Hey guys! this is my first black butler writing so I hope you like it! I do not own any thing from black butler I only own my OC.
Ciel was sitting in his study reading the newspaper with his morning tea. He sighed when the demon butler next to him plopped down a letter. "What is this?" Ciel asked as he opened the letter, this letter revealed two tickets for a train that headed to Plymoth which on carriage would take at least a day. After Ciel put down the two ticket he saw a page with instructions from the queen. "There have been some rather suspicious activity going around in Playmoth which includes drug deals and murder. I would like for you and your butler to go and find out who the drug dealer is and get rid of him, I also wish for you to stop the murdering that is occuring. Sincerly the queen." Ciel read as Sabastian filled his cup again with his favorite tea.
"Sebastian I need you to get the servants together and give them the rightful duties to keep them busy while we are gone, and also please pack my bags we will leave tomorrow at dawn." "Yes my young lord." was all Sebastian said as her walked out to start his duties. "What a waist of time." Ciel said annoyed that she chose him for this investigation.
Once everyone was in bed and ciel's bag was packed for tomorrow Sebastian went and walked around the manor. He didn't usually do this but he felt a strange presence as if someone who wasn't human was near. He walked and gaurded the manor for hours until the sun started to rise. Demons didn't need sleep but they do rest and Sebastian was feeling a little give out from being on edge all night. He went and woke the servents and told them to get the carriage ready and see the master off. After he had ordered the servents to do this he went to wake ciel by opening the blinds that covered the window, which gained a groan from the young earl.
The carriage ride to the train was long and Ciel had fell asleep in the cart, Sebastian could sense that his young master had fallen asleep while he drove the carrige. Once they reached the train Sebastien woke the young earl and they were off to plymoth.
Sorry for the short chapter but I promise I will get longer chapters once I get going! Please review and give me any advice you may have I would love to hear your opinion!