Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon nor any of these characters...

Hey everyone! This is RDK3 here... well Valentine's Day is Celebrated June 12 here in Brazil, long story short, I decided it was a good day to publish a new fic... Taiora of course...

Now, about this fic... Well, it really pisses me off, when I see certain one shots with certain ends, this Prologue should tell you what one shots I'm talking about... Anyway, I just want the story to continue, and, in the meantime make the best of the situation I'm creating.

So please keep reading... I'm publishing two chapters at once.

Important note, anyone here, who reads my other story Brave Hearts don't fear, this is not delaying me at all...

I really want to try something shorter and quicker though.

On with it!

One More Christmas...

Sora ran with all her might to the park, feeling her chest as light as a feather while her stomach churned with butterflies at the thought of what she was about to do.

She felt like laughing for no reason, holding the decorated box firmly, as if it would ran away from her grasp at any second.

It was a strange feeling, being in love, but she couldn't help it.

She and Matt had a break up only a month ago, and now it was Christmas Eve and she finally took the courage to follow her heart.

Just a few meters now.

The snow was falling slowly from the sky, and he would be waiting for her in the park, she knew it. He promised and he wouldn't let her waiting. As soon as she saw him, she would give voice to her heart like never before.

She loved him.

She wanted to shout it to the heavens just for the sake of it.

As soon as she left the street Sora found herself gazing at the park that had been such a huge part of her childhood. A place of laughter and comfort for her, oh how she wished she had solved her emotions sooner.

She was sixteen, and yet, felt like she had wasted so much of her life! How could that be? Simple, she wished she had spent more of those two years with him, her best friend, but as more than just friends…

Ever since another past Christmas, he started acting strange around her and the more Sora tried to reason with him, the more he seemed to close himself. She knew it was her fault though, Tai had feelings for her, but Sora had move on from him a long time ago and found herself seeking Matt's affection… She found herself loving him and could do nothing about that.

Hurting Tai almost broke that love though, and it took two months for him to start acting normally around her again.

Sora had been glad for that…

Of course she spent a lot of time going on dates with Matt, but she had just as much time for her best friend. He was important to her, although Sora didn't realize how important until she saw him finally moving on to date other girls.

So she was with Matt and he had a girlfriend, good, they could double date and stuff like that… But then things got weird… Sora thought that she was fine with Matt until that moment, when she realized she missed Tai, as much as he should be missing her before...

She also realized that her feelings for him weren't gone as she expected.

It happened so fast ... In an instant she was happy with a boyfriend, on the other, she realized she felt jealous of Tai more than she should.

Then suddenly she wanted to be on his games again and she wanted him in her games too…

Sora tried to keep those feelings to herself at first, but in the end, she realized she was hurting Matt when her dates with him stopped being happy and go lucky to become morose and nothing but routine.

Meanwhile Tai was happy with someone else…

Something like that couldn't be any obsession ... She knew it, mainly because one month ago she found herself crying with the possibility of losing Tai Kamiya, her best friend, to another girl…

All because of her stupidity…

After that, she ended things with Matt and Tai ended up comforting both of them… Now though, it was almost a month, and Sora couldn't hold her feelings anymore… They hang out, and he simply made her feel safe… He made her feel like herself… What else could she want?

Sora hugged the box against her chest a little tighter... Did he forgive her for everything? She knew she had broken his heart at that time, and the thought that he wouldn't feel the same for her now was frightening.

He had broken up with his girlfriend too, for a few days now, but he seemed happy anyway and Sora would be able to tell if he wasn't.

She wondered if he wasn't with someone else already, but quickly she decided it was worth a shot anyway. There was no delaying this any longer… Wasn't it Tai who would often tell her to be happy? Wasn't he the one who taught her that sometimes you got to go head first, regardless of the consequences?

She had lost so much time to see really, what was right in front of her that it was hard to turn her eyes away now.

They were best friends; they spent their lives in each other's lives, comforting, laughing, crying, fighting, and worrying about each other ever since she remembered.

Sora stopped at the curb ... Her eyes scanned the front of the park, looking for a mop of hair impossible to confuse, but found nothing.

Her hopes sunk until she heard her name being called by his voice.


The auburn haired turned, finding him coming from the other side of the street…

Tai looked quite good using his blue coat with yellow paws and Sora felt her heart skip a beat because of his smile... It was weird, but sometimes she thought that that smiled wasn't there for other people… Once Kari had told her that Tai had a smile that was just for her, and in that instant she believed.

As children she remembered that smile being offered to a lonely girl who wanted to play soccer... It was a source of comfort and warmth, a sign that no matter what he would be there for her.

Sora felt her hands trembling and held the box closer to her chest... She had promised that too...

Please Tai forgive me for rejecting you, please… Would you still love me?

She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try, at least to let him know… It wasn't right that he would jump at her the moment she said the words, but Sora knew she had to say them… If he didn't want her, she would have to accept that too. The happiness she felt being close to him, in the end, was not more important than his own…

For Sora at least…

Taking courage, the auburn haired closed her eyes... His smile giving her comfort, she put one foot on the pavement, then another, starting to run.

She was smiling as he did so...


Slowly she saw Tai's face turn from joy to shock and Sora's mind made a quick turn thinking that he maybe knew what she wanted and was about to run away. But then she saw that Tai was not rushing from her, but towards her ...

She stopped, her eyes wide when a more intense light shone in the corner of her eye.

A loud sound nearly deafened her, but not enough to drown Tai's voice screaming her name ... Sora turned to see a tall truck coming at her, brakes squealed and she felt something even stronger pushing her back.

Sora dropped the box in fright...

Her back collided with the asphalt, driving the air from her lungs ... A dry sound like a blow registered in her mind before she grunted, opening her eyes wide…Sora gasped for air, frantically gazing at the grey sky...

Gasps and shouts suddenly brought herself back to reality...

"Tai? Tai?" She asked, panicking, her body hurt from the impact, but she didn't feel it, she was trying to move herself desperately, calling him. "Tai?!"

Her eyes finally returned to the scene... The truck had braked and she saw the driver was screaming.

She could hear people around...


A body lay in front of the truck contorted strangely with a blue coat wrapped around him, blood was running down the pavement, mixing with the snow…

An intense scream left Sora's lips when she stumbled towards him, kneeling beside the still form of her friend. She called his name, with all her strength, but her hands were shaking not daring to touch him.

Tai looked up, his lips moving as a red liquid ran by his head, dyeing his hair and the street.


Something soft felt upon his face mixing with snowflakes, and Sora realized she was crying…

"Tai! N-no P-pl-please, Tai, please .. N-no" She whimpered, looking him in the eye ... Those chocolate brown eyes seemed to focus her for a second, then they seemed darkening. "No! Tai, no! Please ... No! Y-you c-can't, No you can't ... Please. Please. Please ..." Her voice died down, drowning into sobs… Her throat hurting but she didn't care..."No!…T-Tai!"

She kept calling his name, evoking him to get up, to come to her...


She whispered, pleading, holding his jacket…

A soft crimson glint rose from her chest, and as soon as it appeared it was gone…

Sora remained where she was, no caring that she was drenched in his blood, not caring about the cold in her legs, or the sudden weight upon her chest as her heart hammered into her ribcage and every sense of the world, the muttering of the people, the sirens in the distance, it all became a blur as she let out one last bawl, which echoed in fear and denial…

On the floor near a tire lay a box in pieces, cookie crumbs sprinkled the accident as a girl with hair like the sunset felt her world collapsing...

Quick prologue for everyone...

The story takes a turn now, please read the next chapter before judging.