Chapter 2:

Kaguya woke up due to the bright sun light penetrating to the tent and thought, " Must be freaking Amaterasu trying to wake me up." She then realized she somehow cuddled with Naruto with her head resting on his chest and her hands hugging him. Kaguya blushed matching Amaterasu's red hair. Amaterasu on the other hand was giggling at Kaguya while eating dango sitting on her throne.

Kaguya reacted quickly and released her grip on Naruto waking Naruto up on the process.

" Haaaah," Naruto said while stretching, " Oh Kaguya-chan? Sorry I wake you up?"

" N-n-no Naruto-kun I-I have to go prepare food bye." Kaguya said flustered thinking about how Naruto's chest is the best pillow in the world while blushing madly.

" Hmmm... Wonder what's that about." Naruto said while caressing his chin, " Well I got to go and take a bath in the river." He said to himself as he left the tent.

Jiraiya was already cooking then he saw Kaguya approach him with an obvious blush and said, " Ooooh Kaguya-chan! Did tou two you know do it." The next response he got was a massive punch in the back of his head. Jiraiya then though, " No not another Tsunade." Kaguya grinned and said, " Oh sorry Jiraiya-sama I just do that in front of perverts you know." Jiraiya nodded as the two prepared breakfast.

Naruto on the other hand was enjoying his bathing session at the cool river. He was soothed an relaxed until a freaking crab somehow managed to get in his shorts and pinched his ball sack making him scream so loud that people in Konoha would've heard it.

Upon hearing Naruto's screech Jiraiya told Kaguya to investigate and told her to come back if she sees anyone fighting Naruto.

As Kaguya was rushing to the river she saw an amazing sight. No not the beautiful river of course, but the sight of Naruto's body his well build body and his six-pack. The next thing she knew was she got a nose bleed and fainted dreaming about fantasies with Naruto and her.

Naruto on the other hand was mending his family's jewels and got dressed.

Jiraiya became worried and decided to go to the river him self. He got really scared when she saw Kaguya's body on the ground motionless, but he then realized that she fainted and got a nosebleed seeing that Naruto was partially naked. This of course made the Pervert Sage start writing in his note pad while the Sun Goddess was taking pictures at the event making sure she sends it to all Kami.

Naruto noticed Jiraiya and went up to him. He then saw the body of Kaguya laying down fainted at the bushes.

Naruto unleashed his killing intent with the help of the Nine-tails and said, " Ero-Sennin how dare you hurt Kaguya-chan."

Jiraiya gulped and stood still at the monstrous amount of killing intent being released and said, " N-n-naruto you're mistaken we heard you scream like a gir- boy yeah like a boy so I sent Kaguya to check she must have hit her head and passed out."

Naruto not convinced with Jiriaiya's alibi and decided to let it go and rushed to Kaguya and shook her violently trying to wake her up. Naruto's perverted self kicked in and decided to take a 'peek' at Kaguya's shaking breasts due to the violent shaking he's doing to her. Kaguya woke up still thinking about Naruto and blushed seeing Naruto's strong arms shaking her.

Though smart in almost everything Naruto was incredibly dense at knowing when a girl is blushing and said, " Kaguya-chan you're red are you sick?" as he put his hand on her forehead making Kaguya blush even more.

Kaguya said flustered, " U-uhh I'm fine Narut-ooo" As Naruto picked her up bridal style and head to their camp site. (If you think Naruto did that to make her blush even more you're wrong he's incredibly dumb in these kinds of situations remember and I'll try to make their relationship progress slow) Kaguya wanted to say something to make him put her down, but who cares she knew she liked no loved it. Meanwhile Kushina was laughing on the ground and decided to call her siblings, Susanoo and Tsukoyomi to watch. Jiraiya was already sending out his messenger toad to Kakashi whom is a major fan of his books to get a preview of his new book starring a white haired girl named Naruko and a blonde and blue eyed boy named Kaguyo.

" Ok brats time to head back to camp and eat breakfast after that we start training." Jiraiya said walking back to the camp site.

After eating breakfast the three went to the nearby river surprisingly Kaguya's a natural when it comes to water walking surprising both Naruto and Jiraiya asking, " How? You said you never went to an Academy?" She responded with, " That's true, but It doesn't mean I can train by myself after reading books in the library and training in the woods." Kaguya smirked knowing it was a lie.

