Thank you for sending in the lovely reviews and I apologize for this being so late! I had a friend go over this to ensure the spelling and grammar was good and that no Croatian slipped in because I wouldn't have noticed that when going over it myself. I'll do a quick review response before you get on to the new chap, thank you for them as a starter again! Rambling in reviews is a-okay with me, it gives me plenty to look over and reflect over as I make the next chapter. The ideas submitted for the storyline are well-thought out and appreciated, there are some parts I may use to add to the plot I've devised. If you thought the last chapter was heartbreaking, you're not going to like what I have waiting for a future chapter…also, as a heads up, there is smut to the end of this chapter. Fair warning and now there's more verkat smut floating around out there uwu. Enjoy and leave a review for me please!
It took Kat almost a full hour to calm down enough after Vergil had left to sort out her thoughts and settle her emotions down. It took half the time for her to change into more comfortable clothes and put the kettle on, a pot of tea was readied and left on the countertop where she'd cleared the clutter away to make space.
She had curled up in one of her chairs; her hood of the hoodie she'd worn for years was up while her fingers danced across the exposed skin of her legs, tracing faint minute scars from her past. Scars only one other 'person' knew the origin of. Kat ignored the faint, shrill whistle of the kettle. She'd get to it in a minute. It wouldn't start a fire; only leave boiling hot water to be wiped up upon a later date.
Kat danced on the brink of insanity as she ran the memories of what had only occurred a little while ago, trying to understand why he had done what he had, if she had given any kind of signal that such behavior would be welcome. It had been a simple kiss to her cheek, so why had she reacted as she had? The answer came to the witch as she rose to deal with the shrilly whistling kettle. She had gotten angry at him because she still cared for him beyond that of employee and boss, loved him beyond the platonic sense. But Kat still felt betrayed from that day, which had ignited her temper, along with pushing her to her breaking point-again.
Kat shook her head as if it would fix the tangled dark web her mind had begun, then poured the boiled water into the teapot, the sharp, pungent scent of mint immediately wafted up to greet her. The simple comfort and familiarity soothed her, calming her down the final bit needed. The kettle was set aside while she reached to begin sifting through the mail, left untouched for a few weeks now. The first piece of news she found was that her rent was overdue; her last two paychecks had been delivered, along with her medical bill which would take out all the money she had tucked away. For what wasn't the first time, nor the last, she cursed her own fragility and inability to survive terribly well on her own.
She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated and lost once more. With the Order gone, she had no job, which meant no income. Leaving her with only a matter of time before she was homeless. Kat knew in her current condition, seeking someone to look after her, even part-time would do her a world of good, but was in no position to hire anyone to ensure she did so.
After a moment's despairing, she recalled the pawn shop down a few blocks. She could sell some of her lesser grimoires to give her the money she needed for rent, but had no plan of what to do after that. Kat hung her head, staring into the depths of the cup of tea she had poured for herself.
An idea came to her before long. An idea Kat was not overly fond of. Vergil had given her an offer to help should she need it. Kat could find him easily enough with a tracking spell, but she had not a clue in the slightest to what she would ask of him.
Ask him to move in and help until you can manage on your own. Part of her whispered, and she listened. For once, she listened to her heart again. "I'll send him a message via magic… then call it a night early." She mumbled while setting the mug down on the counter, leaving to hunt down a pen and paper.
Vergil knew Bieja was coming towards his room long before he spotted the apparently fearless human. He glanced over at her from the bed before he resumed studying the ceiling, wallowing in his own despair.
"You look like a high school boy that just lost his girlfriend because he was an idiot. What did you do?" He glowered at the ceiling, refusing to respond. Vergil didn't feel like talking yet. He felt far too busy trying to deal with what felt like a broken heart and the damnable bitchings of his devil side for showing heart. He could see Bieja come to stand beside him through his peripheral vision, but still he did not turn his head to acknowledge the woman more than he already had. "You cannot ignore me. Tell me, what did you do? Perhaps I can offer you advice to win her, or him, back."
That incited a snort from Vergil. He'd already tried to win Kat back. He'd gotten kicked out of her apartment for it, and his heart somehow broken again to boot. He felt a poke in his side and heard Bieja's throaty chuckle, making him look over at her with a dark brow lofted.
"You think I cannot help you? Well, you are right. I cannot until you talk. I will not judge, these are troubled times, let me help as another might say 'sucks to be you buddy' as you young people say these days and move on." He had to hand it to Bieja; she was the most fearless human he'd ever encountered, other than Kat. It was for that quality he decided to take a chance at her being able to help.
"The girl, no, Kat's more than that….the woman, that I might just love...she pushed me away for trying to get close to her again. I hurt her badly once, I don't think I'll ever regain her trust let alone win her heart. Both no doubt belong to my brother." His lips twisted into a bitter smile while a wistful note entered his voice, tears made his eyes sting before he blinked quickly a few times to clear them away before they could be shed. It was always Dante wasn't it? Dante was the stronger son, the one more loved by mother, the one father was more proud of, the one that won Kat over within two days. Sloppy, raunchy, womanizer Dante that always got what he wanted and needed before Vergil could have even a sliver of what he needed, wanted, or desired.
