Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO series.

This is just a small idea that came to me yesterday. (Maybe it'll be longer for when you're reading this. It's probably going to be a small story centered upon. *Gestures above at the title* You know, them. (Names have power.) Anyways, it's probably going to be about a date or more. If I feel generous. After I'm probably going to make a small story for a lot of pairings. like: Percabeth, Zera, Pothena, and so on. I hope you like this!

Hades and Persephone were bored. There was nothing else to do except judge more souls. And that was the reason Persephone wanted to leave the Underworld for a while. She spent most of her time on Earth, and she should be there right now, as it was spring, but she liked it more down here. She wanted to be on Earth, but not with her mother but with Hades.

"I think we should go to the Upper World for a while." Persephone said.

"Why?" Hades asked.

Persephone thought his reaction was rather comical. It looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Oh wait. He was the god of the dead... he looked more like he just saw the ghost of Zeus, smiling and laughing in his realm. "Isn't it getting boring down here? And besides, you need to brighten up." She said.

"I guess it is getting boring here. But I don't need to brighten up! I'm the god of the dead!" Hades protested.

"And riches." Persephone reasoned.

"Not like anyone remembers that." Hades said.


"Fine, I need to judge a few souls first, though." Hades sighed.

"Don't take too long!" Persephone said.

Turning around, Hades headed back to the judging room. Once he reached the court room, he saw that there was chaos everywhere.

"You're going on a break and we can't?" Hecate protested.

"Yes. Deal with it." Hades sighed, summoning the next soul forward.

"But that's not fair!" Charon said.

"It is." Hades said.

"Woof!" Cerberus protested.

Hades just looked at him strangely. "Did you just say 'I need a bone vacation'?"

Hecate and Charon laughed.

"Anyways, I'm done with my judgements. If there's anything else, have the Furies judge mortals and the judges judge demigods." Hades said, rushing out of the room.

"Hey!" Thanatos yelled, as Hadees backtracked into him.

"Sorry Thanatos." Hades said running away.

When Thanatos got into the room, he understood why Hades had looked so annoyed and panicked.

"WE DEMAND A BREAK!" Hecate, Charon and Morpheus were chanting.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOO!" On top of that, Cerberus was howling.

"What's going on in here?" Thanatos asked.

"Hades is going on a break and we're stuck here working." Hecate pouted.

"Then go on a break." Thanatos sighed.

_With Persephone_

Hearing the commotion, Persephone face-palmed. If you could hear them from her old room then they had to be loud. It seems like the others heard about their small 'vacation'. She decided to change into a lavender sundress, as it was spring, and the only reason she was down here was that Demeter was annoying her, and because she missed Hades.

_With Hades_

Changing into black mortal clothes, Hades grabbed a phone and thought about who to call. he needed someone to make sure that Hecate, Chiron and Thanatos had a break. They did deserve it, but he wanted it to be a surprise- not in the Underworld.

"Are you ready?" Persephone popped in.

"No... I need to arrange some sort of break for Charon, Thanatos and Hecate but I can't think of anyone to call." Hades groaned.

"What about Athena?" Persephone suggested.

"I don't need a two hour lecture." Hades shuddered thinking about it.

Persephone sat beside him. "Zeus?"

"Ridiculous younger brother that doesn't know the meaning of 'faithful' or 'Hera hates you'." Hades said. After all, he only created children from thoughts, to those who deserved it.


"Ridiculous younger brother that can't speak proper grammar." Hades paused.


"They want outside, not the Underworld." Hades winced, remembering how much of a ruckus they could cause.


"She'll give me a speech on how marriage will help them." Hades said.

"De- no. Not Demeter." Persephone cut herself off.

"My siblings are all younger than me and less mature." Hades said. "Except Hestia."

"Aphrodite? Artemis? Apollo?" Persephone was running out of ideas.

"Aphrodite will- I don't want to talk about it. She'll probably shoot them with love arrows. Artemis will call me a pig. Apollo will be full of poems." Hades frowned.

"I give up!" Persephone leaned against him. "Why don't you let them have their own break?"

"I wanted to give them a surprise." Hades said.

"Let's just go!" Persephone stood up, grabbed Hades' hand and tried to drag him out of the room. Tried being the key word.

"Fine." Hades sighed and followed her outside.