" Alright I'm impressed that you can walk on water so here," Jiraiya said handing a piece of paper to Kaguya, " Channel your chakra in this paper it will show what affinity you naturally posess." Jiraiya said.

Kaguya smirked knowing what will happen. She channeled chakra into the paper it sliced in half, crumpled, got damp, turned into dirt, and burnt to ashes.

Jiraiya's jaws dropped wondering if Kaguya is the child from the prophecy. Naruto on the other hand was making clones to try and channel his wind affinity into his Rasengan; however, he peeked at what Kaguya and Jiraiya is doing, and saw what happened to the paper. After seeing that Naruto was determined to train even more seeing her as a potential threat to becoming the Hokage one day.

One month time skip.

Naruto and Kaguya improved immensely within a month Naruto is finally able to put his wind affinity into his rasengan making it an A-Class to S-Class technique. Kaguya on the other hand was able to do C-Class techniques for every element.

" Alright I think it's time for your first fight against each other." Jiraiya said while leading the two in an open field.

" I'm gonna beat you rabbit girl!" Naruto yelled.

" Not if I beat you first fox boy." Kaguya teased back making Naruto wince a little, but shrugged it off knowing Kaguya did not mean it.

The two went on opposite sides of the field checking their gear.

Summary time on what happened the past month!

Over the month the two have bonded to becoming close friends, thus having the nicknames rabbit girl due to the fact that rabbits are somehow attracted to Kaguya, and fox boy to Naruto because foxes tend to come up to Naruto and play with him. Naruto also started to have a crush on Kaguya ever since she arrived the first week, Naruto admired her long white hair, her soft pale skin, her beautiful emerald green eyes though he could've sworn he saw her with a byakugan at one point. He also enjoyed her joyful personality and shared her desire to protect her friends and love ones. Kaguya on the other hand, fell for Naruto the more she knew about him the more she loved him, and every time she was with him she felt happy and moved by his warmth.

Jiraiya also informed Tsunade about his new apprentice and her skills which Tsunade could hardly believe. She told him that the council will place her in the C.R.A. (Clan Restoration Act), but Jiraiya refused and threatened the council that if she does do it he'll make sure he'll side with Orochimaru and level Konoha making the council shiver; however, Danzo had some other Ideas. Jiraiya became over protective of Kaguya thinking her as his granddaughter as for Naruto well he still treated him the same still trying influence him with his perverted diaries.

Kaguya knowing the C.R.A. decided that Naruto was the only one for her and made sure to call Amaterasu and kill whomever wanted to get her and turn her into a breeding factory like a rabbit. (See what I did there? Cuz rabbits breed like crazy. I'm awesome right? No? :( Sorry)

Amaterasu on the other hand was watching Naruto and Kaguya with Minato whom she begged the Shinigami to release him from death so that Amaterasu could be with him which surprisingly worked. After Minato was revived Amaterasu quickly made him immortal and king of the universe and sun. After being revived Amaterasu felt happy once again seeing her lover the one that made her like her red thread of fate and the father of the Child of the Prophecy, Minato Namikaze.

Present time.

Amaterasu and Minato's temple.

" Do we really need to watch those two? I mean we should respect their privacy Kush-er Amaterasu-hime." Minato said.

Amaterasu glared at Minato with a perverted grin, " Mina-koi I am simply doing this for 'reasearch'. Oh and you could call me Kushina dear."

" I swear you sound like Jiraiya-sensei so that's why I found a secret case full of Icha-Icha novels that you said Jiraiya 'hid' you are a pervert after all." Minato said with a huge smile while moving his eyebrows up and down.

" Minato-koi tell that to anyone and I swear we're not going to have sex for a thousand years. Got it!" Kushina said with black flames surrounding her hair.

" U-u-uh sorry Kushina-hime." Minato said while his whole body shivered.

" Alright. Shhhh... They're about to fight my I bet Naruto will win." Kushina said fist bumping the air.


" Alright Start!" Jiraiya said.

Both rivals stood motionless waiting for one to react first then Naruto used his signature move, Shadow Clones, he made 20 Naruto clones whom charged at Kaguya and fought her with Taijutsu.

Kaguya was having a hard time fighting with the clones she had to use her trump card her secret bloodline Lava release. Kaguya inhaled a huge breath accumulating chakra in her lungs and blew molten lava from her mouth dispelling all the clones. Jiraiya was shocked and thought, " So that's why I hear her sneak out at night she's been training her bloodline impressive. Watch out Naruto."

