Chapter 17 - Homeward Bound

"Lynx, Guardian wake up."

I groaned slightly and opened my eyes before quickly shutting them again. My head felt like it had been put through a press of some kind. My fur tingled with an odd sensation and for a time I didn't quite know what it was. Sitting up slowly I saw that my surroundings were of a cyan colour. A small smile spread across my face, for I was back in my thoughts with the emerald. Funny how some things made complete sense and boggled your mind at the same time.

"Glad to see you're awake."

"Yes well I feel like a train hit me." I replied.


"Look, what's the whole deal with this?"

"You tell me."


"You know better than me what is going on around us."

"Eh? Care to run that logic by me again, because I think it took a wrong turn! If I'm here it means I must be unconscious or something."

"See you do know more about what is going on than me."

"This is plain screwy."

"Possibly but then stranger has happened."

"Not to me, I mean what is going on? Since when does an email turn you into a white kitsune with grand master sword skills?"

There was no response and I rolled my eyes.

"Ai! Sometimes…" I complained.

"I don't know the answers to your questions but you'll find your answers eventually."

"Ok fine but now I got something else to ask. If this all works out and I manage to get back to my world…what's going to happen to you?"

The cyan colour pulsed around me.

"I don't want you to go but you must. This is not your world after all."

"Can't someone else be your guardian?" I asked.


"Jynx maybe? As far as I can tell he's this world's equivalent of me."


"Oh for cripes sake! That grey fox that looks just like me and throws very painful fireballs around."

"I've not met him before."

"I'll be sure to introduce you later."

Just then a faint green glow started to spin around my body and a warming tingle entered me. I shook my head slowly and gave a short laugh. I knew this feeling all too well. The green emeralds healing powers were very unique.

"Looks like my time is up." I said.

"Yes. Farewell Guardian."

"Ah don't be so sad, I might see you again. Heh! I've enjoyed myself here and if at all possible I'll come back for a visit."

"Thank you Guardian."

"Bah! No need to thank me, you've helped me far more than I have you."

The glow around me started to spin faster and soon I found the world around me fading from view until…

…I gave a small groan and opened my eyes slightly. I was met by the sight of a metal plated wall and floor. I groaned slowly and blinked hard remembering everything that had just happened. Slowly I sat up and looked around. I was in the Elemus room and looking up I saw that the roof was a huge hole. I couldn't hear or see anything of Robotnik at all but then that wasn't my primary concern at that moment. I continued to look around the room and then finally rolled over and stopped. Klim lay next to me doubled in apparent pain with the green emerald in his hand.


I quickly swiped up the green emerald from him and focused on it. My own injuries seemed to be doing fine, obviously Klim had healed me, and I found myself able to focus solely on the emerald. Klim was soon glowing green and I held the field steady for a moment before stopping. Putting the emerald away I called to Klim.

"Klim, yo Klim?"

Klim gave a moan and slowly opened his eyes. I cocked my head slightly as I looked at him. He smiled at me but I was sure it was a fake one.

"Hey Lynx." he replied.

"You looks like hell." I said.

"Yeah well I feel like it too."

Klim started chuckling and I soon found myself chuckling too. It was at moments like this that I remember how contagious laughter is. The chuckling became laughing and the laughing roaring! I keeled over backwards and started rolling on my back slightly, my tails flapping around all over as I laughed myself stupid. I guess we were both just thankful for each other's safety or something but it felt good to laugh after the past few days.

"He he hoo boy!" chuckled Klim as he started to calm down slightly.

I was still chuckling to myself I always found it hard to stop laughing.

"So what now?" I heard Kat say as I finally stopped laughing.

"Well Robotnik's out of it, we trashed any plans he has for the future. So I guess…we should head home." replied Klim.

"How?" asked Kat.

"Well we gotta form one of those portals to our world. That journal we found said that the seven Chaos Emeralds would provide enough energy to do that." replied Klim.

"Man! Hard to believe all the stuff we've been through. All the way from that slimy thing in the jungle to here." I said sitting up and looking round, "Speaking of which where'd Jynx and Klime go?"

"They showed up while you two were out of it. They said they'd found Sonic and Tails and were taking them home." said Kat.

"Guess we should head back too and at least say bye." said Klim.

"Sounds good to me." I replied getting up.

"Righto." agreed Kat.

"Let's go then." finished Klim.

We all turned and slowly wandered from the base. I kept thinking about what was next as we walked but I guessed it'd all work out in the end. We soon left Robotnik's base far behind and Sonic and Tails house soon appeared on the horizon.

"Well there we are." said Klim, "Wonder if we'll see it again."

"We better!" I said stepping up the pace slightly, "I got plans to come back here if I can."

"You might not be able to but who knows eh?"

"True, very true."

Entering the house we found Jynx and Tails talking at the table and Sonic cooking in the kitchen. Klime was leaning on the back wall looking like a loner as always. The next few minutes were filled with congratulations, thanks and stories. Sonic and Tails told us about what had happened to them, apparently they had gone to get the grey emerald and met up with Elemus themselves only that time it had gotten the better of them. They'd woken up in the prison cells chained to the wall with energy binders and had hung there until Jynx and Klime had rescued them. It was kinda amazing to think that I'd accomplished something the duo hadn't been able to do. Granted for some reason I seemed to be some sort of super fox but that was beside the point. Klim for the most part remained quiet with a distant look in his eyes leaving myself and Kat to retell our little story. After we were done I approached Jynx and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to look at me with a smile.

