Becca stared out the window at the clouds, her hands submerged in dishwater. Somewhere out there was Steve and rest of the Avengers. Apparently, an alien being had stolen these six ultra powerful Infinity Stones, including the one which had powered Vision. The team was following a lead. She hadn't questioned what little she had been told. Over the years, Becca had learned that it was better not to ask until whatever mission Steve had undertaken was complete. She worried less that way.

This time was different though. A lot of people were already dead. Steve had sounded concerned when she last spoke to him, and that made her anxious. Becca chewed her bottom lip. He would be okay. The whole Avengers team was with him, including Bucky. If nothing else, those two would protect each other.

With the dishes complete, Becca drained the water from the sink. She rinsed off her hands before slipping her engagement and wedding rings back on. It would be three months this upcoming Thursday since she had married Steve. The excitement was going to wear off eventually, but she still got a bit of a thrill whenever she had to sign her new name or heard the paparazzi call "Mrs. Rogers!" Married life was agreeing with her. Not that married life had been much different than her life before the wedding. She continued to work as a lead copywriter, a promotion granted last year, and volunteer with Narcotics Anonymous. Steve went out on missions and trained with the Avengers as their leader. When he came home, they spent as much time together as possible. Life was great.

But when Becca saw a blue glow out of the corner of her eye, she felt as though something had just gone very wrong. The glow came from the living room behind her, accompanied by a faint humming, sucking noise. She was overcome with the feeling of déjà vu and with it a sense of prickling unease. Carefully, she moved across the kitchen without turning her head. From beneath a stack of dishtowels in one of the drawers, she pulled out a handgun.

In one smooth movement, Becca clicked the safety off and whirled around to face… nothing but blue light. The light was spreading outwards in a circle and in the center something was growing. What the fuck? But although she was confused, the sense of déjà vu increased. Becca got the sinking feeling it was the same light she'd seen above Stark Tower the day of the alien invasion.

As she debated whether to attempt skirting the light to reach the front door, her phone went off. The sound spurred her to make a decision. Becca ran around the glow, noticing that what had grown in the center was a view of stone pillars and stars. The timing of her phone ringing seemed too coincidental to be ignored. Keeping the gun held out, she took out her phone and glanced at the display. Steve was calling. She answered while jamming her feet into sneakers.

"Steve –"

"Are you all right?" Steve sounded so concerned that on instinct Becca almost reassured him.

"There's a portal opening in our living room." A figure appeared in the opening. The being had purple skin and wore armor. A gauntlet on his right hand drew her attention because of the six glowing stones embedded in the metal. Becca unlocked and yanked open the front door. "There's an alien. I think he's the one you've been looking for."

"Don't engage him," Steve instructed, alarm straining his voice. "Get out of there."

Becca was about to sprint through the door, when a flash of yellow light shot through the portal and hit her. Suddenly, she had no desire to run whatsoever.

The being smirked and in a low voice said, "Tell your Avengers that I have a message for them."

Obediently, Becca relayed, "He has a message for the Avengers. Can you put me on speaker?"

Steve inhaled sharply. "Tony, can you make it so everyone can hear this?" After a moment, she heard a click. "All right. We're listening."

As the being spoke to her, Becca repeated his words. "The time for distractions had ended. Six of those precious to you have been taken: Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, Gideon Wilson, Amelia Barton, Clea Strange, and now Rebecca Rogers. Best me in battle or they will perish."

Thanos gave a single nod of satisfaction. "That is all. Put away your device."

"That's it. Goodbye."

A number of voices clamored over each other, questioning where to go, wanting to know more. Steve called her name. Becca hung up and tucked the phone into her pocket. She set down the gun and followed Thanos when he beckoned, crossing through the portal.

A day passed, in which Thanos destroyed a great number of people. Becca did not flinch at the death toll. She did not care, nor did the five others Thanos had taken. Under the influence of the stones, they sat passive and silent in the space stronghold.

In a burst of blue light, they appeared alongside Thanos in the middle of a street. Car littered the concrete, their occupants gone or dead. There were people though, some running, others stunned. The Avengers and other allies attempted to shepherd the civilians away, to create order out of the chaos. Thanos had drawn them here, back to New York. It seemed he had chosen the battle ground where Loki had failed. Maybe that was the point.

The Avengers and allies gathered slowly, cautious about a trap. Becca knew some of them personally, others were only familiar faces. There were a few beings she didn't recognize at all, including what appeared to be a raccoon holding a massive gun. She felt nothing when Steve looked at her, his body language displaying a mix of relief and anxiety.

"I notice that my daughter Gamora is not among you," said Thanos, as his eyes slid over the group.

"She said she couldn't stand to look at your face again," replied a man in a red leather coat. "Can't blame her. That's a lot of ugly for –"

Steve held up a hand and talked over him. "We're here like you wanted, but this isn't their fight." He nodded towards the hostages. "Let them go."

"If you can reach them," grumbled Thanos, "they will be free."

During the ensuing battle, a few of the heroes went down. Some got up. Some didn't. Blood streaked the ground, and black marks appeared where various powers scorched metal and concrete alike. Gamora appeared with a small group, which appeared to catch Thanos slightly off guard.

Enough that Becca was suddenly free. She swayed, hunger and the lack of sleep making her dizzy. Blood rushed through her ears, pounding over the sound of battle around her. This fight might be more like toying – since Thanos had displayed the ability to kill in an instant – but her freedom had proven that he could be distracted.

That was why Becca made the split second decision to leap at him. All she needed was to give the heroes an extra second. Besides, she was at just the right angle to make a dive for the gauntlet.

Whether the other hostages did the same or chose to run, she would never know because Thanos caught the movement. Becca lost control of her body with the tips of her fingers almost touching the gauntlet. She froze as still as a statue. The gauntlet lifted from her vision and landed on her shoulder, warm and heavy.

"Wait!" shouted Steve.

Becca wasn't sure if the instruction was meant for Thanos or the others as well, but the heroes' attacks did stop. In the corner of her eye, she could see Thanos grin.

"I shall make you an offer. Turn your back on your petty team and fight against them." The orange stone brightened. "Or I do to your Rebecca what has been done to you."

The gauntlet lifted. Becca tried to step away and found herself freed. She staggered back. An orange glow had formed around her, although she could not yet feel any effect.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"She will be lost in time." Becca glanced up, her gaze flitting from Thanos to land on Steve. "For the rest of her short life."

Becca had a second to read the dismay in Steve's eyes before she felt a pull on her chest, as though she was wearing a harness that someone yanked without warning.

Then, she blinked, and everything changed.

Author's Note:

That's right. Time travel! I'm quite excited even if Becca and Steve aren't.

I will be attempting to make this fic historically accurate. I'm no history buff however, so apologies to those who are if I make some mistakes. Also, as a heads up, this may include using terms/ideas that are offensive by today's standards but appropriate to the time period.

The rating may go up, but for now it's T.

Hopefully, I'll have time to write a full chapter by next week, but it'll really depend on my schedule. See you soon, lovelies.