
Weekend Retreat.

Chapter 6.

Sighing for the fifth time in as many minutes, Sheldon asked "How many more times are you going to read that?"

Glowering at him, Amy replied "until I'm word perfect". Giving him a smile, she went on, "I'm sorry Sheldon, but I need to learn this presentation".

"Couldn't you learn it tomorrow?" he asked, frowning, "today's Saturday, and we're cooped up in this hotel room".

She loved Sheldon, but at times he could be annoying. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Amy suggested "Why don't you go for a walk, and get some fresh air, or maybe get something to eat?"

Seeing him frown again, she continued "We don't have to do every single thing together, do we?"

Grabbing his windbreaker, folding it over his arm, he replied "I guess not".

She watched him let himself out, gently closing the door behind him, then she turned back to the script, of her Monday presentation.

Wandering out through the front door, nodding at the lady receptionist, Sheldon stood a moment, inhaling the cool, fresh Berlin air.

Pausing, to consult his eidetic memory, he turned onto Ruschestraße, and made his way along the sidewalk, toward the Madel Kaffeehaus, about half a mile away.

A couple of people nodded as he passed, greeting him "Guten Morgen", then giving him a smile, when they heard him reply, in an American accent.

Entering the Madel Kaffeehaus, he approached the counter and, fighting to get his tongue around the phrase, gave his order, "Kamillentee bitte".

Giving him a ten for effort, but only a one for pronunciation, the café owner slipped into perfect English, instructing him, "please take a seat, and I'll bring it to you".

Sipping his Chamomile tea, Sheldon relaxed, listening to the chatter of the other customers, recognizing the odd word here and there, finally conceding that, eidetic memory or not, some things were beyond him, not least, learning to speak German in a few minutes.

Signaling for a second cup of Chamomile tea, he thought back to his promise, to take Amy dancing, before they left Berlin. The Cafe was fairly quiet, so he figured the owner could probably spare a moment.

Taking the cup of tea from the owner, mumbling "danke", he asked "Excuse me, but do you know of somewhere in Berlin, where I could take a lady ballroom dancing?"

The owner thought for a moment, then he smiled, "Of course" he announced, "it's called Clärchens Ballhaus. I'll write down the address for you".

A few minutes later, he returned with a sheet from a scribbling pad. Putting it safely in his inside jacket pocket, Sheldon settled his bill, leaving a five Euro tip, nodded, chewed out the phrase "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen", and left, making his way back along Ruschestraße, toward the hotel.

Entering the hotel, he considered returning to their room, to see how Amy was getting on, but, glancing at his watch, seeing it had only been about 45 minutes, he decided discretion was the better part of valor, and headed for the bar instead.

Taking his I-pad from the inside pocket of his jacket, he booted it up, connected to the hotel's WiFi, opened G-Mail, and typed in Leonard email address.

Beginning to type the message, in the corner of his eye, he saw a female hand place a cup of herbal tea on the table, in front of him. Raising his head, to look at the waitress, he declared, "I didn't order this".

Taking the chair across from him, Andrea said "I know you didn't, but I saw you sitting here, all alone, and thought you might appreciate some company". With a smile, she asked "You don't mind me joining you, do you?"

Knowing how Amy felt about Andrea flirting with him, Sheldon was about to say that he did mind, but, even in his own head, it sounded rude. "No, of course not" he confirmed.

"So" she asked, "what have you been doing lately? I haven't seen either of you all week".

"We've been rather busy" he half lied, While it was true that Amy's work had kept then quite busy, it was also the case that they had stayed away from the hotel as much as possible, even driving out to the Luftwaffe museum, and the Möhne Dam, rather than hang around the hotel bar.

"Well, if you're not busy this evening" she smiled, "how about the three of us get together, and have some fun?"

Sheldon considered the offer for a moment, then replied, "I think that would be OK, but I'd need to check with Amy".

"Great" she confirmed, "about eight?"

"Eight it is" Sheldon nodded, "here in the bar?"

"Just knock on my door, when you're ready" she replied, then, swallowing down the remains of her drink, she stood, announced "See you tonight", and was gone.

Sheldon watched her go, took a sip of his tea, and went back to typing his email to Leonard.


Taking her glasses off, Amy rubbed the bridge of her nose, then the tops of her ears, where the arms of her glasses had been resting. She was trying to concentrate, but fatigue was getting the better of her. Making one more attempt at reading, her eyes began to drift between sentences.

Having read the same line three times, she threw the folder of papers onto the bed, put her glasses in her pocket, and left the room, heading for the bar.

