Welcome to the first of Fairy Tail's Disney Parody Series, this story based on Aladdin! Romeo Conbolt was your regular street rat on the run from the law until he discovers a dragon scale that contains a genie that can grant him three wishes. With the genie's help, he aims to win the heart of the lovely Princess Wendy Marvell, but must beware when the evil sorcerer Brain makes his move. (Romeo x Wendy)

DISCLAIMER: All rights belong to Hiro Mashima, A-1 Pictures, Bridge, and Disney. I own nothing.

Our story begins in a desert, as we see a short old man with thick light-brown eyebrows and a small toothbrush-sized mustache wearing a brown long-sleeved shirt, white pants, and a black three-spiked hat. He rode a horse on his way to a certain city.

Old Man: Oh, I come from a land
From a faraway place
Where the caravan horses roam

Where it's flat and immense,
And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but, hey, it's home.

When the winds from the east
And the suns from the west
And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down, stop on by
Hop a dragon and fly
To another Magnolian night!

Magnolian nights, like Magnolian days!
More often than not are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways!

The old man on the horse now rode into the city.

Magnolian nights
Neath Magnolian moons,
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes.

As the old man rode into a dark street, the horse collapsed from exhaustion and the old man hopped off.

"Ah, hello, and good evening to you, my friends," the old man introduced. "Please, please come closer." The camera took him literally and zoomed in close, crushing his face. "Too close! A little too close!" he cried, and the camera pulled back.

"That's better," the old man smiled. "Ahem. My name is Yajima of Hargeon Town, and I welcome you to Magnolia. A city of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this side of Fiore, on sale today! Come on down!"

He quickly whipped out a kiosk and went behind the counter.

"Take a look at this," Yajima said, as he pulled out a strange-looking device. "This is the newest product: a combination hookah and coffee maker. It also makes really good 8-Island's French Fries! And I assure you, it will not break!" He tapped it against the counter, "Will not…" But then it fell apart, and Yajima shrugged, "Well, what do you know. It broke."

He tossed it away, but then pulled out a Tupperware container and said, "Oh, my. I have never seen one of these intact before. This is the famous Worthwood Sea Tupperware. Listen." Yajima opened the lid slightly and blew a raspberry. "Still good," he remarked.

The camera began to move away, but Yajima stopped it and said, "Wait, wait! Don't go! I can see you have an eye for the exceptionally rare. Perhaps you might be interested in this." He pulled out a dragon scale and continued, "Do not be fooled by its common appearance. As they say, it's not what's on the outside, but what's inside that counts."

The camera began to move away again, but Yajima stopped it again, "This is no ordinary dragon scale! It once changed the course of a young boy's life. A young boy who liked this lamp was more than what he seemed." He glanced left and right, before he whispered, "A Rainbow Fire in the Rough." He smiled, "Would you like to hear the tale?"

Yajima scratched the dragon scale, making silver dust fall into his hand. He continued, "It begins on a dark night..." He tossed the silver dust into the air, forming stars in the sky, "…where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose."

Out in the desert, we see a man sitting on a horse. He had long silver hair, cold brown eyes, and dark skin. His face had markings shaping straight black lines on his cheeks. He was wearing a white trench coat with a long cape and a collar resembling fur, black pants, and black boots. His name was Brain.

At that moment, three other horses rode up. Whoever was riding the horses hopped off, revealing them to be three treasure hunters from the Sylph Labyrinth guild: Hiroshi, Drake, and Lala.

"You're late," Brain hissed in a low tone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Brain, boss man, sir," Hiroshi explained.

"You have it then?" asked Brain.

"We had to slit a few throats back at the Sun Village, but we got what you asked for!" Drake said, pulling out of his pocket what looked like the half of a golden dragon. Brain reached for it, but Drake pulled back, "Hey, remember our deal."

"We want our treasure! Sylph Labyrinth doesn't do anything for free, you know?" Lala added.

Suddenly, the head of a snake shot out and snatched the golden dragon half from Drake's hand. "Hey!" He shouted. The snake that stood on Brain's shoulder had maroon scales and spiky upward-styled maroon hair. It gently dropped the dragon half on Brain's hand.

