A/N: I want to say thank you so much to labinnacslove for the idea for this one shot! So thank you, thank you, thank you! All credit goes to her for the idea!


"Bye mommy!" Sophia laughed as Jagger came running up to her and Adelynn in the nursery. She bent down slightly to give Jagger a hug.

"Bye baby. Have fun with daddy." Today Jagger and Jon were going to have a father/son day. Jon had been gone on a two week tour and promise Jagger as soon as he got back, they'd have a boys day. Speak of the devil, Sophia looked up as Jon walked in wearing his normal blue jeans, a black tee shirt, and a black baseball cap.

"What are my girls going to be up today?" Sophia smiled as he kissed Addy's forehead.

"Well me and Miss Adelynn are going to pick April up and go get our nails done and I was thinking about getting Addy's ears pierced." She said the last part softly, trying to not get Jon to hear but unfortunately he did.

"Soph, we already had this talk. No ear piercing until she's thirty." Sophia rolled her eyes.

"Fine, be stubborn." Jon laughed and pecked her lips as Jagger tugged at his jeans.

"Come on daddy! Lets go!" Both Sophia and Jon laughed.

"Alright bud,we'll go."

"Bye mommy."

"Bye baby, I love you. You be good for daddy okay." He nodded as she kissed the top of his head.

"Bye babe." Sophia muttered a soft bye before Jon picked Jagger up and they left. Looking down at her two month old daughter, she smiled.

"Should we get ready baby girl?" Adelynn cooed and waved her hands around making Sophia laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes."


"Yay toy store!" Jon laughed as he out his truck in park. The two had just gotten done having fun at the park and stopping for a quick bite to eat before Jon drove Jagger to his favorite place in the whole world.

"Yea toy store but we can't get a lot okay. Mommy already told me I have to build you another shelf for all of the ones you have already." Jagger giggled, making Jon smile. He was happy to have this alone time with his son. He was even happier they had come to the decision on what to do for school. After a lot of research and a talk with Jagger and they decided to send him to an actual pre-school for a trial week and then at the end, they'd ask Jagger what he wanted because as much as Jon would love to keep his family with him all the time, Jagger's education was more important and he didn't know how much learning he'd get on the road. Like Jon was at his age, Jagger loved everything about wrestling and he and Sophia knew he'd have a hard time paying attention.

"Okay daddy." Jon smiled and got out, shutting his door before going to the door behind his. Opening it up, he unbuckled Jagger from his booster seat before pulling him out and setting him on his feet next to him. Shutting the truck door, he locked the car and they made their way inside.

"Okay bud, which first?" Jagger looked around from his seat in the cart.

"Um superhero's." Jon nodded and started his journey into the store.

"Are you excited about school Jag?" Jon asked as he walked around the store. Jagger nodded as they walked down the aisle with all the superhero toys.

"Yea daddy. Did you go to school?" Jon nodded.

"I did buddy." Of course he wasn't going to tell him he dropped out. He wanted Jagger to have a good school experience. He didn't want him to think it was okay not to go because if there was one thing Jon could do different, it was finish school.

"Did mommy?" Jon laughed.

"She did." Jagger opened his mouth but Jon beat him to it.

"And so did uncle Phil, aunt April and everyone else you've ever met." Jagger giggled.

"Otay daddy. Ah look, The Hulk!" Jon laughed and picked the toy off the shelf. It wasn't to big so he knew Sophia wouldn't care.

"Hulk it is. Lets keep looking." Jon placed the action figure in the store as they kept walking around the store. Thirty minutes later and Jon looked in the cart sighing. Jagger had so many toys in there, he'd need two more shelves instead of one.

"Okay daddy lets go pay!" Jon sighed and looked at his son.

"Buddy, we can't get all these toys. Mommy will kill me. We gotta put some back." Jagger's smile faltered.

"Why daddy?"

"Because bud, we got to many. And besides, you have a lot of toys at home."

"But I want these ones daddy."

"I know buddy but we can't get them all. At least not today. Why don't we put some back and then we'll come get some at a later date."

"No." Jon scowled.

"Yes. You're not getting all these."

"I want them!"

"Jagger, I said no. Now pick which ones to put back."