"You kissed her or tried to I'd wager." He glowered at her from underneath the few snowy strands that had fallen to cover his eyes, the glower then turned to an icy glare seeing the cheeky expression Bieja wore.
"Her cheek." Came Vergil's curt reply.
"Well, that's not as bad as it could be. Talk to her; explain when you get a chance. I don't know how you hurt her, only that she might forgive you, if you show her that you aren't the same man you were when you hurt her, then she may listen and give you another chance." Bieja's advice caught him off guard. Vergil knew he was different from how he had been on, that day not too long after Mundus's fall. He was a nephilim in full, with his angel blood and devil blood constantly at war with each other, knowing no way to get them to settle. Any emotion he felt that was positive in the slightest his devil side scorned heavily while his more quiet, more dormant angel blood was supportive. As if his parents lived on and gave him advice, in a twisted kind of way.
But if all he had to do was explain and talk to her….perhaps he could do this, perhaps he could win Kat's trust back, if her heart belonged to Dante.
"But if she loves my brother…" Any other time, he would have lectured himself for the hesitancy, the weakness of his voice. But not this time.
"Then give her a reason to fall in love with you instead. How hard could it be?" How hard could it be indeed. So far? The hardest thing he will ever do.
Vergil had sat up, and had opened his mouth to speak, only to be startled when a balled up piece of paper manifested out of nowhere and landed itself in his lap after hovering in the air for a minute at least.
"I will let you attend to whatever that was." Bieja spoke before she left him in the middle of cautiously poking the paper ball, then began to unrumpled it. The light blue stationery struck him more and more as something familiar as he carefully smoothed the sheet of paper out, wondering how it had gotten to him before he began to read the note. It took Vergil only a handful of second to recognize the looping scrawl as Kat's handwriting.
You said if I ever should need help, it would be taken as repentance for your sins and that I should find you. I need your help, I haven't used a tracking spell to find you, I only sent this via a spell I picked up recently. Basically, in short, I need a roommate to avoid some serious financial issues due to being out of a job. You want to start to make up for what you did? This is where you start. Don't mess it up or make me change my mind about you, again. You know where I live, come to me with your answer tomorrow.
A smile came to him. He had a chance. She'd given him another one, perhaps the final one she would give. Vergil would be living in close quarters with her again. He'd have to mind his tongue to avoid upsetting her again, and ensure he didn't make a move that wasn't welcome by Kat. He knew his answer. He would take Yamato and move in with her, give her whatever financial stability that was needed by doing coding for whomever that needed it.
Happy for once, Vergil stripped his coat off, left his door shut, then settled down to sleep with more peace in his heart than what normally resided there.
Kat couldn't sit still when the morning came. She paced to every end of her apartment, cleaning as she went in a poor attempt to busy herself, but at least it left her 'home' in a better state so it no longer appeared she was losing a game of jumanji.
She would manage to settle down and sit for only a handful of minutes before she was up on her feet and fussing over something else entirely while she awaited the knock on the door that would be one of two people. Her seedy landlord, or her ex-boss. Vergil somehow, was the lesser evil to her. Something she wondered, if it would change again, her perspective of him. Kat knew it depended entirely upon his actions from here on out if she would tolerate his company.
The long awaited knock on the door arrived. The soft noise told her it had to be Vergil, if it were her landlord the door would have shook in the frame. She gulped, taking a moment to monitor and control her breathing before she went to the door, pulling it open with the chain lock still attached. Sure enough, the face that greeted her was the handsome and familiar one of the younger son of Sparda. Kat smiled weakly, murmuring a greeting before she closed the door to take the chain lock down, then left the door open, practically fleeing to the nearest chair.
"I half expected you to not show up at all." She mumbled, unsure if he would hear her or not. Kat watched him closely while Vergil propped Yamato up by the now closed door, hearing the breathy chuckle of amusement while she nervously drummed her fingers against the arm of the chair she had settled into.
"I half expected to never hear from you again. I'll help, you don't need to barter or plead. You need the help and I could use a proper place to stay with someone that's familiar." His last words rang false to her, causing her to frown and look at him suspiciously as he drew closer to her.
"Well, thank you I guess. Down the hall to the left is the spare room. Mine is on the right. Don't go in without my say. I have wards up that will alert me if you intrude on my personal space." Kat responded in the formal tone she more often than not exorcised now when she had to converse with someone she didn't particularly want to speak with, i.e. her landlord, the few police officers and more.
Vergil tipped his head slightly in recognition, settling across from her, the glass coffee table became the physical manifestation of the line between them. Kat pursed her lips in a strained smile in turn, the tempo of her fingers drumming on the arm of the chair increased significantly.
