(A/N: I AM SO SORRY. It's been more than 3 months and I am just very very sorry for not updating. Honestly, school has been super stressful and I am honestly out of school. I am going to graduate High School next week. Congrats to me. Yay. I have been writing fanfictions since 8th/Freshmen year of Highschool. I am going to end my fanfiction writing with this story... This story is going to be my last fanfiction because I need to be a productive member of society... I will try my best to finish this, but I can't make any promises. If I don't finish this, I am really sorry.

Thank you my beautiful readers for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter! VERY SORRY FOR THE LONG CHAPTER. I will try to update a couple more chapters later on this month and next month, but there are no promises. T_T

I do not own Ouran and NEVER WILl!)

(PLEASE READ. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY: The person speaking with [Italicized Speech] is a random announcer guy. Tokiya will be speaking with {Regular}. It's easier this way….)

[The day has come at last! We have superb, clear autumnal weather! Great weather for a sports festival!]

[Now, we will declare the Sports Festival of the High School section of Ouran Academy, OPEN!]

Wearing their sports jersey colors, each team posed as the announcer talked.

As Mei-chan, Misuzu, and Ranka-san made their way to the arena, a voice that everyone knew spoke into the mic.

{Finallllyyy, the Sports Festival has started.} Tokiya smiled and waved at everyone who was shocked to see her. {Ah, the first contest is the bread eating contest…? Why is there tables in the middle of the Arena my dear Announcer friend…?}

[Well, it was a gift from the Chairman, you see. This contest is limited to girls only. The tables are an Italian classic!]

{I question the meaning of Sports Festivals and it's only the first contest….}

As Tokiya gave her commentary, Mei-chan, Ranka, and Misuzu couldn't help but agree with her. The girls on the other hand, seemed delighted about the bread eating contest. They were also squealing Tokiya's name who talked with the other announcer.

The host club, on the other hand, was shocked to see her. Mostly the white team who thought she was going to be in France for the rest of the week. Nonetheless, the show must go on!

[Well anyways, each table has 3 types of croissants. These were offered by the famous Richie and Roi Grand Hotel in France, who bake their bread in a magnificent, traditional way!]

{They sure do look delicious as all food is delicious… I'm a little jealous...}

[Ano… If you want, I can sneak you one when the girls are guessing the 3 types of breads they pick…]

{Eh?! Really?! But if I guess it correctly, would I have to go to the goal that is like 5 meters away from the girls, but super far from me?!}

[If it's you, you can sit here and continue to comment while you eat.]

{Hahaha, you are too kind to me. Ohhhh, someone has called for a waiter!}

[Really?! That was fast! It's Jounouchi from the White Team who has called for a waiter! Andddd she guessed it correctly!]

The waiter held up a sign with a circle on it to show that she was correct.

{She gracefully reaches the goal first! I didn't even get a chance to eat a piece of bread. I'm so upset!}

Again, Mei-chan, Ranka, and Misuzu were off to the side in complete shock.

Ranka sweatdropped. "...However we see it, it's a rich people event…"

"By the way, that isn't even a sport…" Mei-chan gave a comment. "It's a tea party on a field…"

Misuzu was speechless…

Tokiya could see off to the side Tamaki running over to Haruhi talking to her about something. She smiled and then looked at the other announcer who noticed something wrong with the Red Team's members on the field.

[What?! There is something wrong with the Red Team's table!]

All the girls were gagging as they held their mouths.

{The Red Team's girls are leaving one after the other! It's the White Team's complete Victory! Go White Team! I mean poor Red Team…}

As the members of the Red Team were fighting and making a ruckus, their teammates who were already at the track was staring at them in confusion. As they wondered what was going on with their teammates, the other announcer gave the signal.

[On your mark, ready…. GO!]

A gunshot could be heard and the White Team's members already dashed leaving the Red Team still at the starting line and confused. The two Red Team members were shocked to see the race already started, and they dashed towards the finish line as fast as they could. Sadly, they fell into the last two places.

