Chapter One:

"You know what, I don't need him!" Kagome slurred her words while she cozied her cup of tequila in the palms of her hands. Her eyes glazed over the almost empty cup, deciding whether or not to pour herself a new glass.

"That's right, you don't," Her best friend, Sango replied and patted Kagome on the back. The two girls resided in Sango's basement and were currently guzzling down the alcohol she bribed her older boyfriend Miroku, to buy for them. It was a needed event. They weren't drinkers by any means and this was really out of place for someone like Kagome. Usually, she was the type to follow the rules, but tonight, she needed this.

"I never liked that Hojo guy anyways. He was so la-" hiccuping Sango finished, "lame. You need someone who's exciting and actually fun!" She drunkenly tried to console her friend.

Kagome smiled sheepishly, playing with the outside of her cup by twirling her finger tip along the rim. Sango was always there for Kagome and she appreciated that. It was like whenever Kagome went through something, Sango was right there and ready to do whatever made Kagome feel better even if it meant getting drunk off her ass tonight.

For a while Kagome had thought she had that kind of relationship with her now ex-boyfriend Hojo. She was sure he'd stick with her forever. You see, Kagome wasn't always as confident in herself. She had a lot of issues with her body and being over weight at the beginning of her high school career. Many people made nasty comments, but Hojo didn't. He told her not to listen to them and a crush developed quickly. She eventually worked up the courage to ask him out. To her amazement, he said yes and they become high school sweethearts.

There was so much support in their relationship that Kagome went on to working out a healthier lifestyle. However, now, just a few weeks away from entering Shikon University, Hojo broke everything off. He was on his way to becoming a doctor and they'd be thousands of miles apart. Kagome told him it wouldn't matter and that they could make the long distance work, but he said he couldn't do it. He needed to expand his horizons. He wanted to freaking see other people.

Kagome cringed at the thought.

"He was very lame," she agreed with her best friend and took a shot of the rest of her drink. Giggling, she threw her head back, stretching out her arms as far as she could reach. "He was so, so, soooo lame! All we ever did was go see movies and he just sat there. You know, he barely ever touched me! Of course...he did hold my hand once in a while and he liked to go off on these rants about chemistry and he was so smart, Sango, I-" her voice began to get caught in her throat. "Crap, I miss him Sango!" She wailed and Sango took Kagome's cup to shakily refill it.

"Girl, you don't know wh-what you're saying anymore. He was such a drag! You deserve so much more. I mean look at you, you're fucking hot Kagome!" She scolded her, gesturing to Kagome's body. Kagome was very beautiful, it was true. Her long black her shined against her pale complexion. Most of the time when they went out together, Kagome barely noticed when guy's flirted with her because one, she was infatuated with Hojo and two, she spent so long with low self-esteem, the idea of other guys being remotely interested in her never crossed her mind. "Now drink, ya dummy," Sango ordered her before getting up. Instantly, she got dizzy and headed towards the couch and crashed into the comfy fabric.

"No, I need to," Kagome struggled to get the words out. "I need to tell him I still love him!" She exclaimed and clumsily dug out her cell-phone. Her fingers wiggled around to find her message app. Her eyebrows knitted together in determination to write out what she wanted.

"No!" Sango cried out before running back up and grabbing Kagome's phone. "Friend's don't let friends drunk text," she told her and stuffed the phone into her pocket. "You'll get this in the morning."

Kagome huffed and crossed her arms. "You suck ass!" She muttered under her breath.

"I could really care- I could, oh Kami," Sango stopped mid sentence and ran to the bathroom with a paled green face. The sounds of an emptying stomach echoed through the room and Kagome, too much in a drunken state, stuck her tongue out. Her eyes scanned the room looking for some kind of way to communicate to Hojo. He needed to know she still wanted him. She could somehow convince him. Maybe if she begged.

Then, as if a miracle was granted, she saw Sango's phone tucked in the crack of the couch. Checking around the corner where the bathroom room was Kagome, hastily got up and grabbed the phone. A grin resurfaced on her face as the phone didn't require a password. "Hojo...Hojo..." she whispered to herself while skimming through her contacts. It wasn't in there. Groaning, she attempted to recall his number from memory.

With her dried nail polished covered index finger, she clicked on each number with confidence. Once she had a total of seven numbers, she was sure of herself.

