Title: Protecting her

Characters: Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon

Summary: Barry was in trouble. And that trouble had a name - Caitlin 'Furious' Snow.

Beta reader: Caitlin51

A/N: I know it's really short but I hope next one will be longer. Please leave a review. It means a lot. Also I'm taking prompts :)


Protecting her

"You are extremely unreasonable, unthinking and irresponsible, Barry Allen!"

Cisco repeatedly dreamed about waking up one day in Barry's body. The guy was handsome, charming, well-liked, and most of all, had super powers. Who wouldn't like to be the Flash?

But this time, Cisco was immensely enjoying the fact that he was just an ordinary scientist with a crazy sense of humor. Because, that day, he really didn't envy Barry; quite frankly, he felt sorry for him.

Barry was in trouble. And that trouble had a name - Caitlin 'Furious' Snow.

"You realize that those words are practically synonyms, right?" Barry retorted, grinning.

Cisco thought that this response would likely trigger the storm and he wasn't wrong at all.

He glimpsed Caitlin's eyes widen with nerves as she squeezed the syringe and turned it in the Barry's direction. If Cisco was his metahuman friend, he would be terrified. Safe in his own skin, he took a sip of his vanilla milkshake.

"I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation," Caitlin scolded him. "You could've been killed!"

"Like a million times before. Being the Flash involves taking risks. You know that."

They both looked annoyed. It was like a duel, but instead of swords and shields, it was glances and words. Cisco wondered what arguments they would use and of course who would win. He was cheering them both on but secretly put 5 bucks on Caitlin.

"You were in danger because of your own recklessness!" She raised her voice, crossing her arms over her chest. "What were you thinking, standing alone against such a powerful enemy?"

"About you!" Barry blurted out before he had a chance to think. "He wanted to hurt you. I couldn't let that happen."

Caitlin didn't seem convinced. On the contrary, an even more menacing grimace appeared on her face. Cisco thought for a moment that it might be better to give them some privacy for the rest of their argument, but the thought didn't last long and he stayed, much too entertained to really want to leave.

Barry moaned in pain as Caitlin inserted the syringe into his arm with slightly more force than necessary. Hearing his protest, Caitlin rolled her eyes.

"This is what you wanted," she told him, but both Barry and Cisco could tell that Caitlin didn't really mean the callousness in her words. "I appreciate that you are trying to take care of me, but that doesn't mean you should push the limits of your powers. You're the Flash but you're not immortal."

"Could you just understand that I had to do everything I could to defeat him?" Barry stood up, looking into Caitlin's testy expression. "Even if it meant that I could die."

"You would die just to defeat him?" She stared at him incredulously. "You've lost your mind!"

Barry crossed the distance between them. Watching those two adorable dorks, Cisco imagined that he saw sparks bridging the distance between their bodies.

"I would die just to be sure that you're safe!" Barry practically screamed. "I would do anything to protect you because I love you!"

Awkward silence immediately reigned in Star Labs . Caitlin took a shallow breath, her cheeks flushed, and more impressively, it seemed like she wasn't mad anymore. She was unable to utter a single word, instead just stared at Barry with a dull but cute expression on her face mingled with her surprise.

The guy couldn't believe he had really said it. Out loud. Indeed, for some time he'd had feelings for Caitlin, but they were so deeply hidden that even he couldn't quite believe them.

But they were true. And finally they both knew that.

Actually, not just them. Cisco happily raised a milkshake, as if he was initiating a toast. He felt like a fanboy and he started to think about a ship name for Barry and Caitlin.

"I never thought I would live to see that," he smiled triumphantly. "I'll leave you two alone so that you can talk about this and do other things... you know. Bye lovebirds!"

Cisco walked out of the room. Willingly or unwillingly, because of him and his obvious happiness, Barry also grinned. Caitlin's face visibly brightened, even though she was still stunned.

"Coffee?" Barry suggested, feeling that his wounds had already healed. Also, everything was better. Especially Caitlin, who eventually smiled at him.

It made him feel so good.

"Yeah sure," she replied, nodding. "Don't think I'm not mad at you anymore. I guess we really need to talk, that's all."

"We do. Also, we can do other things," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. He didn't know what to say to not scare her. He had just confessed his love for her, after all. She was scared for sure. "Do you know what Cisco meant by that?"

Barry blinked. Is it possible that he just saw a playful smile on Caitlin's lips?

"I guess he meant this..."

Before Barry could react to those mysterious words, their lips met. The kiss was as tender and soft as he had always imagined.

At that point, he knew two things. Firstly, Caitlin apparently reciprocated his feelings, what gave him the courage to take her in his arms and deepen the kiss. They both immediately relaxed into the embrace. Secondly, if from this time forward Caitlin was going to always show her anger in such a way, he would argue with her all the time.