Chapter One

"Naruto, how are you feeling today?" the gray haired Fire Shadow, Hiruzen Sarutobi asked.

"It's Hare sir, I am in uniform," Naruto, Hare, answered slightly exasperated. The old man chuckled in response. The voice came from the ceiling, though no one was to be seen.

"And no one is here other than the other ANBU. I can call you whatever I want, even fishcake," Sarutobi responded. Hare, or Naruto, slightly cringed in response to the name.

After a few minutes, Naruto finally responded. "I am doing well Shadow. Crow has been picking on me as always," to which a scoff was heard from a corner of the room, although nobody could be seen, "and Dog is being his usual silent insulter self. You can only tell from his eyes."

Hiruzen took it all in stride and then spoke, "Crow, play nice. It's unkind to pick on bunny when he can do nothing about it except complain to me."

A voice came from the corner of the room, from which no person could be seen, "It isn't my fault he is such a brat. I thought he would be grateful for being allowed to enter such a prestigious group such as the Shadow Defense Squad, despite only being chunin in ability," the voice stated with mirth, presumably Crow.

"Hey!" Naruto cried, "I'll be..." he started to yell before suddenly stopping. A few seconds later, a lady in a simple black kimono entered with a stack of papers in her hand. Completely oblivious to what was going on seconds before. "Shadow sir, here are the mission reports for today."

"Thank-you Nanae, I appreciate your help," the Fire Shadow responded. Nanae bowed before leaving the office. A few seconds later, "Jonin before you know it!"

" Considering the fact that other than stealth, you only just Chunin level, I highly doubt that." Crow, unseen from his corner of the room replied.

A groan could be heard from the Fire Shadow. "Crow, Hare, look over these mission reports for me. Make sure you use my handwriting.

"Why do I have to do it," both asked in perfect unison with annoyance?

"Because I told you two to do so. And I don't feel like doing it," was the reply. A groan could be heard from both of them before they materialized from the ceiling and corner. They each took half of the stack of mission reports and then sat at miniature desks at the side of the room.

After several minutes of reading, Naruto spoke up. "Sir, there seems to be an inconsistency in this report."The Fire shadow perked up at the word. Naruto, or Hare really continued, "It seems Izumo and Kotetsu are at it again. Trying to shirk time off so they can get dango. They should realize its only going to get them more gate guard duty."

"Ah, oh well," Hiruzen replied, "Another week of duty for them. I'm starting to think that they actually like the job."

The Three continued their work. Hare and Naruto surveying mission reports, while the Fire Shadow read an orange book. Hare and Crow suddenly disappeared, the paperwork appearing on the desk of the Fire Shadow.

Fifteen seconds later, a brown haired person in a white cloak with a dog mask covering his face entered. The room was tense. The man, or perhaps women, slowly walked to the desk of the Fire Shadow. Setting a small stack of papers to the Fire Shadow, he simply said, "Mission reports sir," before setting them on the desk, and slowly walking to the door.

Before he opened it, he said calmly, "Hare, Crow, you don't need to stop doing your work on my account," before he exited. They groaned in response.

Sarutobi waited a moment before saying, "Get back to it."

The large stack of mission reports disappeared. Crow and Hare were once again in the small desks. The Fire Shadow sighed before putting his orange book down and started reading the mission reports handed to him by Dog, the ANBU Commander.

Just another day in the Fire Shadow's office.