So I wasn't sure how to start Ch. 12, but I am LOVING the way it turned out :) I really hope you guys do too!


Spitfire303- Thank you and I completely agree! We really need to support other potential writers :) A lot of people are afraid to write because they won't be that good, but you'd be surprised!

Guest- Hi Kajamba :) Such an interesting name! I love it. Thanks and you'll see that she's already causing some trouble in this chapter :) Aww, I just understand how it feels to read a story and then the author just stops! It's like AAAHHH! haha

Caskett93- Thanks and yes, I found the chapter thanks to you guys! I really appreciate it :)

Lina- Hahaha yeah Hannah will be causing all sorts of trouble :) Hahaha yay! You won't kill me! That story is just amazing isn't it? I love that author!Thanks for the support!

Raquel- Hahaha oh I love your dramatic writing! Thank you and I did :) I hope you feel better! Hahaha don't you just love Eddie? It's impossible to hate the guy! I know, I was pissed when he died! I think a vasectomy would be a lot less dramatic. YES WATCH HIMYM! The finale sucks but if you're prepared for that, then it's really a fantastic show

Awesomeness2502- It's called "Knowing the Flows of Time" and it really is beautiful, funny, and heartbreaking! I loved it! Thanks for the continuous support! You guys are too sweet

ArabianForest- hahaha oops...sorry :) Fret not, here it is and it's another long one!

Sharanya Sridhar- AAH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (X500)! That has to be one of the sweetest compliments I've ever heard! Does wattpad have a Flash community?

Guest/Anon- HI BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S GIRL! HAAHA or Marge 1) The idea of Hannah Bates just kind of came to me haha and I knew it would be fun to write! 2)The Blacklist is AMAZING! But yeah, I'm on the same boat with the whole work and studying thing! Stitchers is pretty good :) It's on ABC family 3)Hercules is such a great movie for any age! Those goddesses have great voices. It really gets you into the whole greek mythology thing!

Anon/Guest- SNOWBARRY NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN SEASON 2 OR ELSE I'LL DIE! Haha not really but I'll be really sad if they cut out potential SB moments! I really really really hope Patty is not a character that stays as a love interest for long. Hahahaha keep the guesses coming about Hannah, I love it! Thanks for the support :)

df7t- It's called "Knowing the Flows of Time" and it's a great fic! Aww I love you too :D Thank you so much! You're a sweetheart and I really appreciate all the kind words!

deliriouz2468- I read yellow post it notes and that is such a great story!

wheresmymadmaninanbox- Hahaha oh, you'll definitely see hannah more often ;) Hahaha yeah, Reese loves her animals! Barry is just a stupid head that doesn't understand anything about himself or his emotions -_- Just like in the show! Hahaha oh, I'm sure there will be some shouting coming up later on! Until next time :)

Emanuela- Ahh! Thank you! I don't have a Beta reader or anything like that so I hope my writing is up to par :) Hahahaha wow! 2 hours is a lot! And the fact that it's for my story is so touching! Thank you so much and I hope you like this chapter!

snnowfrostt- Hahaha it's okay, I found it! Haha yeah, I want to progress the relationship and feelings between Barry and Cait, not just spring it on without some type of build up! There's definitely an uphill battle going on here :) Hahha yes, for the better...eventually ;) Hahahah you are so good at foreshadowing what's going to happen! With every chapter you are usually on point! Hahaha great minds think alike I guess ;) :) Hahah no I've never seen prison break! I actually started watching Orange is the New Black because so many people talk about it and It is really funny but really dirty at the same time! It's a good show,though :)

Flash Frost- Hahahah sorrry for the wait, here is the next chapter though! It's long so I hope that makes up for my tardiness! There will be a plethora of Barry and Cait as it reaches the climax, but the train is definitely chugging! Oh, Hannah will have her time in the spotlight in the near future, so stay tuned :) Hahaha no thank you for reading this story! I love the support!

raventwilight123- THANK YOU! You were the first one to tell me the name of the story I was looking for and I found it and I read it and it's just amazing! Hahaha thank you for the quick response! :)

SnowBarryFitzSimmons- Don't worry, I'm with this story until the end! I promise I won't leave it hanging :) Yellow Post it Notes is a great story! I think by the same author as the story I was looking for! Thanks for the support :)

Ch 12

~Caitlin's POV~

My ears alternate between pounding and throbbing. The music; it's too loud.