{The Red Team should concentrate more. Such a shame that the White Team has already made it to the finish line.}

[Tokiya-san, what are they even doing? While the Red Team is fighting, the White Team is steadily getting points. Are you happy that the White Team won again, as you were previously in their team?]

{Ah, I'm definitely happy, but I can't help but pity the Red Team. They need to step up their game or I might get mad that they are making it way too easy for the White Team to win.}

Meanwhile, the White Team was talking smack about the Red Team.

"Leader, our opponents are suddenly self-destructing!" Kaoru said with a bored expression.

Honey-senpai said expressionlessly. "They are really stupid."

"Not surprised since Tamaki is there." Gen chuckled.

"I can't help but feel bad for Kaede and Haruhi-kun…" Kazuki gave a wry smile.

"So that was why you suggested to make the best ones participate in the Bread Eating Contest." The Student Council President sweatdropped.

The Vice-President, Kuze's fiance, smiled and giggled. "As expected of Kyoya-kun!" she flattered him. "If something can leave them in a terrible condition, you'll see it."

Kyoya-senpai smirked. "It's too early to rejoice, everyone."

"The ones who lose concentration during a match are the ones to lose. With this stream, let's steadily earn points."

All the members of the White Team were crowded around Kyoya-senpai as they all gave evil vibes to the Red Team. They were seriously ready to beat the Red Team down into the ground, and Kyoya-senpai was going to come out on top.

[Next is the mixed ball throwing contest!]

At this moment, Haruhi ears perked up. "Ah, I have to go." she said somewhat enthusiastically. She was thankful that this 'sport' didn't require too much physical activity. It was probably the only thing she could do.

Tamaki, who was standing next to her, shouted, "It's your turn, Haruhi!" even though Haruhi should've been nervous, he was the nervous one. "When you get nervous, you have to draw the 'beauty' character on your palm 3 times…!"

She smiled at him. "It's alright, Tamaki-senpai!" she gave a small victory pose. "I'll do my best to reverse the situation!"

Tamaki looked at her mesmerized, while poor Kasanoda behind her was doing the little advice Tamaki gave to Haruhi. Around her, all the girls were squealing about how manly she was. Hikaru was off to the side staring at the girls thinking, 'these girls…'

Going back to Tokiya and the other Announcer…

[The Ball Throwing contest, which consists of throwing as many beanbags into a basket that is 4meters above the contestants. In other words, a stupid commoner's game.]

Ranka stood off to the side as he said, "That announcer is starting to piss me off."

{Hey, announcer friend, that is rude. Make one more rude comment about commoners and we can't be friends anymore.}

[I'm so sorry! Please forgive me~!]

{Eh, I will consider it… Well anyways, this time, the basket that will be used is a national treasure! Wait, seriously? A national treasure? I don't understand logic anymore. Well anyways, it's a Betsubuuemon's traditional bamboo work! Wow, this person's name is a handful. As for the beanbags, they were manually tied and colored by the famous, Kyuuyuuzen 'Aoi Yama'.}

Hearing Tokiya talk, Misuzu and Mei-chan looked at Haruhi wide eye and they forgot where they were. Mei-chan leaned over the railing and started to shout, "Haruhi, don't you know that those cloths are high class material?!" she ended with an insult, "IDIOT!"

"HUH…? Mei-chan…" Haruhi sweatdropped as she held two beanbags.

"They are not things to be thrown or played with! Hey, pick them up quickly! Don't let them get dirty! RIGHT AWAY!"

Haruhi was confused as she started to pick up beanbags. "Eh... ? Okay…"

Mei-chan pointed at Kasanoda. "Hey, red-haired guy over there! Help her!"

Kasanoda looked scared. "Aaa?!"

The other Red Team members around them started to say how they felt bad for Haruhi who had to pick up the beanbags because of the scary person. Soon afterwards, the Red Team members on the field crowded around Haruhi giving her the beanbags instead of throwing them into the basket.

{Poor Haruhi, look at her struggle to hold all the beanbags. She looks like she's going to drop them all.}

[They haven't scored anything so far! White team has complete victory once again!]

