Sai reminds her of Sasuke. It's not just his black hair and empty, onyx eyes. It's the way he looks at her, the badly concealed disgust in his eyes whenever she speaks. It's the way he's careful not to brush against her when they walk together.

Later, she realizes he's not like Sasuke at all. The disgust in Sai's eyes is aimed at Sasuke, for breaking her, for making her doubt herself and hate herself. He avoids touching her because he's worried she'll shatter of he's not gentle enough.

And when he first kisses her, he is so, so gentle. He cups her cheek with shaking hands and brushes his lips against the corner of her mouth. It is Sakura who wants more. But she takes it slow, because she understands his hesitation. He believes she views him only as Sasuke's replacement. She does her best to prove him wrong. She kisses him whenever he expresses doubts, holds his hand, assures him that he has nothing to worry about.

So it's a bit of a surprise when he comes to her, the night after Sasuke's return to Konoha, and tells her they're done. She cries and begs him to stay, tells him she can't live without him. For a moment, his eyes waver and she think he'll stay. But he doesn't. Sai turns and walks away. He doesn't look back.

Its months before she sees him again. Tsunade informed her that he'd taken an extended mission to Suna. When Naruto tells her Sai is coming back soon, she takes to waiting by the gates everyday. When he finally arrives, he walks right past her.

Sakura doesn't know what she's done wrong, but she knows she can't keep living without knowing. Without him. So she goes to Sai's house. He's painting; she's disappointed, but at the same time wonders what she expected. For him to be crying over her? He didn't cry the night he left her. Why would he be crying now?

He's not surprised by her sudden presence. He is surprised when she slaps him.


She avoids his burning black gaze. She was wrong, all those years ago, to think his eyes were as empty as Sasuke's. And she was wrong to think he loved her.

"Sakura," he repeats. She wants to scream, wants to hit him again. Instead she stands still.

"Why are you here?" He asks roughly. "Shouldn't you be with him?"

Sakura looks up at Sai, Sai who's beautiful features are twisted with rage. "With who?" She manages, breathless just at the sight of him.

"Uchiha," he growls. "You don't have to act like you care, Sakura. He's back now; you don't need mw anymore."

"Sai." She hates that her voice trembles, hates that she's allowed herself to fall in love again. "Sai, I will always need you."

His eyes widen, and she hates herself for that, too. Was she really so cold to him when they were together that he thinks he's replaceable? "Sai," she whispers. "Sai, I love you."

And suddenly she is in his arms and he is holding her and whispering her name like a prayer. And Sakura is crying, crying and clinging to him because it's been ten bloody months since she last felt him holding her and god, how she's missed him.

Author's Note: I wrote this a long time ago, and I know the ending sucks but I couldn't think of any other way to end it that fit with the style of writing I was using. First uploaded fanfic, so reviews and constructive criticism are appreciated!