"I will not intrude, I will wait to be invited. My only personal effects are what you see upon my person now, and Yamato. Is there any kind of contract that needs to be signed before we continue?" Kat raised a brow at his mirrored formality and what sounded partially like a prude kind of sex joke. He confirmed her suspicions by smirking briefly, causing old instinct, old habit to kick in, having her throw a nearby pillow at him. It was only batted away as she came to realize her actions and withdraw into herself again.
"I won't be inviting you to bed anytime soon. Or Dante for that matter. Both of you can just fuck off in that regard, if you'll excuse my 'French'. There's no 'roommate agreement' other than clean up what mess is yours and leave mine alone unless told otherwise. I'll split rent once I've caught up with everything." She rolled her eyes at the surprised expression he gave her, knowing it was overdramatized. Oh me, oh my, Kat swore. Alert the raptor news network why don't you.
"I think I may have to change that little theory of yours. I'll handle the rent until you can split it. I won't touch your things. I like being free of hexes and other nasty witchery I've seen you cook up in the past. I'll cook tonight, fulfill my promise, if there's food to do so here." She sat back in the chair, studying him as if he were a strange stray animal that she had wandered across. Vergil was being nice. Strangely nice. It was odd, and every fiber of her being was screaming at her to not let him any closer to her, screaming at her to not open up and let herself have a chance to be hurt once more.
"Vergil, why? Why are you….what are you doing here? What are you trying to accomplish by playing nice with me?" Kat tried not to notice how meek her voice sounded. She sounded like she was on the brink of tears, or defeated. She was quite sure she wasn't due to cry anytime soon, but she certainly felt defeated.
"I am trying to right the wrong I have committed to you. You are precious to me Kat, you always have been. Before I was simply to blind, too greedy to see that. Only know you love her when you let her go as the song goes. Please, I mean you no harm. I want another chance. You're the only one that quiets the beast that grew within my soul." If Vergil had been aiming to render her speechless, he'd succeeded. Kat lowered her head, studying the worn and faded upholstery of the chair she sat in, counting a few fraying threads while she tried to piece together a response to give him.
"Maybe...maybe you should have thought of that earlier Vergil. I'm giving you a chance, only because I desperately need help at the moment. Both financially, and to ensure I look after myself. After all, your brother threatened to check me into a rehabilitation center when he comes back in two weeks if I haven't started to pull myself together and 'get my shit in gear' as he put it so eloquently. I don't know what you mean by the beast that's in your soul. If that's something you nephilim have, then alright. I cannot return your affections presently Vergil, I-"
"Why can't you?" Kat pursed her lips when he interrupted her, giving him a pointed look to hint at her displeasure at being interrupted, to which he actually appeared to be sheepish about. "Apologies...please Kat, continue."
"I am not the same person I was, I'm broken in a way. I can't give you what you want, because I don't have any example to go on for love. You had Sparda and Eva to show you what love is like. I had no one. I lost my parents young, and was raised by an abusive demon foster father. I don't understand half the things others my age and gender do. All I'm asking is you give me time to mend before...before that is even considered. Please, just respect me this once." Kat rose to retreat to her room, stopping when she felt a hand encircle her wrist, and a solid body press to her back. She sighed softly then turned to request to be let go, only to be surprised with a gentle kiss.
Instinctively almost, she relaxed and reached for him before she could stop herself, finding something about this familiar. This was what had been missing when Dante had tried to kiss her in the past. But just as she had begun to kiss him in earnest, Kat jerked herself away abruptly, then pushed on his chest to force him back from her.
Tears of confusion and frustration welled up in her eyes, she turned her head quickly to prevent him from seeing them fall. "Stop doing that you asshole." She choked out before she fled to her room, slamming the door shut behind her hard enough to make the walls rattle. Kat slumped down against the door, curling up in the fetal position while her shoulders shook from the force of her muffled sobs. It was too much for her to handle, she didn't know how to react or handle anything, so she retreated to try to figure out what to do again.
Vergil knew the second Kat had pushed him away he had made a terrible mistake. He had made the same lapse in judgement he had displayed the previous day. It seemed, despite his genius intellect, Vergil never learned. His devil side was purring in satisfaction, earning a mental death glare from him. His fingers strayed to touch his lips before he realized what he was doing and pulled his hand away.
As much as he regretted his actions, he had enjoyed the kiss he had shared with her. It was everything he ever could have hoped for. He did, however, make a solemn vow to never again kiss her, unless she asked him to. Twice now he had intruded boundaries. Vergil would see to it that there never would be a thrice intrusion. Remembering her earlier directions, he left his vigil by where she had sat to examine the room that would become his living quarters for the foreseeable future.