{I am not surprised. The Red Team hasn't scored any good points so far.}

The next couple of contests held the same results. The White Team was steadily gaining points, while The Red Team was being left further and further into the dust leaving them shocked and disappointed. Even though Kuze-senpai, President of the American Football Club, came back, they were still in the Red. No pun intended.

In one contest, Nekozawa was even disqualified for running in the opposite direction!

On the Red Team's side, Kuze-senpai was getting mad at Tamaki; Hikaru, Mori, and Kaede couldn't help but sweatdrop at the scene happening in front of them.

Meanwhile, on the White Team's side, things were going smoothly and peacefully. Kaoru then noticed the Chairman, 'Tokiya' and Tamaki's father.

"Eh?! It's the Chairman…" Kaoru saw the Chairman socializing with other parents who actually came to the student event. "I thought it was good that Haruhi's family came to the sports festival, but some parents came too…"

Kyoya-senpai gave a sigh. "They probably have a lot of free time right now."

"Oh well, both my parents are at work, but where are yours?" Kaoru questioned Kyoya-senpai looking for his parents.

Kyoya explained how his parents wouldn't come and if they did, he would have thought of a completely different plan because of his position. Instead of brutal annihilation, it would have been to gain popularity. He would still win, but he would be playing his cards in a completely different, but graceful manner.

As they were talking, the Candy Crafting contest was coming to an end. Tamaki, who attracted the eyes of everyone with his graceful movements, shocked everyone with the crappy outcome of the state of his candy. It was supposed to be a candy of his precious Kuma-chan stuffed animal, but it was so deformed, Tokiya was laughing so hard she fell out of her seat.

{PFFFTTTT, Onii-san was so amazingly graceful. I just. I'm done. I applaud you Tamaki. My big brother is too funny.}

[I apologize for Suoh-san always going off topic… Anyways, the red team scored badly and because of this, the red team now has 63 points and the white team has 183. That's a 120 point difference!]

{Ohhh, The White Team is definitely kicking butt today! Go, White Team!}

[Didn't you say that you weren't going to cheer for a specific team?]

{Oh, did I? Opps?"

[Well, the Cheering event is coming up? How do you think it will go?]

{From my sources, The Red Team has something up their sleeves, so I am sure this will be interesting.}

The Red Team was feeling down, but no matter how much Tamaki tried to encourage them, they didn't want to do anything anymore. Tamaki and Hikaru was then called over by Renge and headed to the place to get ready for the Cheering Act.

Haruhi rushed to him to try to cheer him up, but he seemed like he had everything planned, so she watched him go out. She knew that he had something planned, and she couldn't help but smile at him leaving.

Shockingly, The Red Team decided to do a Shakespeare play!

"I am the Muse God of Fire Poetry," Hikaru stepped out on to the field in front of the Red Team in Knight outfit that seemed to have resemblance to the Middle East. "Actors and nobles, we are in the battlefield from this little scene. Now, under agincourt's sky there are countless shaking helmets without any strength left."

Kaoru looked excited. "This… it's from 'Henry V'!"

Kaede smiled. "This will definitely cheer everyone up, right Haruhi?"

Haruhi looked at him a little baffled, but soon nodded. "You are right, I am sure everyone will feel some strength after this."

"'Agincourt,' which means it's the decisive battle of the Hundred Years War in the 15th century." Honey-senpai gave an 'as a matter of fact' voice. He was so adorable and small, but he was filled with knowledge.

The Red Team started saying negative comments about how they just wanted this to end quickly. They lost all hope for their team until a voice came out of nowhere.

"Whose wish is the one expressed just now?"

Tamaki came out in a knight outfit, but it was different from Hikaru's because it didn't look like he was from the Middle East. He was in actor mode and even if someone complimented his outfit, he didn't stray from his lines.

"So, it was your voice which has expressed that wish just now. If you don't have the courage to join this battle, then you may leave. I won't stop you."

He stopped right in front of the person who was complaining about leaving. His face turned dead serious as he stared into the soul of this young man.

"It is not my wish to fight alongside cowards who fear death."