Seeing Amy enter the bar, Sheldon gave her a warm smile, stood up, made his way to the bar, and ordered her a glass of white wine.

Taking a sip of her wine, she slowly shook her head and declared "I can't concentrate on that damn presentation for another second".

"I know" he agreed, "you can only do so much, before you have to take a break". Reaching across the table, to hold her hand, he asked, "So, what do you want to do this afternoon?"

Thinking for a moment, her voice going soft and little girlish, she proffered "The Zoo Garten?"


Hand in hand, they drifted around the zoo, visiting the enclosures in no particular order, merely killing time, until even Sheldon had to admit he was growing bored with the zoo.

They visited the Brandenburg Gate, which Sheldon explained was really called the Brandenburger Tor, then made their way to the nearby Reichstag building, and finally to Friedrichstraße, where they took each others photo at the reconstruction Checkpoint Charlie, and purchased commemorative coins from the vending machines that litter the street, before grabbing a burger for lunch, at the McDonald's across the street.

Sheldon's smug expression had been playing on Amy's mind all morning, and she finally surrender to her curiosity. "OK Sheldon" she asked, "is it something you know, or something you've done?"

Swallowing his mouthful of burger, he replied "neither. It's just that I was right, and you were wrong".

"A little more specific please?" she prompted. Taking a swig of his soda, he explained "Andrea isn't after me".

"And you know this how? Amy asked. "She's asked us out for the evening" Sheldon explained, an exaggerated self-satisfied grin flashing across his lips.

"So I was right" Amy countered, "she is after you?"

"No" Sheldon corrected, "she asked BOTH OF US out for the evening. She would hardly invite you along, if she was after me, would she?"

With a tilt of her head, Amy considered Sheldon's argument. "I'm not sure" she confessed, "I still don't trust her, but I sense you want to go".

"I think we should" Sheldon proffered, "we've been here a week, and haven't really got to know anyone".


From behind the shower curtain, Amy asked "Is it casual?"

"I don't know" Sheldon confessed, talking round a mouthful of toothpaste, "she didn't say".

Pulling back the curtain and stepping out of the shower, Amy paused to wipe her feet on the bath mat, before taking a towel from the rack and padding into the bedroom, to sit on the edge of the bed and throw the towel over her shoulder, to dry her back, only for Sheldon to take it from her and gently towel her back.

When he moved to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, she half turned toward him, and, starting from her shoulders, he towelled her dry, then, handed her the towel and she returned the favour, drying him in long, slow, gentle strokes.

Still unsure how formal she should dress, Amy went with the white dress and black belt, Sheldon going for a pair of fawn pants and a plain T-Shirt.

Spot on 8pm, taking a final glance in the mirror to check her makeup, Amy followed Sheldon out of the room, closed and locked the door behind her, popped the key in her purse, and strode quickly across the corridor, to step in front of Sheldon, before he could do his triple knock.

Amy's knock was answered almost instantly by Andrea, dressed in a bathrobe. Entering the room, Amy apologised, "I'm sorry, I thought you said 8 o'clock?"

"I did say 8" Andrea confirmed. Briefly looking them up and down, she continued "although you two are a little overdressed". Untying the chord and slipping the robe off her shoulders, to reveal nothing but a tiny pair of black panties, she took a step forward, extending her hand to hook around Amy's neck, her head craning forward, lips pursed.

"Whoa" Amy almost shouted, "what do you think you are doing?"

"I'm sorry" Andrea replied "don't you do girls?" Picking up her cell phone from the bedside table and scrolling through the contacts list, she explained "that's not a problem. There's a Swedish student in the hotel, who's an incredible fuck. He's only on the next floor down. He can be here in five minutes".

"Sheldon, how could you" Amy almost screamed, but there was no reply. When she turned to look at him, she knew instantly why he was silent. His mouth was open, his eyes were wide, unblinking, and fixed on Andrea's almost naked body.

Raising her voice even higher , she demanded "SHELDON!" For two more seconds, his eyes remained transfixed by Andrea's pale skinned breasts, then he forced himself to look away. "Sheldon!" Amy demanded again, her voice slightly less loud, "how could you bring me to a", she paused briefly, searching for the right word, then stumbling over the word "an.., an.. orgy?"

"Excuse me?" Andrea cut in, an offended look on her face, "three people does not make an orgy". Not quite sure why she was arguing semantics at a time like this, Amy nevertheless responded "fine, a threesome, a ménage à trios, call it whatever you want." Turning back to Sheldon she accused "Despite everything you said, I just KNEW you wanted Andrea".