Vergil wasn't sure what he had expected to find once he'd nudged the door open with the toe of his shoe. Perhaps he had expected to find a few odd knick knacks here and there of hers tucked away in the room for storage, but there was nothing to the room. It was entirely bare, covered with a light layer of fine dust, save the folded up bedding that looked as if they had been set down either the previous night or the morning. A few strides closer and the familiar scent of Kat hit his sensitive nose when he ghosted his fingertips along the prepared linens.
Strange, how much the scent of incense smoke and the faint fumes of spray paint soothed him, or rather, his devil side. It was being particularly vocal once more with him for showing heart, and letting Kat flee, to his devil, it seemed to think he should have chased after her and shown her how he would be a good choice of a mate for her. From what he could tell from that part of him, and years of study of demon kind, mates were rarely courted as much as he was trying to court the fickle witch. Kat still didn't know what her mere presence did to Vergil. Mortal, but capable of more due to her power, but still quite frail. At least, with his residency across the hall from her, most demons would stay away. After all, he held dominion over a fair few of them locally. Therefore, Kat would be far safer. Or so he hoped.
Vergil exhaled a harsh sigh of frustration as his devil once more complained of him showing heart again and additionally, for not claiming what it already considered his, namely, Kat. He then busied himself by making the bed. A simple task, enough to distract him until such time as it was completed.
Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, leading him to turning his head to investigate the source of it. Kat's door was open, she was sitting cross legged on her own bed while flipping through a large, and heavy looking book, appearing to be quite engrossed in whatever its contents were with a few of her longer locks brushing along her freckled cheekbones. He permitted himself a smile before looking away, losing himself in his thoughts once more.
Despite the miniature hell that raged outside from the exposed demons, it was surprisingly quiet and almost peaceful. Perhaps it was only the still of the rapidly approaching evening, but the peace was a welcome change for him from the usual torrential noise his stronger sense of hearing picked up on.
Leaving his room, a glance to his right confirmed Kat was still reading, this time he was able to glimpse the script that had which enticed her so, but was unable to read the letters adorning the decades old looking pages. Part of him was half tempted to ask her what the symbols were, what they meant, and about their origin. He strode a few paces closer, about to knock on the doorframe and ask, then decided to leave her be, and strode down the hallway. Vergil wanted to have a peace offering to give her before promising to never again make an advance on her unless prompted to.
Coffee wound up being the peace offering he chose to craft after a handful of perilous minutes navigating the tiny and cluttered kitchen that was Kat's. Vergil didn't view it as his. There was far too much organized clutter for it to be his. His only dilemma after finding a clean, non-chipped mug that could hold liquid without it seeping free in any shape or form, was his weak attempt if Kat modded her coffee with honey, sugar, or creamer, or if she partook coffee in the same manner as he: as black as his devil side's would-be heart.
His memory was of little use. When the Order had still existed, Kat had developed a tendency to drop of a mug of coffee on his desk with some food whenever she passed by with a report of whatever was going on that day at that point in time. He wasn't sure why she had done it back then, but now he figured it was only her checking in on him to ensure he was attending to his basic needs. The more he tried to think if he'd ever heard how she took her coffee, the less he could recall actively seeing her drinking any. Perhaps she didn't drink coffee, but choose tea instead? Again, his memory was of little use.
Vergil's patience wore thin, leading him to growling lowly like his beastie within, dumping a spoonful of sugar into the mug, then briskly strode to her bedroom door, rapping his knuckles three times upon the chipping painted frame. A few loose paint flakes drifted free to the floor as Kat came towards the threshold, eyeing him with a look of distrust and caution.
"I've brought coffee, peace offering and a promise to behave myself." He explained stiffly, unable to look at her face while the wary look resided there. She still did not trust him, and perhaps, rightly so. Even so, he was surprised to see the corners of her mouth curve up into a smile as her henna tattooed hands laid over his briefly while the exchange of the full coffee mug was made.
The liquid contents was almost scalding hot in reality, but the gentle touch of her delicate hands felt to him to be far hotter to the touch. Behaving himself, would perhaps prove more difficult than anticipated. Or perhaps it was because he was so far gone, so corroded that Kat, a witch, a being borne only of light, that her touch burnt him like an angel's would any demon. Time alone would tell.
"I don't often have coffee. Doesn't always sit well with me. Thank you, Vergil." Warmth blossomed in his chest at her final words, coaxing a smile from him while he watched her blow on the coffee in an attempt to cool it down. He felt the miniscule static draw in the air and noticed the twitch of her fingers, telling him she'd used magic to change the temperature of the coffee so she could drink it without concern for scalding her tongue. It intrigued him that she would use magic for that, it seemed too mundane a use for magic, but then again, Kat was an adult and welcome to use her gifts however she pleased, even if she were to use her quite incredible power on him.
"You're welcome Kat. I'll leave you be if you want." He took a step back as he made his offer, lowering his head slightly. His snowy locks fell to mask his eyes, but didn't impair his vision so much as he could still see her, and saw the tiny shake of her head, and how she moved out of the doorway slightly to make room for him to pass by.
