
Secret genius Kagome Higurashi goes back and forth form the modern day world and 500 years in the past to piece together an ancient jewel that was torn from her side, and that she accidentally shattered, with her best friend/ brother figure Inuyasha. When fighting against their enemy Naraku, Kagome gets sucked out into one of his traps. This one in particular ended up take her straight to Hell. The only thought Kagome can form is 'What The Hell Else Could Go Wrong?!?'

Chapter 23

Tony's POV:

I stayed in the garage as Kagome went inside to make some sandwiches. I then heard and felt someone walk in, thinking it was Kagome, I didn't bother turning around, "Hey Sweetheart, I think you might be right about the valve being to big."

"So, you are really here!" I started at the voice that wasn't Kagome and turned to find her mother instead.

"Rai!" She was still just as beautiful as the day I met her. Age had only enhanced her beauty.

"Why? Why are you here?" She snapped at me.

I cocked my eyebrow at her. "Because my daughter asked me to come. She asked to see me and I came out as soon as I could because no matter what you may believe that little girl is my entire world and I would do anything for her." I snapped back at her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to find Kagome behind me, "Why are you here, mother?"

Rai flinched at Kagome's cold tone with her. She took a deep breath and straightened herself, "Souta came in very upset about what you told him. I thought we agreed not to tell him?"

I looked up at Kagome to find a very familiar cocked eyebrow on her face. She snorted, "No, I believe that is what you decided and I just simply bit my tongue on the subject. If he had known all along, all of this could have been avoided."

"Are you trying to say that all of this is my fault?" Rai looked thoroughly offended. It sounded to me like it was her fault.

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest, "Are you trying to say it's mine?"

"If you had just left this all alone-" Rai was cut of by Kagome throwing a wrench through the window of the garage.

"All I wanted was the truth!" Kagome turned back with a growl to her voice, "I just wanted to know who I am, but you refused for some unknown reason. You refused to help me and told me to find my answers myself so I did. None of this mess would have happened if you had just been honest from the start!"

"You've always known who you are!" Rai yelled back at her.

"No I haven't! I have only known who you wanted me to be but none of it ever felt right! None of it! I've always felt like something was missing in my life! And I have never seen that man as my father! Even calling him that made my stomach turn!" Kagome looked beyond pissed, her face was turned up into a snarl.

"Don't you dare young lady! Shun was a good man and a good father to you!" Rai chastised.

"Oh come off it! That man couldn't stand me! I heard him call me a 'smart little shit' all the time!" Kagome scoffed.

Rai shook her head, "He didn't mean it like that!"

"Oh so, he didn't mean it like that when he told me that I would never find a husband with my head in the books and that I should just try to learn to become a obedient house wife!" Kagome looked at her mother expectantly.

"He never said that!" Rai started.

Kagome raised both of her eyebrows, "Are you calling me a liar now?"

"No I'm just sure you misunderstood him!" Rai tried to sound reassuring.

Kagome through her hands in the air, "No matter what I say you're just gonna believe what you want to believe! I'm done! You can leave now!"

"Kagome!" Rai started to yell.

"Would you like me to put it your own words?" Kagome said way to sweetly. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She yelled then slammed the garage door down, leaving Rai outside.


I thought I had a Beta but I never heard anything back from them. I'm still looking and hoping to find one soon. If anyone is interested please send me a private message.

~Love, Angel