I don't own Naruto or any anime OR anything and I don't make a profit off of my stories
Rated M for sexual content and language
(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
~ texting / email
/Author's comments\
This is - Hentai Girl x Boy
Pairing: female Naruto 'Naruko' x Shikamaru
"OW! paper cut" the raven got a bandaid and resumed flipping through boring stories that were turned in for a contest.
"why did I agree to this again ... right, mom threatened me cause the sponsor is her friend ... hmmm this one looks good" he picked up a packet and started reading. Have was drawn in by the story. It was about a person who was misunderstood because an accident left her with a disfiguring scar. People only ever saw the scar and not the person behind it. Shikamaru couldn't stop reading ... until ...
"SHIKAMARU HURRY UP, YOU'RE LATE FOR OUR DATE!" that was his girlfriend, Ino.
"I'm coming" he called "does she have to yell?" he looked at the story, he would get in trouble if he took it, but he had to finish it so he slipped into his jacket pocket.
Ino smiled and grabbed Shikamaru "it's about time, lets get to the mall before the sale is over"
The raven groaned as he was dragged to the mall (why does date mean shopping?)
"what about this one? Oh, this one looks good too! I'll get them all!" yelled Ino as she paid ... with Shikamaru's credit card, for the multiple pairs of shoes and shoved the boxes into Shikamaru's arms.
Shikamrau saw Ino trying on clothes "this will take awhile" he sighed as he set down the large numbers of bags and sat down. As time ticked by the raven got bored and his mind drifted to the story in his pocket. He pulled it out and continued reading.
The woman's boyfriend at the time left because he thought she was somehow less of a woman because of her condition "what a scumbag, it's not her fault and something so superficial doesn't change who she truly is" the story ended with a wish that she was seen for who she is, but a sense of hope and strength radiated through the story.
The raven couldn't help it, he wanted to see this person. He looked at the front of the story and found an email address and typed it into his phone. He was happy that you had to give your email if you wanted to get the prize anonymously.
After checking and seeing that his girl friend was still busy trying on clothes he typed a quick email:
SleepyShadow ~ I read your story! It's really good ;)
He hit send and went back to lugging around Ino's bags "ok next, make up!" yelled his girlfriend, the Nara gave an exhausted groan.
Shikamaru woke up the next morning sore and stiff from dragging around Ino's bags, but despite that he went to check his phone and was happy to see a reply.
FluffyFox9 ~ I'm glad to hear you liked my story, but are you supposed to be chatting up the contestants before the judging is done?
The raven chuckled and typed back.
SleepyShadow ~ I'll probably get in trouble, but don't worry your work won't get disqualified or anything ^_^
After that he went out to help his father tend to the deer before meeting his buddy, Choji. The Nara clan is a very well to do and prominent clan that specializes in medical research and raising various plants, herbs and creating extracts from their deer to make medicines. So Shikamaru helps out in between his college classes.
Choji smiled "hey man, what's up? You seem to be pretty upbeat today"
"it's nothing, I just finished a really cool story" he smiled and the two friends hung out for a while. When Choji left to grab some food he heard his phone bing meaning he got a message.
FluffyFox9 ~ I was more worried about you than the prize from a contest I entered for fun
Shikamaru raised a eyebrow and typed:
SleepyShadow ~ not interested in a $300 gift card to the store of your choice?
He didn't have to wait very long for a response ...
FluffyFox9 ~ I may be a female, but that doesn't mean I'm into shopping. I would only be interested if it covered grocery stores, but it doesn't, just jewelry, shoes and other things I'm not into.
His jaw dropped ...
SleepyShadow ~ there's a woman not into shoes! O_O
FluffyFox9 ~ yes ... you haven't met a lot of women have you
The Nara was stunned, this chick had attitude ...
SleepyShadow ~ Apparently!
FluffyFox9 ~ That's nothing, I like to eat too :)
SleepyShadow ~ WOW! all the women I know are on a diet of some kind
"Hey man, do you want a hot dog too-" *crash*
Shikamaru was so absorbed in the conversation the he didn't know Choji was behind and fell out of his chair clutching his chest in shock.
"dude, you ok?"
"yeah ... I'm fine" he said as he dragged himself up off the ground. He heard a bing meaning he received a message ...
FluffyFox9 ~ I'd never go on a diet! I eat right and exercise that's all I need ... besides I can't go too long without a ramen once in a while :(
Choji looked at his friend's phone "who's FluffyFox9?" he asked as Shikamaru typed a message ...
SleepyShadow ~ This world be better off with more people comfortable in their skin
"a new friend"
"Shikamaru, go help your Dad feed the deer ... NOW"
The raven groaned and went to help, but they had to wait for the food to come cause it was late. So while he waited he checked his phone ...
FluffyFox9 ~ so true, people stop stressing about the little things and just relax with a cup of tea and play a game like chess
SleepyShadow ~ yeah, you like chess? Want to play? I could use a something to keep me awake
FluffyFox9 ~ you bored?
SleepyShadow ~ very
FluffyFox9 ~ ha ha sure let's play
20 moves later ...
SleepyShadow ~ YOU BEAT ME! I demand a rematch!
FluffyFox9 ~ ok :)
18 moves later ...
Shikamaru stared at the screen his jaw dropped ... he lost again!
SleepyShadow ~ How did you do that?! TT^TT You kicked my ass! excuse my language
FluffyFox9 ~ no worries, I have a filthy mouth sometimes too
SleepyShadow ~ yeah right, no one who says the word filthy can use bad language or talk dirty
A few seconds later ...
FluffyFox9 ~ Can't talk dirty huh how's this? She moaned as her lover licked the wet folds of her pussy "I'm ahhh cumming" her back arched, her toes curled and she screamed as she came. The man above her smirked "you're such a horny slut, do you want this?" he ran the length of his hard cock along her pussy earning a whimper. "yes oh god put it in, put your big fucking cock in me! Fuck me!" So how was that?
FluffyFox9 ~ hello?
The Nara was out cold in a pool of blood. After a minute he came to and typed ...
SleepyShadow ~ PERVERT!
"hey Shikamaru the food is here, come help" he went to help his Dad, but as he was gone Ino arrived and found his phone ...
She read the message and growled "he's mine you whore" and she typed a message ...
SleepyShadow ~ would you like to meet up?
FluffyFox9 ~ Sure, how about the Leaf cafe at noon tomorrow, the front table?
SleepyShadow ~ Sounds good
FluffyFox9 ~ ok ;)
Ino smirked and set the phone down where it was just as Shikamaru came back "so are you sure you can't take me on a date this weekend?" she whined as she grabbed the raven's arm.
"sorry I have to study for that exam on Monday-"
The blonde latched onto his arm "that's too bad, you should take me to the mall to make up for it"
Shikamaru sighed "alright, let me find my keys" the raven left to grab his keys. Ino's eyes locked on her boyfriend's brown jacket. She decided to relive her boredom by riffling through his stuff and she found FluffyFox9's story ... she scowled as she recognized the email and scratched it out before replacing it with another ...