Not waiting for an answer, Amy yanked the door open, paused in the doorway and snarled "you two have fun", then she slammed the door behind her, stomped along the hallway, down the stairs and into the bar, where she ordered a large glass of red wine.

"So I guess it's just me and you?" Andrea said, taking two steps toward Sheldon, her gently swinging breasts once more catching his attention.

She was standing very close, and he could feel the heat of her body, and smell the delicate scent she was wearing. For a moment his mind drifted and he searched his memory, trying to recall where he'd smelled that perfume before, then he remembered. It was the same subtle but arousing scent Martha had worn, all those years ago.

Dragging his mind back to the present, he found himself staring into a pair of slate grey eyes that occupied almost his entire view, then he felt the touch of warm moist lips on his, and soft warm flesh pressing against his chest, through the thin fabric of his T-Shirt.

For a fraction of a second, he was tempted to reciprocate. There was no denying that Andrea was beautiful, but, not only was she not Amy, but she reminded him a lot of Penny.

Putting his hands on Andrea's upper arms, he pushed her away. "No" he said, "I can't do this, and I won't do this. Amy is the only woman for me, and nothing will ever change that".

Frowning slightly, Andrea asked "You really do love her, don't you?"

"I do" he confirmed, "more than anything".


Glancing into the bar, Sheldon saw Amy sitting at a corner table, two empty wine glasses in front of her, and a half empty one in her hand. The look on her face told him she was still angry.

Confrontations not being his strong suit, he decided to give her time to calm down.

The air was quite cool outside the hotel, especially for someone without a jacket, but Amy had the key to the room, so he'd have to manage with just a T-Shirt.

He wandered the streets, until he found himself in front of the Brandenburg Gate, where he loitered for a few minutes, until he caught the attention of two police officers. Then he realised he was standing in front of the Russian Embassy.

The air was getting quite chilly, so he stepped into the Restaurant Quarre and ordered a cup of tea and a cream cake.


"Do you mind if I join you?" Pulling her eyes into focus, Amy recognised Doctor Louvel. "Another drink?" he asked taking a seat. Draining the final mouthful from her glass, she replied "I shouldn't really, but what the hell".

Taking a sip from his glass, Doctor Louvel leaned a little closer. "I think" he began, "we should discuss your future". Taking another drink, he continued "I've researched your work, and I think you've got real potential. In fact, I'm seriously considering offering you a position with European Biosciences".

Amy couldn't believe her ears. European Biosciences was one of the biggest, best funded, privately owned research companies in the world, and here was the Vice President offering her a job.

Finishing his drink, he explained "We value talented scientist highly at European Biosciences. If you play your cards right, you could be on the board in five to ten years".

Standing, he proffered his hand. "Perhaps we could discuss it?" he suggested. Lifting herself from her chair, her head swimming slightly, Amy allowed herself to be led across the floor, toward the door.

Supporting her with an arm around her waist, Doctor Louvel glanced over her shoulder, gave the bartender an exaggerated wink, then guided Amy out of the door and up the stairs.

Arriving outside room 314, Amy disentangled herself from Doctor Louvel's grip and turned toward the door. Fishing in her purse for the room key, she felt his arm curl around her waist. Swivelling in his embrace, she turned to face him.

Seeing the angry glare in her eyes, Doctor Louvel asked "Surely you didn't think I was going to give you a job for nothing?"


Glancing at his watch again, Sheldon decided 2 hours was probably enough time for Amy to calm down, so he made his way to Potsdamer Platz, where he caught a tram back to the hotel.

Entering the hotel bar, he noticed Amy wasn't there. "Excuse me?" he asked the bartender, "but have you seen Dr Amy Farrah Fowler?"

The bartender thought for a moment, then asked "Short, brown hair and glasses?"

"That's her" Sheldon confirmed. The bartender replied "She left with Doctor Louvel, about an hour ago".

"Do you know where they went?" Sheldon queried. The bartender hesitated. "His hotel, probably". Sheldon was worried. When he'd left the hotel, a couple of hours ago, Amy was already knocking the drinks back, so heavens knew what state she'd be in by now.

Not knowing where Doctor Louvel was staying, he had no way of tracking them down, so decided he had no choice but to wait in their room for her to come back.

Arriving at room 314, he realised he hadn't got a key, but instinctively tried the door, which opened for him. Flicking the light on, he was relieved to see Amy stretched out on top of the covers, still wearing her white dress, the patent black belt lying on the floor, her glasses on the bedside table.