Where am I?

His face is blurring in and out of focus, making it hard to concentrate. From what I can distinguish, he looks mad.

No..maybe that's too strong of a word. More like..

"Barry Allen, are you jealous?" I question.

I feel my face break out into a smile and watch his expression change from that of envy to one resembling a deer in the headlights.

"No," he argues defensively.

Yup, he's jealous alright.

"That's not the point! You're not in a state to be doing this stuff. You need to go home" he concludes.

What stuff is he talking about?

This confusion reminds me of the many times I would change the TV channel and catch a show right in the middle of the plot line. You don't know what's going on or how events led to this point, but all you can do is try to reach the end while gathering pieces of the story along the way.

I try to remember what occurred before this moment, but my mind hits a brick wall and, suddenly, I'm in another setting.

The music is gone along with the ringing in my ears, replaced by a serene atmosphere.

My mind feels heavy and from what I can make sense of, we're in my apartment.

"Barry?" I ask gently, looking up at him from the mirror, "can you help me?"

My voice sounds strange, almost foreign. My ears feel like they're underwater.

I fight the haziness pushing its way in and watch the way Barry silently moves behind me. My eyes stay trained on him as he delicately wraps his fingers around my hair and slowly sweeps the auburn locks over one shoulder.

His knuckles brush over my clavicle, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake.

Then his fingers return to the base of my neck as they unclasp the necklace adorning my body and drag it forward, sending sparks to every nerve cell.

I fight the urge to close my eyes at the contact and release a small sigh.

The tips of my fingers skim his as I enclose the piece of jewelry in my hand and it's not until emerald orbs collide with my caramel gaze that I realize I've been staring at his reflection this entire time.

But I realize it now, and the second his eyes meet mine, everything around me begins to shift on its axis.

The emotion hidden beneath his eyes is something too strong to look away from. The feeling it creates in my soul is one that would be cruel to withhold.

I feel peacefully relaxed and overwhelmingly anxious all at once; breathtakingly scared and blindingly confident. A plethora of adverbs wrapped up in one confusing yet simple paradox, all leaving one resounding perception: wholeness.


The sound startles me awake as I am harshly ripped out of my dream and thrown into the real world. It's been quite a while since a kiss or gentle word woke me from my slumber. I've grown all too accustomed to the familiar beeping that has been my only condolence since the days of those distant memories.

My hand fumbles for the alarm and once I feel the metal object, I viciously slam the palm of my hand down repeatedly until the blaring ceases.

That stupid alarm has sapped every wisp of the peaceful ambience that settled in the room, and all I want to do is throw the covers over my head and forget about the troubles waiting outside my door.

Maybe revisit the dreams that have recently orbited around the central theme of Barry Allen and pretend they are real.

Because they feel so undeniably real; the emotions they elicit so painfully genuine, that I just want to slip back into fantasies that seem more like memories and allow my thoughts, uninhibited by ethical restraint or consideration for others, to explore the depths of my deepest desires.

Oh, the dreams you can dream as long as they remain unchecked by reason, I think to myself as I fling my arms over my head and knot my fingers together.

Because reason would tell me that I should be moving on from Barry. Then it would sternly remind me that he belongs to Iris.

But in my dreams, he realizes that his hope for Iris has long since eluded him. He discovers the unrestrained power of letting her go and moving on to new dreams that have not disintegrated in his grasp.

Reason would also point out that he is incapable of seeing me past the pretenses of a polished, professional doctor and loyal friend.

My dreams tell a different story, however, as he no longer appraises me with amicable eyes, but rather with the lust and passion of a man practically bursting with want. Just last week a dream like this transpired...

Barry had taken me home like the gentleman he is. Even in my dreams, he is a gentleman through and through. He helped me take off my dress, but the way his hands brushed against my body, he was definitely savoring the moment. Then I watched as he sucked in a small gasp and his eyes darkened as they trailed over me in a way I never thought they could. I saw the desire and lust that I never could imagine being correlated with me in real life. The sensation that buzzed through me when his eyes met mine and I saw the raw hunger embedded in his enlarged orbs almost sent me over the edge. That delusion was so vivid, I woke up nearly clawing the sheets and blushing madly.

