Yaaaaaaay. Another chapter. I literally just finished writing this chapter. This is a more centralized Severus and Draco chapter. I hope yall like it!

Very early the next morning, Draco shot up out of his bed covered in a thin layer of sweat. His heart was racing as he tried to calm himself. He glanced at the clock that Hermione insisted that he buy, sitting next to him on his nightstand.


It was two thirty-nine in the morning and he had only gotten three hours of sleep.

For years, Draco's night usually consisted of nightmares from his father's beatings of both him and his mother. When he was younger, his mother would usually stay with him in his bedroom to make sure he was okay. Once he started Hogwarts, often times he would get muggle sleeping medication from Severus as he is now immune to sleeping draughts. He wiped the tears and sweat off of his face and walked into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and did not see himself.

A scared little boy stood in his place. He lifted his shirt up and stared at the last remnants of his father's final beating, fading away to the scars that he would know stay for eternity. He took a deep breath and breathed in and out continuously until he calmed down enough to get a drink of water. He decided that later that day when Severus stopped by to enforce the wards, he would ask him about medications that he could take so he can finally get some sleep.

After lazing around the house for a few hours like he usually did, he finally noticed the sun beginning to rise, so he went upstairs to the attic and opened the window. Fresh air blew into the room and he inhaled deeply and he placed his hands on the windowsill in front of him. Hues of yellows, reds, oranges, and pinks entered his vision and he finally calmed down. A little later, he noticed Hermione leaving her house and driving away. He took one last look at the sun before he shut the attic window and went downstairs to eat.

As soon as he began to pull a bowl out for some cereal, a knock could be heard on the front door. He grabbed his wand from his back pocket and looked through the peephole. He sighed in relief as he saw his Uncle's face. He unlocked and opened the door.

"Hi." He said quietly as he let the older man into the house and placed his wand back into his back pocket. Severus eyed the teenager warily.

"Have you eaten anything? You look terrible." Draco shook his head before he walked into the kitchen.

"Not yet. Haven't got much of an appetite at the moment…" He trailed off. Severus sighed.

"Your nightmares?" Draco nodded his head.

"They've gotten worse in the past month. The muggle pills aren't working that well anymore. Last night I barely got three hours of sleep. The night before it was two hours." Severus looked at the tired and worn face sitting in front of him. Dark circles and a deep weariness could been seen on Draco's face easily.

"When did they start to stop working as well as they used to?"

"Three to four weeks ago. I noticed that I was starting to get more and more tired during the day again." Severus sighed in annoyance.

"You realize I could have easily gotten you something if you had told me then. Don't be making this worse on yourself." Draco glared at Severus.

"It's not like anything else is working! I've tried the different muggle medications! They keep wearing off! I've bl-"

"Draconis! There are other ways besides muggle medication! You don't know if everything is or isn't going to work until you try it, so don't go raising your voice at me over something that I can't even control!" Draco's face crumbled before he curled his arms around his knees. Silent sobs shook the boy.

"I'm just so tired…." He murmured. His forehead rested on his knees, as he hid the rest of his face from Severus' view.

"I-I can't stop seeing him hitting Mum. All the different times that he's done it..It's like it keeps repeating over and over and I can't do anything to stop it from happening," He continued quietly as he tried to regain control of his breathing. Severus sighed before he sat down beside the broken teenager. He waited as Draco continued to talk and let him calm down before he showed him something that he had brewed.

Once Draco calmed down, he began to wipe the tears off of his face. He looked at Severus, who was sitting next to him and wiped his nose.

"As I said…" Severus began softly. "There are other medications and other remedies that you can try to help you gain some semblance of sleep." Draco glanced at Severus with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Over the past couple of months, I have managed to create a new sleeping draught for you. It will not cause you to be addictive to it, and it shouldn't make you immune after a few months of excessive use," He started.

"But, now that you are away from Lucius, we should be able to focus more on you resting and finding a solution to this so you won't be relying on it, years from now." Draco nodded his head knowingly. Severus stood up, and helped the blond boy up from his position on the floor. He pulled a vial out of his pocket and handed it to Draco.

