Nyla Evans: Leah Jeffries

Christian & Ezekiel Evans: Jaden Betts


"Why aren't y'all dressed yet?" Sam asked his twins as he passed them in the hallway, holding the coat in his hands as they shook their head. Shaking his own and not having time to save them from their mother, he went down the stairs, where the little girl was waiting for him in the living room.

Mercedes was so scared to even attempt of having children again after that horrible experience she had when she was about to give birth to the twins. It affecting her in a way she never expected it to. Her and Sam did want another child though and her not wanting to carry one wasn't going to stop them, so they went the adoption route six years after the twins were born. They adopted a two month old, whose mother had left the hospital after giving birth and with no family members wanting to take her in. Sam and Mercedes instantly fell in love with her. Her big eyes and button nose reminded Sam of Mercedes. They decided to name her Nyla. The couple was so grateful for the newest addition to their family, and twins instantly loved her when they brought her home. Fast forward another six year later, it was still the same, only now she was in the first grade and the twins were officially teenagers and in the eight grade.

Nyla stood at four foot five, had brown skin and kinky hair that was out in a fro tonight with some green, white and black hair pins in the lining up on each side in the front. She was dressed in a long sleeve dark green dress, white stockings and her black flats.

Sam was bent down, placing the coat on Nyla. Looking at her, he just smiled at the frustration that was evident in her features, "You're going to get wrinkles."

Nyla looked at him, brown eyes staring into his green ones, "I can put my own coat on, Daddy."

"Alright." Sam dropped his hands from her, standing up back to his own height, crossing his arms and staring at her expectantly.

Nyla glanced up at him, frowning deeply as she turned away, trying but failing miserably at her attempt. See, the thing was, she had broken her arm when she fell roller skating last week at the park and now her arm was sporting a cast and a sling. The girl was so independent and didn't like asking for help, but she knew that this time, she was going to need it. She sighed in defeat as she turned back to him, her eyes going to his pleading.

Sam smiled at her as he resumed to what he was doing at first, making sure that she was set before he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you." Nyla spoke softly as she leaned forwarded and gave him a hug.

"You're welcome, Princess." He tilted his head back when he heard his wife's voice, coming down the stairs. He watched as his little one walked to the kitchen before turning back around in time to see his wife.

"If you two are not down here in the next five minutes, we're going to have a problem." Mercedes called out with a frown as she walked down the stairs, huffing out as she grabbed her shoes from the side of the coat closet.

"Holy Mama." Sam started as he took his wife, eyes looking her up and down as a low whistle escaped his mouth, "Damn."

Mercedes smiled at him as she slid into her black heels, standing up straight, she walked over to where he was, wrapping her arms around his neck. She had on a black long sleeved dress that fitted her curve that graced her body, her face contained over cocoa butter, mascara and lip gloss, and her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

"You look stunning." He complimented before leaning down and placing some kisses on her lips.

Mercedes kissed him back before pulling away, wiping the gloss from his lips, "Thank you. You have cleaned up well too." She said as she smoothed out his green tie, fixing the collar his suit jacket once she heard groaning coming from upstairs and a drop of something, she rolled her eyes, "Please go help your sons before I scream."

Sam chuckled as he kissed her cheek before stepping aside and going upstairs to rescue the teens from their mother's incoming wrath if they didn't hurry up.

Mercedes turned around when she heard footsteps, smiling when she saw her daughter, "You look so beautiful, baby girl."

"Thank you, Mommy." Nyla smiled brightly as she walked over to her, "So do you."

Mercedes couldn't help but smile as she leaned down and kissed her cheek, "Alright, lets go warm the truck up." She held out her hand for her to take, when she did, she called out to her husband, letting him know what they were doing. She grabbed her purse and keys and made her way out.

After tussling with twins, the family had eventually arrived to their destination, which was Mary's retirement party. The older woman had finally stepped down from being the head nurse of the hospital after thirty years. They were having a get together for her at the pier, per her request, even though it was cold, the hot food and hot drinks kept them warm and cozy inside.

Sam looked at his parents with a smile on his face as they danced together. Now that they were both retired and all their kids were grown, they were now going to travel the world. Sam was legit sad that he wasn't going to see his parents every other day, but he was happy that they were going to be doing what they wanted to do.

"I'm going to miss them too, bro."

Sam turned and found his sister standing at his side, smiling as he bump her shoulder, "You know, you can come stay with us. We have plenty of room, and I know the kids and Mercedes would love it."