My fantasies even try to conjure up the possibility of a platonic love with various scenarios of us together despite the fact that Iris and Asher are still in the picture.

But reason is once again sovereign as it emphasizes the notion that platonic love is nothing more than an inactive volcano.

Even my dreams could not argue with that sentiment: A few nights ago Barry once again played an active role in my nightly illusions, staying the night and holding me close like he was shielding me from the outside world. I swear I could almost feel the heat radiating from his body and breath on my neck; hear the strong and sure beat of his heart underneath my ear. I woke up that night elated, only to come crashing down with the realization that apart from the pillow beside me, I was completely alone in a cold and empty bed.

No, platonic love is not a possibility. Real emotions take over too quickly.

My hands had lingered near his skin longer than usual that day as I was checking over his cuts and bruises. I just wanted to bask in the heat coming from his body; brush my fingers over his chest to feel the pulsing heartbeat that sounded so real in the beautiful nightmare I call a dream.

The recurring dreams of Barry over the past week or so have become more and more lucid. Sometimes I'm almost convinced that they really happened. There's no way a dream could elicit such strong emotions without having at least some semblance of validity to it.

But every time that thought crosses my mind, surprise surprise, reason makes her appearance and forces me to think logically: I ate something strange for dinner. They're just symptoms from moving on. I want these dreams to happen so badly that I'm inclined to attach emotional feelings in order to make them more authentic.

This morning I have an overwhelming desire, an unquenchable need for these fantasies to be true. The way these dreams toy with my emotions make it that much more painful to discern them as a false reality. Sometimes I just want to pretend like they aren't.

Reason be damned.

I shut my eyes and try to remember the fading sense of wholeness that I was able to capture in my dream before being so rudely awakened by the alarm.

~Cisco's POV~

Why isn't Caitlin picking up her phone!?

And where the hell is Barry!?

I pace back and forth across the cortex so fast I'm probably creating a draft.

This is bad. This is really, really bad.

Should I just bite the bullet and tell Dr. Wells?

He would kill me. I know he would kill me. The first time this happened, he was furious. I was careful after that, always making sure it was locked up and keeping the key next to me at all times.

But the one time, one time I forget the key on my desk and this happens.

This isn't completely my fault because, who would have guessed this could happen?

But I created it in the first place so whatever damage is done with it, I am partly to blame.

How could she do this?

A part of me feels betrayed, but I can't focus on that right now. There are bigger issues that need to be addressed.

And telling Dr. Wells is one of them.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I ask myself, pausing to press my head against the wall.

"Well, Cisco, I'm not an expert on karma, but I do believe the proclamation that 'everything happens for a reason' " he says with a joking sparkle in his eye.

I feel like David as my heart drops and my stomach turns as I quickly turn around to face Goliath.

He sees the worry and fear etched across my face and his smile disappears.

"Cisco, what's wrong?" he demands, more in an assertive statement than an actual question.

Well, it's now or never.

"Dr. Wells," I begin nervously, my lips feeling dry, "we have a problem".

He motions for me to continue, but my mouth fails me and I have to keep swallowing back the lump in my throat.

"Cisco, just tell me. I'm sure whatever the problem is, we can figure it out," he says impatiently.

I take a deep breath and then it happens.

Word vomit.

"I was so tired yesterday, Dr. Wells. I completely forgot about it. This morning I came in and it wasn't in the same spot so I went down to the weapons locker and the door was open and I know I always keep it locked, but then I remembered that it wasn't in the same spot that I left it yesterday, you know what I mean?" I begin pacing again as I continue, " So then I panicked because I just installed a new security system so only someone with access would be able to even get inside STAR labs after dark. So only someone with access would have been able to move it from my desk and open the weapons locker, you know what I mean? And the weapons locker was open so someone with access would be the only one to go in there. And I went in the locker and I looked around and Dr. Wells, IT'S MISSING! IT'S GONE! And so I freaked out even more and I looked at the security footage and you were right Dr. Wells! You were right from the beginning and we should have listened to you but we thought we were doing the right thing! I'm so sorry Dr. Wells, I know you're furious, but I promise you I'm going to do whatever it takes to get it back and I promise that we'll listen to you completely from here on out because you were right! We were completely fooled and I'm sorry!"