"Tonight, I want you to take just a sip out of this. A small one at that," Draco nodded his head and placed the vial on the counter. Draco watched as Severus waved his wand, and food began to prepare itself in front of him. After a few minutes passed, Severus put a plate of food in front of Draco and forced him to eat. Draco grumbled as he slowly ate.

"I'm going to go cast the wards around the house. By the time I am back, I should see that plate empty or you're going to be in trouble," Severus threatened, and walked out of the house into the backyard.

Forty-five minutes later, Severus finished casting the wards and he walked back into the house. He saw Draco's head drooping on the table and a majority of the food on the plate disappeared. He saw the seal on the vial next to him was broken and Severus groaned. Just as he had predicted, he took the potion without waiting until that evening.

"Why I constantly do this I don't know," Severus muttered quietly. He took his wand out, and levitated the teenager through the house, and into his bed. Severus waved his wand and the covers pulled over the blond. Draco snuggled deeper into the blankets and curled up. Severus darkened the curtains to not allow light in, and turned the lights off in the bedroom and adjoining bathroom. He shut the door behind him and cast a charm, letting him know when Draco would awake. It might not be until the next day because he had taken the whole vial.

Severus looked around the house before finding what he was looking for. He found a new pile of post it notes and pens, courtesy of Hermione, from when they went shopping. He knew that Draco had little knowledge of the Muggle world, so he began writing down different instructions for different things on the post its and placing them on the designated objects.

Morning turned into afternoon and Severus checked on Draco throughout the day as slept. Draco's body was entwined in the sheets, and his arm was hanging off of the bed. Severus smiled briefly, and then frowned when he heard a knocking on the front door.

Severus peeped through peephole and cracked the door open. Hermione stood on the other side of the door, with Ginny Weasley behind her. Severus groaned and he opened the door further. Ginny's eyes widened as she eyed the potions professor standing in front of her. Hermione looked at the older man warily.

"Professor." She said curtly. Severus arched an eyebrow and watched as Hermione crossed her arms.

"Miss Granger. Miss Weasley." He opened the door furthered and Hermione walked in, Ginny following behind hesitantly.

"Where's Draco?" Severus scoffed before he began muttering obscenities under his breath.

"The damn idiot drank an entire vial of a sleeping draught I had specially made for him. I told him to take it later tonight, but as I was casting the wards that he specified yesterday, he drank it and I saw him passed out at the dining table when I finished. He's been sleeping since." Hermione and Ginny glanced at each other. Hermione glanced at the older man confused.

"Why would he need a sleeping draught for?" Severus frowned as he watched the two teenagers.

"That is not my place to tell you Miss. Granger. When Draco feels the need for you to know, then he will tell you. I won't be telling you something that isn't your business to know right now." Hermione nodded before frowning. Ginny looked at Hermione and then back to the Professor.

"Can you tell him when he wakes up that we stopped by and that we'll stop by tomorrow afternoon?" Severus nodded his head and led the two girls out of the house.

A few hours after the girls left, Severus made a small meal for himself and checked in on Draco. The blond teenager was still sprawled across the bed, out cold and Severus sighed. He took a spare pillow and transfigured it into a chair. He sat down and watched him sleep. It seemed that it was the first time he had slept so peacefully in months.

During the first school year, prefects would often get him after hearing complaints from his dorm mates of him yelling through the night. Once it began happening in first year, he spoke with Dumbledore about giving Draco his own room in his quarters so he could keep watch of him to ensured that he would get the right amount of sleep, or if he had to stop the nightmares from getting too out of hand.

As the years passed, Severus gave him multiple different medications and potions, but they all eventually stopped working once he became immune to him. As the month before summer break passed, he noticed Draco getting slightly more tired in class, but he had yet to say anything to him about it. A new sleeping draught, tested on, and worked, was created for those people who have insomnia. As Severus pondered about Draco, he nodded off and fell asleep in the chair besides Draco's bed, and was out until the next morning at dawn.

Yas. Finally finished with this chapter. Drop a review and let me know what you think of this chapter!