I HAD A really heartfelt goodbye written out but then it got all messed up when I posted. Ah, crud.

Thank you so much for reading One Drunk Text! I can't believe I finished this. That's amazing to me! I've never finished a story before.

I'm so grateful for all the support, kinds words, and advice I was given throughout the story. It pushed me to keep writing!

Thank you so so so so so so much for reading. I hope I entertained some of you if only for a little while.

Thank you.


It doesn't fit

What do you mean, it doesn't fit?

I mean that it doesn't fit and I need your help, babe.

I'm kind of busy here, darling.


Only because it's you. ;) Where are you?

Kagome was about to text Inuyasha where she was when there was a knock on the door to the bathroom she was hiding in.

"Kagome? Is everything all right? You and the girls are supposed to be getting ready to walk downstairs." Rin's voice echoed through the door.

"Oh yeah, totally fine. I'm just going to need a minute." Kagome tried her best to sound sure of herself even though she was on the verge of ruining Rin and Sesshomaru's wedding day. There's a soft, nervous laugh through the door.

"You'd think it was your wedding day, Kagome."

Kagome uses all her will power to laugh in response before Rin explains she's doing a few last minute beauty preparations. Ok that bought her a few more minutes to try and get into this freaking bridesmaid's dress.

During winter break, Sesshomaru's popped the question to Rin. She wanted a spring wedding and all he cared about was whether or not she was happy. So here Kagome was, a bridesmaid, struggling to fit into the dress Rin picked out for her.

"Hey," a familiar voice whispered through the window opening. Kagome jerked up from the floor she sat on. Her heart fluttered at the sight of his long silver hair and broad shoulders. Oh yeah, did she forget to mention that Inuyasha and her were kind of really together now? That's one of the reasons she's in the wedding. Rin insisted the moment she found out Kagome and Inuyasha made it official to their families during Christmas.

"How'd you know where I was?" She hissed, struggling to hold up the fabric of the dress against her chest.

Inuyasha grinned, pushing up off the ground and onto the edge of the window. "You know I can smell when you're a nervous wreck like a mile away right?"

"I'm not a nervous wreck, stop being an ass."

Inuyasha glared at her and hopped inside the bathroom until he was near her. She was absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to him, but she's also one of the most difficult people he's ever known.

"I will when you stop being such a wench." He told her, which was a mistake because as her nose flared her hand raised to hit shoulder. "Jesus woman, you-" His eyes fell because the hand she used to punch was the hand she was using to hold her dress up.

Moments of silence and realization pass and Kagome's face glows red. Her mouth opens to scream, but Inuyasha raises his hand to cover her mouth. His other hand reaches out to pull up the dress for her. "Shh, I'm not even supposed to be here, darling."

Kagome makes a soft a whine of embarrassment. They've been dating for a few months, sure, but she was still easily embarrassed. After Inuyasha came and apologized for everything, she still needed time too. The two didn't start dating instantaneously. It was slow and more time was spent actually talking than before. There were so many years missing from their relationship.

Nodding, Kagome narrows her eyes on Inuyasha hand, calming down. She mumbles into his hand and he smiles before dropping it. "I can't get into my dress." Kagome whispers very seriously.

He perks his brow at her. "You know that a boyfriend's job is more about the opposite, right?"

"Did you know that if you don't help me then you're not going to be a boyfriend anymore."

"Is that a threat?"


He laughs, nodding. "Fine, fine, let me see the zipper."

Slowly, Kagome turns for him, holding the dress up on her own. "I called Sango, but she wouldn't pick up and then I couldn't tell Rin that this was happening when she has so much to worry about you know?"

Inuyasha leans into her, nose pressed against the back of her hair. He tries to focus on the zipper issue at hand, but it's so goddamn hard when Kagome smells so fucking amazing. "Trust me. She's been with my brother for years now. She's the least bit worried about this wedding."

His ability to have a coherent conversation with her so close amazes him. He almost wished that this zipper never got zipped up so he could keep this feeling of her bare back against his hand.

"I guess you're right. It's just embarrassing too. I've worked so hard and it just gets discouraging when things don't fit and-"

The sound of the zipper rolling up along her back until it hits the end of the dress interrupts Kagome's speech. Her eyes widen and she gasps. She whips around, nearly hitting Inuyasha in the process. Instead of hitting him, she throws her arms around him.

"Oh my God, you got it, I love you!"

Inuyasha was laughing as she hugged him, ready to embrace her, when he heard those three little words he's never heard from her before. Both their bodies freeze. Both their movements were suddenly cautious, almost foreign. Each unsure of how to respond.

"Um yeah, thank you, you can go now." Kagome slowly lifts herself from him, staring at the tiled floor.

"The zipper was just, uh, caught. But what did you just-"

"Right…Thanks. You really should go. Your brother is probably wondering where you are." Kagome began to get up off of the floor, brushing her dress off.

"No way, what were you saying before?"

"Drop it, Inuyasha."

"No, tell me!" He's on his feet this time and he takes a step towards her.

"I didn't say anything."