Sadie chuckled as sipped the last of her Apple Cider. Sadie was the only one who still stayed at home with her parents, do to the fact that she didn't want to move out and they didn't make her. She wasn't in a relationship nor had kids, her sole focus was her career, which she unexpectedly followed into her mother's footsteps and became a nurse, "Very tempting, but it's okay. I think it's time I grow up and be on my own or I might even get a roommate."

"And I will definitely do a thorough background check if you do."

Sadie snorted as she glanced up at her brother before walking away, "I wouldn't expect anything less, Sam."

Sam just laughed as he watched as she went to the food table, eyes going to his parents once more before turning around and throwing the cup in the trash bin. Listening to the band play as he walked, he spotted his wife looking at the view ahead of her, making his way next to her, he spoke, which brought her from her gaze, "Breathtaking."

Mercedes took a sip of her wine as she leaned against the railing, taking her eyes off the city lights and how it made the water bright, "It is indeed."

"Mhm, but I was talking about you." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him, dropping down and pressing a kiss to her lips, mumbling, "Beautiful."

Mercedes smiled into the kiss before pulling back, "Don't start nothing." She watched him smirk as she took another sip of her wine, glancing over his shoulder.

Sam took in her silence and turned to see what she was looking at, he smiled as he watched their kids, with their cousin Antonio, who was now fourteen, actually sitting long enough for Seth to sketch on his pad. After being accepted into the art school of his dreams, Seth took what he learned and opened up his own afternoon art program in the inner city, giving the kids something to do to keep them out of trouble.

Tamara stood beside Seth and looked at the pad, nodding impressively. She now took the place of her Dad as manger of his store, which gave him plenty of off time. She took everyone by surprise when she said college wasn't for her. After months of disappointment from her parents, more so her mother than anyone, they finally realized that she was right. College wasn't for everyone and people needed to understand that.

"Uncle Sethie, how much longer?"

"Just two more minutes Ny, I promise." Seth looked over his drawing pad with a smile at the little girl, who was now frowning, raising a brow, "You want me to draw your face like that?"

Nyla shook her head at the man, smiling again as she leaned against Ezekiel, causing everyone to chuckle.

"That little girl of yours is a straight character." Miguel stated once he approached the couple, along with Leslie, Morris and his new wife of four years, Chelsie.

"She is indeed." Mercedes chuckled as she looked at her brothers, smiling. Over the years, the dynamic between them only got better and stronger, especially with Morris. They stayed in counseling till this day because it was something that helped them a lot with each other, and even things like their family and relationships. It was a helpful outlet. Speaking of counseling, Mercedes and Sam still kept their once a month marriage counseling session after the fight they had years ago. It helped and continued to make the couple relationship even stronger than what it already was.

Sam heard the collective sigh of relief from the kids as they finally moved from their spot. He watched Nyla smile as she made her way over to them.

"Mommy and Daddy?"

"Yes baby?"

Nyla looked at her then to Sam, smiling brightly as she grabbed his hand, "I'm glad that you're my Mommy and Daddy."

Sam eyes tore away from hers and went to Mercedes', cursing underneath his breath because the water works were about to start. He thought that when the twins were born he had turned soft, but no...once their little girl entered their lives, his was as excessively sentimental.

Mercedes couldn't help the tear that slid down her face as she bent down, staring into her daughter's eyes, "And I'm so glad that you are my daughter, so glad."

"Me too." Sam finally choked out, trying his best not to have a complete crying fest in the moment.

Nyla leaned forward and hugged her, wrapping her good arm around her neck, her hand still attached to her daddy's before she tugged for him to join them. Once he did, she smiled as she laid her head down on Mercedes' shoulder.

"That's it, I want another kid." Leslie said with tears in her eyes at the scene before her, ignoring her husband's side eye and knowing look because she was the one who said they weren't having anymore.

The twins came over and joined in the on the family hug, causing everyone to smile even bigger at the family. Not a soul wasn't happy for them.

Sam placed three bowls on the counter, grabbing the cereal box and pouring some in each one. He had pulled the twelve hour night shift and had gotten back in at a good two hours ago and he was dead tired. He mustered up enough strength to take a shower and get a thirty minute nap in before he got back up and went downstairs to make breakfast. Well, his intentions was to make a hot breakfast but he was so tired, he couldn't function all the way. Starting up the coffee pot, before heading back to the counter, he looked up and smiled when he saw his wife, "Good morning, baby."

"Morning." Mercedes greeted with a smile of her own before going over and giving him a kiss. Letting go, she looked at what he was doing and chuckled, "Cereal?"

Sam let out a short laugh as he closed the box, yawning before responding, "Yeah, I was going to do a big breakfast but I can't even think straight."

