I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm finally back. I will be available to update more stories now as I have finished college for good. Hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter. Unfortunately, It's kinda short.

(Natsu's POV)

Oh shit. Dad's boat was rapidly coming closer to the one we were on and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him get on board. I rushed to turn the boat around, but I was too late. Dad's boat had bashed the side and sent everyone flying to the opposite side.

"Natsu! Whose boat is that?" Lucy shouted, standing at the kitchen door.

"My dad's…" I mumbled.

"What was that?" The aura around Lucy grew darker as she paced towards me.

"It's…my dad's."

"Juvia," Lucy gritted her teeth, "please restrain me from punching Natsu's stupid face."

I could tell Lucy was desperately trying not to go full force. Hehe full force… No Natsu! Now is not the time for one of your hilarious jokes! Dad jumped from his boat to ours and smirked. I glared back.

"So, this is where you went after the party. Not a very good hiding spot son, especially on one of the Dragneel boats with my face on the side of it." He cackled loudly. I grumbled.

"What's so special about Lucy Heartfilia when you already have Lisanna by your side?"

"Dad, I don't have Lisanna by my side. You are such an idiot. She's never looked at me that way and neither have I. It's ridiculous to think that you are this shallow too. When mother was here, you were never this controlling and now it's gotten out of hand. I don't even know why I even call you my dad anymore."

I didn't dare let my dad's eyes leave mine, but I could hear audible gasps from Gray, Lucy and the others. He looked like he was going to scream but that didn't scare me at all. What I feared was Lucy's reaction.

(Lucy's POV)

Did Natsu just say that? I couldn't believe my ears. He just opposed his father and insulted him, knowing well that there wasn't an easy way off this boat. I just knew that this wasn't going to end until I surrendered.

I walked closer to Natsu and leant in to whisper, "Natsu, you should just go back with him."

"What?" He turned to me and his eyes widened with shock. "Luce, are you out of your mind?"

Looking at Mr Dragneel, I replied, "It's just going to get worse if you keep defying him so just go home."

"But what about you?"

"I'll be okay. Don't worry about me." I smiled at him. He frowned at me then leant down and pecked my cheek.

"Not possible" He smiled and then walked towards his dad.

My face felt like it was on fire. I think it was obvious that I liked him at this point. There was no point in hiding or denying it since he was clear with his feelings and after talking with Juvia, I realised that it was unfair on him.

"Okay fine. You want me to come home? I will but on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You leave the Heartfilias alone. I don't want any funny business. No threats, nothing. We clear?"

Mr Dragneel was silent and pondered Natsu's proposal. After what felt like a century, he lightly nodded, "Fine, I'll leave them alone but only if you agree to my condition."

"What's your condition?"

"Promise to never see Lucy again and you'll move to Crocus with me."

(Natsu's POV)

I needed to clear out my ears. Never see Lucy again? How the hell could I agree to that? This was Lucy we were talking about. I thought my condition was for him to leave her alone, not me. Just what was he playing at?

"Dad, I-I can't do that…"

"You want me to leave them alone, you need to keep your end of the bargain."

Holding my fist tightly by my side, I looked at the floor, shaking. I then turned to look over at Lucy, who seemed to be on the verge of tears which almost made me do the same. I saw her coming towards me and I felt her soft hands on my cheeks.

"Natsu, if it's what is going to keep my parents from being threatened, then it might be a while before we can see each other again. I don't want to be separated from you but it's what we must do to avoid the worst possible outcome. It's going to be alright though. He's just one man. He can't scare me. I'm Lucy Heartfilia. I'm not going to give up easily. You know that." She softly kissed my lips then giggled a little bit, tears rolling down her face.

Wiping the tears away with my thumbs, I kissed her back. "Yeah, I do know that. I won't give up that easily either. Not on you and not on us, okay?"

"Yeah. I'll wait for you."

(Lucy's POV)

Half an hour passed and Natsu had all the stuff he brought with him packed. He was about to board his Dad's boat when he suddenly ran towards me and hugged my tightly.

"Don't forget about me."

"Wouldn't dream of it, idiot."

"Good, because I won't let you." He let go and boarded.

The boat set off and everyone waved at him. I waved too but it suddenly hit me that it might be the last time I ever see him. All the memories of our time together came flooding back. Although they weren't the fluffiest of moments, we connected somehow. When he kissed me for the first time, his birthday party, and when I punched him in the face for being a prick. There were good times and times when I felt like giving up, but I never did because I wanted to be near him, even if my brain wasn't registering it at the time.

I felt my legs moving on their own towards the edge of the boat. I grabbed hold of the railings and took a deep breath. If he doesn't hear me, it doesn't matter because I have the confidence to say this out loud.








In the distance, I saw Natsu turning around. I couldn't see his face, but that wasn't important right now.

He heard me.

(Natsu's POV)

My eyes widened, and I quickly spun around. Did I just hear what I thought I heard? I let out a short breath of happiness. I couldn't believe it.

As I was in the middle of witnessing a miracle, Dad stood next to me and interrupted. "Nothing good can come from loving a commoner. I just wanted to make you see the way things really are when you are involved with a family like the Dragneels."

I didn't answer him, and I kept looking at Lucy until she disappeared from my view.

She said she loves me.

We feel the same.