Hello, everybody.
I'm sorry for the dreaded AN, and for giving false hope to anyone still following this story.
It has truly been a loooooong time since I updated and for that I am sorry (july 2015 !). However, I'm not going to make excuses, life happened and it didn't leave much space for writing fanfictions, and/or having the creative juices necessary for it.
Also, I would like to briefly address some of the comments that I have seen. I'm deeply disappointed in some of those. I truly don't understand what is the point of taking some of your own time just to insult someone that you don't know, and that has circumstances you are not privy to, but, whatever, it's the internet.
That being said, it has always bothered me that this storyline was "nipped in the bud" so soon in the narrative. So, out of curiosity I guess, I re-read it and it made me want to continue.
However, I won't be continuing it on this platform for a few reasons, mainly that I just don't use FFNET anymore.
SO, I'm importing this fic on AO3, and it will be EDITED and slightly REWORKED for the original chapters.
If you like this story already, I hope you will give the newer version a chance. Here is the LINK.
Thank you for everything, Nana.
EDIT : seems like the link does not work. The name of the story is the same «A Fire Led by Blades», and my ao3 username is Nanagrb.