He gently, but firmly grasps her by the waist. Her eyes are narrowed on the ground.

"Kags, come on." Inuyasha draws her into him, biting his lip. Sometimes he just wished she would let him in completely. But he watches her shut him out a lot, which is aggravating, and yet, at the same time, he understands why she's got this wall of trust built up around her. When he was just Serial Killer, Kagome wasn't fearful of sharing anything. She let herself trust him completely even though he was a total stranger. For fuck sakes, she called him Serial Killer and she wanted to tell him more.

"You know, you smell very good today." Kagome told him, glancing up and giving him a once over. Her fingers graze over his tie and suit. "I think you should wear a suit more often."

Inuyasha eyes her, contemplating whether or not to point out she was ignoring his question. He's let it slip, for now. "I was thinking the same thing."

"What? That you look good in a suit? That's a little overly confident, don't you think?"

"No, I mean, yes I know I look good, but," he leans in pressing his nose into her neck freely. "You smell so fucking good."

"Inuyasha." Kagome says breathlessly before she feels him nip lightly on her neck.


"You're going to leave a mark…again."

"Good then-"

Suddenly the door sweeps open and they jerk away from one another, both flushing with heat on their cheeks. Rin stands at the door way, dressed in her gown and veil. She wears a look of worry on her face. Then she bursts into giggles.

"Oh my goodness, did you two want to get married today?" Her brow perks up at the two of them and Kagome's staring at the ground while Inuyasha bashfully has his hand on his neck.

"I'm gonna go, uh," Inuaysha glides past Kagome and Rin, hurrying out of the door. He sneaks a glance at Kagome, who appeared was just as embarrassed if not more about all this.

When the door closes, Rin has her hands on her hips, waiting for a response from Kagome.

She clasps her hands together, smiling innocently. "So, we've got a wedding to go to. I'm ready whenever you are!" She hustles herself into some high heels, trying to escape from this encounter as quickly as she could.

Rin just rolls her eyes. "You two move slower than Sesshomaru and I and he's so much more harder to deal with."

"Don't know what you're talking about!" Kagome calls over her shoulder as she walks out of the bathroom to join the other bridesmaids.

The wedding was beautiful. It really was and Kagome only cried a little. Okay, that's a lie. She cried a whole hell of a lot. She couldn't help it. Rin looked so incredibly happy and Sesshomaru, well, he actually smiled. That rarely ever happened. Sure, it was only for a brief second, but she caught it and when she did, she looked over at Inuyasha who was on the other sides with the groomsmen.

Apparently he caught it too because his face was all sorts of disgusted. Kagome laughed at that. Inuyasha caught her too and that face of disgust turned into grins. When she saw that, she adverted her gaze to the ground.

Part of Kagome wondered if she and him would ever get this far. To be as happy and Rin and Sesshomaru. It was a scary thought. She Inuyasha made her happy. He did everything right ever since that night he came to apologize. Of course, they bickered. That never went away, but Kagome didn't want someone who agreed with her on everything. How boring would that be?

"Ladies and gentleman, please stand up for the brand new couple as they make have their first dance as husband and wife!" The announcer says into the mike as soft music begins to play. Rin and Sesshomaru step out onto the dance floor and begin to sway together, both of them looking gorgeous.

"Don't they just look perfect?" Kagome asks gleamingly, sitting by one of the reception tables next to Inuyasha. When she gets no reply, she sees Inuyasha slurping on his soup.

Rolling her eyes, Kagome nudges him with her elbow.

"Hey, watch it, ya wench." He spats at her and Kagome's eyes widen, fury fueled behind them.

"What did you just call me, asshole?!"

Inuyasha cowers and moves back in his seat. "No, I mean, I didn't-"

"Whatever. Just eat your soup." She scoffs, turning away to cross her arms and watch the married couple finish their dance.

As Rin breaks away from her husband and the rest of the crowd joins in, Sango and Miroku appear on the dance floor. Kagome turns to Inuyasha, but he's gone. Really? Kagome lets her shoulders fall, clearly disappointed.

She sighs and watches Sango giggle with Rin. Rin is nodding at something when she suddenly runs up to the announcer to use the microphone. He nods for her to go ahead.

"Okay, thank you all for coming, first of all!" Rin is beaming as she holds up her bouquet. People cheer and raise their glasses. "Right now, I wanted to throw the bouquet so all you girls get over here!"

Kagome sits, arms crossed. Rin makes eye contact with her and repeats. "ALL the girls. Please and thank you."

"Come on Kagome!" Sango shouts and she knows she can't hide anymore. Slowly, Kagome gets up and heads over with the other bridesmaids and females guests.

"Okay, when I count to three, get ready!" Rin explains and turns around.

The girls giggle and Kagome stands there, a little awkwardly. How come he just left like that? What the hell was that? Their first wedding date together and he just leaves. This is his brother's wedding no less, and she sort of thought it was a big deal to be a part of it.


Where was he?


She was going to kill him.


Why would he- Suddenly the bouquet smacks into Kagome's chest. She instinctively reaches her arm out to not get hit, but the flowers are in bunches between her arms. When all the girls turn around, they squeal from excitement.