"You need to go to sleep." Mercedes stated, knowing that he just pulled a long one. She ran her hands over his cheeks before kissing his lips softly, "I get off late today so you guys are going to have to do dinner without me."

Sam leaned against the counter as he watched her head over to the fruit bowl, "We'll probably just order in."

"Okay, and don't worry about getting the kids. Sadie is picking up Nyla to take her shopping, Seth is getting Ezekiel and Tamara is taking Christian to the orthodontist after school." Mercedes peeled the banana and took a bite before turning back to him, "His wire broke again."

"Again?" Sam asked knowingly, seeing her nod her head, "He's going to learn the hard way if he don't stop chewing gum."

Mercedes nodded as the coffee stopped brewing. She went and poured two coups, filling with sugar and cream, stirring before handing her husband one just as their children filed in dressed for school, "Morning loves."

"Good morning." Three voices rung out together as Christian and Ezekiel went and sat on the stools, while Nyla went into the pantry.

"Mom, we're having a Christmas party at school Friday and we signed up to bring cupcakes and dip."

"Gotcha baby." She responded as she threw the banana peel in the garbage, turning to him, "You guys need to go ahead and..."

"We already packed and helped Nyla do so too." Ezekiel responded as he poured the milk in his bowl, grabbing his spoon, "So, don't worry."

Mercedes pouted as she stared at him then his brother, "My babies are growing up...oh my God."

Christian sighed as he stared at her, getting up from his seat to go hug her, "Mom please don't start crying."

Sam laughed at him as he took another sip of coffee. Christian was the emotional twin, and no matter who it was, he reacted to all things sentimental. It was also a funny sight to see him hugging her because both of the twins towered over their mother already. Sam watched as he let go and went back to his seat, glancing over as Nyla came back out from the pantry with two bags of chips, two cookies packs, two gummy bears packs and then two juice boxes, sitting on the table by her book bag, "What's with all the extra snacks?"

"It's for me and Lucas." Nyla stated proudly as she climbed in the stool between her brothers, picking up her spoon for her awaiting cereal, "He's my boyfriend."

Christian choked on his milk, while Ezekiel missed his mouth with his food, Sam turning around a little too quickly around, accidentally bumping Mercedes in the process, their wide eyes going to the young girl, staring at her bewilderedly, "WHAT?"

Nyla jumped at the yelled voices, looking at them strangely, "Huh?"

Mercedes hid her smile as she brought the cup back to her lips, staring between the four.

"I'm sorry." Sam said as he let out a humorless, nervous laugh as he rubbed his tired eyes, knowing he didn't hear what he did, "I thought you said boyfriend."

"I did, Daddy."

"You're too young." Ezekiel stared at her disbelieving, while Christian just looked up at the ceiling praying, "Do you even...oh my God, no, no, NO, Nyla."

Nyla was super confused on what was going on. She looked at her mother innocently, her big eyes wide with confusion, "Mommy, what's wrong with them?"

"Baby." Mercedes started, seeing that Sam had completely zoned out and mumbling incoherently, she hit his back to bring him back before addressing her little girl and the men in her life, "When you say Lucas is your boyfriend, do you mean as you two hold hands?"

Nyla face turned into disgust, nose crinkling as if something stunk, "Ewwww, no. That's gross, Mommy. I don't do that with any boys, not even Lucas, we are friends. Just like Sage and Meghan are my friends. They're my girlfriends. Lucas is a boy and he's my friend. My boyfriend. We color, help each other in class with our adding and subtracting and reading and sometimes we share snacks."

Mercedes smiled at her knowingly before looking at her husband and twins, shaking her head, "She's six, remember that."

Sam cut his eyes, "She's still a girl and boys are gross and not blind to beautiful girls, remember that." He went over to where she was, "If any boy is mean to you, tries to kiss you, hug you, or even hold your hand, I'm going to personally take them to jail, especially if it's without your permission."

Mercedes smiled at him and understood exactly why Sam was like this. Even though any father never wants a boy near their daughter, that was Sam's case but also letting her know early on to never let any one try to do something she's not comfortable with or try to take advantage of her, especially without her permission.

"And I'll kick their butt."

"Me too."

"Alright." Mercedes cut in as she broke their overprotectiveness, pointing to their bowls, "Finish your breakfast."

Sam bent down and kissed her forehead, watching as the little girl smiled before resuming to her cereal. He looked at his wife, who was staring back at him, "I..."

"I know." Mercedes pressed a kiss to his lips, hearing their kids groan, she chuckled as she pulled back just as her phone rung, picking it up and putting it to her ear, "Yeah."