Kneeling by the bed, Sheldon stroked Amy's cheek and she stirred slightly. "Amy, are you OK?" Squinting to see, her head pounding from the drink, she asked "Sheldon, where have you been?"

"Wandering around the City" Sheldon explained, "Amy I'm sorry about earlier, but I promise you I didn't know what Andrea had in mind".

"I know you didn't" Amy assured him, "and I'm sorry for overreacting. It was just such a shock. Besides, I was wrong about something too".

"You were" Sheldon asked. "Yes" Amy explained, "turns out you were right not to trust Doctor Louvel. He made a pass at me. Offered me a job, if I'd have sex with him".

A cold shiver ran down Sheldon's spine, at the thought of anyone, let alone Doctor Louvel, having sex with the woman he loved "You didn't, did you?"

Amy looked offended. "Sheldon, do you really think I'd sell my body for a job?" Sheldon's relief was overwhelming, and he knelt there, his eyes closed.

Sitting up, Amy pulled herself to her feet, unzipped her dress, let it slip to the floor, stepped out of it and draped it over the back of the chair. "Now let's get a shower and go to bed" she suggested, "It's been a long day".

Soaping Amy's back, Sheldon asked "so what did you do when he made a pass at you?" With an evil grin, Amy replied "I kneed him in the balls, and threatened to use my years of experience with a scalpel on them, if he ever comes near me again".

Sheldon visibly winced. "That's my girl, just promise me you won't do that to me".


Her head rested on Sheldon's bare chest, listening to his slow, steady heartbeat, then Sheldon asked "How can she do that?" Not for the first time, Amy was lost. "How can who do what?" Sheldon paused, "I mean, how can Andrea have sex with multiple people, men and women?"

"I guess it's her way" Amy explained. "It's not really for us to judge". Looking up into his still puzzled face, Amy continued "and while we're on the subject, were you tempted?"

Sheldon lay there for a long moment, contemplating the question. Seconds passed, then Amy said "Come on Sheldon, the truth. I promise I won't be angry"

Hesitantly Sheldon began, "Did the thought cross my mind? If I'm honest yes, but was I really tempted? No".

Amy felt her jealousy and insecurity slip away. She knew now, that he really meant what he had said, about loving and wanting her more than anyone else.

She knew that if he was ever going to have sex with someone else, it would've been that evening, with Andrea. If he didn't stray with an almost naked Andrea, she knew he never would.

She lay there, Sheldon spooning her, trying to sleep, but she couldn't nod off. Finally she whispered "Sheldon, are you awake?" There was a brief pause, then he replied "Yes, why?"

Rolling to face him, she looked up into his cobalt blue eyes, the only thing she could see in the darkened room. "I can't sleep" she sighed, "could you please give me a massage?"

"Of course" he replied, "roll over". Kicking the covers down the bed, she rolled onto her front, the cool air tingling her freshly washed skin, then Sheldon straddled her legs and his hands caressed her shoulders, then moved down her back, his nimble fingers kneading her tense muscles.

With each stroke of his hands, she felt his hardness nudge her back, just above her coccyx, then it wasn't nudging her anymore. Now it was stroking across her, smearing a slight wetness onto her flesh. The stoking becoming more urgent, the massaging stopped. His erection was just a couple of inches from the ultimate target. She could feel her own arousal growing, her loins twisting, a wetness pooling inside her.

Spreading her legs a little, she pushed her hips off the mattress, silently willing Sheldon to enter her, then he gasped and his body stiffened. A river of hot liquid ran along her spine, and Sheldon collapsed on top of her.

They lay there for a few seconds, Sheldon's hot hardness pressed against her back by his body, then she felt him softening.

Amy groaned, "Sheldon" she begged, "I was so close". Lifting himself from her with his hands, he rolled her, urging "turn over".

Pushing her legs open, he used his thumbs to tease her swollen lips apart and stoked his tongue between them. Amy was already very wet, and he savoured her exquisite, faintly musky taste. On and on he went, flicking his tongue in and out, tasting, teasing, probing, Amy gasping and moaning, her back arching, then he found her nub.

Just a few licks was all it took. Letting out a long, loud guttural moan, she came undone, the tension unwinding throughout her body, her heart racing, breath fast and laboured.


Flicking on the light, Sheldon flinched. Pointing at the bed sheet, he asked "How are we going to explain that?" Surveying the sticky wet patch in the middle of the sheet, Amy thought for a moment. "How about" she asked "you go out and buy a new sheet, first thing tomorrow, and we'll swap it?"

Looking at his naked girlfriend, sitting on the edge of the bed drying herself, he observed "I should probably get a few of them".