"It's alright. You can come in. You promised to behave after all, didn't you?" Kat's voice held a teasing note, her lips were curved in a playful grin he'd never seen directed at him, only his brother. Vergil was surprised enough to blink a few times as if blinded by a camera flash before he grinned at her in return, stepping forward, then into her room. The scent of spray paint and incense increased ten-fold. He was uncertain if it was from being beside her or from being in Kat's bedroom.
"I made a promise, to which I shall keep unless asked to behave otherwise. But I will admit, I expected you to be far fiercer towards me than you have been." Vergil found himself holding his breath, noting the devilish look that came and went on the witch's face so quickly he almost didn't catch it.
"I'm saving my fire. Believe me, your retribution is coming. I just have to get my strength back, and my feet underneath my once more before I choose to deliver it when I see fit and how I see fit. I may be unable to kill you, because as a nephilim you're almost as unkillable as a cockroach, but I can give you a world of pain. I'm just not strong enough currently. Comes from neglecting my health for a few weeks." The cheerful tone she started with seemed all too false at the end. Vergil found his hand reaching up, moving to touch her cheek, then restrained himself while clearing his throat awkwardly. Both movements were noted by Kat, commented on silently with a quirking of her brows.
"Well, when you find the time is right, I will accept any punishment thrown my way as repentance for what I have done. As for your health, I truly apologize for my hand in that, and offer my life and Yamato to protect your health and life from now on." Vergil vowed softly, but no less solemnly. He had swept his hair back, allowing him to look into her green eyes, which appeared to be as bright as they once were again. He watched her process his vow, watched her eyes widen then narrow the slightest incriminate. It was like watching a rattlesnake draw itself up before it struck. He had angered her again.
"Don't throw your life away. I'm not at that stage of anger, where I want to see you on your knees begging me to be merciful. I am angry that I was used, that you played me. You sound as if you are playing me again Vergil, I suggest you don't make promises that you'll keep in a few days, maybe even a few months from now." He'd barely taken a breath to speak before she spoke again, her voice was so soft, that were he human, he never would have heard her. "Besides, I'm not worth protecting. I'm just a lowly human, witch or no."
Now it was his turn to grow angry. "Kat, you're not just a lowly human. You're more than that, much more than that." Vergil insisted firmly, pursing his lips to stop himself from saying anything more that might risk her wrath. He knew he was dancing on emotional eggshells with her currently. He waited with baited breath for her to speak again, noting that the mug had been set aside on a bedside table that was near covered with books of various types and origin.
"Why am I suddenly much more than that Vergil? Do I have a use for you again? Or is it because you all of a sudden 'love' me? Do you really want to try that? Use me then leave me broken once more? Because I assure you, the next time you come looking for me after you do that, I won't be anywhere on this plane nor on limbo for you to find me on." Kat hissed viciously, green eyes glinted with malice the likes of which he had never seen from her before. To his intense surprise, fear sank it's cold, clawed hold onto him as the air suddenly felt like the surface of a television depicting black and white static. Whatever magic she was calling on, it would be enough to cause him severe bodily harm if it didn't decapitate, maim, or possibly even kill him. He would have to exercise extreme caution and discipline to avoid antagonizing her any further.
"Kat, you were always more to me, I was simply too much a fool to realize it at the time. I swear, I will never repeat my past actions. I do not expect your forgiveness within this decade, as sweet as it would be. I am using no one, except the occasional demon to clear away the hordes. I don't want to fight you. I can't bring myself to hurt you again, if the false you in hell was only a demon, I simply can't hurt you." His voice was soft like a lover whispering into his beloved's ear, his sword hand's fingers twitched out of a subconscious desire for protection. Kat, at her strongest and highest point of anger while wielding her power, made one realize why storms are named after people. Icy blue met emerald green head on, the static of readied magic called challenge to the cool atmosphere of nephilim power being gathered. The miasma of power made his devil side grow hungry, to which he steady ignored the best of his ability.
Nothing prepared him for her next words and actions, nor the shock that set in after as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on him. "Prove it. Prove that you care and wouldn't hurt me." Once the sentence was spoken, Kat grabbed him by his collar to pull him down to her, moments after did he register the sweet softness of her lips being pressed to his. Only a handful of seconds passed before he reacted. One hand moved to cup the back of her head, fingers tangled with her dark tresses, the other pressed to the small of her back, pulling her up flush against him while he kissed her with the fervor of a drowning man drawing oxygen into his lungs.
Kat didn't push him away as much as he hair feared in the back of his mind. Instead, she pulled him closer so that they were pressed close together, chest to chest while they kissed. He didn't expect the little nudge she gave, sending him backwards onto the bed. By the time he'd recovered and sat up, Kat was on his lap, looking into his eyes. Vergil initiated the kiss this time. Like the first, it was a tangle of lips and tongue, except this time his hands roamed her sides, feeling the softness of her curves beneath the fabric of her shirt. To his surprise and (perverse delight), she mewled into his kiss when he moved his hands up further in a daring move to cup her breasts in his hands.