Everyone looked at Tamaki shocked because of his expression. It was different from the clumsy, fun-loving, flirty Tamaki that they knew.

Kyoya-senpai stood off to the side as he complimented Tamaki for picking the play. He thought it was clever and well thought out. He knew things would get interesting after this.

"However, gentlemen! If you fight today's battle until the end, you can return safely to your homes. I think that in times when today's battle is spoken of, you will be able to strengthen your chest and feel proud of yourself. People are forgetful. Even if others forget all about today, the recollection of this day's honour and happiness will still stay fresh in our memories."

It was as if the words Tamaki was saying were meant for the Red Team. Mori-senpai smiled, while Haruhi was a bit shocked at the outcome of the play. Nonetheless, she was happy.

"If you fear defeat and leave this place, then you will curse yourself afterwards. That is why, even if we are only a few people, we will be the group who is granted happiness. On this day, in this battle, those who shed blood, each of them will become brothers…!"

The depressed members of the Red Team started to get motivated from Tamaki's speech.

Tamaki looked at everyone with a smile. "Then, gentlemen! Let's go! God is blessing all of our brothers!"

They all cheered happily with lots of fighting spirit. They were ready to reverse the situation.

{OOOOOOOhhhhh, things are starting to get interesting! What a well thought out play!}

Meanwhile, the White Team had a very cute cheering squad.

"In prayer of the White Team's victory…" The Student Council President shouted as best as he could. "We send yells to the White Team!"

Behind him, there were students wearing animals masks, and behind them were cheerleaders. They were all shouting, "Go, go, White Team, let's go!"

A guy on the White Team couldn't help but give a wry smile. "Why is our cheering team so darn cute…?"

{Aww, White Team! You all look so cute! 100/10 from me!}

[I don't think that's how things work…]

After the cheering contest, the obstacle race with Honey and Mori was about to begin.

"My, my, what a coincidence!" Honey-senpai smiled at Mori-senpai. "Are you entering the obstacle race, too?"

Honey-senpai teased a bit. "Aren't you too big to go through the tire obstacle?"

"Mitsukuni," Mori-senpai looked at Honey-senpai and questioned, "How could you allow Kyoya to do all of this?"

"Haninozuka-style doesn't tolerate dirty psychological tactics, does it?"

Honey-senpai smiled. "Well, you are right…" he innocently put his pointer finger near his mouth. "I think his atrocious tactics are the proof of him being very serious about this."

He smirked. "Is Kyo-chan too angry to remember? Wasn't this just a stupid 'meritless' field day to him?"

Mori-senpai didn't say anything as he looked at Honey-senpai.

[We are kicking off the later half segment with the obstacle race! The highlight is the battle between Haninozuka vs. Morinozuka in the first race! It's a cousin face-off!]

{Now this is what I am talking about! READY.. SET…. GOOOO!}

At the sound of the gunshot, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai were neck to neck running down the track to the first obstacle. At one point, Mori-senpai took the lead because of his longs legs, so he was able to reach the obstacle first. It was to jump over super tall vaults, but he had no problem with them.

Everyone thought that Honey-senpai would have a problem, but he jumped over all of the vaults like it was child's play…

[He jumped…?! Surely, that is supposed to be impossible! He is a super human being! Is it true that he is a bunny reincarnated?!]

{Ooo, I don't know about that, but he effortlessly passed Mori-senpai who was, as expected, having a bit of troubles with the tires. Wait, is the next obstacle cake eating?!}

Haruhi and Kaede shouted in sync, "Wait a minute?! That's not an obstacle for Honey-senpai!"

Honey-senpai was the first to get there, so he was about to shove a piece in his mouth, but Mori-senpai came up next to him and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Honey-senpai stared up at Mori-senpai baffled as Mori-senpai continued to eat.

Honey-senpai sat there in disbelief. "...You have to savor the cake or you will insult the patisserie.."

Mori-senpai ran off after swallowing. "I savored. Thanks." it seemed he gave thanks to the patisserie who wasn't there.