I flop down in the chair by the computers and take another breath.

I cringe as Dr. Wells begins to speak. Here it comes, I think.

The explosion.

"Cisco.." he says carefully, "I don't understand what exactly is going on or what you are talking about, but I just want you to know that Tourette syndrome is a common disorder and if you need to talk to Caitlin about medications or psychological treatments, you can take all the time you need off of work in order to -"

"What!?" I proclaim. I was crystal clear when I described what happened.

"I don't have Tourettes! Or any psychological disorder!" I exclaim.

Dr. Wells pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Then what in God's name are you talking about?" he questions with exasperation.

"This!" I say, throwing my hands up and playing the security footage.

I swallow nervously and try to gauge his expression as he watches the footage, but he is a master of his trade, keeping a complete poker face the entire time.

He remains quiet as I stop the clip and knot my fingers together anxiously.

"You've checked the entire building and you're sure it's missing?" he asks quietly.

I nod my head. "I've looked everywhere. It's nowhere to be found".

Dr. Wells sighs and removes his glasses. "Get the rest of the team down here, now. We've got a problem".

~Reese's POV~

"Here you go, Reese's pieces," Iris says sweetly as she hands me the blueberry muffin.

"Thanks," I smile and reach into my pocket to hand her the money, but she waves me off.

"Don't worry about it. But when you get back to STAR labs, tell Barry he owes me a lunch date. He ditched me last time," she says with a laugh.

Hmm…that's interesting.

"Yeah, sure thing!" I say, knowing full well that it will 'slip my mind' later on.

Sorry, Iris. But you can't be dating Eddie and stringing Barry along at the same time, I think to myself.

I walk outside of Jitters and pull my trench coat closer to my body. This warm muffin is perfect for a cold and overcast day. My stomach grumbles in assent.

I peel back the wrapping as I begin walking down the street, allowing the delicious smell to waft into my nostrils.

My stomach growls again and I lick my lips, opening my mouth to take the first bite..

Without warning, everything around me blurs and the wind is knocked out of my body.

I struggle to inhale oxygen as I look for the source of the problem.

I relax when I spot the green eyes and tousled brown hair I have come to recognize as Barry Allen. Then the slight irritation sets in and I yell over the whooshing wind, "You know, a phone call or text is another great way to get ahold of me without scaring me half to death!"

He doesn't respond and only then do I notice the way his mouth is set in a firm line and his eyes remain hard, refusing to meet mine.

Before I can ask him what's wrong, the whooshing and outside noise ceases and we've stopped moving.

I rub my eyes and begin walking forward. "I don't understand why you always feel the need to carry me places when I'm perfectly capable of-"


I'm thrown backwards onto the floor and the corner of my forehead suddenly begins to throb.

What did I just hit?

I press my hand against my forehead as I look around, finally noticing that I'm in an octagon-shaped metal chamber. And it's not very big.

The scuff mark on the wall informs me that my head has already met the glass door in front of me.

"Hey, what's all this about? Why am I in here?" I ask, looking at the STAR labs team on the other side of the glass.

Caitlin has her hands on her hips and is looking at me like a disappointed mother. Cisco and Barry both have their arms crossed and look like a mix between mad, hurt, and worried. Dr. Wells is just staring daggers at me.

What the heck?

"Just tell us where it is, Reese. Don't make this harder on yourself," says Cisco.

"I don't even know what you're talking about. Can you let me out of here now?" I ask with a hint of annoyance.

"Reese," Caitlin sighs, "we saw you on the footage. You can't lie to us anymore. A lot of people could get hurt if you don't tell us where you hid it".

The way they are all looking at me. Like I'm some lying thief.

"Caitlin, I DON'T KNOW what you're talking about! I'm not lying or hiding anything, so can you let me out now?" I say, my annoyance becoming more apparent.

"So you're saying you 'don't know' where Golden Glider's gun is?" Dr. Wells asks, every syllable brimming with disbelief and sarcasm.

I throw my arms up in exasperation. "Who the heck is Golden Glider!?"

"Answer the question," he counters, refusing to answer mine.

I feel like I'm being interrogated and deemed guilty for something I didn't even do.

Now my patience is wearing thin.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "No, I don't know where the gun is. I don't know what it does or why you think I took it, and I don't even know who Golden Glider is!"

