Prologue: Mommy & Daddy
A.N.: FINALLY! I really want to show you guys this prologue! I'm so proud of myself! I spent countless hours on this story and now it's ready for it's first segment! AH Let the Hype be real! A few notes about this story: -This will take place 20 years after the events in the Liberl Kingdom. Not the franchise, just the Liberl Kingdom. (I.E.: The events in Crossbell happen 18 years prior and so on...)
-Since this will be fun, I've decided to include both Humans and what will be called 'Beast Men'. Don't worry, it won't be without unjust cause.
-Be ready for many, many, MANY of my OTP's of this franchise. There's a lot.
-And finally, all OCs are mine or made by the help of my many friends!
Disclaimer: All characters and rights belong to Nihom Falcom. This is only a Fanfiction since I only own the OCs and plot. Other than that, I hope you enjoy because this took me a while to make and finalize.
In a wooden house at the edge of the rural town of Rolent, a small fire in a fireplace was illuminating the simple two story house. On the first floor, A dinner table was set for four people. Two of which who had decided to turn in early and get a head start on tomorrow, leaving the other two family members sitting and eating. However, an eager child and his grandfather were finishing their supper in silence for a while. The house itself seemed very cozy and simple.
The young boy had raven black hair and ruddy brown eyes. He had a slightly pointed jawline and a joyous expression plastered on his face. He seemed to be about eleven years of age. Meanwhile the grandfather of the boy had dark brown hair, though graying slightly and similar red eyes to the boy. A small, well-kempt moustache and a square like jaw were his features.
The boy could bear the silence no longer. He couldn't contain himself in silence any longer. "Hey Grandpa," He said, finally breaking the ice between the two. "When are they gonna come back?" The young boy questioned eagerly.
"When their airship returns from Crossbell. Who knows how long that'll take..." The grandfather replied. His response did not please the boy in the slightest. In fact, he seemed even more anxious now. Even a little worried. He was starting to get all tense and nervous, so much that he walked over to the window. Forgetting about finishing the rest of his supper.
"I pray that Aidios give them a quick and safe return..." The boy mumbled in prayer. He was still going to Sunday School so it was natural for him to pray to the wonderous Goddess.
The grandfather stared at the boy and pondered some. 'A child's hope is an adorable one.' He thought to himself. After another moment, he went over to the boy's side and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "How about we get the table cleaned up?" He suggested. "And after that you can head for bed. It's getting late and you don't want to be late for any Bracer training."
"You're right..." The boy sighed in defeat. "I can't afford to be late to another one of Ms. Schera's lessons. She'd have my head... I just wish they'd come home today. The letter said sometime this week and I'm getting really nervous because the week is almost over."
"Don't worry. There's still time left in the week. So expect them home soon, safe and sound and to help you train more on your fighting and people skills. You, your cousin and your friends have improved greatly but still have long ways to go."
"I know..." He sighed once more. His grandfather was really starting to get tired with seeing him sighing so much this week. "...Geez, I feel like I might die waiting..." The boy said.
"Just like your mother. A silver tongue that's always whipping out sassy remarks or something..."
"I'm just using a figure of speech grandpa... I don't really mean it." The boy chuckled a bit.
"Oh really? I couldn't tell."
'It's a good thing I didn't inherit sarcasm... I think...' the boy told himself mentally.
The two proceeded to place the dishes into the sink. The grandfather cleaned while the boy dried and put away, and the two did so in silence. The silence was getting to the boy, since he couldn't stop thinking about his parents coming through that door and greeting him with hugs and stories of their adventure this time around.
Once all dishes were dry and set in the proper places, the boy walked over to the couch. The grandfather looked at him with a look of confusion. "Hey, I thought you promised to go to bed." The grandfather pointed out.
"I know but... I can't sleep. I just want them to be here already!" The boy proclaimed. It was practically agony for him to wait around any longer. As he shouted that, a young girl about the same age as the boy in a nightgown walked down the stairs rubbing the sleep out of one of her eyes. She let her short purple hair loose at the moment, her purple eyes still a little glossy from her sleepiness.
"Are auntie Estelle and uncle Joshau back?" Yawned the girl.
The grandfather sighed and grabbed the girl and a sheet from a cabinet and sat on the sofa with his grandchildren. He sat there and wrapped the sheet around the boy and girl. "Since you might be here a while..." He told him.
"Thank you grandpa..." The boy said. "Hey, grandpa. Can you tell us about when Mommy and Daddy were younger Bracers?"
"Well... alright." The grandfather replied. "Estelle was always a bit of a ditzy and hotheaded girl. Always getting into the wrong fights, usually acting first then thinking later, and was always chasing after your father." He said with a bit of blandness in his voice, as though he were reading off a laundry list. "However... she was very passionate, brave and kind. She knew what to say to people and how to act when to act. That's why she made an excellent Bracer, even though she had kinda terrible people skills from time to time." His tone had changed from bland to a sense of wonder. "You're father, on the other hand, was the one everyone liked. He chose his words and actions carefully, a very skilled fighter, and was always quick to protect Estelle. That boy Joshua was something else..."
"Wow... they must have been amazing." The boy said in awe.
"It's nice to know auntie Estelle was a little ditzy..." The girl added softly, "Doesn't make me feel so bad about messing up once in a while."
"To this day, she is still ditzy. Even the best have quirks." The grandfather replied. "Just remember, nothing is perfect. We all have our differences."
"Yeah..." The boy yawned.
"Are you sleepy?"
"No... Yawns are just contagious..." The boy quipped. The girl quickly became embarrassed.
"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you yawn..!"
"Don't worry about it. Things happen..." The boy chuckled.
The three of them sat in a more relaxed silence, thanks to the simple jovial manner of the boy and the grandfather's reminisince of Estelle. Just then a knock came from the door. "Hey! Anybody awake!?" A young woman's voice shrieked, hoping to not only wake up the people in the home, but also anyone within a mile radius.
"Don't be so loud! The kids are probably asleep." This time a young man's voice scolded her.
"They'll be happy to see us anyways. They wouldn't mind a minute or two awake."
"Looks like their back..." The grandfather said.
"Mommy! Daddy!"
"Auntie! Uncle!" The two kids leaped off the couch and rushed to the doors. They were so excited to see them once more. There was so much catching up to do!
A.N.: And that's it folks. At least the Prologue and all warnings and disclaimers. Hope you enjoy the rest of this tale as it begins to unfold into something wonderful...