A/N: I suck at writing lyrics/poems so I borrowed few lines from Donna Donathan's poem called: "You are my sunshine".

Legendary Red Box
Epilogue: The Contents

Scene 1; Day before Hinata encounters Red Box:

Tsukishima stared at the red paper in front of himself, tapping the pencil against it. He's not a big expert at writing, but this short poem/story should do the trick. Even if it sounds overly cheesy. Hinata won't be able to tell the difference, his mind is always on one track.

He sighs and leans back and pulls down the headphones he's wearing because Yamaguchi sat across of him, peering at the paper.

"You done?"
"Can I read?"

Tsukishima frowns at his friend who just chuckles. Yamaguchi doesn't push the matter because it took considerable amount of time, strength and patience to dig out whose Tsukishima's crush is in the first place.

"You think he'll fall for it?"
"Of course," Tsukishima pushes glasses up.
"How so?"
"It's a closed box, sitting alone. And he's overly curious for his own good. I just need to catch him at the right time as he tries to lift the lid."
Yamaguchi cackles. "Poor Hinata," is what he says, but he doesn't look overly sad.
Tsukishima huffs softly and places the folded paper inside the box.

Scene 2; Day after Hinata encountered Red Box:

"I can't believe it. You were right," Yamaguchi stared at Tsukishima's red box in awe. They just parted with Hinata and were waiting for class to start.

"You were actually having doubts about it?"
"No! Well, it seemed almost impossible to do it at the right moment!"
"Hmpf," Tsukishima scoffs and crosses his arms. His plan was and still is perfect. It netted him just what he wanted. Hinata will believe that Tsukishima will never give in and give him the access to the box so the only other option he has is the kiss.

Now he just needs to set up the perfect moment for it. He'll probably "run into him accidentally" after the class. Hinata will demand the kiss and since no one will be around. Tsukishima will comply and snatch the kiss. It was brilliant plan and glasses-boy was very pleased with himself.

Scene 3; Day after Hinata encountered Red Box, after the 'tackle' incident:

Tsukishima has bump on the back of his head from the fall earlier. Hinata got punished by Daichi to clean half of the gym by himself for making a ruckus and knocking down the volleyball net holders. He could also feel Kageyama's suspicious glare throughout the practice but he didn't say anything in the end. Everyone has written off the kiss to Hinata being dumb, reckless and overly hyper.

Tsukishima needed a bit of time to collect himself. Aside from it being his first kiss, he was still having hard time getting over the fact that Hinata actually kissed him. His usually low efforts were even lower at the practice because his thoughts kept wandering. Stupid Hinata, giving him heart attack like that. If he tries something like that next time, Tsukishima will punch him.

Well, not really, but he'll yell.



"You're awfully slow, shortie. Everyone left."
Hinata froze in place. The person he's been avoiding whole day had cornered him just when he was sneaking out from the school grounds by himself.
"Ahaha...ha, w-well I had to clean up and stuff!"
"That's because you're moron," Tsukishima grumbles, hands stuck in his pants.

Shorter boy gives him a weird look. He was completely sure that Tsukishima will be seething mad because of what he did. But, he seems oddly calm. Is he… not mad?
Before Hinata could ask, Tsukishima reaches for his bag and pulls out the Red Box. Hinata gulps.

"Next time, ask, don't go and try to give me concussion," he mutters, handing him over the box.

Hinata stares at it with wide eyes.

"I can… take it? Open it and all?"
"Yes. It's yours."
Hinata almost falls off his bike. "Mine!? WHY!?"
"One- don't yell. Two- you seemed to want it more than me. You can have it."

Once the Box is secure in Hinata's hands, Tsukishima turns around and leaves, leaving his crush excited and way too happy for receiving simple, red box as a gift.

-0-That night:-0-

You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain;
you brought me laughter when I only felt pain.

Hinata's fingers curled around red paper, his face having the same color.


The End.