He didn't expect however, for her to circle her hips against his, grinding against him quite effectively. The kiss was broken as he let a ragged moan leave his throat, Kat, the little minx, smiled innocently at him before repeating the action. He narrowed his eyes, letting the growl his devil had given come into being. He noted how her pupils dilated, then dove into another kiss, harshly nipping her bottom lip for a moment before he kissed her again, sickeningly sweet despite his far from sweet intentions.
Her lips parted, tongues met and circled much like a dance before he drew back, peppering her neck with kisses and small, gentle bites. His hand skimmed down from her chest, following the soft lines of her belly before coming to a halt on her shorts. Vergil brushed a finger along the waistband's line, waiting for an objection or permission to continue on further. Kat trailed a line of kisses up his neck until he could feel her soft lips brush against the shell of his ear. "Go ahead." Her sultry murmur made him shiver, fingers eagerly began to undo the clasp and work the zipper, then his mind and manners caught up with what he was doing.
"Are you certain? Earlier you said…" He turned his head to look into her eyes, surprised to see her roll her eyes then move in, kissing him once more. "Fuck what I said earlier, and go ahead before I change my mind and we dance around each other awkwardly." She growled when the kiss had been broken. It was cute almost that she didn't realize they would dance around awkwardly regardless of how the night ended. Briefly, ever so briefly, he considered pursuing the issue. Vergil then decided against it, and pushed his reservations away while he went for another kiss whilst picking Kat up by her thighs. He pulled her flush up against him, then laid her on her back on the bed, quickly disposing of her shorts soon after.
Kat appeared to be watching him with great interest now, she'd propped herself up on her elbows and spread her legs just enough to make him growl at her again. Her current teasing would be the end of him. Determined to rid her of the little smirk she currently wore, Vergil slowly trailed his hand up along her inner thigh, brushing his fingertips over the covered cove of her sex.
Her adams apple bobbed up and down while she swallowed, he simply grinned before he swiftly removed her panties then promptly began to lap at her clit. Vergil kept his hand on her inner thighs, making sure she couldn't clamp her thighs shut on his head as he would rather avoid having his ears ring from the harsh contact. He heard her inhale sharply and murmur a curse. Vergil of course, simply smirked then continued, licking and sucking at a leisurely pace until he felt her fingers tangle in his hair and tug lightly, nails biting into his scalp ever so slightly. That was the only encouragement he needed to cease teasing and focus on bringing her more pleasure rather than partially worry that she did not want this, that she was seeking a distraction or doing this because she thought he might wanted to (he did, but he wanted her to want it as well).
Her moans were music to his ears, encouraging him to only delve deeper into her core with both his tongue and fingers, using her reactions to guess upon what action to take next to drive her closer to release, then he swiftly acted upon it. He took careful care to explore every nook and cranny with his tongue and first two fingers, mentally cataloguing her reactions to what he did. Vergil was determined to bring her to orgasm, hear her call his name in the throes of ecstasy, even if would be only the one night shared between them.
To his surprise, and the wicked delight of his devil, it was only a few minutes of eating her out while enjoying her sultry moans before she was pulling more on his hair, calling his name as if she were praying. Vergil decided then and there he very much liked how she looked when begging him breathlessly for release. He silenced her pleas by twisting his fingers, moving them steadily in a come hither motion while swirling his tongue skillfully over her clit. She clamped down on his fingers, her back arched off the bed while a final high-pitched cry of his name hovered on the air. Her nails were digging into his scalp, his hair was surely a rumpled white mess by now, but he didn't care.
He took a moment to lick the salty-sweet fluid of her release from his lips and fingers, using the crook of his elbow to wipe whatever mess remained on his face before he went to kiss her after admiring the flushed glow on her cheeks. She accepted the kiss, and once more it evolved into a tangled, heated lip lock to which was only broken when either of them needed air. She more than he, as it appeared she was still recovering. Vergil's tongue was good for more than just spinning lies and pretty tales.
What little control remained, had been in Vergil's hands, until the little witch beneath him surprised him by capturing him with her thighs, rolling them over quickly to have him on his back and her straddling his waist whilst she deftly removed his shirt from his person before she promptly threw it to a remote far corner of the room. In the back of his mind, something warned him he would have a hell of a time getting his shirt back from her if this was, by a god-granted miracle, more than a one night affair.
Vergil looked up at her with open interest while the witch trailed her fingertips along his exposed chest, her nails raking gently. Briefly, he hissed involuntarily feeling the light drag of her nails over the scar left by Dante via Rebellion. Kat met his gaze, her palm flattened over the ragged, puckered pink scar. She surprised him again by kissing down his neck, over his firm pecs, to finally the all along the scar's marred length. He hissed in a breath, his muscles grew taut while his breath was held, all in response to the witch's tongue dragging over the scar briefly before he felt the gentle, plush pressure of her lips on his flesh once more.
