Hello Fanfiction. I am alive. Sorta. Life got incredibly busy. So I am well aware that this is not an anime based show, so I apologize to my fans that have no idea what this about. I love this show as it is highly creative and fun. and my best friend and I are literally Marco and Star. I am 95% sure Disney was watching us as they made this show. If you have an questions about my other stories, they are currently not being continued simply cuz i ran out of ideas. I will let you guys know if I ever go back.I plan to write different shows for now such as Gravity Falls, more NEG, and some other ideas i got bouncing around in my head like a crossover.
Now, to this story. This is an AU where Marco is the prince of Earth and how the two met. Told through diary entries, the story will switch between Star and Marco various encounters throughout the years until it ends with the present day. This story was inspired by The Right Prince because i thought it was a cool idea. So I am a little rusty so helpful criticism or let me know you like the story. If you haven't watch star vs, then why are you reading this? I own nothing but this story I wrote. So enjoy and hopefully I'll have another chapter or story up soon. Thanks for reading! I also would give credit for the picture of the story but I honestly can not remember where i found it. So i apologize for that.
They told me if I wrote in this, I'd feel better...I sure hope so.
Umm...dear inanimate object...I guess.
I guess I really want to talk about Marco. The first time I met Marco, we were both 12 years old. My parents had invited royals from across the dimensions to view a rare occurrence in Mewni: A star storm. While the event is indeed as scarce as they claimed and infinitely more beautiful than many visual treats across the universes, that wasn't the true intent of the event. In reality, my parents were trying to get me meet the various princes to see which suitor I wouldn't kill. I wasn't required to be married by a certain age but I wasn't the standard bred princess, so meeting a prince that could put up with me was a huge deal.
I loved exploring the outside world that surrounded my home. The Forest of Certain Death, The Mountains of Insanity, the Ocean of the Tears, Bork. I couldn't help it. I loved the sights of Mewni and the stuffy castle walls held very little interest for me. All I did at home was how to learn to a proper princess: Proper diction, proper manners, proper behavior around other nobles. Proper, Proper, Proper. Ugh. Seriously I can't write like this anymore. I feel like my mom and while I love her, I don't want to be her.
Anyway, I had just finished taming my newest unicorn, Pickles. Hey I was twelve! Stop judging me book! Anyway, as I stood in some dark corner of the castle, waiting for the star storm while having the added benefit of dodging the princes, I wondered why did everyone considered me wild. A rebel, unfit for a princess. So I like to have fun, fight monsters. Was that so wrong? Apparently it was. Everyone had something bad to say about me but only my dad said good things. Mom was stern but loving but I could never feel as open with her as I could with dad.
Wait, where was I? Oh yeah! Marco. I remember when I first laid eyes on him. It was completely impossible not have noticed him. No, literally. His parents had shoved him directly at me and he stopped just inches from running into me. Marco had turned back to his parents but they had already slipped into the crowds. Marco had let out a sigh and slowly turned back to me. Marco's widen at the sight of me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't returned the favor. His light brown eyes were a color I had never seen before. Green, blue, purple. Bo-ring. Marco brown? Pretty. His black hair was well kept but I remembered vaguely snickering at his dark red uniform and white dress pants.
"So, do you always let your parents push you into princesses as an ice breaker?" I teased gently. I was caught off guard when Marco slyly smiled back and replied "only the prettiest ones" That was not the answer I was expecting from the clearly nervous boy in front of me and I felt flustered. "I'm Prince Marco Diaz" he told me as he took a quick bow "From Terra." "Princess Star Butterfly of Mewni" I met his bow with a handshake. Surprised but quickly recovering, he firmly shook my hand. I was surprised that I felt rough callouses on his hands. Most of the princes I had talk to before the event were not as understanding as Marco was and certainly had smoother hands than mine and I could always see the grimace they gave me whenever I offered my hand. Marco did not. In fact he seemed very eager to meet me as if he had heard the most incredible things about me. Which I knew was not true.
