Code of Conduct

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Harry Potter' or 'Avengers'. All recognisable characters, content or locations belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: The hardest thing in this world… is to live in it. Gwyneth Potter - veteran, assassin, survivor - knows this, and yet… "There's always going to be something worth fighting for." Post hogwarts. Fem!Harry. Clint/Gwen

Rating: T for language, violence, and references to death, torture, adult themes and such things.

Author: tlyxor1.

Author's Note: For Amanda, who lived a full life, but whom died too early. You'll be missed.

Part One: Living With Ghosts

"Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we're proud of. Some will haunt us forever." - Graham Brown.

Prologue: Snow

December 25th, 2002

They're curled up in their tent, but Gwen's eyes are on the snow outside, and despite the cold, Hermione's nearly asleep. They've been alone for a while, Ron had left weeks ago, and the bland, meagre dinner of soup and stale bread sits heavy in her stomach. She thinks about Remus and Tonks, and the pregnancy halfway passed. She thinks about Dumbledore, about the war, about all the people she's already killed, and the friends she's already lost. Mostly though, she thinks about her life before Hogwarts, and Hermione seems to read her mind.

"Do you ever wish you'd never learned about magic?"

Gwyneth exhales, and the possessive, protective grip on her wand is a reflex she can't - and doesn't bother trying to - hide. She relaxes though, settles further against the small armchair, and watches as Hermione turns over to face her. Cinnamon eyes are expectant, and the younger of the two shrugs, uncertain of her answer. "I don't know."

Hermione is silent for a long time, and Gwen wonders if she's fallen asleep. She shifts again though, turns to face the open tent flap, and sighs audibly. "I miss my parents."

Gwen should probably say that she does as well, but the truth is, she can't miss what she's never known, and so she says nothing. Instead, she turns her gaze towards the horizon, and exhales slowly.

Outside, there's a structure in the distance, and though Hermione worries, Gwyneth does not. That structure is her ancestral home, Ysgarlad, or in English, Scarlet, and Gwen knows they have nothing to fear from there. The place is locked down, however, and they have no chance to get inside without alerting the government that Potter Manor has been reopened, in which case, Voldemort and his cronies would be all over them like white on rice.

And so instead, she sits, watches, and wonders what her childhood would have been like within the estate's hallowed halls.

She almost feels home.

"When this is over, I'm going to go find my parents," Hermione declares quietly. Glibly, she adds, "Provided I make it that far, of course."

They're no longer so squeamish about death. They've killed too many times, buried too many friends, and perhaps their almost callus nature should be disturbing. It hurts, of course, the loss of friends and fellow comrades in the guerrilla warfare they're all entrenched in, in the shadows and the secrets and the endless dead, but if they don't harden their hearts, than they're all likely to fall apart.

"I don't think I'll come back. This world…" Hermione trails off, searches for words, and eventually settles on, "There are too many ghosts."

Gwen's smile is tremulous, but her voice is not. "I think that's the best idea you've ever had, Hermione."

She wishes she could say it's a surprise, but she thinks Hermione's decision has been a long time coming. Their entry into the magical world has been fraught with death and despair from the very beginning, and the truth is, Gwen's inclined to do the same; to leave the magical world behind, and to never look back.

And so she does, and she doesn't regret it.

Author's Note: I'm having a hell of a time with Chapter 3, but this beast is probably the most detailed thing I've ever endeavoured to write. Hope you enjoy it.

Originally, I wasn't going to publish it until I'd completed 'Shelter From The Storm' or 'Resolution'. Circumstances changed, however, but I won't go into those details.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Again, I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, -t.

Author's Note 2: (28th July, 2015). I've edited, because some sort of rating nazi has threatened to report abuse of the rating system. Fact is, I changed it after I'd posted the first chapter, since, you know, I felt it didn't warrant the M rating. Apologies for any offence, but seriously, so ridiculous…