"Cisco," Dr. Wells says, eyes not leaving mine, "show her the footage. Maybe once she realizes she's been caught, she'll start singing a different tune".

I bare my teeth at him.

"I doubt it," I grind out.

Betrayal is inscribed all over Cisco's face as he walks to the glass door and presses play on the laptop in his hands.

I watch the security footage begin to roll and furrow my eyebrows when I see myself appear on screen. I tilt my head as I watch myself, or someone who looks like me, wander around the cortex before spotting a key on the computer desk. My lookalike then grabs it and begins heading out towards the hallway. The footage cuts to the empty weapons locker and,after a few seconds, my silhouette appears in the doorway. I watch in disbelief as my carbon copy unlocks the locker and steps inside. A minute or two later, she appears again with a black case in hand and a smirk on her face. She then strolls out of the lab and the footage ends..


That's the only word bouncing around my mind.

I'm being framed!

"Now that you saw the incriminating evidence, what do you have to say for yourself?" Dr. Wells pipes up.

I look up at them. Can't they see I'm being framed?

"It's not me," I say simply.

Dr. Wells has the audacity to chuckle and I automatically glare at him.

"So now you're saying that's not you? Forgive me, apart from your deceased sister, do you have an identical twin?"

My fists clench and I give Dr. Wells the dirtiest stare I can muster. "I know that girl looks like me, but that's not me! I wasn't even here last night! She's framing me."

Cisco shakes his head. "There's only one way you can get into STAR Labs at night. And that's with the access system I personally installed-"

"Well, maybe she found out my access code and- "

"Reese, it scans your thumbprint and pupil. Those are unique traits that no one else in the entire world has. The only person that could have accessed the lab is you," he says quietly.

I throw my arms out. "Search me, then. Check my house, check the shelter, check anything you want! You won't find a gun. Why would I have any use for that thing in the first place? I don't even know what it does!"

"The gun shoots super compressed molten gold that freezes and critically injures or kills anyone it touches," Caitlin says, "that's why we need to put it back where it belongs.. before anyone gets hurt".

Barry speaks up for the first time, "I've already checked all the places it could be. And I couldn't find it," he mumbles.

"Because I don't have it! Now can you guys please let me out so we can figure out who really took the gun and straighten this mess out?" I plead.

"I'm afraid you're not going anywhere," Dr. Wells says sternly.

And with that statement, my patience is completely gone.

"WHY NOT!" I demand.

"We really want to believe you, Reese-" Caitlin begins.

"-but we can't let you out of there until we know for sure that you're telling the truth" Cisco finishes.

"And where exactly is 'there'?! What am I in?" I exclaim.

Dr. Wells moves closer to the glass and I can almost swear he's gloating.

"You're in the pipeline of the particle accelerator".

I freeze at his words and meet everyone's gaze, horror imprinted in my expression.

Caitlin, Cisco, and especially Barry, have the decency to look away.

"You put me in the thing that KILLED MY SISTER!? HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR MINDS!?" I yell at them, pounding on the glass.

"Unless there is reasonable doubt that you stole Golden Glider's gun, then there's no other option," Wells says, feigning sympathy.

I know without 'doubt' that he's the one who suggested putting me in here.


It took me months after Rilee's death to shake off the night terrors that constantly plagued me. To lock me in the thing that's been responsible for keeping me awake at night? No one would be that cruel.

The desperation is mirrored in Caitlin's eyes as she turns to Dr. Wells. "Maybe we can just keep her in the treadmill room until we figure this out. Her ability really isn't one that needs to be contained to such an extreme length".

"Not until she tells us where the gun is," Dr. Wells says sharply.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I scream at him, turning to the other three, "You HAVE to believe me!" I pound on the glass as tears begin to blur my vision.

The pain on their faces as they regard me is evident. They want to help. They just don't know how.

Barry's shoulders are pushed back and he's leaning forward, practically dying to take me out of this thing. But with Dr. Wells here, I know that won't happen.

"Maybe watch the video just one more time, Reese," Cisco tries to help, "you might be able to spot something out of the ordinary that could help us find out what's going on".

I nod hopelessly and wipe my eyes as he brings the laptop to the glass and replays the surveillance video.

Nothing, I think miserably as I watch myself on tape.