"Princess Butterfly" Marco started but I quickly scoffed and waved my hand at him "Just call me Star" Marco paused for a moment before grinning slightly "Okay, Star. I guess you can call me Marco" "Wow, praise a girl and suddenly we're informal" Marco blushed as red as his uniform. Looking back, I had to admit that was the moment I found Marco endearing. "Come on, let's go have some fun!" Marco seemed confused and his confusion only grew when I bolted away from him. Princes were lazy. They never did anything unless were directed to or they just had their underlings do it for them. "Star!" Marco called after me but I was lost in the thrill of something finally exciting! As I dodge through the thick, dancing crowds. "STAR! WAIT UP!" Marco sounded like he was just behind me and that made me run harder since someone was finally joining in on the fun. I turned back to see him hot on my heels, just a little more and he could've touch my shoulder. "Wow, you're keeping up?!" "STAR WATCH OUT!" As I looked back in front of me, I could see the wide eye waiters carrying some plates of food, praying to every deity in existence. Except Tony. He just glares at me because the mess I was about create.
I closed my eyes, fearful how angry my mother is going to be about ruining her party. but to my surprise, no impact, no disappointed groan from mom. Not even a single murmur of Star did it again. Silence. I open my eyes to find myself leaning forward but not falling into the waiters. "Star, are you okay?" I could finally feel Marco's arms wrapped around me tightly and I could feel his breath tickling my neck. I pull away from him "T-thanks Marco...umm...Can't catch me!" I stick my tongue out at him, a stupid move I admit but honestly aside from my parents, no one has ever hugged me and I suddenly felt like the ball room was much too small As I bolted away from Marco, I decided to take this game into my real home turf. Racing through the castle, my mom calling after me as I try my best to lose Marco in the maze that is my home. Despite my best efforts, Marco is actually managing to wear me out. As I barely skirted past the maids, nearly knocked over vases and even almost tripped over a rug, I could hear Marco's voice just behind me. "Be careful Star!" "STAR!" and my favorite "Seriously Star slow down!" "What's the matter safe kid? Too dangerous for you?" I poked at his careful nature as I spared a glance backwards. His eyes melted into annoyance and began picking up his pace. Apparently he was just letting me win. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake him and I really did want this game to end. So I ended up panicking. So much in fact, I actually leapt out the window to lose him in the garden.
I landed awkwardly and splash myself with a healthy coating of mud. Luckily our mad dash had taken us to the first floor.. As I picked myself up and check the state of my dress, I couldn't help but pull at my hair. This was the new dress mom just bought me! SHE WAS GOING TO KILL ME! I bit my lip nervously, pacing back and forth. If I had the wand I could totally just clean myself off with magic but I wasn't suppose to get that until I was 18! I'd normally beg Hilda but she told me if anything happened to this dress I might as well just start running for the hills. And I couldn't go back in with all this mud on me. I didn't care, having been more dirty on my adventures than this, but this was mom's big party! And one of those princes were suppose to be my ! I was so dead though from embarrassment or maternal rage it was too soon to tell.
"Star?" Marco had appeared at my side, no longer annoyed, just concerned "Are you okay?" I don't know what I said. I just remember tearing up a bit as I explained what exactly I was freaking out about. Or I tried. I don't remember honestly, I was too caught up in fear to really understand what I was saying...or if I had said anything remotely coherent. Hee...Marco told me about that word...Anyway, Marco just stood there, listening to me ramble and panic and I had no idea how much time had past until he had gently squeezed my shoulder and I paused to look at him. "So you're saying" he said slowly to make sure he had gotten the whole story "That you are embarrassed about the mud and people saying stuff about you and you're scared about your mom getting mad about the dress." I carefully nodded, not sure where he was going with this. "Well" He looked thoughtful for a moment, his cheeks chubby with some baby fat he hadn't outgrown yet, "I can't do anything about your mom or the other party guests. Still it can't be helped..." Marco let go of my shoulder and turned to the mud...umm lake? Swamp? Puddle? It was definitely bigger than a puddle. The mud thing and without stopping for a moment, leapt face forward into it.
I rushed forward "Prince Diaz!" But Marco held out his hand to stop me and got to his feet, wiping his face of the mud that he dunked himself into. "I told you it's Marco" He said with a grin "Besides, it looked fun" I couldn't believe he gotten his clothes dirty just to cheer me up. "Marco...I..." His eyes looked fearful as he stared past me "S-Star" I whirled around to find the last person I ever hoped to see. "Ludo!" "Star Butterfly!" It was Ludo, son of Ludor, the former ruler of Mewni before my grandparents and the other royal families had managed to rebel against him by stealing his magic wand. I hadn't been even close to being born at the time but even I knew the story. After all, my parents were still trying to fix the damage he caused. Though, I did know about Ludo, he wasn't what I expected at the time. Mostly due to his phase he was going through. "Why do you have a goatee?" The little imp creature shrieked "It makes me look cool! Now give yourself up Princess and I'll make sure you nice and safe when I trade you for my father's wand!" I rolled my eyes "Psst, even at 12 I'm taller than you!" Ludo stroked his goatee "Maybe but you aren't bigger than my minions! Buff frog! Bearicorn! BRING ME THE PRINCESS!"
