she returned to the couch and sat down, almost gracefully, beside Emma. Regina placed the album in the blonde's lap and gestured for her to open it. Tentatively, Emma opened the heavy cover and was greeted with a two year old grinning Henry, sat on Regina's lap in a park. Below was a shot of Henry peeking out from a tunnel at a children's playground. Turning the pages, Emma saw Henry wrapped up in his winter coat as he fed the ducks in the park, and then a photo of Henry looking up at a lavishly decorated Christmas tree in awe, followed by a picture of Henry proudly holding up a 'Happy Mother's Day card'. Green eyes filled with tears as the life of her son presented itself to her. She tried to wipe them away discretely but a crisp white tissue was gently pushed into her hand a few moments later.

"I'm sorry," she sniffed, wiping her eyes "I didn't think this would make me so emotional. I mean I wanted to give him up for adoption. I knew I couldn't give him the lifestyle he deserved and he's clearly had a wonderful upbringing with you, I shouldn't be sad".

Regina gently reached out and touched the blonde's shoulder, encouraging her to turn and face the Mayor. "Hey, it's ok to be upset," Regina assured, squeezing Emma's arm. "I'm sorry I showed you the photos, that was insensitive of me."

"No, no, I'm glad you did. It's amazing to see his early years. It's just this is all such a shock. I mean, earlier this evening I was sat in my flat, blowing out a birthday candle on a cupcake I bought myself, planning what to order for take out. Now I'm sat in the house of my adopted son's adoptive mother, looking at pictures of a kid I try every day to not think about because it makes me too sad."

Fresh tears leaked from Emma's eyes. Regina hesitated before pulling Emma into a gentle hug, arms enveloping the sobbing blonde who buried her face into her neck. The Mayor rubbed her hands gently up and down Emma's back, whispering soothing words into her ear.

After a few minutes, Emma pulled back, wiped her face dry and took a deep breath. "Phew, I'm so sorry Regina," Emma said, glancing at the woman beside her. Regina sat there, a look of confusion on her face as she regarded the blonde.

"Why are you apologising?" Regina asked.

"Because I ruined your Saturday night and snotted all over your shoulder," Emma admitted as she reached across to wipe the tissue over the damp patch her tears had left on the Mayor's dress.

Regina laughed. "Don't worry about it dear. My Saturday night consisted of paperwork and I already had to go to the dry cleaners on Monday. Frankly you saved me from a night of boredom."

"That's one word I wouldn't use to describe tonight. And evil is definitely not a word I'd use to describe you," Emma replied, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oh really?" Regina smirked, "and what words would you use to describe me Miss Swan?"

"Emma. And kind, caring, intelligent … beautiful," the blonde replied as the blush on her cheeks intensified.

"Thank you," Regina smiled gently at the younger woman, "you're very sweet."

"And drunk," Emma giggled, trying to diffuse some of the tension which had seeped between them. "I blame the best apple cider I've ever tasted."

Regina laughed. Emma thought it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. "Yes I think we've both had a little too much to drink," Regina said as she looked at the now empty cider decanter on the coffee table. "So Miss Swan, sorry … Emma, where are you staying tonight?"

Emma sobered somewhat, she hadn't even thought about that. "Oh, I guess I'll just sleep in the bug," she replied.

"Your car?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You can't sleep in a car!" Regina stated, appalled.

"Sure I can, I lived in the bug for months when I was younger."

"No, absolutely not. I cannot have Henry waking up to find his biological mother roughing it in the driveway. You must take the guest room," Regina offered.

Emma stared at the brunette a moment, taking in her slightly mussed hair, worn off lipstick and the damp patch on her dress where Emma's tears had seeped into the fabric. "Really?" she breathed.

"Yes of course, follow me," Regina assured, rising from the sofa and offering her hand out to help Emma up. Stabilising themselves on each other, Regina's hand gripped Emma's as they found their feet. Clearly both women had drunk more than they thought. Somewhat reluctantly, Regina let go of Emma's hand and beckoned the blonde to follow her. As they climbed the sweeping staircase, Emma found her eyes level with a perfectly round backside, swaying temptingly ahead of her. At the top of the stairs, a door stood ajar. The wooden plaque, decorated with rockets and stars told Emma that this was Henry's room.