I don't see anything that could clear me of these accusations. I'm wearing the same STAR labs shirt, my hair's in the same style, you can see the stain on my sleeve from spilling hot chocolate.

It looks like me inside and out.

Right down to the missing shoe on my left foot..

A jolt runs through me and suddenly I'm pressing my face to the glass.


"That's it! I knew I was innocent! It all makes sense now!" I declare, pushing my entire body up against the glass door.

A spark of hope electrifies the trio as they wait for me to explain.

"Look at my left foot! Do you see that?"

Everyone looks closely at the grainy footage.

"Your shoe is missing," Barry states.

"YES! Exactly! Yesterday I did lose my shoe, but only for a few minutes".

I recount what happened at the shelter yesterday afternoon with Smokey and the strange lady that found him.

"She seemed intrigued about the fact that I came to STAR labs often and on top of that, when she shook my hand, I felt this weird tingling and my whole body shivered. At the time, I didn't think anything of it, but what if she's a metahuman too?" I suggest excitedly.

Cisco begins typing like crazy on his laptop. "What was her name?"

I cross my arms and begin to smile. This finally makes sense!

"She lied to me! She said her name was Stephanie, but she dropped her license and I saw her real name. It's Hannah Baile Bates," I recite.

"Guys, check this out!" Cisco calls. "Hannah Bates has a minor record of store theft and disorderly conduct. But listen to this: Jonathan Bates is serving a 23 month term at Iron Heights for stealing over $250,000 worth of jewelry. He was caught on camera committing the act, but claims he is innocent and was framed by his wife, Hannah Bates!"

"So Hannah Bates is a shapeshifter then," Dr. Wells muses.

"I TOLD YOU I WAS INNOCENT!" I howl at them.

I hear a hissing noise, then watch as the glass door begins opening.

Caitlin rushes forward and envelops me in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Reese! We should have believed you".

You think?

Now that I'm free, the idea that they were actually going to lock me in there resurfaces and I frown deeply at them.

Now it's my turn to feel betrayed, hurt, and disappointed. I take a breath and shake my head.

"You know, not every metahuman is bad and out to manipulate their abilities,"

I look at Barry, "I thought you of all people would understand that. I told you everything about my life, I didn't give you any reason to doubt me. I put my trust and faith in you, and today you failed me".

I turn my head to Cisco and sigh, "You know more about my goals and ambitions than anybody. Why didn't you stop and wonder why I would do something that evil and dangerous? You know that's not the person I am. I've always admired the way you so strongly and concretely believe in things that seem farfetched or unrealistic. But despite that, you didn't believe me when I told you something that seemed just as impractical" .

I bite my lip and look at Catilin, "You understand the feeling of loss and pain just as acutely as I do. You knew the circumstances of my sister's death. You probably guessed, or have even experienced, the trauma that night caused. Why you would stand by while they put me in that nightmare of a cage is beyond me".

I stand a little taller and look at all three of them, "I thought you guys were my friends. But friends don't put the noose around their other friend's neck. They fight and fight to prove their friend is innocent despite the evidence".

Finally, I address to Dr. Wells.

"I know how disappointed you are to learn that I'm not in fact who you thought I was. I'm aware that you've been itching to put me in the pipeline since the minute you met me, even before. But I thought by now you might have changed your mind even slightly. I expect nothing from you, Dr. Wells, and I'm still let down".

I cross my arms and run my hand through my hair.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at any of you. Really, I'm not. I guess you could say I'm just…disappointed," I finish.

I take one more deep breath.

"Now if you'll excuse me," I announce, walking past them and towards the entrance, "I'd like to enjoy what's left of my birthday alone".

Okay, I guess that last part was a bit of poorly concealed annoyance.

But it's my birthday; I can whine if I want to.

So, there are a few major developments/reveals in this chapter: 1) Caitlin begins having dreams of that night! This can lead to some interesting things ;) 2) Hannah Bates has been busy, so we'll see what she's up to later on but I promise, she's going to make another appearance ;) 3) We see Reese in a different way. She's not a happy go lucky young girl right now. She's hurt that people she looked up to would accuse her of such heavy crimes! Yeah, the end is a little sad! Haha keep up the wonderful reviews my friends :) I want to pinch every single one of your cheeks!