Tears built up in Honey-senpai eyes. "I said…" but in a split second, he became angry. "YOU HAVE TO SAVOR THE CAKE TO THE FULL EXTENT!"

With a look of anger, a fighting spirit that could be send to take down an army barehanded, Honey-senpai chased at Mori-senpai who ran as fast as he could with a slight sweatdrop.

[It seems Haninozuka doesn't like the way Morinozuka ate his cake! He is super scary! Remind me to never eat cake in front of him!]

{Just don't eat cake like Mori-senpai and I think you are good. Anyways, the raged bunny takes the lead with the net obstacle!}

[Ooo, and he keeps the lead as he moves to the pole vault, which is the last obstacle… WHAT?!]

{Oh no! Honey-senpai didn't reach it that well and he is falling}

Everyone shouted Honey-senpai's name, but a dark horse came to save the day. He caught Honey-senpai midair and landed on the mat…

[Oh my god! Morinozuka caught Haninozuka who lost balance! What a beautiful cousinly love!]

{And the winner is…. The Red Team! Since Mori-senpai landed on the mat first, The Red Team has finally experienced their first win!}


Every match after this was won by the Red Team. It seemed the Red team was winning because of Takeshi Kuze and his football club members. Even Kaede, who was finally able to show off his skills, was able to win a couple of matches.

Everything wasn't going according to how Kyoya-senpai planned so he was getting irritated. After the White Team suffered major losses, before anyone knew it, the last contest was finally being held.

[What a great comeback for the Red Team! We have finally come to the last race! It's the relay! The difference in score between the 2 teams is by only 12 points! The big moment will be the showdown of the captains as anchors, and at the end the winner will receive 30 points!]

{How exciting this sports festival has been for all of us! The winner of this relay race will rule the field day!}

Over at the Red Team, there was a bit of a problem. Kuze-senpai used a lot of his energy and is now tired, very tired…

Kuze-senpai walked up to Tamaki and put a hand on his shoulder. "I turn over the relay to you." he was trying his best not to pant from exhaustion. "Let me have a look at what you call and open and square game."

Everyone knew this race was going to be a showdown between the Host King and the Shadow King.

Kyoya was walking towards the track until Kaoru, who was sitting on the bleachers, stopped him. "Kyoya-senpai, why don't you withdraw from the anchor?"

"Huh?" Kyoya-senpai looked up at him a little confused.

Kaoru continued: "Luckily, the executive president is watching the race, so you can take an advantage from this whole thing by pretending that you planned this all along to let Milord win in the end."

"….You think we can use such a trick on that executive president? And this is not about profit. This game is simply about pride….. From the very beginning…!"

Kyoya-senpai walked away angry, but determined.

Kaoru couldn't help but smile as he knew he was right.

"Kao-chan?" Honey-senpai walked up to him.

Gen and Kazuto who seemed to be forgotten, was also standing next to Kaoru. Kazuto was on the cheering squad since physical activity wasn't his thing, and Gen was tired from winning matches in the first half, so he was on break.

"Just as I thought, Milord wants Kyoya-senpai to fight without the calculation of profits and losses." Kaoru gave a slight smile.

Tamaki ran up to Kyoya-senpai on the track field. "Kyoyaaa! Let us anchors do our best!" he smiled brightly. "It's too bad you can't have the face-off with Kuze-senpai…"

"That's only what you think." Kyoya scuffed at him. "I didn't wish for such a thing to start with. You shouldn't forget there are people suffering from your needless meddling. It might have been ending up all right 'til now, but it doesn't mean you can ignore the fact."

Tamaki was unaffected by Kyoya-senpai's comments. "'People suffering?' You mean the people of White team who got into your atrocious tactics without knowing?" he still kept the smile on his face. "Oh, by the way, if I win, I'll be issued with the 'Annual pass for Kotatsu at Kyoya's'. Don't forget!"

Kyoya-senpai stood next to him, clearly a bit angry. "If I win, you alone wear only a loincloth at the club. But you have to act like a western gentleman nevertheless."

"If I win, I'll sit on the window side on the airplane when we go on the school trip next month!" Tamaki stretched.