Naruto simply stood there calm thinking like Shikamaru forming a strategy. He rushed towards Kaguya and Kaguya rushed him as well using her Raikiri Naruto made his Wind Release: Rasengan on both of his hands the two both collided yelling, " Raikiri!/Rasengan!" The two was left lying on the ground after the collision both panting. Jiraiya was impressed that her lightning technique equaled the wind technique.

" Do you want me to stop the match?" Jiraiya asked.

" We're good." Both Naruto and Kaguya replied in unison as they stood up.

Kaguya made four Shadow Clones each using each affinity.

" This is bad. I have to use this technique hopefully It doesn't back fire." Naruto thought.

Naruto made ten Shadow clones which charged at Kaguya on all sides. The clone then made quick hand signs and yelled, Sexy Reverse Harem Technique! with all ten clones turning into almost naked 'attractive' guys.

Jiraiya was knocked off the rock where he sat and is trying to erase the vision of ten naked men in his perverted brain.

With Kushina and Minato.

Kushina was having a major nosebleed which a mortal would've died because of blood loss. Minato was laughing his ass off as he was trying to wake up Kushina.

" That damn perverted toad he must have taught my Sochi that perverted technique." Kushina said faintly after waking up.

" I've got to tell Naruto to teach me that It might come handy when we spar." Minato thought out loud and covered his mouth.

Kushina glared at Minato and a butcher knife with black flames appeared in her hands and said sternly, " What did you say? Do you want me to castrate you M-i-n-a-t-o-k-u-n~"

Minato gulped and apologized.

" Good. Now lets continue to watch." Kushina said as she pecked Minato's cheek.

Back to the field.

Kaguya and her clone's eyes widened in shock. Then rage started to fill her eyes and Kaguya unleashed her wrath to Naruto as a consequence for doing such a perverted technique. She dispelled her clones and punched the ground and made a huge crater knocking Naruto down. Naruto could've sworn he saw slit on her forehead with a Sharingan. Naruto shook his head and begged for mercy as he saw a beautiful, but very destructive woman approaching him.

" Well gaki you're screwed say hi to Shinigami for me." The Kyubi said teasingly.

" Shut up Kyubi! I won't die till I become Hokage!" Naruto yelled.

" Uhh... Kaguya-chan you see I had to do that technique." Naruto said as he scratched the back of his head.

Kaguya pummeled Naruto on his head burying him underground and said, " Next time you do a perverted technique like that I'll make sure you meet Shinigami!"

" Y-y-yes... Let's call this match a draw." Naruto said.

" What are you that big of an Idiot you're the one that's buried in earth." Kaguya said crossing her arms.

Naruto used his new found affinity, earth, and buried Kaguya and earth like him.

" Fine. This match is a draw." Kaguya sighed. While Naruto gave a huge grin.

" Well you brats are starting to improve little by little. Come on let's go back to town I got to do some more 'research'." Jiraiya said while Kaguya was sending an intimidating glare towards Jiraiya.

" You know Ero-Sennin you should really stop doing your 'research' one day you'll die if you keep doing it." Naruto said while Kaguya nodded with agreement little did the three know both Kushina and Minato nodded as well.

" Nonsense If I survived peeking on Tsunade I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." Jiraiya said proudly while his two students sighed in defeat.

One year time skip.

Naruto was sitting on the edge of the cliff looking at the beautiful full moon shining brightly thinking about the past year on how he has improved as well as his growing love for Kaguya even though they were not dating yet he remembered having they're first kiss well for Kaguya since Naruto accidentally kissed Sasuke back in the Academy days.


Naruto was walking through the forest where he saw a clearing and he laid down in a relaxing position and looked at the stars shining bright. He heard a ruffling in the bushes and tensed until he saw Kaguya walking towards him. As Kaguya approached him the moon light was giving her a spotlight it was there Naruto started to realize he had feelings for her he couldn't help but admire her delicate flawless skin, her beautiful green eyes don't mention her long silky white hair, and Naruto couldn't help but stare at her magnificent breasts wondering how they felt afterwards he felt a little blood trickle from his nose.

Kaguya noticed he was checking her out she couldn't help but blush as she approached her. Meanwhile Amaterasu was thanking her brother, Tsukoyomi, for helping with the moonlight.