"I'll just check on him," Regina said before pushing the door gently open and peering into the darkened room.

Curiosity got the better of Emma and she moved behind Regina, craning her neck to look over the head of the shorter woman. Regina's breath hitched as she felt a warm body move behind her, gently pressing against her as Emma leant to get a glimpse of her sleeping son. Taking a step backwards, Regina moved to close the door, forcing Emma to back away from her. Stumbling slightly, Emma realised too late what Regina was doing and grabbed the brunette around the waist to steady herself.

"Sorry!" She gasped as she quickly released the Mayor.

Regina nodded slightly and pointed down the hallway. The door at the far end was wide open, a large bed was visible in the centre of the room and the vanity case was covered in bottles and products. Regina turned into a room on the right, flicked the switch and stood back to let Emma pass.

"Is this ok?" Regina asked as Emma looked around curiously.

"Yes, it's perfect. Thank you so much for letting me crash," Emma gushed as she took in the comfy looking bed, with plush sheets and mountains of pillows.

"It's not a problem at all dear," Regina smiled at the blonde.

"No seriously Regina. thank you. This evening has been difficult for both of us but you've been really … really great. Thank you," Emma said sincerely as she looked intently at the older woman. Regina blushed and offered Emma a small smile.

"You're welcome Miss Swan, goodnight," Regina said quietly. Emma regarded the brunette for a moment before leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Regina," she whispered in her ear before moving to pull away.

Regina's eyes widened slightly as the soft lips caressed her cheek. Before she knew what she was doing, she moved her hands to either side of the blonde's face and pulled Emma's mouth to her own. The kiss was tentative at first, gentle, questioning. After a few seconds, Emma's mouth moved against hers, lips melding against each other seamlessly. Regina's tongue slid out, requesting entrance into Emma's mouth. The blonde immediately welcomed it, both tongues twisting and sliding together, tasting the lingering cider on the other woman. Emma's hands moved to run through Regina's short hair, gripping the thick locks tightly as she angled the Mayor's head to deepen the kiss. Regina stepped further into the room, walking Emma backwards until the blonde's legs hit the side of the bed, pulling Regina down on top of her.

Regina moved her hands down the blonde's body, pulling at the jacket's zipper and tugging the leather down Emma's arms. The tank top underneath was thin and Regina could see the blonde's nipples straining against the tight white fabric. Emma reached around to slowly slide the zipper down the Mayor's back, revealing smooth olive skin. Regina moaned as Emma's hands slipped under the fabric, encouraging the dress to fall from her shoulders and pool around her waist. Regina slid her own hands down the blonde's chest, gently squeezing Emma's breasts. The younger woman arched into the touch, gasping as Regina tweaked her nipples unexpectedly. She pulled the older woman down on top of her crashing their mouths back together, nipping cheekily at the plump lower lip, causing Regina to retaliate with a particularly hard pinch to the blonde's nipple. Emma smirked into the kiss, reaching up to start undoing Regina's bra clasp.

Suddenly Regina stopped and sat upright, straddling Emma's hips. Both women were breathing heavily, staring into each other's eyes. Green pupils looked questioningly at brown.

"Shit, I'm sorry Emma," Regina gasped. "I'm so sorry. I'll go. Um, I guess I'll see you in the morning," she said as she desperately scrambled up and away from the blonde, pulling her dress back up.

"Hey, wait what?" Emma sat up, confused at the sudden change in behaviour.

"Look we've drunk a lot tonight, and whatever was about to happen … well, I think it would be a bad idea."

Standing up, Emma moved awkwardly from one foot to the other. She didn't know what had just happened but she didn't want to push Regina. "Yeah, er I guess you're right. I'm sorry too. Thank you for letting me stay here anyway. I'll see you tomorrow."

Silhouetted in the doorway, Regina stopped. Turning back to gaze at Emma, blonde hair mussed up and lips slightly swollen, the Mayor wondered whether she was making the right decision. "Happy birthday Emma," she whispered before closing the door behind her.