Hhheyi justt wannted tolet u know i still love u and u made a mistake ily il u ghgjk oxoxoxxxxxx~

And send! Kagome watched as the blue bar loaded at the top of the message window. Completely satisfied with herself, she stared down at the phone, waiting.

Suddenly there was a ding after what felt like an eternity of silence. In reality it was about five minutes. Kagome beamed as a messaged appeared. Giggling ensued.

Do you now? Why's that?

Her fingers struggled to find the right keys.

bbe because u luvv me and u no it u r myy evertything oxoxxoxxx 3

Quickly, she sent it and watched the three dots appear, disappear and reappear. Her head began to feel weighted as she slipped down on the couch. Her hands held the screen over her face, wavering and threatening to let go.

Listen, I think you have the wrong number, but why don't you get some sleep sweetheart. You can text me in the morning so I have a clear conscious , whoever you are, that you're okay.

Her eyes squinted as her eyelids threatened to slam down. She questioned her ability to remember Hojo's number and just as she attempted to reply, her fingers slip and the phone lands on her forehead. Blackness hit her as she lost the energy to fight for consciousness. Her chest hurt and not because of the alcohol. Hojo was her first real love and now he didn't want her anymore. As she drifted into a hard slumber, water gathered around her tear ducts.


The next morning, Kagome blinked through swollen eyelids. The ceiling was practically moving as she stared straight up. Oh Kami, how much did she have to drink last night? She'd hardly ever gotten drunk and drunk to her was a couple glasses. The way her head pounded told her she had a lot more than two glasses. Moaning, she gathered up what little energy she had to sit up.

Where the heck was Sango? Her lips smacked together and thirsty was her next thought. However, the idea of getting anything down her stomach made her ill. That's right! Sango was throwing up last night. Straightening herself up, she was about to go into the bathroom when she felt a phone on the couch. Assuming it was hers, she clicked it on. Her eyes widened at the time. She was going to be late for her Mother's tea party.

Slipping the phone into her jeans, she gathered her purse and keys. Ow, she shuddered. It felt like a thousand hammers trying to nail glass into her head. With haste, she found Sango hugging the toliet, passed out.

"Sango, wake up! I have to go!" Kagome loudly whispered as to not cause herself or her friend more pain than needed. Sango, rolled her shoulders with a sore groan.

"Okay, go," she mumbled with tiredness. "I'm fine, I'll um, you know, call you later," her voice said hoarsly and Kagome left her friend who was manging to get up and probably head towards her bedroom.

Kagome wasted no time to hop into her car and drive off. She'd still need to slip into her floral summer dress. Every fiber of her being was praying that her mother was running late. Fortunately, Sango was a short distance from her house and she made it back with good time. Just as she was unbuckling herself, she heard what she thought was her phone, ding. Probably Sango. Well, maybe not. In fact, Sango probably wouldn't call until 2pm.

Strange, she thought before slipping her thumb across the unlock button. Wait, was this even her phone? Why was Miroku her background? Oh crap. This was Sango' phone, which meant Sango had Kagome's phone. Memories rushed through her pounding head. Clicking through to Sango's messages, she saw an unnamed contact.

This is probably really fucking stalkerish, but I have to ask if you're alright.

Kagome scrolled through the messages, recognizing her attempt to contact Hojo. How stupid could she have been? A part of her was thankful for dialing the wrong number. Another part felt embarrassment roll down her spine until her cheeks were radiating shades of pink.

I'm so sorry for last night. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I really don't do this sort of thing. Sorry, again.

Her fingers quickly tapped each key before heading inside to change. What was wrong with her? How could she have let herself gotten that crazy? Hojo left her and she had to learn to be okay with that. Even though it ached and weighed heavy on her chest, she would have to get over whatever she felt for him.

.Ding. Sango's phone rang again, indicating a new text message had arrived. She glanced down at her pocket. Was that the guy again? Doesn't matter. Her mind was set on getting ready for this tea party, which she was dreading immensely. It wasn't like she didn't love her mother, but this whole tea thing and being elegant wasn't her idea of a good time. Okay, that wasn't the exact reason she detested going to this even. Her mother was good friends with the father of her enemy. As odd as that sounds, she couldn't think of a better way to describe her relationship with Inuyasha.