Just then Sam's phone rung as well, causing him to put his cup down and answer with a sigh, "Evans."

The kids watched as both of their parents responded, "I'm on my way."

"Immediate press conference for..."

"Double homicide." Sam finished as he placed his cup in the sink, "All hands on deck."

"We'll make sure Ny gets to school." Ezekiel told his parents once he saw them raised their eyes to him, "We'll be safe, promise."

"Okay." Mercedes said after a moment. The twins had started walking to school last year, it was only a block away from their home and so was Nyla's. They still lived in the same place and knew everyone, but anything could happen. Her boys didn't know, and what she was about to do when she left out, she had whoever was patrolling this area tail them to make sure they were okay. She walked over, pressing a kiss to all of their foreheads before leaning over and kissing Sam, smiling at them all as she walked out, "Stay home and go to sleep, Sam. They can do without you. Love you all, have a wonderful day and be safe."

"We will." Christian watched their mother leave out, eyes going to his father, "Dad, go sleep please. We'll lock up and everything."

"Okay." He mumbled as grabbed an orange, giving them a smile before he walked out, "Have a great day and text me when you made it. Love y'all."

"Love you too." Ezekiel said as he watched him leave out, turning back to his little sister, "So, tell us more about Lucas."

After a very long and busy week, Mercedes was happy to spend some time with her boys, especially since they were leaving in the morning. She felt like she didn't get a chance to hang with them as much as she did when they were little, but now they were teenagers, involved in sports and hung out with their friends. So, since she got off of work early today, she picked them up from school and headed to the grocery store for some shopping.

"I'm craving some your paninis, Mom."

"Me too, have been for weeks."

Christian glanced over at the woman as he walked beside her, "Can you make some please?"

Mercedes smiled as she pushed the basket, turning down the aisle way, "Sure." She grabbed some boxes of pasta and put them in the basket, getting some other things they needed off this aisle before heading over to the fruit and vegetables, "So, how was your last day and the party?"

"Mine was good and the party was even better. They loved the dip." Christian responded as he grabbed a bag to get some fruit, looking at his mother with a small smile, "And I joined the Science Club for next year."

"Really? That's amazing, sweetie." Mercedes sent him a smile as she glanced over at Ezekiel, who was adverting his eyes for a moment, "How about you, love?"


Christian pursed his lips as he turned to his mom, sitting the bananas in the basket, "He doesn't want to be associated with clubs, especially the one I'm going to be in."

"What's wrong with being in the Science Club?"

"Nothing, Mom. It's just..." He watched as Mercedes turned to him with a raised brow, "It's..."

Christian placed the oranges in the bag, rolling his eyes at his brother, "He tried to talk me out of because he think it's nerdy."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't." Ezekiel glared at him before he looking at Mercedes, "It's just not for me and I told Christian that."

"Then don't join, but don't try to make your brother feel bad because he wants to. There's nothing wrong with being in clubs. They're actually really fun, informative, and beneficial, especially when trying to get into colleges." Mercedes placed the greens in a bag before looking at him pointedly and knowingly from the way he reacted, "I will tell you one thing, Ezekiel Evans, if you're not doing this because you want to 'fit' in and you're worried about what someone else thinks of you, then I suggest you reevaluate yourself. You should know firsthand from your father and Uncle Seth. Never, ever try to fit in, when you're born to stand out. Your Dad and I didn't raise y'all to be followers."

Ezekiel felt bad about everything now and his mother was right, as always. Although him and Christian were twins, they were different, yet the same. And he even had to admit that being in a club, specifically the same club with his brother because they loved Science, interested him. He winced before sighing, looking at his mother then his brother, "I'm sorry."

Mercedes went over and wrapped her arms around him for a hug, "I love you, baby. I want you, all of you, to know that you're leaders. You're smart, handsome, and kind-hearted, and don't ever let anyone make you feel like you need to be someone other than you. Understand me?"

"Yes, Momma. I love you too."

Christian nodded in agreement to before he resumed to what he was doing. He was more like his mother. He didn't care what people had to say about him. He loved his brother, but he also hated how he let what people thought get to him.

Ezekiel was a mix between Sam and Mercedes. Although he didn't show it, he was just as sentimental as his brother, yet they both were so strong. He just had a moment of weakness of letting what people thought get to him, knowing that it didn't matter what anybody had to say. And from this day forward, he would continue on being the leader he was and not fall in that other role.

Mercedes smiled as she let go of him, "Alright, let's finish getting this stuff so we can go."

The twins nodded as the resumed to what they were doing. After getting everything they needed, the trio headed to the register so they could checkout. When they had finished, they headed to the truck and loaded up, getting in once they were finished.



