Hello! StarrGazzer19 here! This is my first ever fanfiction sooooo…..yeah I hope you guys R&R or whatever that means XD yeah…. As you guys can tell I'm new to this whole stuff but I hope you guys like this

This is a Flaminn story! Yup I'm a HUGE fan and there are some stories that are mentioned here (dance with me by Righteous-Flame and Tier 3: Defying Nature by momoxtoshiro) if you haven't read their one shots I recommend reading them it's so cute.

italic and bold words are toughts :)

Ssooooo that's all for now I hope you guys enjoy reading….. ON WITH THE STORY!

Disclaimer: I do not own A. T. or any of the characters I just own the plot of the story.

CHAPTER ONE: The Invitation

Normal POV

It was a regular day at the fire kingdom with its ruler Flame Princess. Things were just the same for the young king & her pastry knight.


"A letter for your highness", said one of the guards

"Hmmm… I wonder what it is." Flame Princess thought as she went down her throne & took the letter. It was two invitations, one for her and for Cinnamon Bun. Invitations to the New Years Masquerade Ball.

"Hey CB?" said the young king

"Yes your highness?" the knight replied

"I know what a ball is but, can you explain the New Year and masquerade part please?" she questioned, since she spent 13 years in her lantern without knowledge about these things.

"Certainly" as Cinnamon Bun slowly understood the concept, "Well New Year is a holiday on which everyone stays awake at the last day of an old year to celebrate an upcoming year, & "masquerade" is a mask party."

"Oh I see… well will you be my companion at the event?" Flame Princess asked

"I wish I could your majesty, but I'm taking Lumpy Space Princess if you don't mind?" asked the now "fully baked" pastry

"Oh! That's no problem at all; I can't wait to meet her." "Well if this is a ball, who am I going with?" her thoughts were running as the king went to her room to prepare & find a mask and ball gown.


"JAKE!" the young adventurer yelled

"What?!" the magical dog replied


"Ugh… HOLD ON I'M COMING!" Jake said as he tripped & tumbled on the way to the front door.

"FINN, DUDE WE NEED TO FIX THE STAIRS!" Jake screamed as he opened the door.

"Letter for Finn, Jake, and Beemo." A small candy citizen said

"oh thanks!" Jake said grabbing the letter and closing the door.

"FIIIINNNN! WE'VE BEEN INVITED!" Jake screamed again

"Invited to what?" Finn Just took a bath so he has a towel wrapped around his waist and he was dripping wet.

"To the New Years Masquerade Ball" Jake answered back quickly "Sooo… Who are you going to bring?" Jake added with a smirk on his face.

"W-wel-l I-i- uuummmmm…"

Whatcha think?

Hahahahahaha I love cliffies brings the curiousness XD

Who do you think Finn will bring? Find out on the next chapter!

R&R guys!