"No!" He crossed his little arms, sending a challenging look to Jon that he recognized as the one he gave people all the time.

"Yes." Jon said, clenching his jaw.

"No!" Jon sighed, taking a few deep breaths, trying not to get angry. Getting angry wouldn't do any good in this situation.

"Jagger Michael, I said no. Now either you pick which ones to put back or I while."

"But daddy I want them all!" He whined, tears glistening in his eyes.

"I know buddy but we can't get them all today. Another day we'll come back." Jagger shook his head, the tears falling.

"No now!"

"I'm sorry Jag but we can't get them all today." Jagger whined and started crying. Jon reached for him, placing his hands on his shoulder's.

"Jag come on bud, don't cry. You just have to wait another week or two." Jagger just kept whining, his cries getting louder and louder.

"No daddy now!" Jon shook his head.

"You have to many toys bud. Come on, stop crying." His words fell on deaf words. Looking around, he saw a bunch of shoppers looking his way, making his jaw clench. This wasn't for anyone else to see.

Turning back to his son, he knew he couldn't give in but he also couldn't let him continue to cry in the store.

"Jagger stop or we're going to leave and you won't get any toys today." Jagger just kept crying. It broke Jon's heart that he was the reason his son was crying but he had to be strong. Giving into him wasn't going to teach him anything.

"Alright, fine. We're leaving."

Leaving the cart full of toys where it was, he picked a still crying Jagger up and walked out of the store and back to the truck. Buckling him in, he got in the drivers seat before heading home.


Sophia sat in the living room, going over designs for her new workout gear on her Ipad. Her head whipped up when the front door opened and Jon walked in carrying a still crying Jagger. Sophia immediately put her Ipad down and walked over to them.

"What happened?"

"He was told no." Sophia furrowed her eyebrows as she followed Jon upstairs. She watched as he set Jagger down in his bed before ushering her out and closing the door.

"What the hell happened?"

"We went to the toy store and he wanted to many toys. I told him he could only get a few today and he threw a tantrum, screaming and crying in the middle of the store so he's in a time out."

Sophia raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you put him in a time out? I usually do it."

"Yea well you're usually here when he has one. This is the first time he has done it around me." Sophia saw how torn Jon was. Neither of them liked to punish Jagger but they also didn't want him to grow up thinking he could get whatever he wanted.

"You did the right thing?" Jon huffed, sitting on their bed.

"Then why do I feel so shitty?" Sophia sighed, sitting down next to her.

"Because it's never easy when you have to punish a child but you have to remember, we do it because we love him and he's going to end up growing up to be a good kid. Hell he's already a good kid but every now and then a time out is necessary. I don't like it either Jon but I don't think either of us would like it if he grew up to entitled or bratty, right?"

Jon nodded.

"Right." Sophia nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Just wait till he calms down then go in and talk to him." Jon nodded again and looked at her.

"I love you." Sophia smiled.

"Enough to let me get Addy's ears pierced." Jon shook his head.

"Nice try." Sophia laughed and laid her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a few minutes when they heard a little voice ring out.

"Daddy?" Sophia smiled and looked up at Jon.

"He wants you." Jon took a deep breath and stood up, walking out of his and Sophia's bedroom to Jagger's. Opening the door, he saw Jagger standing there.

"What's up buddy?" Jagger raised his arms up to be picked up. Jon gave a small smile and lifted the little boy up before walking over and sitting on the bed.

"I sorry I was bad daddy. I didn't mean it." Jon nodded.

"I know Jagger but you gotta remember, I am only doing what is best for you. I mean, look around your room, you've got so many toys. Some you don't even play with. If you get to many, you don't know what to do with them."

Jagger just nodded, laying his head on his fathers chest.

"I sorry." Jon nodded and kissed his head when an idea hit him.

"I have an idea." Jagger looked up at his father.

"What daddy?"

"Why don't we go around your room and find all the toys you don't play with, put them in a bag and donate them then, we can go back to the toy store and get just a few more, not a lot. We can do it every month that way, we don't have to go through this again and we have something to look forward to every month."

Sophia smiled from outside Jagger's room.

Jagger smiled wide.

"Okay daddy." Jon smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Lets get to work."