Disclaimer: I don't own the Clone Wars. I also don't own Agnes. She belongs to Kasai1214.


Years pass.

Three girls: a former Jedi, the Head Advisor of Onderon, and a culinary student move into an apartment.

A brother and sister move back in with their parents, and deal with month-long groundings for sneaking out of the house.

The University of Onderon loses game after game after game.

And finally, Lux screws up the courage to ask Ahsoka the most important question he could.

Life is beautiful, until it all goes to hell.

It starts as a series of terrified knocks on Lux and Ahsoka's door.


The couple sits up in bed.

"Lux, did you hear something?"



"Commander Tano, please open up!" a familiar voice begs on the other side of the door. "Please, Ahsoka!"

Ahsoka unlocks the door and pulls it open. Standing in the hallway is clone Captain Rex, clad in civilian clothing and brown eyes terrified.

"Rex? What's wrong?" Ahsoka asks, motioning for him to come inside. "Is everything okay back there?"

"You have to get out of here. They're coming for you!" Rex cries.

"Coming for me? Who?" she demands.

"Clones! My ex-brothers." Tears spring in Rex's eyes. "We got an order that the Jedi had turned on the Republic. Order 66. We were ordered to nexecute them. But I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it…I ran. I deserted. I just couldn't kill those-,"

Ahsoka lunges forward and grabs the front of his shirt. "Is Anakin okay?" she demands.

Rex sobs. "I'm sorry. He-he's gone."

Ahsoka takes a step back. "No."

"You have to run." Rex sobs. "You're like a little sister to me. You were a little sister to all of us. But they're going to hunt you down." He sobs. "You and your husband…everyone. They want all of you."

Lux wraps his arms around Ahsoka and she clutches him like a teddy bear. "It's okay, baby. I'm here."

"No! Not Anakin," Ahsoka sobs. "Anakin's strong! He could take on anybody!"

"There was a Sith Lord," Rex cried. "Named Darth Vader. He…he destroyed General Skywalker."

Lux looks him in the eye. As much as he longs to comfort his wife, the number one thing they need right now is information. "Rex, what is going on?"

"The Republic's been overthrown. In its place is an Empire," Rex sobs. "All the Jedi are gone. All my brothers are murderers. You're the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker. They want you gone. And the rebels are too big a risk for them to leave alive. You have to run."

He pushes them forward.



Onderon will not take the new Empire sitting down. They have weathered Beast Riders, Mandalorians, and two bad kings. They will not let Chancellor, excuse me, Emperor Palpatine stuff this crock of garbage down their throats.

And every system knows, that the people of Onderon do not take garbage well.

The people order King Tandin and the rebel leaders to run for their lives until safety is secured for them. While they sneak out of the city, Steela points to Tally, the young woman who organized the people and her comrades into the square.

"Tally's in charge!" she ordered, her last command to so many of the rebels who would go down fighting the Empire, Tally included.

When they get to their first hiding place, the Nest, they go around making preparations for their stay. Lux does a head count.

Ahsoka, check. His parents, check. Sierra, check. Saw, check. Hutch and Hero, check. King Tandin, check. Steela…

His heart rate speeds up.

Where is Steela?

But his answer comes all too soon, in the form of an agonized scream.

Saw drops everything. "Steela!" he shouts, running off toward his sister.

"Steela?" Tandin roars in his King voice, before finding her doubled over and shaking. He's seen this reaction before; from Ahsoka, after sensing all those lost Jedi.

But why, why is Steela doing this? She's not force-sensitive.

"Steela, what is it?" he queries in a much gentler voice, coming to her side.

"T-this was it." She chokes.

"Sis?" Saw asks.

"T-This is what it was meant for," She clarifies. "The Lazarus Project. This is what we were supposed to smooth over."

Saw's mouth could catch flies.

"I can't believe we didn't see it." Steela continues. "All the Lazaruses. Tarkin said we'd all been killed by a Jedi."

Miraj, "choked" by Anakin Skywalker.

Agnes, "Killed" by a mis-swing of a lightsaber.

The entire Bonteri family, "murdered" in their sleep by a Jedi.

And Steela, accidentally dropped off a cliff by Ahsoka.

"Oh my God!"

Tandin can't stomach the possibility that maybe, just maybe, their mistake in not seeing that similarity in the victims could have cost all those lives.

Instead, he does what he can. He takes Saw in one arm and Steela in another, and comforts them as if they were his own children.


Across a galaxy, Ahsoka weeps bitterly and Lux doesn't know what to do.

Steela sobs, clutching her king. Saw sits numbly in Tandin's other arm, unable to process the new information. And a tear runs down Tandin's cheek, out of sorrow for the people he was forced to leave behind.

Agnes Syndulla knows the same things the others do. It's only that she hears the footsteps of stormtroopers on her doorstep before she can make her escape.

"Agnes Syndulla, open the door in the name of the Galactic Empire!"

Agnes turns and starts to walk, very slowly, toward the door.

"I'm coming."

She undoes the locks, purposely fumbling with the deadbolt.

"Open up now, or we'll kick it down!"

As slowly as possible, she turns the knob and opens the door.


The blaster bolt that flies through the open door doesn't surprise her in the least.

She knew the troopers were going to shoot her. It was only a matter of how long she could stall before they did it.

She doesn't die lying down. As her vision fades from her eyes, Agnes sees one last, triumphant scene play in her mind.

It's the glorious sight of her uncle's ship, the Ghost, taking off into the sky with her cousin Hera at the controls.

As her last act, Agnes clenches her hand into a fist, and holds it over her heart.

She's heard stories of a statue with a fist rising out of her heart. A statue who every night wore chains, and every night broke them.

The galaxy will break its chains. This she knows.

Because if Agnes is the heart of that statue, Hera is the fist.

A/N: Yes, this is the end of the story.

The statue Agnes references in the epilogue is Our Lady of Chains, from "The Secret Life of Bees". That story belongs to Sue Monk Kidd.

I have a lot of "Thank You"s to hand out since this story is now complete.

Thank you to starwarshobbitfics, for discussions on this AU and help with my writing skills.

Thank you to StarwarsRulz, for being such a faithful and insightful reviewer.

Thank you to Kasai1214, for letting me borrow Agnes. I don't know where this story would be without her. (Also, I'm sorry if I broke anyone's feels by killing her :D.)

Thank you to Laugh Until You Obitine, for being the first reviewer.

Thank you to 082 Martian Scout, for a lengthy discussion on Lux's character development.

And lastly, thank you to you, the person reading this! Without you, the reader, what's even the point of putting this story up?

Thank you all for your readership and your appreciation of this AU.

Until next time,

Lux's Sister.