He was infuriating. The worst part was that he was a part of that little rough time she went through during high school. Yeah, he was the worst offender. Mostly, because she thought for one second he'd stick up for her. When all those guy were absolutely horrible to her, she thought he'd say something. After all she'd known him since they were children. These little tea get togethers were always a thing even as kids. Inuyasha and her had got along as kids, but something changed once high school hit. He'd gone to an all boys private school during junior high and when she saw him in high school, he didn't hesitate to make fun of her pudge. With all of that history, however, she didn't want to argue with her mother and she knew it made her happy to be there.

Slipping on her dress, the phone rang again as it usually does whenever you don't look at a text right away. She'd thrown her pants on her bed so she stepped over to and unraveled the phone from her jean pocket.

It's all good. Who hasn't drunk texted before?..But are you okay? It seemed like you had something to say to whoever you tried to text.

Her lips pressed together at the text. Why was she trying to hold a smile back? The phone suddenly blew up again and she was actually smiling, grinning.

Sorry, that was probably creepy since I'm some random dude you don't know.

No, you're fine. It was just a dumb text to an ex-boyfriend.

Her fingers hovered over the send button. Then, because she felt out of her mind, she hit send. A part of her wanted to wait to see what he'd reply with, but she also needed to be on the road like right now.


Inuyasha stared down at his phone as a text popped up. It was weird. Last night he was leaving some girl's house he'd hooked up with after a party and he got a drunk text. Now, this wouldn't be unusual if he gave his number out to girls he hooked up with, but he didn't. He swore he'd never go down that road. No, his phone was full of only the people he deemed as decent.

However, when he received a drunk text from a girl, which he assumed was a girl due to the amount of hug and kisses symbols, he was curious. He also wasn't the type of guy who didn't have any heart. If a girl was drunk texting as badly as she was, he wanted to make sure she was okay. Was this something he'd admit to anyone? No. Of course fucking not. He just, he didn't know what he was doing when he texted her back and continued to text her.

"Please tell me you aren't smiling because of this tea party father is making us attend," His brother Sesshomaru, asked while pulling the car into a parking space in front of an older building.

"Fuck off," Inuyasha replied and clicked his screen off before hopping out of the passenger's seat. "I'm just ready to get this over with," he muttered to his brother. Sesshomaru stayed behind in the car, organizing a few papers for his work. He was always working. This wasn't something out of the norm. If his brother had a couple of extra minutes, which they did, he spent it on his laptop to send out important emails for his company.

So, Inuyahsa just headed inside while he conjured up what he would say next to this mysterious drunk text girl. An ex-boyfriend huh? Sending that kind of text to one is rough, he thought to himself. Whipping out his phone, his fingers sped across the keys.

Ouch. I'm assuming it was a rough break-up then? You still have feelings for him?

He hit send before he could think about it. What the fuck was he doing? He didn't usually care about this kind of thing. It was probably just something to do. Something that was keeping his mind off of bigger things. Slipping his phone into his pocket, he found a mirror in the hallway towards the dining area. He knew he was a handsome guy. His long silver hair gathered around his shoulders and framed his defined jawline. What made him stand out most though was the flecks of gold in his blue gray eyes. There was no reason for him not to be confident about himself so he was. Okay, he was more than confident. He was smug.

"I see you're still into yourself, as always," a small voice crept into his ears. His eyes rolled back into his head. Kagome. This girl just never gave up. She was a fire cracker and didn't give up a chance to ridicule him. Their history was long and full of blurry lines. He just fired back whatever she threw at him.

"If it isn't my favorite wench," he sarcastically smirked. His eyes gathered her sight. She wasn't hard to look at at all. He wasn't a complete idiot. If she wasn't so difficult he'd fit his hands around her waist and bring her to bed without hesitation. But again, she was difficult and he wasn't about to spend that kind of time on some girl. Plus, like he said before, their history was full of blurry lines.

"You know what, you can go-" She cut herself off as her phone buzzed. Without hesitation, she pulled it out. He rolled his eyes again and went to fix his tie. However, he couldn't resist a glance. What the hell was she smiling so delicately about?

"Careful, you slouch too much and I can see everything, wench," Inuyasha intrudes and Kagome flinched upwards, cheeks flaming.

"You cannot!" She spat at him and then eyed him more seriously. "Can you?!" She furiously asked as red as a tomato.

Laughter erupted from Inuyasha. "No, darling, I can't because there's really nothing to see." And with that, he made an escape to the dining hall, leaving a thoroughly embarrassed Kagome behind.


Thanks for reading!

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