" Naruto-kun do you mind if I lay next to you and look at the stars with you as well?" Kaguya said while still having a blush.

" Uhh... Yeah that would be nice." Naruto nervously said as Kaguya gave him a heart-warming smile making Naruto's heart flutter.

As Kaguya laid down next to Naruto they were both staring at the stars both were looking in awe as all the stars seem to shine so bright making Kaguya wonder if Amaterasu had something to do with it. Both were silent for awhile taking in the wonderful sight until Kaguya broke of the silence.

" They're really beautiful aren't they." Kaguya said gazing at the stars.

Naruto nodded and blurted out, " But not as beautiful as you." afterwards he covered his mouth hoping that Kaguya did not notice.

Kaguya blushed to the point that her face looked like Kushina's red hair and said, " Y-y-you r-r-really m-mean t-that?"

Naruto knowing he couldn't deny said, " Yes Kaguya-chan I mean it the moment I laid my eyes on you on our first encounter I always had this amazing feeling whenever I looked at you. Heck you might be even a goddess sent to Earth for all I know."

Kaguya smiled and blushed as well as sweat dropped hearing the last part because it was true.

" The same here Naru-kun I admired you ever since not beacause you are incredibly handsome, but your desire to protect those you love and you undying loyalty to your village even when they beat you up (A/N: Kaguya knows about the Kyubi will give a flashback later on if I remember.) also don't forget your determination to become Hokage I swear you'll probably beat me to it." Kaguya said. Naruto was beyond happy hearing those words because no one has ever told him that. Then he looked at Kaguya with a genuine smile and leaned closer on instinct.

Kaguya as well leaned as if something was controlling her body as the two leaned closer and closer their lips touched. Kaguya's heart was fluttering and couldn't help but admire the taste of ramen from Naruto's lips. Naruto on the other hand was in trance making the kissing session seem to last eternity, but in reality it took 5 seconds.

" Kaguya-hime your lips taste sweet." Naruto said making Kaguya blush even further if its even possible also getting butterflies in her stomach hearing Naruto call her a princess.

" Yours taste like ramen," Kaguya said making Naruto think it was a bad thing then she snapped him off his thoughts and continued, " I love it."

The two watched the night sky and eventually fell into a dreamless slumber with both having huge smiles in their faces. You could also hear giggling from the massive pervert hiding in the bushes.

Amaterasu's Temple Still in Flashback

" Woah little nephew got game! Woohoo! Were definitely going some strip-" Susanoo was cut off when he saw threatening glares from Amaterasu and Minato.

" What did you say? Where are you taking my Sochi?" Amaterasu said in a demonic voice making Minato and Tsukoyomi smirk waiting for his response.

Susanoo gulped, " Well you see what I mean was Naruto-kun and I will be going to err... a nursing home right cause we care for the old mortals."

Amaterasu gave Susanoo a frown and said, " You better. Now Mina-kun did you take the picture of Naruto's first kiss? Well second kiss if you count him kissing a boy accidentally." Minato nodded.

" Woah woah woah. Hold on a second Naruto here kissed a dude is he bi? How does one accidentally kiss a boy actually?" Susanoo said.

Amaterasu was about to speak until Minato beat her to It and said, " First of all he's straight as far as we know and from seeing his past memories he was knocked from behind thus initiating contact with a boy's lips." Susanoo nodded and was about to speak and ask another irrelevant question until Amaterasu glared at him with a don't-you-dare-ask-another-question face.

Tsukoyomi broke the intense glare and cleared his throat and said, " Well I've got to do my duties you know the moon and stuff and sis I think you should stop spying on Naruto-kun I don't think he'll be happy when he finds out don't mention Kaguya too no doubt she'll spawn millions of rabbits in you temple."

" I suppose you're right I'll check every now and then it's just I miss Naruto-kun." Amaterasu said with Minato nodding in agreement. Amaterasu stopped watching Naruto and Kaguya and decided to spend some 'bonding' time with Minato Susanoo knowing what Amaterasu was planing to do left and said he needed to do some 'research' in the sacred hot spring where Shinto gods and goddesses go.

Back to the year timeskip

" Well better go back to Ero-sennin and Kaguya-chan." Naruto thought as he headed back to their tents.

I will add the two year timeskip next chapter as well as the return of Naruto, Kaguya, and Jiraiya to the village.

Please PM me for mistakes and suggestions.