"Is Grandma coming for Christmas?"

Mercedes glanced at Ezekiel in the mirror, "I don't know, baby. You'll have to call her and see." She gave him a small smile when he nodded, turning on the vehicle, "Let's head home."

The next morning, Mercedes grunted as sat on the stool in the kitchen, finishing up the last of the dishes from breakfast this morning. She was off today and the house was empty, much to her dismay. She didn't know what do with herself. With an early start to the morning, she had cleaned every room in the house and she still was antsy. She know Sam told her to enjoy her day off but it wasn't in her. She would've jump at the chance when she was younger, but now that she was a mother, it was in her nature to be on a go. She was so use to being a busy body that if she sat still too long and with no one home, she would bore herself to death and it didn't help that the kids were spending the week with their grandparents before their departure to South Africa after Christmas. Mercedes was looking in her purse as she exited the building, thanking the man for holding the door for her. She had to get out and do something because she was going crazy.

Sam was leaned against the side of his truck, watching as she finally looked up, jumping when she saw the sight of him, "I thought I told you to stay home today."

Mercedes raised a brow, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the man in front of her, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Sergeant." He studied her carefully, squinting his eyes at her, "You were given strict instructions to stay at home and relax, yet here you are."

Mercedes pursed her lips as she stared at her husband as she continued to make her way down the down the steps. Sam was on his lunch break and had decided to swing by and check on his wife, knowing it was a huge possibility that she wasn't going to listen to what he told her, "I was going to get some groceries, we're low."

"You just went grocery shopping." Sam raised a brow at her, seeing her open and closed her mouth, he shook his head before reaching behind and grabbing the handcuffs from his waist. He made his way to her, circling around to her backside, bringing her arms to the him, "You're under arrest for disobeying orders."

"You cannot be serious, Sam." Mercedes pursed her lips as her husband came back around, chuckling once he finished putting the cuffs on her.

"As a heart attack." He responded as he stared at her seriously, pulling her by her arm towards his truck, "And it's Detective Evans, ma'am."

Mercedes rolled her eyes at him as he gently leaned her against the side of his truck. She stared up at him as he hovered over her, "You know I'm your boss, right?"

"So." Sam just smirk as he moved closer and invaded all of her personal space. He took his hand and moved her hair from out of her face that was due to the wind before resting it on the back of her neck, "Are you going cooperate?"

Mercedes scoffed as she never broke eye contact with, her own smirk twitching at the corners of her mouth, "Nope. I know my rights."

Sam sighed as he shook his head, closing the gap between them, voice dropping, "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

"Guess so." Their lips ghosted over each other, causing Mercedes to ignite the already lit fire with her words, "I'm waiting."

Sam was going to tease her some more but it was useless due to his constant want and need to love on his wife. He placed his lips on hers, wrapping his other arm around his waist. They were always affectionate towards one another, but lately, it's been double the amount of normal and they didn't mind one bit. He pulled back for second, staring down at her as he rubbed his thumb over her cheek, "I love you."

Mercedes smiled at him as she leaned forward and placed her lips back on his for a moment after speaking, "I love you too."

A few more minutes of him lazily kissing the love of his life, he let go and took the key in his hand and reached behind her to undo the cuffs, once her hands were free. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning up and kissing him once more. He couldn't help but hold her in his arms, and pour every emotion that he had in him into the kiss. When they were finished, they just held onto each other until he heard the radio in his truck. He reluctantly let go and stared back at her, "Now please go back inside and enjoy your children and husband free day off. Anything you need, just let me know and I'll have it delivered to you. You need to relax and get some rest."

"Yes sir, Detective Hubby Baby Daddy." Mercedes giggled when he let out a snort, stepping back onto the sidewalk, smiling as she watched him get back in his truck, "Be safe."

"Always, baby." Sam started up his engine, giving her a lopsided grin as he looked at her, "I love you."

"I love you too." Mercedes blew his a kiss before waving at him as he pulled off, the smile on her face as she turned and headed back into the building, where their doorman was holding the door open for her. She knew nothing in life was perfect, and hers was anything but, but she did know that she was so thankful for it. She had her husband, three amazing kids, and wonderful family and friends. Times were hard, but it was nothing that wasn't welcomed and worked through. One thing was that she will always miss her father, but she had let go, knowing that he would want her to. Besides wanting him here, she wouldn't change anything that has happened in her life. Absolutely nothing.

A/N. And that's all folks! Thank you guys for tuning in to this story. I had a great time writing this journey and there was no better way to end it than the way it did. It's been real! Xo