Double update bc I owe you this much and Happy New Year! ❤?

Trivia: When I started writing this, I actually wanted to use Aobajousai as one of the four Were clans/territories. However, I didn't know what their school mascot is so I resorted to using Shiratorizawa instead.

- Akaichi

Chapter 6

Hinata carefully wrapped Yamaguchi's neck with gauze after applying the salve to avoid infection and make it heal. He knows that Tadashi's been trying to hide his pain but the way he gritted his teeth to avoid hissing when his bruises ached reveal too much.

If only Tadashi would speak up and tell him what did the fucking fox do to him, Hinata would really skin the fox alive to avenge Tadashi.

After cleaning after their sleeping bags, Hinata noticed that Tadashi had already taken his bath so he asked. The small cave was a beautiful sanctuary. After soaking his tired body onto the calming waters, Hinata was given food that he immediately wolfed down, which earned him a reprimand from the black wolf who woke him up.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to easily accept anything - especially foods given to you by strangers?" For some reason, the Wolf would not leave Hinata in peace, his obsidian eyes following Hinata's every movement. Did he think Hinata would steal anything from them? Or worse, do something to hurt them? The Wolf must be mental if he think so. "That soup that you're gulping down could be poisoned for all we know. Because of your carelessness you'll be dead in an instant. Not to mention you're a dumbass, you'll probably not realize that you're already dead."

Hinata glared at the Were sitting across from him on the rectangle table. Tadashi was with Yachi and Kiyoko, the two female squirrels. He seemed to have made a friend with them. While the other Weres were missing in action, now doing their daily duties.

"What, are you insinuating that you Weres will try to put something on the food that you will give us so to poison us?" Hinata snap back. "Ha! I knew you guys are evil!" Despite what he said, Hinata kept on munching his chicken. Or the meat that he thinks is chicken. Whatever, it actually tastes better that a chicken anyways.

The Were just continue to glare at him. "There's no point arguing with you. You're so much a dumbass."

"Whatever, Bakageyama." Hinata mumbled.

"What did you just call me?!"

Hinata pasted his brightest smile and thrusted his empty plate to Kageyama, "Nothing! Seconds please!"

It was past lunch when Daichi-san came back, the sky darkening because of his spread out wings before he landed gracefully to the forest floor.

To say Hinata was mesmerized was an understatement.

Daichi-san, now that Hinata was looking at him in daylight so he can clearly see his features was a handsome creature. He looked so regal with his silky night wings. Hinata immediately remembered his uncle Suga, who has always been fascinated with the avian species. He wondered what his uncle would feel once he discovered that there were Weres of the avian species. He might uncharacteristically squeal with joy and bombard Daichi-san with millions of questions while beaming like a triggered fanboy.

Hinata almost chuckled with the image.

But when the memory of Suga made Hinata remember their duty to get the medicinal herb that they need to cure the plague in their town, the levity was replaced by seriousness. They have an important role to play in this story. And that role might save many people.

The Weres immediately gathered around Daichi, asking if he's fine and what transpired with his meeting with the Nekoma's Alpha.

Hinata and Tadashi listened quietly, trying to understand what they were talking about territories, possessive Alphas and their Omega mate. As what Hinata could decipher from their conversation, an Omega named Kenma who was the mate of the Alpha (which sounded like a leader like position for the Weres) got lost again to the Karasuno territory. The Omega almost endangered himself which could have caused some undesirable blood war from the two territories.

Hinata and Tadashi hid their shivers.

"So, with that out of our concern, we can now go ahead and focus on your problem, humans." Daichi-san said, turning to Hinata and Tadashi's place on the long table. "If you could provide us more information, that'd be very helpful."

Hinata and Tadashi tried to repeat everything that the old physician, Takeda-sensei told them as precise as possible. The Weres listened carefully, especially Daichi who asked questions occasionally. Then finally, Daichi nodded, his face contorted in great concentration.