He laid his head back, eyes falling shut while enjoying the sensation of her peppering his torso with kisses, little pecks akin to a butterfly's kiss. He ignored the occasional pinch that informed him of her bestowing a love bite to his skin, none caused him to quite pay attention until he felt her teeth sink into his hip, leading him to opening his eyes and craning his head to look down at her. Her green eyes sparked with mischief as she settled back, having had left behind a dark hickey upon his hip. Vergil groaned low in his throat, his devil growled.
"You will be the death of me." A grumbled complaint, he meant nothing in particular by it. He was in the business of ensuring he didn't act upon his tainted side's desires and mark her in turn. Not yet at least. Soon enough he would indulge on his dark desires, when he was finished catering to her needs.
Kat laughed from her new perch between his thighs, her small hands resting just below the arch of his hips, her thumbs circled just underneath the waistband of his trousers, causing him to shiver and feel the prickling of hair on the back of his neck. If her amorous mood was gone, and her anger returned, he was in a dangerous spot indeed.
"The death of you current restraint and control, perhaps. I'm interested in seeing what you'll do, if I do this." Ah. So she wasn't angry. What was she up to then? He didn't have to wait long to find out.
'This' from her required his trousers and boxers leaving him. 'This' had him groaning and bucking his hips only once up towards her sweet little mouth before what little control he still held was regained. Kat had him in the palm of her hand, and quite literally. Vergil was more than happy to surrender his control to her in this situation, she had it well in hand. He was quite happy to let her continue going down on him, even if there was the chance she was simply doing so in return for him eating her out. Nonetheless, Vergil was very much enjoying 'this'.
Each light tug of her hand, every twist of her wrist and hollowing of her cheeks when she sucked and bobbed her head had him at her complete mercy, the nephilim was drifting happily in the bliss brought on by the witch. He dug his fingers into the sheets tightly out of restraint, knowing if he touched her head he would undoubtedly wind up tugging on her hair. That would hurt her, and he would not hurt her. Never again. He gave a hoarse cry in response to her actions, his head tilted back while his every muscle tensed in effort not to move.
Vergil went to warn her, but fell silent when she drew her head back, shushing him before she dove back to 'work', erasing his every thought quite effectively with her steady and quick sucking and stroking. Good god her hands were soft, and damned if she didn't know exactly what to do to have him begging her breathlessly for more along with softly whispered revered praises. Briefly he was confused as to why it tickled him as familiar, only to lose the thought in result to a particularly talented bit of tongue work courtesy of Kat. She would be the one to ruin him this time around, not he ruining her again.
Despite his best efforts not to, he jerked and swore loudly and colorfully only moments before his own peak was reached. He groaned, more of a whine really, in response to feeling her throat constrict around his member briefly while Kat swallowed his release. Just before he issued a request for a moment to recover, she had settled back once more between his legs. He enjoyed the soft smoothness of her skin against his for a moment, running his hands along the smooth contours of her thighs.
Vergil huffed, trying to regain control of his breath. "Jesus Kat." He managed then went in for another kiss, frowning when she pressed a finger to his lips, her other hand pushed on the center of his chest, slowly pushing him down onto his back again. Except this time she was not sitting between his thighs but rather above his groin, he could feel her moist core press against his own that was rapidly stirring to attention. The little minx of a witch seated atop him simply smiled at him, sweetly and innocently. As if she didn't know that she was the reason for his now hardened cock poking at her thigh.
"Settle down, it's still my turn." Teasing, light and playful with a smile on her lips that seemed only partially false. He then remembered her earlier protestation. Kat had no parental example for love, only the demon. He put two and two together, his result offered a theory than the only form of love she knew was of lust. Vergil didn't like it, and wanted to change that principle, if she would allow him to.
"Is it? Do I get a turn after?" He sat up quickly, using his enhanced senses as a nephilim to allow him to steal a kiss before she could push him down again. The look Kat gave him hinted she was both annoyed and amused at his action. He gave her the same sweet and innocent smile she had given him, chuckling when she huffed at him with an additional eye roll.
"I suppose it would be only fair. Though, I'm sure you're going to steal my turn." Vergil didn't both to contradict her words, he knew damn well that he would if they were to proceed as it seemed they would. "Now, stay still." He was happy to oblige, for now. Kat rewarded his obedience with a kiss while she mounted him, his groan due to the warm sensation of her walls gripping his length was smothered by the kiss. Inch by delectable inch, she moved slowly down until he could feel his hip bones pressing against her innermost thighs, his hands ran up her thighs, ghosting his fingertips over the minute scars he found along her otherwise perfect skin. Little scars he could recalled being small wounds he dressed or stitched shut for her. Little stories only they knew of.
