They walked slowly back to Green Gables after their three hour kissing session, Anne had to be the sensible one and suggested they went up to Green Gables to get something to eat to replenish their energy. She didn't know about Gilbert but she was blissfully exhausted! They stayed close, Gilbert wrapping his arm around Anne, Anne staying exactly in a close stroll with him. Arm in arm hand in hand, the pair barely noticed Marilla stood and watched as they approached Green Gables so closely together.
They stopped short of the veranda. Looking up at Marilla.
"Need I even ask?" Marilla said with a knowing smile.
"Marilla." Anne said in an almost whisper, "I'm so blissfully happy I'm scared I'll wake and ruin this moment forever." She paused and looked at Gilbert briefly before. "I'm so happy… I'm…" she took a sigh.
Gilbert chuckled. "With your permission, Miss Cuthbert I would be honoured if you consented to allow Anne to be my wife?" he said still a little nervous of Marilla.
Marilla smiled to Anne. "If you break this boy's heart again Anne Shirley…" she started with a smile on her face, knowing Anne never would…
"Oh Marilla!" she leapt from Gilbert's arms, hugging the women she held as a mother. "No Marilla you know, you know…!" she trailed.
"well I certainly won't stop you." She told them both. "congratulations." She told them both. "I hoped that you would find your way back to each other." Marilla watched as the two gave each other a glance, a look she had often seen between them. "Come in its time to celebrate." She said with a smile. "and tell Rachel."
They took Green Gables buggie back over to Blythe farm, Anne faithfully promising to bring it back. Mrs Blythe greeted them on the veranda As they sat down she started the conversation.
"I'm glad you decided to bring the buggie back, I was worried about Gilbert walking all that way." She admitted.
He smiled. "it was Anne's idea she was worried walking back would tire me out."
"Well she saw you at your worse, it must have scared her." Mrs Blythe said.
Anne's heart beating against her chest. "About that Mrs Blythe, there's something you should know."
"Oh?" Mrs Blythe asked her.
"Well that night, when I said to you we were engaged, it may not have been entirely accurate." She said slowly. She took a sigh,
"you mean you aren't engaged?" she asked them.
"No! I mean, yes we are engaged." Anne admitted. "See at the end of term, I shared with him why we had broken up, after I told him Gilbert proposed but I didn't answer him. Well when I found out Gilbert's condition I had to be by his side and I had to tell him I wanted to…"
Mrs Blythe smiled "so you told a little white lie to get past me." She started to laugh. Anne looked at her perplexed. She stopped laughing and took her by the hand. "Anne, that night, I meant what I said when I said I knew you loved him. So you took a risk to be by his side, I'm glad you did, you brought him back." She sighed, "it doesn't matter now does it? He's well and healthy we brought him back and you said you are engaged now?"
"Yes, ma. I asked again today to make sure." Gilbert admitted.
"Well then, no damage done. My son felt loved, that's all that matters."
Anne looked to his mother "I see where he gets his ability to forgive so easily." She said looking at his mother, who smiled at her.
"Nothing to forgive." She said resolutely.
A week and a half later Anne ran through the woods the letter still in hand, Gilbert saw her running to him and was confused.
"Anne!" he exclaimed! "is everything alright?"
"yes my love yes!" She said leaping into his arms, his recovery thankfully was going well otherwise she would have brought them both down. "I did it!" she exclaimed.
"Did what?" he asked her.
"I didn't think I would manage it but I have." She continued.
"What? What did you do?" He asked bringing her feet back on the ground not letting go of her.
"Oh I know its not as good as my other offers but this way we can be together!" she exclaimed.
"Anne Shirley pull yourself together!" he said with a chuckle. "Make some sense start at the beginning. What have you done?"
"I wrote to a school in Kingsport I knew at the end of last term was looking for a principle, I even interviewed for it while we were still there, mostly so I knew what to expect in that sort of interview because I thought I might need the practice for finding a teaching job come September." She took a breath and showed him the letter, "well you see two weeks ago I sent correspondence asking on the off chance if they were still looking for a teacher, well the teacher they had chosen suddenly got engaged and wanted to be married immediately so dropped them in it. Apparently I had made the shortlist in the first place but when they received my letter they saw it as providence! They have given me suitable lodgings with one of the members on the board of trustees at the school." She said quickly all at once.
"In Kingsport?!" he exclaimed looking at the letter to confirm.
"Yes in Kingsport, its not a big grand principle ship like the one in Summerside but we shall be together!"
He looked confused at the letter then at her. "Anne, this is worth thinking about, my love you've always wanted to teach, but sweetheart if it were as prestigious as Summerside it would speak volumes, it would be a different experience to be a principle in a plain old school. I mean this one will take you off Island…"
"I don't care about that, I want to be a good teacher, Gilbert please, I just, I want to be with you." She told him.
"But Anne, I don't want you looking back and resenting me for holding you back in your career." He said quietly.
She looked at him and smiled. "This is what I want." She said stroking his cheek. "I want to be with you, after the last few years and almost losing you…" she trailed looking at him sadly.
He kept her close "I'm here, you don't need to fear losing me." He said quietly.
"I'm not doing this out of fear." She said quietly. "I'm doing this out of love." She smiled up at him. "Besides you can't deny the idea of seeing me often isn't tempting to you." She said stroking down his chest.
He smiled widely looking at her. "You know how busy I'll be with school." He said sensibly. "It won't be every day."
"I know. So will I." She admitted softly. "It'll be more than if I was on the Island, plus this way you can show off your fiancée a bit to Kingsport. I won't miss anything important." She wrapped her arms round his shoulders "Besides I can be just as good a teacher in Kingsport then I would be in Summerside." She said with a sly smile to him.
He reached down and kissed her gently on the lips. "If you're sure?" he asked her again.
"I'm positive and I'm positively happy!" She grabbed his hand and started pulling him, "Come on lets go and reply to this, lets to back to Green Gables, I can write back and make this official!"
She heard him chuckle as she pulled them away she saw his eyes brightened as his fingers played with the pearl engagement ring round her finger he had bought her under a week ago. She turned and smile at the man she loved. She was his and would be joining him in Kingsport, they didn't need to be apart ever again. All was right in the world.
Thats it for now folks on this one! Maybe after I have the baby I might pick up on it when they go to Kingsport together but I don't have a storyline for it. But I have a little one growing inside of me I need to round off some of these big projects for now so I can focus... Thank you for al you reviews and do tell me if in the future you would like to see more from this universe
There are so many of you to thank I don't think I can but thank you for the long support! Love you all Carrots.x