The humans practically squirmed on their seat, waiting for Daichi's verdict.

"If I'm not mistaken, your town physician is pertaining to the Little Flower of the Giant Tree. It's actually a very tiny flower that blooms inside the Giant tree at the center of this forest." Daichi explained. "Legends say that this flower was born from the seed of the sickly human who fell in love with the spirit guardian of this forest."

Hinata's heart was touched by the story. He beamed and let out a happy sound.

But the wolf ruined it. Kageyama's brows were high up his hairline it almost disappeared. Hinata swallowed his snort. "Is that legend even true? What if that's just a pigment of imagination of some human or Were that didn't have anything else to do? We're just going to waste our time looking for a non-existent flower."

Daichi got a thoughtful look on his face because of this. "I cannot guarantee hundred percent that the legend is true. I am just merely matching the information that Hinata and Tadashi provided us to the information that we have. But I do know that the flower and the tree exists."

"I think I've also heard some story from one of the territories about them going to the Giant tree to take some of the Little flowers when their Alpha got poisoned by a wild shifter. I think that was from the Fukurodani, about two years ago." Innoshita supplied.

Daichi grinned, "There you go. Just in case you wanted to know, Bokuto's still alive, much to Akaashi's chagrin." He smirked.

"Eh? But from what I've heard, it was actually Akaashi-kun who insisted to go find the Little flower. He even went alone because he was terrified that Bokuto-san might die if he did not get the medicine in time." Asahi looked confused.

Daichi just sighed, "I was just joking, Asahi. Of course Akaashi-kun couldn't let his mate die."

Asahi blushed, brushing the tip of his index finger to his nose. "Oh."

Daichi soon explained the plan that he had devised while he was on his way to and fro the Nekoma's territory. According to Daichi's plan, Asahi and Ennoshita will go around the forest and look for the other two missing humans - Noya and Tanaka. Daichi emphasized how important it is to find the remaining humans and have them here safely as they could be wandering close to the other borders and that would cause a problem.

Hinata and Tadashi let the two Weres smell the things inside their bags so that Asahi and Ennoshita can pick up the lingering scents of Tanaka and Noya which may help them locate the two humans easier.

"And now, with you Hinata and Yamaguchi." Daichi turned to them after giving permission to Asahi and Ennoshita to go start looking. "I have chosen Kageyama and Tsukishima to go with you in finding the Little Flower of the Giant Tree. They know the nooks and crannies of this forest so they would be the best guide for you." The avian Were smirked as if he found something amusing. "Not to mention they can carry you when they shift. You'd be faster that way."

The two mentioned Weres groaned which made Daichi laugh. He patted Kageyama and Tsukishima's back. "You know what to do, boys."

"I know you're going to do this so I've done what I have to already." Tsukishima sneered back to Daichi.

Hinata and Tadashi stood there confused, not understanding any bit of the conversation.

Then Kageyama let out a quiet curse and all of a sudden, Hinata was being pulled away. Kageyama brought him in the middle of the tall trees few meters away from the clearing.

"What the heck!?" Hinata winced when his back slammed against the trunk of some very old and very rough tree. "Just in case you forgot, I just want to remind you that I am human. So please handle me with care! Damn Were!" He glared up at Kageyama as he massaged his aching shoulders. What if he dislocated some bones? He's really going to kick this freaking Were's ass!

"Oi dumbass." Kageyama glared back at Hinata, "You being human is what making things so troublesome here so shut up." Kageyama's growl made Hinata do just that. "Just to make things clear, I don't want to do this either, okay? But this is protocol so I can protect you. So don't think of anything about it. You understand?"

Obviously, Hinata did not understand. Like, what the heck is this wolf blabbering about? He just raised his right eyebrow and said, "Huh?"

Kageyama let out some growling noise again, "Ah! To hell with it!"

Everything happened so fast after that. Because the next thing Hinata knows?

His lips were being kissed.