"Congrats, Kagome!" Sango smiles brightly and shakes her friend by the shoulders.

"Uh, yeah, thanks." Kagome says as she stares down at the flowers. She wasn't even trying for them. Suddenly, there's a tap on her shoulder and when she turns around, Inuyasha is standing with his hands behind his back.

"Kagome." He says and then Sango drops her mouth open at what's behind his back.

"Oh my God!" Sango gasps and Rin is hurrying down, trying to hold her dress up in the process so she doesn't fall. A couple other girls gasp at Inuyasha's back. Before Kagome or Inuyasha can comprehend what was happening, a crowd forms around them.

Inuyasha steps back, clearly uncomfortable with the crowd. "What?" He asks like everyone has gone completely mad. His arms come out from behind his back, trying to protect himself from the sudden audience.

Kagome sees a box in his hand. Her eyes go back and forth between the bouquet and the box. Her mouth tips open and she drops the flowers onto the ground. No. This was not happening.

Was Inuyasha proposing to her?!

Her fingers fidgeted at her sides as he stepped towards her.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Her breaths are short and her heart is beating so quickly she's on the verge of passing out. She was not ready for this. How was he ready for this? "No, no, no." She's shaking her head and arms.

"Okay, what are you saying no to?" Inuyasha asks and turns towards the crowd. "What the hell is going on?"

"Oh my goodness, we're all going to be family!" Rin shouts over the crowd, and pulls Sesshomaru by his hand, patting his chest gently. A look of distain appears on his face.

"Wait what?" Inuyasha is dumbstruck by her comment and then everything clicks as he looks down at the small box in his hand and everyone's wistful expressions. He runs his hand through his hair and mumbles, "Ah, geez. This isn't what it looks like." He glances at Kagome who's pale and confused.

Rolling his eyes, he pulls out the box and takes out a small silver necklace. "It's just a gift, so would you all get out of my space?" He tells everyone, clearly upset that he couldn't just have a moment with his girlfriend alone.

Looks of disappointment travel in waves as the crowd begins to disperse. The band begins to play again as Rin tells them to continue. Everyone starts to separate into their own conversations and Kagome is left standing there, with a dropped bouquet of flowers at her feet.

Inuyasha sighs and steps over, picks up the flowers and hands them to Kagome. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to step out and get this for you."

She shakes her head, eyes dropping to the necklace between his fingers. Taking the bouquet back into her arms, she says, "No, but just to be clear, you're not proposing to me right?"

Inuyasha smirks a little. "No, darling, not today. But…"

Kagome lightly hits him with the flowers. "Hey, that not funny, Inu-" She doesn't get a chance to finish as Inuyasha swoops in and takes her lips into his. As much as she wants to fight it because they're in public, she can't help but smile against him. As he pulls away, she asks, "Okay, what's with the necklace?"

"Right." He replies, seeming a little giddy himself. "I had planned to give this to you later, but you weren't in a good mood earlier, I thought I might as well do it now."

"I was in a great mood, you were the one-"

"Would you quit arguing with me for one minute, darling or I'm taking you over my shoulder and carrying you off until you can let me be nice to you."

Rolling her eyes she tells him, "Fine."

Victoriously, Inuyasha displays the necklace in his hands until it's faced the correct way. A silver phone is elegantly designed along the chain. Her heart beats quickly. "I know my decision to not tell you who I was, wasn't the greatest, but I know that the night I got that stupid drunk text from you, my life took a new direction. It directed me back to you. I'm so thankful for it too because all those years without you were hell. So, um," Inuyasha glanced away, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. "Yeah. I can um, I can put it on you if you want or in the box-"

"Put it on me, put it on me!" Kagome says quickly, trying to blink away the wetness in her eyes.

He laughs as she turns around. He straightens out the necklace, pulling it gently around her neck until it latches in the back. She quickly turns around and wraps her arms around his neck.

"So you like it?"

"I love it."

Inuyasha raises his brows at her, pulling her waist to him. The band is playing soft music. So he slowly sways their bodies together. Kagome lays her head over his chest.

"Speaking of things you love…" Inuyasha brings up, holding her with more sturdiness against him.

Kagome was content against him for those few moments. His words hit her hard. "That was just a figure of speech before." She tells him, accidentally stepping on his feet. "Sorry." She says quickly and he pulls her up until the tips of her shoes are over his.

"It's okay." Kagome isn't sure he's only referring to the stepping on his feet.



Her face buries into his chest, the feeling of silk against her face. "I love you." It's a mumble, hardly any sound at all, but he catches it. However, it's not enough and he knows that she knows that.

"Again." Inuyasha's voice is practically begging her. "Please."

Kagome raises her head up this time until her eyes are gazing into his. "I love you."

Final Author's note:


If you want to keep reading my stories, I have a brand new one called "Complications" ! It already has a few chapters out so go check that out if you want. I would be a so grateful. It is m-rated so fair warning, it will contain adult content. If you're not interested then no worries. I appreciate the time you took to read this little story of mine.

Thanks for reading!