I remembered the sight of the two minions had filled me with dread. While Ludo would get more minions over the years, Bearicorn and Buff Frog were always there from the beginning. I think Bearicorn was Ludo's babysitter and Buff Frog had been a general serving his father during the rebellion. I prepped myself to fight, after all I was trained by the royal guard though I had never fought anything as big as these two before. As Bearicorn rushed at me, arms wide open to scoop me up, I tensed up and was ready to wildly lunged at him when I heard a battle cry from behind me. Marco flung himself towards the much bigger monster and kicked him squared in the jaw. As Bearicorn reeled back, Marco briefly hopped on one foot to help his pain. When Bearicorn recovered and lunged at him instead, Marco sidestep his attack and planted his fist into the same place he had struck with his foot. "OWW OWW OWW!" Bearicorn cried, clutching his jaw and I expressed my amazement at Marco "You can fight!?" Marco gave me a cheeky grin as he inched closer to the unsuspecting Bearicorn "It's called Karate!" Marco then tripped Bearicorn while pushing the monster down with is hands. Bearifcorn groaned as he hit the ground but he refused to get back up. Marco smiled and I beamed at him.
Then, without warning, Buff Frog had snatched him up and trapped him in a bear hug. "MARCO!" I had completely forgotten about Buff Frog. Without thinking, I launched at myself and kicked him as hard as I could in the jaw. He let go of Marco who had backflipped and kicked Buff Frog. Ludo was crushed under the weight of Buff frog. As Ludo struggled to get Buff Frog off of him, I could hear the rushing of footsteps. I slyly grinned at Ludo who simply snarled at me. "UP! UP YOU IDIOTS! We have to go!" Bearicorn limped over and Buff Frog helped Ludo to his feet. Digging through his robes, Ludo held the dimensional scissors and began cutting through the fabric of reality. "I'll get you Star Butterfly!" he shouted as they escaped "Just mark my words! I'll!" The portal closed, cutting off his goatee and causing his skull cap to be left behind.
Before what we had accomplished had really settled in, we were surrounded by royal guards men and the entire party guests. "Star! What is going on? You're dress! It's filthy! Did you dirty yourself again? Where did you run off to?" "I..." I couldn't handle it. I began to tear up. "Queen Butterfly?" Marco stepped forward, respectfully bowing when mom turned to him "We're sorry, we were playing outside when this...lugo?" "Ludo" I quietly corrected "Oh right, this Ludo guy came out of nowhere and attacked us. It was so quick, we got startled and tripped in the mood." Mom's eyes widened from fear and I was tempted to look at Marco. He just lied to my mom. Straight to her face! With like no hesitation or anything. "Oh Star, I'm so sorry" I felt mom and dad embrace me, regardless that I was covered in mud. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Dad asked quickly, eyes full of anger and fear. I shook my head "Marco protected me. He fought off Bearicorn." If they hadn't believed our story before, they did now. "Well, she saved me from Buff Frog." Marco shyly admitted. My parents stared back and forth between us, unable to believe that two 12 year old children fought off some of Ludo's strongest monsters (At the time). "Well you two very fortune. Thank you Marco for protecting our daughter." He gave a shy grin "Of course, she is pretty awesome." I couldn't help it. I reached and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back but quickly let go when his parents began cooing and teasing him.
I giggled as the royal guardsmen reported that they had found Ludo's skull cap and ridiculous goatee. "It appears we need to increase the training Star is to receive from the royal guard...er babysitter" I let out a cheer as a hushed awe fell over the party guests. I stared into the night sky and I saw it. The star storm. Flashing streaks of light began to fill the dark, rushing left to right, up to down. Some of the lights twirled around each other as if they were dancing before fading into the inky blackness. Others crossed each other before turning around to cross each other again. I let out a sigh of happiness as Marco stood by me. "It's so beautiful." I cooed. Cooed? Seriously? Umm I sighed. To this day I wasn't sure what Marco said. I'm sure he replied that "it was beautiful" but as I turned my head to face him, I remember his eyes darted away from me, a light red tint on his cheeks visible only as a light passed closer than any other. Did he mean...
I think I'm done for the night inanimate object.