"You certainly tell a good tale." he said.

"Or nine." I replied with a chuckle, "Listen I need to talk to you about something."

"Oh? What?"

"Come into the other room."

Jynx looked puzzled as I led him into another room and turned round.

"I gotta show you something Jynx." I said taking out the cyan emerald.

Jynx rose an eyebrow.

"Lynx that's an emerald, I've seen them before you know. Hell I guard one of them." he said.

"Yeah but have you been guarding the right one?" I asked.


I stepped forward and slapped the cyan emerald into his hands.

"Here have a good look."


"Just look at it ok."


Jynx looked at the emerald slowly and for a minute nothing happened. Slowly he looked up at me again.

"I'm not seeing anything." he said.

"Just look at it." I replied.

Jeez! It was like telling an infant school kid not to eat a pie or something! For a while we both stood there, myself looking at Jynx and him looking at the emerald. At length Jynx expression started to change, a puzzled look crossed his face followed by an astonished one. Then slowly his eyes fluttered closed and he stood perfectly still looking at the emerald with his eyes closed. I watched him closely for a while before his eyes slowly opened. For a moment he stood just looking at the emerald in amazement before looking up at me.

"Well?" I asked.

"That was…was….what was that?!" he asked.

"That, my alternate self, is the presence of the cyan emerald."


"Yup that's how I was."

"It…I mean…this is what…happened to you?"

"Yup…numerous times."

"So what you said back at the castle really was true."

"What you didn't believe me?"

"Well I accepted what you said. I never thought any of it was really true…until now."

"Yes well, there'll be plenty of time to get acquainted later on. For now let's get back to the others."

"Ok…man I need a drink."

"If you're anything like me don't have too much."

As we entered the room I saw Klim and Tails talking about something, guess Klim decided to wake up at long last.

"So you'll be leaving soon?" asked Klime from the corner.

"I guess so." I replied, "We've beaten Robotnik and everything. Not really any reason for us to be here anymore."

I gave a small smile as I said that. Maybe there was a reason for me to stay but I now knew that there was someone who could fill that job for me.

"Plus we have to get home." I added.

"I've not had a chance to say thanks yet." said Sonic finishing a chilidog, "You guys really helped us a lot."

"Oh yeah!" put in Tails, "You'll be sure to come back and visit right."

"Well…" said Klim sounding a bit unsure.

"Count on it!" I said confidently, "If there's a way I'll find it."

The room fell silent, everyone thinking about what had happened and where to go next. Finally Kat spoke.

"Shall we go then?" he asked.

"I guess so." replied Klim.

"Probably best to do it outside." I said, "Dunno what's gonna happen do we?"

"Just what are you going to do anyway?" asked Tails.

"No idea! But whatever it is we'll figure it out." replied Klim strolling from the house.

I followed him as did everyone else in the house. Once outside Klim and Kat set their emeralds down on the ground. I set the green one down and then took out the cyan one. I looked at it for the longest time but finally set it down with a small sigh. Guess this was the end of my bond with it. Walking over to Klim and Kat I spoke.

"Well this is it." I said.

"Yes." replied Klim.


"So let's do this. Everyone focus on your own emerald ok."

I turned and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them and looked at the cyan and green emeralds. As I stared they began to glow and rise from the ground. The other emeralds were also glowing and after a short moment a huge beam of energy shot up into the sky. I followed it as it rose high into the sky and soon I couldn't see the top any more. Looking back down I relaxed my focus. The beam was now pulsing each of the emeralds colours in turn.

"Ok guys, I'll go first." said Kat taking a few steps forwards, "Sorry for all the trouble I've caused."

"Think nothing of it Kat." smiled Klim.

"Yeah, wasn't your fault." I agreed.

"Wait a minute!" cried Tails suddenly, "How do you know that beam will take you home?"

"We don't!" smiled Kat, "Half the fun of a mystery is not knowing what's gonna happen. I'll see you around guys."

With that he stepped into the beam and vanished from view.

"I'm next." said Klim.

"Klim wait a second." I said.

"Yeah?" said Klim turning round.

"I've been thinking. After this…things just won't be the same, you know. I mean all this, our adventure, our change, it seems like a dream but it's not…maybe. I mean I've done things I've always dreamed about doing in the last few days."

"Yeah I know. I guess chatting online will never seem the same again huh?"

"Oh yeah, just one thing."


"When we get back….send me a shed load of email ok." I chuckled before thinking of something else, "Especially during thunder storms."

"Count on it. If there's a way to get back we'll be sure to find it. Later Lynx, bye everyone."

With that Klim turned and stepped into the beam, vanishing from sight in a flash. I stood for a moment thinking about our adventures before stepping up to the beam myself. I turned and looked at the gathering.

"Take good care of it Jynx." I said.

"Count on it." he replied.

Everyone else looked at us with a bit of puzzlement but I guess Jynx would tell them in time.

"Well this is good bye guys. I've had a time and a half I can tell you." I said.

The group gave me a smile and I couldn't help but give a broad grin at Tails before I took a step back and made everything fade from view.