It was common knowledge that the twins had died but Ratchet wasn't ready to believe it. He had long ago forged a unique bond with Sunstreaker and Sideswipe and he knew that they were not dead. But they weren't exactly alive either. The quiet hum of their bond would suggest locked stasis, or a blocked bond. It could mean they were dead, but Ratchet was definitely getting something. He brought his servos to his faceplates. He was stuck on earth with human children and younglings. Although one could not call Optimus Prime a youngling. He was the only one that Ratchet had ever allowed himself to care about. Sure he cared about Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee but Optimus was special...but not as special as the twins. Ratchet wished they would at least try to contact him, tell him that they were ok. The old medic laid his head down on the worktable and offlined his optics.