"Trust me, my friends," Brain smirked. "You'll get what's coming to you."

As he said this, he pulled out his own half of the golden dragon and put the two together. Suddenly, it glowed and flew out of Brain's hands, into the desert.

"Quickly! Follow the trail!" Brain shouted, as he and the Sylph Labyrinth team rode off, following the glowing speck of light. "FASTER!" he screamed, as the light reached a large dune.

The light separated in two and the halves plunged into the dune. The sand began to rise and formed a dragon's head with the two dragon halves as the eyes. The dragon head opens its mouth. As Brain and the others disembarked from their horses, they gasped in amazement.

"At last…" Brain exclaimed. "…after all these years of searching, I found it! The Dragon Cave of Wonders!"

"Whoa. Now that was a major haul," Hiroshi remarked.

"Yeah. If Brain said this is some cave of wonders…" Drake added.

"I bet there's lots of treasure in there!" Lala suggested.

"Yeah!" Hiroshi squealed excitedly. "We'll be filthy stinkin' rich!"

"So what are we waitin' for? Let's go in and take the gold!" Drake screamed.

The treasure hunters were about to storm into the cave, until Brain interrupted, "Stop!" They turned to Brain as he continued, "Remember our deal. You must bring me the dragon scale."

"Dragon scale?" Hiroshi asked puzzled. "What would you want with a dragon scale?"

Brain angrily grabbed Hiroshi by the collar and said, "You dare question me? Just bring me the dragon scale! The rest of the treasure is yours, but the dragon scale is mine."

The Sylph Labyrinth team shrugged as they walked up to the cave's entrance. Hiroshi whispered to his teammates, "Seriously, what does he want with a dragon scale?"

"I don't know," Drake shrugged. "Maybe he wants to rub his back with it or something."

"Yeah!" Lala chuckled quietly.

The Sylph Labyrinth team chuckled to themselves as they are close to the cave's entrance. Meanwhile, the snake whispered to Brain, "No offense, Brain, but where'd ya dig those bozos up?"

Brain shushed him, as they watched Hiroshi, Drake, and Lala step up to the cave, look in, and see stairs that were formed. Before the treasure hunters could even take one step in, they got thrown back by the cave by a gust of wind. They looked up to see the dragon head brought to life, speaking.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The cave growled.

"Oh, it's us, Hiroshi…" Hiroshi answered nervously.

"…Drake…" Drake added.

"…and Lala," Lala added.

"Sylph Labyrinth!" the three answered together.

"Just three humble treasure hunters," Hiroshi continued.

"Know this," the cave declared. "Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. A Rainbow Fire in the Rough."

The treasure hunters looked back at Brain, who glared, "Well, what are you three waiting for? Go on!"

Hiroshi, Drake, and Lala gulped nervously and hesitantly walked to the cave. Hiroshi and Drake quietly motioned Lala to take the first step, much to his dismay. Lala decided to go along anyway, and he nervously shut his eyes as he stepped on one stair. When nothing happened, he sighed in relief, and motioned Hiroshi and Drake to follow him. But then, the cave lets out a roar.

"AAAAAAHHH!" Hiroshi screamed.

"OH, MY…" Drake yelled.

"MOMMY!" Lala screamed.

The treasure hunters tried to run out, but the cave slammed down on them.

"NO!" Brain yelled.

"Seek thee out, the Rainbow Fire in the Rough," were the cave's last words, before it disappeared when the dune collapsed back to normal. All that's left of the cave were the two separated halves of the golden dragon.

Soon, things were back to normal until the maroon snake popped out of the sand, coughing and shaking himself angrily. "I can't believe this!" The snake ranted. "I just don't believe this! We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid dragon scale! Just forget it! Look at this, look at this! I'm so ticked off that my snake scales are molting for a week!" He picked up the dragon halves and gave them back to Brain after he slithered up to his shoulder.

"Patience, Cobra, patience," Brain sighed. "Sylph Labyrinth was obviously less than worthy."

"Oh, well, there's a big surprise," Cobra said sarcastically. "And now I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise. What are we going to do? We got a big problem here, a big—"

Brain covered his mouth and nodded, "Yes. Only one may enter. We must find this one, this Rainbow Fire in the Rough."

To Be Continued…