Vergil looked up at Kat, briefly he was concerned and confused by her vulnerable expression, worried he had done something wrong. "You care about me. You really do, don't you?" Vergil found himself sitting up, holding her close while stroking her hair gently the moment he saw the single tear track down her cheek. For once he chose not to analyze his own reaction, figure out which part of him had caused him to do what. For once, he was whole. He knew why, he was holding the reason for the peace of his mind and heart close to his chest.
"I care Kat. I care deeply for you. I was a fool before. I believed that power was the only thing that mattered to me. I didn't understand why I wanted it in truth. I wanted to protect you from all the evil, even my own. I wanted the world to be free of demonic reign. I wanted the balance restored, and I foolishly allowed the demonic half of my blood to rule me too heavily. To be honest, my devil, he wants you as his mate. If I were to listen to his infernal, never-ending demands, I would be courting you, then claiming you in a different manner than what we already are. I do wish to have you as my mate, my wife one day perhaps. You are the only woman I will likely ever love. You are, essentially, my heart and humanity." He held his breath, looking cautiously feeling her grow still in his lap, immediately he calculated if there was anything wrong he could have said to her, his concern only mounted when he could detect no error and she still said nothing.
Finally, Kat drew slightly from his embrace, looking into his eyes while her own shone with unshed tears. "I was hurt. I thought the only thing I was ever good for to anyone was for a means to an end. Dante, he wants more from me than friendship. Unfortunately for him, he's the wrong twin for my tastes. I don't...I don't know love, and I don't know what this is. But...I'm willing to give it a chance, if you'll bear with me Vergil." His hand moved to stroke her cheek, a true smile took its place on his face while for the first time in many years, true unadulterated joy took its place in his heart. And Vergil, the strict and stern, cold-blooded nephilim terrorist group leader of the Order, could only grin like the love-struck idiot he had become.
"I will bear with you Kat. I'd give you the moon if I could. You mean everything to me. I won't hurt you, nor will I let anyone else if I can help it. You'll have to bear with me as well, I don't know how possessive I might be." Kat laughed lightly, her arms wrapped loosely around him as she finally began to move her hips in a slow rocking rhythm, lips locking with his briefly. Perhaps, to silence him. He didn't mind, for as long as it was her and no one else. Vergil spoke nothing more, neither did she. Quiet moans peppered the air from the intimately entwined pair. His restraint did not show itself, but he was holding back to avoid using too much of his strength when he thrusted up, conscious that he might at the very least break her pelvis if he wasn't careful. If she noticed how he held back, Kat said nothing, only held him close, nails running along the sigil that decorated his back, just as his twin had his mark.
Nothing was rushed, they respectively enjoyed the quiet of the moment and the intimacy. When Kat came, and he drew close to completion, he slowed, worried on what to do. Kat's chest brushed against his own with every breath drawn, the quickened pattern of her heart loud to his ears. Kat met his gaze briefly, studying him for a moment before a kiss was pressed to his cheek. "I'm infertile. I made myself that way years ago. It was the only form of protection I could give myself from the demon before I met you."
Just like that, his concern wiped away. She had always done that, he recalled readily. Whenever a complication arose in the Order's earlier days, and he had begun to fuss and worry, she had come in and fixed what he could not. Vergil had so much to be grateful to her for, it seemed he would be both thanking and apologizing to her for the rest of his life, or allotted time in her company. While he was nephilim, she was human, mortal. Time would steal her from him eventually.
"I wish I could have found you earlier then. That spell must of hurt." His voice was strained from both emotion, and from his continued slow sex with her. Kat, still slightly winded from her release, continued to roll her hips in time steadily to his thrusts, looking distant briefly.
"It did hurt, a lot actually. It was satisfying, in a grim way. But disappointing in others, that remain still the older I get. I can't reverse it. Not to my knowledge anyway." He ran his thumb over her cheekbone to wipe away the tears that had fallen, tracing the edges of the blue eye dot tattoo. He'd never asked about it. He would, later.
"Well, your magic is different from what it was once. Perhaps you can reverse it, if you had the want to in the future." He knew the subject was likely a sore one, breaching it further risked being pushed away from her, but it was well worth the risk to see the brief smile curl on her lips. Without thinking twice about it, he leaned over to capture her lips, wanting to kiss the beautiful smile she had. His peak was reached when she had begun to kiss him with more ardor, leading to him grunting softly before his hips stilled in effort to avoid snapping them up and possibly hurting her. His fingers found her hair again, stroking the soft strands gently. Kat jerked her head as if surprised or about to request he didn't touch, then she moved to rest her head on his shoulder, letting him pet her hair.
Vergil wondered how his luck had changed while he held her, pulling them both to lay on their sides after he had removed himself from within her. It was time for them to rest until the next day came. He would withstand whatever issues were thrown his way then. For now, he held his lover for as long as he knew he could call her that before drifting off only a handful of minutes after she had.