Kyoya-senpai commented back, "If I win, you alone will travel in economic class." he also stretched. "Holding your knees the entire time on top of that."

Tamaki didn't say anything for a bit.

"HUH?!" Tamaki was bawling his eyes out as he whined to Kyoya-senpai. "How come my penalties are more severe than yours?! Your penalties make me lonely! You throw in extras, too!"

Kyoya-senpai looked pissed and shouted back, "If you consider the trouble I had been going through because of you, those penalties are nothing! You idiot! Stop crying! It's annoying!"

"What?! I know you enjoy those troubles! Don't put on airs! You twisted buster!"

"Shut up! You don't know how much I'm picking up after your mess! Shame on you!"

While these two idiots were arguing, the rest host club members gathered together. The twins sweatdropped and commented in sync, "Look, they are fighting like kids. That's Kyoya-senpai I'm talking about."

Gen smiled. "Goes to show that this club is full of idiots."

"But they are lovable idiots because Tokiya is in there too." Kazuto chuckled.

Mori-senpai gave a grunt as Honey-senpai agreed with the two.

"I think it's the power of youth that let us all be idiots." Kaede gave a nod. "I think it's nice to see someone so uptight be able to let his expressions loose."

Haruhi looked amazed. "Wow… I didn't know Kyoya-senpai had a face like that…"

Tokiya saw everything from where she was sitting and she couldn't help but smile. She thought it was nice to finally see Kyoya-senpai act his age.

[We have finally come to the last race! The first runners have started!]

{Wow, I am surprised to see the Red Team take the lead! Is there anything the White Team can do to stop the Red Team?!}

At a very critical point in the relay race, the 4th runner messes up and drops the baton.

[Opps! Leading Red had a trouble passing the baton to the 4th runner! White is quickly gaining upon red…. And now….. Both anchors received the baton at the same timeeee!]

Tamaki and Kyoya were running neck to neck. It seemed like there were no differences in the two. The two who seemed to be running side by side had a slight change.

{Kyoya… OTORI is the winner! Holy wow! Congrats Kyoya-senpai!}

[Oh my gosh! The White Team wins the Sports Festival!]

Everyone started to cheer for the end of the Sports Festival and the victory of the White Team. Even though it was a close call, everyone was amazed to see that Kyoya-senpai won in the end.

Tamaki was fake crying. "No! I LOST! I can't believe I lost! But it was really fun!"

Kyoya-senpai put his glasses back on and stared at Tamaki who smiled at him.

"It was fun, wasn't it, Kyoya?! Wasn't it nice to have a profitless 'naïve youth fight' once in awhile?"

Kyoya-senpai looked a bit shocked but then replied, "I knew that already, or how can I hang around with you guys?!"

He watched Tamaki run off to the other host club members.

'I'm the winner…. But why do I feel like I've lost? Is it because the ways we fought were so different…" Kyoya-senpai stood there thinking to himself. 'I was taught the school was a place for simulating your tactics and people existed to be taken advantage of. So if I come across a true friend in this place…. That's enough for me…'

He looked over at Tamaki who was shouting about getting second place as the twins replied with a 'Yeah! That means we came in last place!'.

Tokiya saw the idiots being overly happy so she decided to walk over to them. "Hey, you guys did an amazing job!"

Everyone looked at her as Gen, Kazuto, and Kaede jumped her into a hug shouting things like 'I thought you were in France' or 'why were you announcing when you should've been helping the White Team?'.

Kyoya-senpai glanced over at her. "Care to explain why you aren't in France?"

Tokiya smiled. "Don't I always have to explain something to you guys?" she chuckled. "I finished my work early, but the time I came back, you guys were about to start the Sports Festival so I hijacked the staff and took a microphone."

Kaoru pouted. "You should've said something to us."

"I know right, we were so shocked when we heard your voice." Hikaru gave a pout along with his brother.

Tokiya smiled. "Sorry, sorry, next time I will tell you guys."

In the end, the sports festival ending excitingly and successfully.

Unknown to the Host Club for the time being, it was decided that the 2nd year's school field trip would be in France…